>Jasmine began dating Paul Walker when she was just 16-years-old — he was 33 at the time. They had been living together at the time of his death, and Jasmine had been close with his 15-year-old teen daughter, Meadow
Jasmine began dating Paul Walker when she was just 16-years-old — he was 33 at the time...
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a true Yea Forums user
He's prettier than she is.
Peak chad
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.
Would they have #metooed him if he was still alive
chad walker
Why does Chad get all the cun? It's not fair!
That was the joke in one of the F&F movies. Brian was a pretty guy.
of course. i mean they started metoo'ing dudes who just had bad dates by the end of it like aziz. paul definitely would have gotten served up on a platter.
too old
what a loser, he couldn't deal with a real grown up women his age!
She's not even hot, GG
chad gets everything and you get nothing. that's the way it has always been and the way it always will be. just curse god for giving you one life on this planet and not making you a chad
She's cute and she's sixteen.
when will it be my turn for a lgf?
legitimate gangster
How did he not get sued for statutory rape?
i think the parents technically have to press charges and they were probably cool with it since he was rich and famous.
why are you responding seriously to pedo bait
I miss him. The F&F producers are obviously trying to replace him with Scott Eastwood.
The aoc is 16 in some states.
it's 18 in CA though where i assume he lived
He’s a pedophile, and like all Hollywood fags took dick in the ass and raped babies. He deserved everything he got.ya
the smell of pachuli would "Drive" anyone to death. wouldn't you agree, lads
why do you care?
why do you care that i care
A mediocre 16 year old is more attractive than a good looking 30 year old.
>bitch looks undistinguishable from any 20 year old
>he's a baby rapist
his daughter is pretty hot too. man i'm lonely.
Knowing what pachuli oil is makes you 40. Spelling it correctly makes you fifty.
pedophile here. wouldn't touch that granny
it's actually spelled patchouli
t. 36 year old
legally there isn't a difference so retards can't have it spelled out for them in fine print
Damn, he was very handsome..
>got with an ugly 16yo
epic incel cope
Man, hes so fucking pretty
How is life fair..
he was, user.... he was...
wouldn't they have done it posthumously already?
there is literally nothing wrong with any of that at all
yeah but he died, so it's not luck he had all the luck
well he died fairly young, ask his family how fair life is.
based as fuck
no you have to be like jimmy savile tier bad to get your name besmirched after you die. they wouldn't go after his legacy just for fucking a 16 year old.
>They had been living together at the time of his death, and Jasmine had been close with his 15-year-old teen daughter, Meadow
how can one man be so fucking based? Imagine telling your daughter to invite all of her cute friends over for a sleepover when in reality you're just looking for a new GF, and you basically can have any one of them because who is gonna turn down the chance to fuck Paul Walker?
There's no money in it for the fake victims.
How do I stop fapping to pubescent girls bros it's kinda fucking up my dopamines. it's all I enjoy
He lived in CA, right? It's statutory, even with parent's permission. 3 years difference for Romeo and Juliet laws - but if the cops don't know, nobody cares.
that was her? I've dated better looking girls than her.
A fridgier Kristen Bell
women literally turn to shit at the strike of 18
Based chad boomer
puberty was a mistake
Under 13 is pedo, dummy. It's fucked up that he was fucking his daughters friends, but a 16 year old is pretty much adult enough to handle things like a sexual relationship.
The only thing I can think is, at the time, he could get any woman he wanted. He's an international box office star. And he chose...her? She must have been amazing in the sack, to risk his career over, like the world's tightest vag. Or, he was so arrested development, they worked as a couple. But seriously, of all the women he could have had...her? I mean, the heart wants what the heart wants, but from a simple dude perspective...really?
you either die a hero or you live long enough for people to turn you into a villain
11-13 are the most kino ages
*hits pipe*
Can’t argue with science
puberty is like chilli. you want just enough for a little kick
she looks the best at 18 tho
This is like if your best friend in high school was your mom’s boyfriend
Paul lived life in the fast lane. One human year was like 5 Paul Walker years. To use plebs she may have been 16, but for Paul she was years beyond. We saw her at a 16 year old, but he had already buried her.
They say they found Pauls remains in the wreckage but the truth is Paul Walker lived too fucking fast and simply burned up into nothingness. He was like a star dying.
you'd think that friendship would be awkward as fuck
Woefully underpriced for that sort of neighborhood. They must barely be running at cost when you consider how much they must spend on raw materials at those Beverly Hills supermarkets. And FOUR employees are needed to run ONE lemonade stand? The entrepreneurial spirit is dead in this country, let me tell you.
>Peaked at eleven
>You can only fucker 7 years past her prime
How is this fair?
7-10 peak
What a CHAD.
Aziz got Me Tooed because he was a super lib type and turns out he is fish hooks uncomfortable girls on dates. It’s not rape, it’s not illegal, but it kind of shows that he’s not a good moral character. When you speak non stop about how you’re in the moral right and everyone else is wrong, you probably shouldn’t fish hook girls on the first date.
You wouldn't understand pleb, I bet you fell for the thicc meme too.
no such thing as fair in the kingdom of roasties
I once met met a girl for ciffe that I had met at a bar the night before and she told me she was a 17 a yr old emancipated minor so it would be ok. I I was like FML because she was super fine AF and I was thinking of solutions in my head so I asked her when her birthday was, thinking that I could hold out. She said March. It was mid summer in July at the time. No way I coud
hold out that long I said it sorry but nope and got up and left.
Imagine the roasting everyone around you would give you if your best friend in high school was your mom's bf. Does the same happen for girls if their best friend is their dad's gf? Did qts bully Paul Walker's daughter?
The lemonade stand is a front for the real businness
What's fish hook?
Walker was a rich pedo, dies a brutal fiery death after recklessly driving. This is why I’m starting to believe in god.
Wait where is 17??
shut the fuck up faggot.
that move you see in pornos where a dude sticks his fingers in the girls mouth and pulls at her cheek while he fucks her from behind or wahtever.
based worthless opinions election tourist boomer
He was shoving his fingers in her mouth in a forceful way. She nicknamed it “the claw” fish hooking is a fighting move that you shove your fingers in someone’s mouth and yank their cheek.
>fish hooks
What the fuck does this mean?
cherry popped at 17. too emotional for picture
18 looks like shit
Tell me more, de Sade.
you could turn that plot into a wacky gross out comedy movie about her getting so mad that her dad keeps fucking all of her friends away, she decides to try and seduce him herself....just as a joke of course haha
Cope of the century
Weird. Seems like it'd be nicer to grab the tits
Everyone here looking up to him and wanting to date 12-13 year old girls is honestly either a legit pedophile or has never actively been hit on by much younger girls. As someone who has worked around kids 7-17 a lot it actually can get pretty awkward. Like, it's flattering at first but then it just gets to be weird and makes you feel creepy even though it's completely on the girl's end. Fuck even my gf's 16 year old cousin has the hots for me and desu she's attractive but it just feels weird. Also you'd be setting yourself up to get fucked over whenever said girl is around a bunch of people her own age once she gets to college or whatever and she realizes you are both in different life stages and breaks up with you for some guy in her dorm which is what happened with my 5 years younger ex.
Any faggot that thinks a 16 year old girl is an adult is either a mental retard or has never met a 16 year old female. Mentally they might as well be 7, a 16 year old girl is basically retarded about every life choice ever.
That's the best part.
women literally do not mature mentally after age 12
Worn out used goods.
that's strange. because they're mentally 7 at 50 as well
13 is the real Wall.
Honestly nothing grosses me out more in his world than guys who claim to hate children by describing how much children are attracted to them.
they mature in all the worst ways
He still can. See what they're still doing to michael jackson?
Answer me damnit.
Is. This. Another. Jewess?
I don't hate children. I just don't want to date them and think anyone who does is living in a fantasy world.
The Jackson thing is so fucking weird. To get re-outraged over something that has been super well known for over a decade is just fucked. The trend of outrage is so week that they go back in time and remake old outrages.
5 months after his death she was dating this dude now they're husband and wife
My aunt has dated me since I was 5.
Not only that, but their pricing strategy is completely nonsensical. The cookies should be at least 75% more than the lemonade considering the raw material and labor cost.
basic af
>go to Brazil for summer to hang with childhood pen pal turned college roommate
>there are literal celebrations for 15 year olds wherein they usually get hammered and go do thot stuff and end up with men much older than them
>college students on summer break usually go looking for those celebrations to attend
>literally okay’ed by family
>some even put together money to have them come to America and cities such as Las Vegas/Miami/Orlando and let them run wild
Paul Walker was a hero and a champion of ideals much more advanced than most minds
pretty sure having the dog there violates some oshaa law/health code
looks like Paul wasn't the only one slamming into walls eh?
Do you think he was smashing her for her brain?
I think she's albanian
idk her name. just saved her from another cuncun thread.
This is criminal.
She looks like she smells nice.
They're running a business which has negative cash flow, their company is gratuitously overvalued, they're going to get pegged with fines from both the health department and OSHA, their marketing campaign is laughable, and to top it off, their flagship product is orange. And for those reasons, I'm out.
she reminds me of a young xtina ricci
criminal that she isn't on my lap
good lap sitting simulator pic
>get to your blind date
>see this
Wat do? Keep in mind you were set up on the blind date by your mother’s friend who said you’re perfect for her daughter.
Wholesome or lewd lap sitting?
>uncle what's that in your pocket that keeps moving
She doesn't look over 21, I'm not a pedo.
wholesome of course. only lewd if she initiates
>She doesn't look over 21, I'm not a pedo.
Wholesome deep penetration with educational clit rubbing
Take her to go see once upon a time in hollywood, then go for bowling and milkshakes then take her back to my place for some frozen n chill. then end the night with some tummy rubs
She gives piper a run for her money in the thicc gams department
4 days no fap and this is killing me
holy mother of brehs
If this is indeed the Cunny thread can a brotha get some webms?
I miss hoverboard Girl (Lara kodama)
What's with prepubescent girls and delicious thighs?
Desu I think this stuff happens because guys like Paul Walker are considered losers when they're young. When he was in high school, he wouldn't have been considered one of the cool kids so most women would avoid him. By the time he's high-status, he becomes resentful toward women his age for rejecting him in the past, and he wants to experience dating young girls that he couldn't in the past.
it's not like you're gonna fuck either so why do you care?
day 3 here. I really shouldn't browse cuncun threads they always trigger me
Damn dude you should apply to MENSA
in Paul Walker's case, I just think he was sick of 18-35 year old pussy. He wanted...more. He wanted to go...faster
Those are very nice
nice cope, roastie
instagram cunny is literally the better than lewd stuff
Once after a couple days of no fap I decided to look at my collection and I got so excited that I almost had an orgasm without even touching my dick.
you gotta be outraged about something.you wouldn't have social justice without outrage.
Based cunny prostitutes for the rich and famous
Lol “normal men”
when I was in grade 5-6 my dad used to ask me if there were any sexy girls in my class
pokies on the right
Hitting wall in 2
Not really.
NN models > nude models > livestream kino > instagram kino
#legalise love
He was probably trying to tease you into getting interested in girls, but that really was a poor choice of words,
no. he used to visibly perv on school girls 11-14 when we would drive past schools. I guess it runs in the family
16 get
>Subjects were also presented in each session with audio taped narration in the second person by a male. These narrations are D. R. Laws' (1986) standardized stimuli, including depictions of consenting sexual intercourse with a female adult, consenting sexual intercourse with a female child, the rape of an unwilling female child, and nonsexual physical violence against an un- willing female child.
People got paid for this
your dad sounds like an awesome guy
take care of the old man
>erotic audiobook
Wtf that’s cheating.
>consenting sexual intercourse with a female child
Virgin 7/10 >>> Roastie 10/10
>tfw you find the cunny thread
>just 16-years-old
living the dream!
>When the assessment procedures were concluded or at the time when the subjects withdrew from the experiment, they were debriefed with a statement that has been shown to dispel rape myths (Check & Malamuth, 1984), which was modified to pertain to child sexual and physical abuse. The debriefing statement was discussed with each subject and intended to dispel the notion that sexual abuse is an acceptable behavior or that it is sexually arousing to victims.
Had to deprogram these guys.
>roasties going mental in the comments section
Every single time.
you should read up about the rind et al controversy
>The Rind et al. controversy was a debate in the scientific literature, public media, and government legislatures in the United States regarding a 1998 peer reviewed meta-analysis of the self-reported harm caused by child sexual abuse (CSA).[1] The debate resulted in the unprecedented condemnation of the paper by both chambers of the United States Congress. The social science research community was concerned that the condemnation by government legislatures might have a chilling effect on the future publication of controversial research results.
A psychologist did a meta analysis and concluded that beliefs about Child Sex Abuse (long term psychological problems, drug use, poor adjustment, etc...) were false. And people who engaged in sexual activities at a young age were no less well adjusted than the average population. The government literally shut down any future studies of that kind.
I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics they would use against self made kino "huh, they are raping themselves!"
Cunny of the year?
>Although the current study is the largest to date to employ pedophilic stimuli and genital measures with men drawn from a community sample of volunteers, one limitation of this study may be the representativeness of the sample. Because subjects were recruited for a study on human sexuality, it is possible that a disproportionate number of sexually uninhibited, or perhaps deviant, subjects volunteered for the study.
>tfw no lgf
Imagine if they peed in the lemonade as a prank, lol. Ew, that would be so gross if I drank it! Haha
Where my aspies at? Too sweet me bros!
haha imagine if you pretended to not have noticed it and just kept asking for more, lmao, that would be crazy af
12 is best
>18 pic
She... had a rough life
>A reaction to nude female children
Where did they get that material WTF??
doubt it if furious franchise continued to make huge loads of money.
underrated post kek
Goddamnit she aged like rancid Mill
Lol no
We need more celebrities to bring about the cunny revolution.
13 on left looks like my first girlfriend. She was 14. Let me look for a pic
Is making r9k OC a lucrative business?
>tfw legitimately still get sad at Paul Walker's death
His send off was perfect in Furious 7 bros. It was so fucking tasteful somehow for such a schlocky action film. I listen to that fucking song and get sad.
I laugh every time I hear that song because I imagine the rapper going “till I see you again nigga”
Henry Cavill will die in a future Tom Cruise produced film during a stunt.
He will arise 3 days later on a winged pegasus descending from the heavens over hollywood.
He will spread a message of love and cute/funniness to the masses on television. He will then start mercilessly killing lawmakers who stand in the way of love legalization.
Screencap this post.
I gotta admit Alex E. Cunny does look like a good attorney. Cavill should hire him.
I hope some day a man loves you as something other than a sex object because I have nothing but pity for you.
>The authors concluded that even though CSA may not result in lifelong, significant harm to all victims, this does not mean it is not morally wrong and indicated that their findings did not imply current moral and legal prohibitions against CSA should be changed.
pedo status: rekted
>Mr. Cunny exclusively litigates personal injury matters involving childhood sexual abuse
The memes write themselves.
how come scientist haven't come up medicine to stop girls aging after 12?
They know....
Insuline Growth Factor
shit opinion
correct opinion
Man that could be his daughter. Crazy how no one said anything.
90% of porn stars were fucked by an old guy at a young age. 99% of the more degenerate porn stars were brutally fucked at a young age. Don’t cherry pick a single study to pretend like your sick fetish is perfectly healthy. I hope everyone in this thread dies in a car wreck.
so sassy
That was probably only written as a precaution against persecution.
>pierced nips
>began dating when he was 33
>they were living together when he died
>he died when he was 40 (so she was 23) and they had been dating 7 years at that point
No shit they lived together after 7 years. I like how they tried to spin it and make it sound worse than it was. like he was living with her when she was 16.
>roasties want us to not have this
based thred
ride or die, nigga
damn roastie cope is real
pretty based
Built for Blacks
You didn't know him and the song was terrible. It also made 0 sense story wise.
He seems to be misrepresenting all his data. No where in this study Is the specific age given for the slides beyond indicating if they are adult, pre pubuscent, and nude or clothed. In the audio content, the age was specific as 12 for the child anecdotes to eliminate the confusion the subjects would have of determined the age of girl.
>These slides were selected from standard stimuli available at the time from Farrall Instruments (Grand Island, NE).
congratulations on not being a pedophile. big accomplishment around here
>Hold me user, Hold me!
Okay I can under stand sexual attraction to younger girls around 15. hell even as young as 14 and maybe 13. But if you are unironically attracted to girls younger than that, that actually look like children still, thats pretty fucking gross and you should probably neck yourself.
>But if you are unironically attracted to girls younger than that, that actually look like children still, thats pretty fucking gross and you should probably neck yourself.
I AGREE WITH YOU ON THAT, but careful, in
>zero tits
>still looks like she even has baby fat
>overall just looks like a child
Seriously how is anyone actually attracted to this compared to prime 16 year old pussy?
i liked them when i was 8 i can like them now
Whats up with all the cunny shit going on with Yea Forums the past week or so?