How does this picture make you feel Yea Forums?
How does this picture make you feel Yea Forums?
where's the MCU?
Endgame was 190th i think
IMDB tier
None of these is bad but they aren't that great either
>Star Wars is #3
This place has always been r/TV, hasn’t it?
What data did you use OP? This was January-March 2019:
>Gone with the Wind
Only 1/4 are great.
too much genreshit
>no das boot
The thread that was up yesterday
Films, not computer renders, that goes to Yea Forums or /g/
archive link? was it just the one thread? that seems like a pretty small sample size. Were the votes counted as in-thread replies? seems pretty easy to manipulate
Why is The Shining poster in Japanese?
Votes were counted through the website database, it had 5,700 votes in three hours
Ah, that's good. Is the poll still up and counting?
>How does this picture make you feel Yea Forums?
Angry. This bait is far too lazy. Adding Taxi Driver, the ultimate reddit movie, was too much
Yep, it's always online
Why isn't there a single animated film on here?
>t2 over t1
>mulholland drive unironically
>pulp fiction, star world Wars 2, edgy orange, seven, Truman show, jew shit
>list is missing: Police Story, Kickboxer, Only God Forgives, Robocop, Lethal Weapon and Lethal Weapon 2
Pathetic, but I've seen much worse
> Hating Mulholland Drive
Nice job outing yourself Redditor
Interesting, can anyone add a film to the choices? I'm seeing Avengers Infinity War on there for some reason, and there's a fair few great films left out
Yeah, as long as it's spelled correctly & isn't a duplicate
Well, i'll add some all-time greats, but it seems too late for them to get any meaningful votes. Shame. Maybe check for troll additions, then make sure that the top 100 or so films from the TSPDT all time list (or any other reputable source) are all there, then relaunch the survey.
forgot link:
The survey will be posted again this weekend
>T2 over T1
Shit list OP
Ok, i'll add/suggest more film choices, but will that survey be reset? or will votes from this week be counted too?
The votes will just continue to grow, if it stays up all day it should probably reach close to 50,000
not bad I've seen worse Yea Forums lists
the only thing that pisses me off is putting t2 over t1
alright then, i'll keep adding acclaimed works so we get a good representation, i was a bit surprised to see things like 12 Angry Men, Tokyo Story, or Persona not show up
This is the fake list
> It's fake because i don't like it
Persona & Angry Men are on there, you just have to scroll for awhile to come across them
No, it is. He's basing off a 1 day poll instead of the 1 month poll used months ago. Not saying it's much better but there's a difference
I mean, scores are weighted on a weighted average (i.e. the percentage that someone clicks this film instead of another) rather than the sheer amount of votes, so it works pretty well for a Yea Forums poll
I submitted new films. Add them, faggot
I'm not OP, fagiloni
lol as if that's what's wrong with the list
Don't you EVER reply to me again
Add my new film, you fucking faggot
jesus christ was this just copied form reddit
How the hell did The Ten Commandments get so high? Zoomers never watch sword-and-sandals films from the 50s.
the most reddit board has the most reddit taste in movies? who wouldve thought!
Where's Tremors, you asshole?
I found the real list.
Because faggot OP won't add the new films people suggest. Plus, the same films keep appearing after each vote so 1 film could get 7 votes in 2 mins
It's a very, very mixed bag of films, OP. Vertigo is really not that great. You can easy find at least 5 better Hitchcock films to put there. You also have 2 starshits on that list which is a big yikes from me.
>a goofy movie