>Movie is set in the future
>Doesn't have gender-neutral bathrooms
>Movie is set in the future
>Doesn't have gender-neutral bathrooms
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At least Cinemasins knows that it's not serious. The same can't be said about dogfucker
Cinema Sins is so fucking dumb now
Cinemasins has a very high opinion of itself and they constantly hide behind their own fake ignorance
Mauler sucks
Schaffrillas Productions is shit
>It has Donald BLUMPF!
>and seed
>the titties were small
>Non interracial marriage
>White children aren’t trans
and what would be wrong with them dinging that? why should bathrooms be separate.
Link some examples, incels, these all seem like hyperbole
you wanna know their actual opinions? check their podcast, on latest one of them was claiming what Black Panther is better than Dark Knight, cause black people.
>W-we're a comedy channel! It's all a joke! Your criticism is invalid! Don't you feel stupid haha?
*deduct 10 sins*
There are problems for all the only 2 genders that exist:
Higher risk of peeking, abuse, or general discomfort.
Men use the bathroom faster and don't fool around on it, so their bathrooms are usually empty, even if in some places they are smaller with less cabinets. By mixing together, men will start to pay for the general lack of haste women have in bathrooms.
I haven't watched this guy in like 6 years. How bad has it gotten. Any examples?
>orange man EEEEVIL
Why do Americans see politics as some sort of children movie?
Is it so hard to say "yes I disagree with person X politically, but that doesn't mean I think that person is Satan". It is as if they can't phantom the idea that somebody can't disagree with you without being evil, it is literally dark age tier rationalization.
The average person is fucking stupid, and half the population is below average, they see 24/7 'orange man is bad evil racist nazi nazi nazi' on TV and just accept it.
This is what made me unsubscribe. It was over the top cringe.