Father purged

>father purged
>family sent to gulag
>sister killed by red guards
>sent to labour camp as a young man
>still came out on top to secure absolute power and begins ruthless vengeance eliminating "corruption" to those who wronged him
>estimated 180 IQ political mastermind

When are we going to see some Xi kino(xino) about the best leader of the 21st century?

Attached: 0726-china-XiJinping-dream.jpg (900x600, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:


china is a shithole and chinese people are encouraged to lie, cheat, and steal from a young age

I can't wait for the montage of when he lived in a literal cave for 10 years doing nothing but chainsmoking

he looks like Winnie Pooh lol

Don't post cringe in the Xi thread bro

Attached: xi shitpost.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Based Xi

Attached: 1557113149840.jpg (472x555, 28K)

>sent to a labor camp
>now maintains "reeducation camps"
what did Xi mean by this

Didn't his sister commit suicide?
Also, he was sent to bumfuck nowhere at 15 to work the fields and shit with a bunch of other young lads.
He spent 7 years living in a cave and was deemed as an enemy of the state because of his father.

oh bother

Social credit is gay

Uyghur here

And after all of that he became head of state. absolutely based Xi

Hey, Yea Forums. Can anybody recommend me some good, honest books about what modern China is like? Or even just good books about China in general?

They're camps to de-radicalize Muslim radicals. The faggot Western media has all the Western NPCs believing they're for all Muslims and that 10 gorillion Muslims are imprisoned in them when they have no reliable means of estimating it. They're only for re-educating Islamist radicals who want to break away Xinjiang and turn it into another undeveloped fundamentalist sharia shithole, and the West is supporting them just to weaken China. The West will always support terrorism if it's convenient for them.

destruction and sorrow beneath the heavens

I literally cannot decide if I hate Muslims or the Chinese more so I say we simply encourage them to fight and gut whoever remains.

>he lived in a literal cave for 10 years doing nothing but chainsmoking

Attached: 1530211845052.jpg (4000x2250, 1.71M)

Would honestly love a well produced biopic of this absolute lad

> his country get's brought to its knees by the host of the apprentice

Why? It's not about hating either group. China has been helping Xinjiang develop and the West is trying to balkanize China by providing support to jihadist separatist groups. China has poured loads of investment into the region to develop it and bring it closer to the rests of the country and the West wants to help the jihadists undo all of that and create a sharia-ruled shithole, all to break-up China and deny them access to Central Asia. Xi is based.

How are you going to gut anyone from your mom's basement?

I'll check this out. Thanks, fren.

That won't be happening. The Islamic world won't fall for western divide and conquer tactics anymore.

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So alpha that he had to ban images of Winnie the Pooh because they twinkies

Attached: 5E826CCE-F097-410C-A07D-1AACFCB9F8A0.jpg (960x540, 73K)

they could just kill the terrorists, they're also probably to consolidate power over everyone else. I was watching this thing about how they're giving people that live in the mountains these shitty houses and it was supposed to be this cool giving thing but it looks suspiciously like it's just to get them to come down so they can be monitored.

Based. Even turks don't give a shit anymore.

Attached: SmartSelectImage_2019-07-18-11-10-42.png (1431x1537, 1.31M)

再见 非人

Attached: 习近平枪.jpg (780x520, 92K)

>can't wait for the montage of when he lived in a literal cave for 10 years doing nothing but chainsmoking

So he was basically a upper middle class early 20s American

>he thinks Drumpf has damaged China at all
Nice delusion, China is stronger than ever. All the orange retard is doing is attempting to delay the inevitable and is helping to show the developing world who the most beneficent and rational world power is.

Banned the Pooh

Attached: E6E3DBA8-95D6-4B89-95B1-EFD8CE7095AD.jpg (1200x800, 112K)

is this true? I had no idea he was so based

I love how China has been building a neo-colonial empire in Africa with almost no official resistance.

>when they have no reliable means of estimating it
Are you too low iq to realize that keeping things vague is China's MO for getting away with horrible shit? Hell that's even how they censor Chinese films that are deemed to not be CCP-friendly enough.

>But when Chinese censors handed “Last Sunrise” back to Ren with the single, vague piece of feedback that the film “showed too much of the darkness of humanity,” he realized the shot had to go. “The problem is they’re not specific, so we just had to cut whatever we thought they might find too dark or violent”

Attached: 1550579439596.png (535x375, 51K)

Did he really read das Kapital 3 times. Is there any truth to him being a unironic Marxist or is it all a larp like the rest of China?

Who do you think is smarter, Xi or Barack?

>China is stronger than ever

Attached: 1544682428461.jpg (1080x787, 75K)

>China is stronger than ever

>lowest stock market and growth in nearly 30 years
>active protests going on for months
>orange man soon to tariff all +$500b goods if they do not comply with his will

They are doing their best to resist, but they will bend the knee like everyone else soon.

Attached: 1397272401720.gif (259x199, 550K)

>they could just kill the terrorists
China would rather take a more peaceful approach and attempt to de-radicalize potential terrorists instead of bombing their people and inevitably creating more.
>it looks suspiciously like it's just to get them to come down so they can be monitored.
Unbelievable, China can't even develop their country and improve their people's living standards without some onions-addled Western NPC faggot accusing them of being a police state. Go back to reading your HuffPo articles you massive fucking faggot

of course he's read Das Kapital and a host of other Marxist literature you fucking dipshit. do you think a Catholic clergyman could become the pope without having read the Bible or other religious texts?

>all these mutts cowering and lashing out in fear of the Dragon

This is how you know China will win in the end.

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Is the only hope of not living in a chunk hellhole being China collapses before America and later on Europe become multicultural shithole.

This looks better than most anything in films these days.

I think the economic and political turbulence there is actually irrelevant in the long run. China is 90%+ Han Chinese and that percentage increases every day, whereas America is less than 52% white and that percentage is dropping rapidly. in a hundred years China will still be a strong, united country whereas America will probably devolve into chaos

Larp, most commie leaders past the first revolutionary know full well communism is usually shit tier, especially in China were chinks will refuse to talk about Mao when he started to lead China due to no amount of propaganda being able to bury the fact he was a shit tier leader.

Why does he perpetuate it all? We all get the communism is a facade, but that red flag would piss me off at least.

Thoughts on Xi's daughter?

Attached: Xi Mingze.jpg (683x1024, 306K)

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>Could you provide proof of this?
So I'm just supposed to take what the media says at face value and believe everything they say about China? Even though the media constantly lies and slanders every country that the US doesn't like and have been caught blatantly lying?
>muh movie censorship
You realize that the CIA was intimately involved in Hollywood to ensure that movies had a pro-Western and anti-communist bias right? Oh, but I forgot, it's only bad when muh evil Chinese do it. Eat shit you liberal faggot.

America as a country is united on ideas not race. That is what's known as American exceptionalism.

but user china only improves the living standards of it's middle upper striver class like all leninist shitholes

>>orange man soon to tax more Americans if China does not comply with his will

Cool threat bro. As long as he has no idea how tariffs work and just forces everyone to do business with China, he'll continue accelerating the fall of the mutt empire.

Attached: SmartSelectImage_2019-07-21-11-16-10.png (1438x1559, 871K)

>muh pure han
Kek, China is a mutt race and has been that way for centuries, they were toe original el goblino

Wouldnt even look at. Dont want to end up in a rendering vat for pissing her off.

ching ching bing bong

Is she wearing some of those colored contact lenses? That fad gives me the creeps t b h.

not bad for a chink

right but surely you understand that abstract concepts are an extremely shaky foundation to build your country on. you can look at other diverse countries that were united based on ideas, like the Soviet Union, to see the inevitable result; whenever the government faces a crisis the various ethnic groups will identify with themselves rather than ideas

What is the solution to stop companies from using robot-tier obedient slave labor in Asia and instead pay $15/hr to lazy assholes in America that demand benefits and all the rest?


>America is less than 52% white and that percentage is dropping rapidly
Try 72%

>America as a country is united on ideas not race.
>more divided than it's ever been

Diversity is not your strength. Meanwhile China stays collectivist and survives for another 5,000 years just by playing the long game.

Attached: Afraid2.jpg (1187x1386, 427K)

>China is 90%+ Han Chinese

Attached: 69rzdegho9b21.png (800x1672, 209K)

Even if you're convinced of this,
doesn't actually fucking matter, what matters is that 90%+ of China views themselves as kin
there is no such unifying identity in America, and it's created a nation of divided hyper individualists with no sense of community

ching ching bing bing

>t. glowchink

my sides are in orbit

There is no solution, the American job market is already saturated, no one wants to work a low-paying manufacturing job. Trump will continue chasing countries around the globe with tariffs to try to get jobs back home that no one wants.

absolute retards. whether they are "genetically Han" or not is completely irrelevant to their self-identity

>Is there any truth to him being a unironic Marxist or is it all a larp like the rest of China?
You're obviously a brainlet that doesn't understand Marxism or Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. Marx said that societies have to undergo a phase of capitalism to effectively develop their economy and their nation's productive forces. China was in a semi-feudal state at the time of its revolution. Even though significant progress was made under Mao, the country still needed to develop and needed capital and technology to do so. China was deemed to be in the "primary stage of socialism" and needed to develop its economy in order to progress towards socialism. Deng Xiaoping decided to achieve this by opening China up to foreign investment. The market reforms were intended from the beginning to be only a temporary measure and that socialism and eventually communism were still the ultimate goals of the CCP. Xi has been gradually moving China back towards its Marxist-Leninist roots in recent years in preparation for the inevitable shift towards socialism.
Are you fucking retarded? Chinese love Mao, mostly the poor.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Sneed 六四天安門事件 The Sneed Ban of 2019 天安門大屠殺 The Simpsons General Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Janny Struggle 大躍進政策 Comfy Simpsons Thread 文化大革命 The Great Sneedposter Cultural Revolution 人權 Off-topic garbage 民運 Gucci Loafers 自由 Sneedom 獨立 S11E5 多黨制 7-8 max 台灣 臺灣 Formerly Chuck's 中華民國 Yea Forums - Television & Film 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Gummy Bears 達賴喇嘛 Farmer #1 法輪功 Farmer #2 新疆維吾爾自治區 He does it for free 諾貝爾和平獎 劉暁波 City slicker 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Tranny Janny 劉曉波动态网自由门

I suppose that's where Christianity/traditional liberalism/logic would come into play. Ever since Jesus and MLK people should know that race is irrelevant. If they do not know ideas are paramount they should not vote. We've already seen the consequences of voting just based on race and it gave us king nigger aka Bush 2.0

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If there was such a movie, it would have to portray him in a 100% positive light. Corporations don't want to go off offending their biggest upcoming market, you know.

Not him, but the US is definitely not comparable to the USSR. The USSR before its collapse had all sorts of issues that the US doesn't have. Rampant embezzlement, gerontocracy, environmental disasters, economic conservatism, crises like Chernobyl, etc

ok so America will be South-Africa tier in 150 years rather than 100. that doesn't change the fact that if present trends continue America is doomed but China will only grow stronger

Beijing DLC when?

Attached: Hitman in China.jpg (1280x768, 161K)

if you admit that people vote based on race now what makes you think they will start voting logically in future decades when the country is even more diverse?

>shitting on western media while shilling Chinese propaganda

The US probably won't turn into South Africa. Environmental disaster is a bigger threat than theoretical changes in racial demographics.

>they view each other as kin
Chinks don't give a shit about other chinks beyond family at best. Just look at how chinks react to seeing people dying horribly and you will realize they don't give a shit about each other.

>but user china only improves the living standards of it's middle upper striver class
Except it's fucking not you absolute fucking retard. China has lifted upwards of 700 million people out of extreme poverty over the last few decades. Of course there's still poverty, like in all nations, but Xi has been acting to eliminate it and raise the standards of living for all. Wages in China have been going up, a large middle class has been rapidly developing as people move up in society and consumer goods are becoming more affordable. People are moving en masse out of the old, impoverished villages and into brand new homes in the cities with electricity and running water. China has made remarkable progress in its efforts to develop and you're a fucking idiot if you deny this.

>catches you watching winnie the pooh
>3 generations of your family sent to xinjiang re-education camp

My point is that eventually America will have issues too. America already has problems the USSR didn't have in 1989 like homelessness, mass incarceration, drug addiction, mass unemployment, etc. and it doesn't look like things are going to get any better

Not sure what's worse, that a man who doesn't understand basic macroeconomics is shooting America in the face on trade or that so many mutts think it's a good idea.

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China owns huge slices of Western media though

China is also 90% geriatric, superstitious retards who think ground up elephant tusks will cure their autism.


>eventually America will have issues too
It's literally collapsing before our eyes.

I thought the entire point was that we were getting less diverse. Isn't the meme in 50 years everyone will be some shade of brown? If everyone is brown then no one is and ideas should peak in importance.

>When are we going to see some Xi kino(xino) about the best leader of the 21st century?
Just wait for Chinawood to finance it. By 2021 the whole industry will be chink-owned like silicon valley and wall street


>active protests going on for months
>in a part of China that hadn't really been Chinese for a century before 20 years ago
You'd think after watching everyone else botch imperialism for centuries they'd take the hint.

What's funny is all the Arab countries realise that it's a legitimate means to fight terrorism and support China, it's only Turkey and the JewK that are shitting the bed.

They love Mao the revolutionary not Mao the leader especially the older ones who saw how much he destroyed china

Nobody cares about your retarded Amerimutt definitions of "race." Chinese people don't let inconsequential phenotypic and genetic differences divide them like retards in the West. They work together to achieve great things instead of fighting like autistic retards over stupid bullshit and destroying things instead.

Attached: 1535259936059.png (600x487, 85K)

>tfw no chinese communist party qt to kick you in the nuts and yell mandarin profanity at you
just re-educate me already xi

Yeah thank god for the super reliable and unbiased Chinese state media.

Bystander effect. This doesn't change the fact that a unified identity is the foundation of a nation, one which America compensates for with some abstract idea of unified thought (and we see how well that's holding up) vs. the millennia old nation states in the old world.

so the average chinese man received 2 dollars more for a few years and then they got fired from their job because their company moved to vietnam and drumpf tariffed everything. china is absolute fucked, there's going to be another long march and then probably epic mao level massacre.

I hate Muslims but I the chinks even more

based Chinese paid shills dabbing on amerimutts itt

The US has the world's oldest standing government, aside from maybe the Vatican City or San Marino.

Based mutts doing it for free


Attached: xi glass.jpg (650x433, 50K)

I don't believe the current pope has read the bible in its entirety

>They work together to achieve great things

Attached: 1418500676313.webm (300x224, 2.7M)

>it's another mutt doesn't understand state vs nation

what do you mean? the British constitutional monarchy predates the founding of the US by several decades, as an example

Don't forget Hong Kong

Life and Death are Wearing Me Out

I thought it was from the early 1800s

>They work together to achieve great things

says the guy as a bus smashes into a dump truck, crushing a bus, running over a biker, killing a toddler crossing the street, then causing multiple apartment buildings to collapse, crushing schools, causing a factory machine to start going haywire and chopping up the gooks working near it

Yeah, you're not a real Pope till you've gotten to the part of the Bible that tells you to start raping the alter boy.

in American English the words "state", "government", "country", and "nation" are used interchangeably. it's sad really

>Chinese people don't let inconsequential phenotypic and genetic differences divide them like retards in the West.
That's because they're already a mutt nation made up of raping turks, mongols, tibetans, Scythians, Manchu, Japanese, etc

Exactly, it's funny how all the actually Muslim countries defend China from these idiotic allegations and are joining the Belt and Road Initiative. Even the Saudis, one of America's closest and most important allies, has joined the Belt and Road and is getting closer with China. America is fading into irrelevance because its empire is built on coercion and force while China's is built on friendship and mutual benefit. Instead of spending trillions of dollars on destroying third-world nations left and right, China is spending on helping them develop.
What are you talking about? It's usually the elderly who are most fond of Mao.

I think they can be sued if they try to help so they do not.

A lot of European identities are pretty new too. Until the 1860s-70s, Italians and Germans were very divided.

nice television and film thread

Attached: 1535897551166.webm (1280x720, 1.35M)

that's when they elevated Ireland to kingdom status but by that reasoning the US dates to 1959 since that is when Hawaii was elevated to statehood

This is why socialism will never work in China. The concept of sharing and caring is not part of Chinese identity. The best system for them is a hardcore neocapitalist ancap society where elite merchants try their hardest to outjew other merchants and pure greed and cheapness motivate their desire to build and improve.

It's more like all Arab countries want to keep making money off China so they don't complain. Same reason every other country lets China get away with anything.

Wouldn't it be Japan? They've had the same royal family for thousands of years.

Again, mutt doesn't understand state vs nation. All those separate German and Italian states still spoke the same language and held the same national identity.

I've never wanted to fuck an asian girl so badly

>They work together to achieve great things

That's why chinks traveled to HongKong and Australia to buy baby formula cause they don't trust other chinks ?

>chain smoking cigarettes for 10 years straight in an enclosed area
pretty fuckin based

The United States is the only country that has nothing to worry about, outside of an asteroid hitting the earth, or nuclear war. Its mostly luck, but some strategy

oh look, another white identity /pol/ revisionist

Based China. Making the whole world seethe.

Attached: 1421514335017.jpg (412x550, 33K)

Pan-Islamism is a meme promoted by brown pakis and turkroaches. Arabs consider non-Arab muslims to be subhuman. Just look at how Saudi Arabia treats muslim foreign workers or how Iraq gassed thousands of kurds and iranians. They literally could not care less if china curbstomps some uighurs. Hell they would probably even support it just to spite Erdogan

Ai Uehara

Attached: 1519185636669.webm (898x672, 2.16M)

Keep believing that Western faggot, China has been shifting away from low-level manufacturing because their economy is developing. Wages have been rising in recent years so Western companies have been going to countries where labor costs are still low. China is moving away from being dependent on selling morbidly obese Americans cheap plastic shit by developing their own consumer base and expanding partnerships with Europe and the third-world. What do you think the Belt and Road is for? Keep buying your shitty Fox News propaganda and thinking everything will be okay you brain-dead Amerishart.
Is this supposed to be a rebuttal?

china good

Attached: People's Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps (PLAMC) female girl women hot sexy traning (1).jpg (768x885, 90K)

Its still a entirely different government in power every era. 1700s and 1800s is entirely different. Early 1900s different then now.

>Throws a shit fit over being compared to Winnie the Pooh

I guess IQ really isn't everything.

no he doesnt? it's a meme

Why are all Americans such drooling retards?

>China conquers land, settles millions of their people there
>West makes vague noises of supporting independence of the groups China conquered
>China shills lose their shit

Erry tiem

Their government only dates to the 1940s, when the emperor became a representative figure.
>how to spot a historical illiterate
Some Italians still don't speak standard Italian (based off the Tuscan dialect) as their mother tongue, 150 years after unification.
Yeah but the US has had the same constitution since the 1780s, though amendments have been added.

Your social credit score has gone up one point

that's called impressing your power onto people

all crazy people

>mass incarceration
this is a good thing when you look at who is in jail

>drug addiction
somewhat of a problem, it goes up and down

>mass unemployment

So what you're saying is, Integralist Gang needs to rise up and create a Mutt Ethnostate?

infant circumcision permanently damages the brain.

Accidents that occur due to third world infrastructure and lack of caring about their "countrymen"

Tigger huh...

thank you good sir! happy cake day to you

It went up 30 pts you liar.

>this is a good thing when you look at who is in jail
Most sociologists agree that it's not necessary to incarcerate the huge number of people we do.

I'll check this one out too. Thanks, fren.