HoH: Cliff
Veto: Jackson
Noms: Jack, Bella
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Cliff
Veto: Jackson
Noms: Jack, Bella
Previously on /bb/:
second for the BASED BOOMER
nth for our guy nicholas
>Trying to threaten people in a stronger position than you
Yeah that won't fuck you up next week for sure.
here's a little nibble of what you showfaggots missed today. maybe you'll see it on Sunday. maybe not.
What will she do with the $500,000?
lots of drugs, hopefully
yea there's no way they weren't trying to make christie look annoying as fuck with that dr
Holy shit Cliff is the worst character but wait Christie is still in. I can't decide who I hate more, oh wait Christie, I hate her just a bit more than Cliff.
give it to me
For what, 2 weeks of promised "safety" that could potentially not be a sure thing? Cliff shouldve made the move thats all there is to it.
punished nick
I'm a showfag. Am I right that they're probably all like "you know let's get rid of Jack" prior to the vote?
Fuck Tommy's aunt again
That's what? Three people looking for good will with the Six Shooters?
Nick of all people saying that is hilarious. Fuckin retard
did you think this was something good?
am i the only one here that wants to get christie pregnant?
give half to tommy
strip some flesh off her arm and fashion a corndog penis from it
>nick getting mad the 6 voted him out even though he was the one who nominated him to begin with
what a tangled web we weave...
>not whetting their imagination
ya fuckin goofin retard
user i....
sure bud
mistie DID. THAT!
It was a pussy move for sure, but at the same time the Outsiders are so fucked up as a group that moving against the six shooters is a huge risk. Not all of them would have his back, flippers like Kat and floaters like Jess would sell him up the river in a second
jack called analyse dumb for counting with her fingers last night
tommy is doing it right now and nothing
what a misogynistic asshole
nobody cares
what would Dane have done if he was in Cliff's spot?
can someone photoshop mistie praying to devin
haha yeah, they're totally not pushovers at all. there's actually constantly shifting power dynamics. trust me I'm totally not lying at all.
ya fucking seething boy. i got you on my hook and I'm reeling you in hahaha got ya
lol they just switched one cam to show cliff in the bathtub
redpill me on the universe
how is christie doing so well?
One is his meat pie and the other is Analyse
how do you like it?
Who the fuck is Dane?
johnny mac on rhap lets go!!!!!!!!!!
jack is a hunk
johnny mac on rhap tonight
Dan probably would have done the same but actually convinced Kat, Holly, and Jackson to vote Jack out
even if they had his back, the second SS wins HOH all of them would sell him out
would be like Jennifer back in BB6 - completely irrelevant -> backstabs and evicts Kaysar -> out next round
the problem is that he already was evicted once so still playing like pussy even after that is hardly excusable
I can't stand Bella's ugly c-bomb face or voice anymore. eviction can't come soon enough.
Imma send my niggas to give cliff’s wife and daughter some good bbc fucking
Anyone else in?
cliff really did ruin this season
boomers not even once lol
Is Analyse this dumb? If Jack ever had to chose...
For those saying Cliff fucked up, think about it like this:
Would you be willing to completely bomb your own chances of even making the jury if it means that one of your allies has a chance at going far?
Bella is good as gone, they simply don't have the numbers and the six aren't going to do anything off because getting Jack out destroys the alliance.
big reminder cliff ruined the blindside
even bella knew
shes thirsty for the d
>Is Analyse this dumb?
I dont understand how feedfags can just sit there hour after hour watching a whole lot of fucking nothing going on in the hopes that something interesting may or may not happen. Dont you guys have jobs or something?
>Is Analyse this dumb?
Getting evicted the first time probably clipped his fangs a bit.
shes a literal 3head
Why would I give a fuck about jury when this move insures I don’t win the game
>Sorry, Jack, i know i promised on my father's grave that i would keep you safe this week, but you actually evicted me last week, so i break the tie and vote to evict you in return
>Is Analyse this dumb?
johnny mac is on rhap which is good but also melissa which is very very bad
no she’s gotta start an oxy ring with tommy
do you work in mcdonald's? if you work at a desk it's very easy to listen all day. besides they don't wake up until the work day is basically over on the east coast
I've gotten really good at tuning her out. I don't even complain about her anymore because I don't remember a single thing she says
also I was looking at the bb wiki earlier and it says that Baller has a Masters in Fashion Design lol
He's safe for sure since SS wanna gun for Nick and Sam first. They might even go for Nicole too.
i like how there was no buildup if he was actually gonna do it
he just did it
they let the comps take up over half the show so they have no time to show what actually happens
jack made me think my stream froze
Yikes, that aint work motherfucker. I lay concrete I cant just watch tv while """"""working""""""".
why is kat cleaning the ladder?
>that aint work
my 6 figure salary says otherwise
Is that Charmaine Starr?
sucks to be poor I guess
>rants 10 minutes about how racist and sexist the houseguest are
christie has been wearing the same nude-colored bra for a month now
me too
In the real world he would never fuck her, she's a solid 5.5. she's stoked on it.
I want to mist her innards
melissas dumb but id still get her pregnant
what if this was the face she had while you were having sex
Why doesn't Nicole talk game?
This season is just not exciting at all so far. Sucks when one side of the house dominates from day 1. Cliff shouldve just put Christie up honestly. Get the power out of the house or one of the alphas.
i love mistie
i love bimbo
>Sucks when one side of the house dominates from day 1.
it had the potential to not be that way. i agree with taran that without the twists there would have likely been a near even division within the house.
>ywn make Melissa giggle with your sexual innuendos
Camp comeback/Camp counselor messed with the early game and forced the player to walk on egg shells and team up to not get fucked over.
*wins bb21*
James would have done it.
johnny mac just confirmed that christie is vanessa rousso
god Julie better ask Bella about racism in the house
Camp Comebackers were too nice and shook after that rigged comp loss
Queen B will go after racist MAGA alliance HARD
>melissa got talked over by johnny mac twice now
She means that she meekly said pls don’t banish me and then sat silently the rest of the time
melissa shut the fuck up
>but le poker player
wow they really care about the have not rules
i can't even listen because of her, i'm missing jmac because of this rambling chick, she just goes on and on
BB:Northern Invasion
>U.S players
>Canada Players
Poutine Papi
Would it be kino? who would win?
based j-mac
i usually pause it for 10-15 minutes at the start so then i can fast forward through her ramblings
compare this to summer of stein this week when eric said who gives a shit about have nots just give him a cheeseburger in the DR so everyone can shut up lel
super powerful
very true
So only black counts as PoC in their minds? This season has 4 non-white women.
If I was a bb alum I'd ask her if she watches the feeds and then never go on rhap again until she was fired
stop talking about twitter
Just saw the Veto roulette for the first time. Poor Ollie.
we can have a northern invasion season but its with worse players
take out tyler, brett, frank, vanessa, jessica, nicole
nobody watches the feeds on rhap
>inb4 but taran
he confirmed months ago that he just skips through timestamps every morning to prepare for update
he regularly streams for hours on end on twitch of him just watching the feeds and talking about what's going on. but yeah he, like most of us with jobs, miss some things and go back and watch the important things
Who the fuck am I gonna replace them with? they are the most entertaining players from recent seasons that might actually come back.
pretty good idea ill try that, thanks
I laughed my ass off when derrick said something like the lfc's opinions carried weight in the bb community and then melissa lit up and derrick made a face as if implying "not you"
reminder vanessa got backdoored and survived
pretty much
he has to be a NEET like our badposters or he doesn’t watch feeds
American contestants who'd compete for 100k
Canadian contestants who wanna come back
this would be a really good season of big brother
alright bb9 poster, im watching your shitty season. are you happy?
that's a straight up lie, Amanda refused to believe that America became MVP and nominated her so she blamed it on Judd
are you a crack pipe?
watch this first
whos that
holy shit why cant we get a season like this nowadays
lol cringey
nicole is so stupid
Good list, but a lot of those american players wouldn't return. they have solid jobs/families now. And why don't you think Godfrey, Paras, Anthony, Ika, Dem or Neda would be competing for 100k? they were the best players on their seasons.
Holy shit. Imagine the fucking brodown we would have with Anthony AND Enzo. they would RUN that house.
dont have feeds on. what did she do?
What's funny is she's not terrible at reading the house, she's just awful at picking alliance members.
Andy is delusional yet again. He'll never admit that he won on the worst season. I doubt any of these twitter faggots even watched BB15 who are conplaining about the racism this season.
>turn on cam
>Nicole: "it doesn't make sense"
stupid people say that line a lot
believes jackson/holly are going to flip. spends all her time with bella/nick/sam
god i hope this retard gets evicted next
I think that user means a show fee on top of the chance at 500k. I'm guessing it goes to 1 mil next year.
yeah another bottom feeder getting evicted will be fun!
eh, she talked with cliff and christie after the fashion show. christie and cliff set her straight on bella going home.
shut up racist
we stan a brown skin QUEEN
How about I evict your shit?
I was just about to post this, glad I checked first
>there are people that think this season is worse than 19
why didnt sam target bayleigh?
Oh shit I missed that. I was thinking the crossover BB would be played in the U.S for 500k or maybe a mil since it would be a special event. why would the special event be played in fuckin canada for leaf bucks and free groceries courtesy of wendy's?
*puts a target on you*
and this is why nicole is an idiot. she was set straight by the Boss himself and she still doesn't get it
you're talking about something made up that will never happen and taking it very seriously. please stop
based a-baller relapsing so hard he stuttered during intros
kek are you really?
do not do this
oh damn you weren’t kidding lol
Okay, bro.
this totally happens to her
I would strongly recommend not posting about it either, that’s exactly what got me aggro’d last year.
ugh the sh*t us gals have to put up with :/
while talking about bbcancelled makes you very gay I meant stop taking your gay fake thing so seriously
omg this
so friggin annoying ;(
sorry but fuck. jesus, again melissa like cuts off jmac without even realizing it and then not only goes into a little line or two...she's been fucking monologuing for 2 minutes now. fuck off
>this totally happens to her
depends if she kept the weight off
and you know plenty of guys are horny enough that they wouldnt even care if she didnt
cliff walked in on jack laying next to christie
>Not wanting to get this thotty mommy's pee butt
I’d have to be blackout drunk before I’d even talk to sid
>jack to christie: i dont love sis, i love you
titties sittin right
Literally the most based male we’ve had in the show for years
>blueberry pancakes
holy shit lol
cliff spreading the bella rumor that jackson is flipping
>only two good looking women
gotta step it up in that department son
ika, paras, kaitlyn, rachel. amanda is good if you like mommys. brittnee doesn't look homely either
>says "there are no sides"
bitch just because you're round as fuck doesn't mean everything else is
>cliff describing rhap
she has a great ass, so i can attest to this
if only they knew how much rhap hate them
>if they say what a bonehead i am ill say eh whatever i was on the season you weren't
brent especially will take offense to that
nicole jess
>whatever i was on the season you weren't
does he not realize that's why people wouldn't like him? yeah you were on and sucked and we don't like you for sucking. if you didn't go on someone that didn't suck could've taken your place
ffs quarky is going to talk to jess about the vote again.
you don’t need to apologize. I just wanted to give you a heads up.
I hope you enjoy it though. I unironically like that season, but people will give you shit for talking about it. especially if you do it while feeds are on.
I kek’d
i bet nicole still doesnt know what to do
Showfag here, why wouldn't tomorrow's vote be a 5-5 split?
Is blonde retard and fat fucking pig on 6 shooters side now?
Kat is loyal to Michie and Christie.
Jessica is dumb and easily manipulated.
yes and kinda, pig can be misted by almost anyone
How is she 38 years old and this absolutely fucking retarded. She can't even form a thought. Did she have a stroke or something?
bella has done too much and snitched every secret to get people nominated
she babysitted kemi and dumped her ass
Bro you can't lie in Big Brother.
pig is too retarded to realize any alliances have formed. dumbest player ever.
blonde will only vote if it's a sure thing. she's guarding her game super hard.
it's all the dumb fucking pig's fault. It's maddening. she just doesn't understand Big Brother at all, and constantly blabs everything.
i fucking hate retards just give me a lobotomy
Jessica is the only entertainment left on the feeds.
is this bait?
nicole doesnt know guys
Hahahaha tumblr personified
i honestly thought jessica was the dumbest one in the house besides anal. but quarky is really racking up the points here.
uh oh bella walked in
time for 2 hours of campaign
she's one wishy-washy bitch
kek i forgot about this gif
nice. i could go for some plain p-cakes
Jack is going home tommorow.
xoomer cliff said "i won 2 challenges this week" on the ep
>sam confessing hes really angry about the game to anal and tommy
>nicole will never jump on you and do this while you tell her you love her
it hurts bros
i miss meatspin
>jackson has all the girls jumping on him
how does he do it bros?
Who were they putting on blast before he walked up? Kat Kristy or Beth?
jesus christ nicole is literally giving info to sam/nick/bella and christie and the 6
cliff baka
jessica saying nicole shouldnt be christies target since she has the power
It's solid work to blow some cracks between people and she has to beeasured with Jess because Jess cant... Even... Like... Use.... More than... Like.... Maybe... A fees wOoords at a tiiame.
She has time to work and is doing good work actually listening to her dumb ass instead of running her over.
Which HG would do best on Survivor?
>Just found out that Christie is 26
>tfw I legit thought that Christie was in her 30s
>tfw she's somehow only a year older than me
That's fucking impossible. She's aging so goddamn roughly if that's the case.
>Thinking you need to actually win comps to win this game
How cute
Who is dumber, Jess or Anal?
oh this veto comp
Jess is just clueless about the game. Anal is legitimately slow.
literally none of this matters, bimbo is voting out bella
shit really? i thought she was in her mid-30s at the very least
not if jack and holly flip the vote
dont reply. you've been misted.
i don't know
*flips your vote*
Cliff would do well I think
Nicole would get picked off early.
Jess would quit on the 3rd day.
Kristie would have blown up her own spot because I don't think survivors are any where near as retarded as these people.
Tommy would be lost if Kristie wasn't there and it would the same in survivor.
Jack would be a power player and a meat shield but wouldn't win.
Same about Jackson but he would be gone before jack because he's not as smart.
Sam would float pretty far and maybe win if he played his cards right.
Nick would blow up his own game.
Bella would still be there as a meat shield.
Holly would try to make plays but not be respected and be a midling player, just like she will be in bb21.
Analyse would be a number until she wasn't needed anymore, just a floater.
Kat could win depending on how her early game went.
this convo is hurting my brain
>Tommy would be lost if Kristie wasn't there and it would the same in survivor.
that makes me think about how well tommy would've done if he was all alone this season and didnt have mist master christie carrying him
fatty with a good point
>you are the reason they went to war
here she is at 19, looks like a normal 19 year old, this was 7 years ago, it looks like she's almost doubled in age
cant believe the tard wrangler is getting misted by retards
thats what happens when you have a 40 year old lesbian sapping your energy for 7 years
>americas player made the rogue vote
probably alcohol
>christie: everyone who knows me knows im a strong woman
>cries more than anyone in the house
This conversation
She looks old as fuck here too. There is no way Christie isn't in her mid thirties currently.
will nicole find out who she will vote out?
find out thursday on biiiiig brother
Pretty common for city life. All the drinking and partying and social circles Jade you in a few years, especially in the gayberhood. It's why she's so good at manipulating, I've know dozens of girls just like her.
the Lord is punishing her licking snatch
pretty dope how cliff called out his wife on national tv for ruining bb21
cant wait for tomorrow lads
the ugly chink is getting kicked out the house
and the jack show continues
here we go baby
i just wish sam had played better
so who winning HoH will give us the most kino feeds?
im thinking if christie wins, puts up sam and nick, but is convinced to backdoor jackson
im surprised jackson didnt throw a fit because jack was wasting food even if it was just lettuce
as nick predicted, the jack show is winning this season
she doesnt have the balls. she spouts that shit to everyone else but if christie wins. its sam and nick 1 hundo p
bimbo is doing sam and nick. super exciting. much wow. 10/10. would want her to be HOH again
she's absolutely lying about her age. no one looks that old at 26.
sam will put christie up and she wont win the veto and get voted out holding her power
who at this point doesn't want to win this week? probably just kat and jess
nick hoh
jack/tommy noms
nick veto makes a deal with christie to backdoor jackson if she uses her power. puts up christie instead . LETS GO
>tfw feeds come up for HOH comp and jessica has already fallen
that's not funny jess is fat
Christie lies more than every hg combined
christie or tommy leaving before jury would be the only thing that could redeem this season
theyre gonna make it easier this year, specifically for her. mark my words.
christie misting herself. cliff did tell bella he would break the tie for bella
god nicole is such a retard
i know. i still love her.
cliff killed it as hoh
she's an actual sociopath
that’s the best part silly
does she ever shut up. i had to mute it.
It really comes into to perspective when you think about just lies she tells in passing without a thought
"Cliff told everyone in the house he started watching in season 16 but he told me that he started in season 3, which I know is true."
She's just some party girl who probably gives herself clout just like that irl to get to better scenes. I'm surprised so many of these people are falling for it.
she exudes confidence with what she speaks. it rolls people over.
I've posted this before but it's easy when you believe your own bullshit
new thread
based early thread poster
i have a hard time watching the other HGs pander to it. they think if they give her reassurance she'll let them get a word in.