how salty will Yea Forums get when the sequel gets announced?
Extremely salty
It will never happen
dubs confirm
What a shit film
you gotta watch it on japanese without subtitles. the exposition and delivery is what drags it down.
cut your dick off and fuck yourself with it discord tranny
>twice the feels
>twice the heals
he's about to pull the trigger
Lmao sorry I didn't like your animeshit. Cameron is a hack an so is Rodriguez. Go watch a real movie, asshole.
But i was Alitafags that went and made a discord server to circlejerk around their uggluu cgi monster
Mental illness
so much love
Hey (you). Yah, (you) the dickless faggots trolling, samefagging and false flagging. Is this this how you spend your life? Shitting up Alita threads? Pathetic.
After you cućks made 600 fucking Alita generals, why not? The movie was shit anyway.
How mad will Apollo be when he's sitting in a jail cell and can't see the possible sequel to this absolute trash?
Movie wasn’t bad, I liked it, plus it fucked with captain marvel, eat a dick for not liking it
It ain't gonna happen. If any, it shows that Cameron is gonna bomb hard with all those avatars flicks. Spent a lot of time with this shit same as with those films, and the end result was laughable. Jesus Christ.
Captain Marvel is better
Said it for yourself. Captain Marvel was unwatchable and Alita at least play it safe enough. Both are trash, though. What a horrible year for movies.
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
Alita was at least made by people who have some cred in action movies
Captain Marvel was made by no-name tv directors
completely bland assembly line movie
people just go for the brand, it's a cancer in the movie industry
I still don't get what the flashbacks of her standing up after failing was supposed to mean. Can someone explain to me what the directors were thinking?
fucker leave some steelbooks for the rest of us who aren't refreshing best buy 24/7
>Alita was at least made by people who have some cred in action movies
it doesn't show
it does
you just don't have an eye for it
It doesn't
you just have a eye for shit
other than rodgiuez copying his barfite scene for the nth time, there's no evidence in the movie anyone has any familiarity with how an action scene works. mostly because they spent all their effort trying to copy the visuals from the manga/OVA.
I mean are you the one who thinks Captain Marvel is better? if you are, it's not even worth discussing
people notice how whenever you get argued into a corner, you start whining about captain marvel. literally no one alive gives a single shit about that movie.
because I literally replied to someone arguing Captain Marvel was better dumbfuck
it certainly isn't better in the action department
I agree no one gives a shit about that movie
> there's no evidence in the movie anyone has any familiarity with how an action scene works. mostly because they spent all their effort trying to copy the visuals from the manga/OVA.
jesus that's retarded, a manga isn't a movie
you don't sell the action the same way at all
saying "captain marvel is better" isn't an argument, my new friend. Its bait. But we both know you know that and you keep taking it because it means you don't have to actually defend alita.
one critic put it pretty eloquently
>The film’s action boasts some of the most sturdy, coherent direction to mark a giant-scale blockbuster in some time
top it off with a director who doesn't have a whole lot of experience with heavy CGI movies, and you get the amateurish mess that is alita.
both movies are trash. but the one thing captain marvel has over alita is captain marvel didn't absolutely butcher it's source material.
>from the 4k/bd special features: "in alita's eyeball alone, there's more geometry than all of gollum in lord of the rings."
ohnonononoono will Yea Forums ever recover?
dubs confirm
this is what faith looks like
You guys did watch it in 3D right?
You didn't settle for 2D right?
>Mental illness
Just got my steelbook of Alita. Nearly sold out. Shazam! is #1 since release. Meanwhile Captain Marvel is completely in stock, no one is buying it.
> Shazam! is #1 since release
depends where you look at I guess
And people with actual film making experience give it half a star out of five.
i did but it made the colors darker. ill wait for camerons glassless 3d tv to watch it again one 3d
>Uwe Boll
I take that review as a compliment for the film
>pull the trigger
And kill it?
based Kern
>dickless tranny openly admitting to trolling, samefagging and false flagging to purposefully shit up Alita threads
>trolling and shilling Sonic
Don't you diskless trannys have more important stuff to do besides raid Yea Forums like suck cocks, take it in the ass or whatever?
Got my Art book today. BluRay next week.
Based, checked and kekked.
You fucking retards did not need any outside help to shit up your dumb fucking general.
Don't feel bad for Ally, anons
She got treated waaay better than Major.
alita mi waifita
that much is true
only because the generals got banned because of some butthurt autists who couldn't handle one thread
>597 days until Fallen Angel: Alita 2
Watched it with me dad. Thought it was alright desu.
you know that you can perfectly subdivide a sphere and massively augment the polycount exponentially without doing nothing in terms of adding quality rigth
>Uwe Boll
>actual film making experience
I mean, technically
Generals got banned because no one in them were talking about the fucking movie anymore, which is what inevitably happens with all generals.
We wouldn't be salty if you guys weren't so obnoxious. You are just proving my point if you bite back at me telling you guys to chill out.
Each of her irises has 8.5 million polygons because they modeled and simulated the individual fibers instead of just making it flat
That's not just a texture they actually modeled the fibers of her Iris.
Alita 2: Day of the Fallen Angel
Alita 2: The Quickening
>cameron is a hack
he might literally be hollywoods last bastion and savior but oh well fuck that guy end game 2 and 007 aunt jemimha bond amirite guise?
there was literally just one thread before during and after the film until the general got banned and we got scattered. meanwhile capeshit and /got/ had like 20 threads each at all times.
GoT had more than 70 at one point
I'm saving this Alita reaction image just for this scenario.
what if it becomes a Disney+ series instead?
>watching this with father, because have no one else to watch it with
>halfway through pulls out his phone
>starts texting someone
>sister comes into the room, pulls out her phone, it's blatantly obvious they're texting each other
>afterwards hear my mother talking with my father about how they don't like me and they think I was watching the movie with my father to worm my way into their lives
I fucking hate my life and I hate how I have no one to watch kino with.
Are you sure you want a sequel?
If it actually does happen you know they will make it push feminism, they will do a the last jedi on it.
>how they don't like me and they think I was watching the movie with my father to worm my way into their lives
thats just fucked up. i get along with my father not the rest of my family.
They've basically disowned me, my mother even said to my face that she doesn't give a shit about me. Dumb cunt should have been using protection if she never wanted me, it's like seriously, stop blaming ME for your shitty choices in life. It's stuff like this the reason why I never really interact with my family.
>I will serve. I will be of service.
haven't seen this yet, what am I in for?
Same question, I just purchased the first movie I've paid for in 10 years because I got a new TV and sound system (and Yea Forums threads).
- cute cyborg girl being cute and wide-eyed
- badass cyborg girl fucking brutally killing people
- epic fight scenes that are shot in a realistic way
- best fictional bloodsport since Death Race
- best bar fight in recent memory
- cool worldbuilding
- great soundtrack
- occasionally slightly cheesy dialogue but no bad humor like a Marvel movie
- young love which is a little cringy and stalker-y in places but it's her first real crush and it's realistic
- cool tech and awesome cyborg designs
- most satisfying F-bomb I can think of especially in a PG-13 movie
- cameos and things in case of a sequel
Fantastic. Friday can't come soon enough.
How convenient, and literally unbelievable
salty? I'd like a sequel
Disney moms, mad no one talks about Captain Marvel
Good moobie, not great, not terrible.
But the sequel is set up to be great.
Incelita: Weeb Anal
wtf Yea Forums told me it was good and i just got it
>got a new TV and soundsystem
>decided to watch a movie with incredible CGI and that is one of the few actually filmed in 4K because it had a huge amount of buzz around it
what about this is hard to believe
I thought only Marvel fags were this pathetic. Sad to see
please, even just one sequel