Unfortunate hiarstyles of cinema

Unfortunate hiarstyles of cinema.

Attached: dick head.jpg (1920x816, 179K)


I dont get it


Attached: hair.png (1009x418, 592K)

haha benis :DDD

I'm pretty sure Mnight shyamalilanenein intentionally did this as a crude gesture to the audience. as if the movie wasn't already a massive insult. Its kinda like how Fight Club had the spliced in penis joke

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Attached: benis.gif (400x317, 3.54M)

Attached: RoseTicoTLJCollector'sEdition.png (1444x1990, 3.79M)

that's just an unfortunate character altogether

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What does she wear as a hat? A censor bar?

sit on it

I call it the Lampshade

The lost cause

Quite a head.


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Megaforce, poor Barry Bostwick

Attached: megaforce-1982-recap-part-1-splash-720x340.jpg (720x340, 51K)

>a hat on a hat


Proof that not all asian girls are qts

Attached: escena-next-1533409233576.jpg (1200x680, 131K)

were they referencing this?

Attached: tumblr_mhyy7isHM21s4vgzro1_500.png (500x375, 164K)

I had completely forgotten about this gif, thanks for the laugh

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are those lego figures in the background

wtf is this real? is that a kid's movie?

The more I look at his face, the less I understand how he was able to manage to look so dead inside under so much makeup