Any good movies about wolves?
Any good movies about wolves?
The Grey?
based slut
Post YFW the average white woman would rather have sex with a dog than with a non-black male
You just KNOW
I hate white women.
that movie was trash
someone post the webm
Fuck you it was peak survival kino.
>pajeets at it again
she looks like she fucks dogs
Women are literally animals who don't deserve free will
Where is the link to the full video?
they don't have free will. the issue is that society assumes they do so they are given control over their lives
White women do this shit and yet won't give my sorry incel ass a chance. I'm a fucking human being
Do only some humans possess free will? If so, how do we determine who has it and who doesn't?
why do white people do this nasty shit
wheres the rest where she sticks his dick in her ass
Wolf of Wall Street
A desire to constantly self-improve, actively seek to prolong one's lifespan, and a stoic outlook on petty day-to-day problems and news events
how can we even compete bros?
white girls fuck dogs
That's anti free will
Have Amerimutts decided that interracial cuckoldry wasn't enough and now moved to zoophilia?
t. woman
It was liked by Yea Forums, which means it has to Marvel capeshit-tier garbage.
This place has consistently the worst opinions on movies, the only reason to come here is to laugh at Americans.
t. jealous eurofag
>implying Yea Forums is one person
Jealous of what?
You are a degenerate, anti-white country of cuckolds and zoophilics.
The US is peak dystopia.
they upgraded to something that can take care of a kid
No, just a hivemind, and that hivemind absolutely loves capeshit and little else.
People here don't have independant thoughts.
>y-you just want to be like me
>White people
God white women are disgusting.
how fucking retarded do you have to be to base your perception of a country on Yea Forums
the original White Fang from 1993 was kino, I never missed an episode
Rent free
Tbf, the newest vids I can find are art of zoo videos with a black girl getting knotted.
Well, because everytime someone posts disgusting fetishes, everytime someone posts interracial propaganda, everytime someone posts anti-white shit it's always Americans.
And seeing the actions of the US government, it's obvious that Americans are just a nation of scum who's only objective is to corrupt and bring harm to the world.
your opinion is correct. only actual brainlets could enjoy that trite, sentimental nonsense.
kek this must be your first day on Yea Forums if you genuinely think that
Based and dogpilled
ah so actually pretty retarded then
Anyone have the video of a white girl in a fall season forest licking docks tongue and then dropping her pants and the dong starts to mount her?
My webm of it is corrupted or something because the upload fails.
illegal content
I mean, I base my opinions entirely on facts.
And the facts are that Americans are a parasite on the world.
Look at these Americans
discussing zoophilia and unshamedly talking about how they watch them.
America is an embarassment and needs to be put down like a rabid dog.
Like those rabid dogs that Americans seemingly want to fuck.
you are really stupid if you think degenerates on Yea Forums are an accurate representation of a nation of 300 million people
Is it an American thing to censor yourself?
an assblasted pajeet posted this and has it saved to his PC
Dogs literally wipe their ass with that.
I already do.
They also eat rotting carcasses.
As I said, I base myself on what I see.
And I have yet to see a single clue that points at Americans not being subhumans.
I'm finnish and only distributing zoophilia is illegal here.
the dogpill is brutal
spend less time on the internet kid
God I wish that were me
What in the fuck man
Yeah, spend less time on the internet and inform yourself less.
>not being able to realize the limitations of your sample size
Fucking useless vapid meatcunts
wikileaks was compromised half a decade ago you dumb sheep
As a black man, the based tier is like this.
Top tier: Black men = Conservative white men, Latinas
Good tier: Latino men, Arab women, Oriental Asian women, Oriental Asian men
Average: Bluepilled black men, Bluepilled Latino men
Bottom tier: Asian masculinity tards, Bluepilled white men, Americanized Asian women, black women, Americanized Asian men
Garbage: White women
The opinions of black "people" don't matter.
>he posted the skidrow webm again
you're either an autist or a shill
>inform yourself by listening to /pol/ and ignoring all facts and reasoning you disagree with
R-robert? Is that you?
Yes, i'm sure the CIA wanted to leak how they were trying their best to brainwash Europe into being turned into a muttland similar to theirs.
>Someone actually saved this
lmao have sex
I paid for them ;)
If every man just started going to women and licking them tomorrow would we able to get away with because that's just what we do?
you're too low-IQ to even fathom how real propaganda works
you are honestly a lower caliber of human being that furries and scatfags
No, /pol/ is full of stupid Americans who think their country is the solution, and not the problem.
I have plenty of that.
Apparently wolves lick teeth as a sign of friendliness and dislike it if you act defiant/unfriendly and pull your head away. Still a little weird looking but apparently it's an actual thing amongst people who train wolves.
Ok :)
you just know
yep it's a thing and you can't piss them off because of how smart they are
If the US is the one leaking that, it seems like America doesn't know how propaganda works either.
Sounds like they should have a gun on them at all times.
Wild animals can't be trusted if they are willing to snap just because you are not their best friend instantly.
No idea why anyone would try to train a wolf anyway.
Did you even read the fucking article? The plan was based on the fact that immigrants would probably come regardless
Yes, and the US wanted the country to welcome them with open arms instead of telling them to fuck off.
The more we know, the more it seems like the US only destroyed the middle east over the past 20 years in order to send all of it's people to mongrelize Europe, and the more it seems like America is the true enemy of Europe and whites.
yeah I'm sure opening your mouth and letting a wolf throatfuck you is completely necessary
And suddenly I'm thinking about the Robocop remake.
>the US only destroyed the middle east over the past 20 years in order to send all of it's people to mongrelize Europe
Its literally the plan in a ton of NWO documents
lol I love how you're basically describing yuropeons as retarded children who have no say over their own actions.
>No idea why anyone would try to train a wolf anyway.
It's mostly a novelty, but apparently unlike trying to tame other wild predators like bears, tigers, etc, wolves are actually tractable enough to be "house safe". Unfortunately they almost completely ignore verbal commands so it's hard to train them for practical uses, although they have a sense of smell better than almost any dog breed and are (hypothetically) the ultimate tracking animal.
>yeah I'm sure opening your mouth and letting a wolf throatfuck you is completely necessary
It's a massive carnivore with a mouth full of sharp teeth. If you angered it the thing could puncture every artery in the girls throat in half a second and she would die of blood loss within minutes. It's probably a good idea to mimic it's friendly behavior and show that they're "buddies". A wolf isn't going to understand some abstraction like
>Hey maybe my breath smells really bad and this bubbly white girl simply doesn't want me to french kiss her
they're just going to be annoyed/confused that they're refusing a "normal" sign of friendliness.
You don't need conspiracies that these women are all having sex with them to explain it.
Why has no one made a short film about the opening chapter of white fang?
source me on that silly scene please
>the way that wolf acts
you can tell they fuck