What's the actual worst movie you've ever seen?
What's the actual worst movie you've ever seen?
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The Anvil Hoarder
I always evaluate movies with their description, trailer, and who's producing it before taking 2 hours out of my day to watch it so I almost never watch a bad movie
The last movie I can remember being tricked into thinking it'd be good only to be heavily disappointed and even disgusted was "Man of Steel"
After that I haven't watched a single capeshit film and have not been disappointed.
Prob this, eventually there was a scene without any cuts of two people sitting around a visiting room's table and they mumbled, yes mumbled, could barely hear them, for about 45 mins? 50? 30? God it felt like forever, forever and ever and ever of pure boredom trying to listen to their mumbles in heavy heavy scottish (or irish) whisper mumbles about nothing. So boring I dropped it there out of desperation.
Again, no cuts to it or edits
D*** G****** is garbage and you should feel bad about watching his shitty videos
this but i occasionally my normie friends drag me along for a movie that i didnt research beforehand and it turns out to be shit
Tell me more about the turkles
The Underground Comedy Movie
A friend dragged me to go watch the second avengers movie. I can’t even remember the title but it was about some russian or whatever eastern european twins with powers. Holy shit that was bad. Never took my friend’s taste in movie seriously after that. Capeshit is horrid.
Danny Gonzalez? Yeah I agree. Drew Gooden is actually good, mainly because of his smarmy dickhead vocal tone and self referential humor. Gonzalez just sounds like a faggot.
Holy fucking shit you are a retard
I need to get off this shithole
I watched this because it was free on Amazon Prime and the summary baffled me enough I had to watch it. It turned out to be very hard to figure out what is supposed to be going on.
>After the Sheriff of a small town though he killed the monster that killed six towns people by ripping there harts out and eating them find it has returned looking for revenge. Now he's relay pissed and is stocking the law men.The Sheriff should have make sure it was dead before trying to buried it. This award winning film will make you think about saying a prayer befor going to sleep at night
you didn't watch that. Stop lying
that's a fucking great movie
I’ve been super picky the last few years because there are so many shit movies out. I went through an A24 phase and watched pic related. Def the worst one I’ve seen in a while
i go out of my way to see shitty movies in theatres and have a list of shittiest movies i have seen in theatres. obviously different from my shittiest movies of all time list
the top three for in theatres are, in this order
1) Wrath (Rash) of the Titans
2) Hitman agent 47
3) Catwoman
I did.
It was fucking awful.
Not memeing about this at all
Even completely ignoring the rest of the SW franchise and viewing it as its own movie with no lore to live up to it doesn't make a fucking lick of sense. It's not even so bad it's good, hell I'd legitimately much rather watch Plan 9 From Outer Space or The Final Sacrifice. TLJ is just a fucking wreck of a movie from start to finish with absolutely no redeeming factors.
It's one of 2 movies I ever turned off in the first 15 minutes, the other being Sausage Party (though I did get drunk and force myself to sit through it eventually)
Taking every factor into account, the actual worst movie I have ever seen is "The Matrix".
Vampires Vs Zombies.
happy death day 2 or some bullshit like that,seen on a sleepover
Wow, I'm impressed you've never seen a bad movie.
you are a massive MASSIVE pleb
movie 43
>Another pleb filtered
>Buttblasted taig scum
O I am laffin
Ghostbusters (2016)
Meet the Spartans
Justice league zack the hack edition
describe it please
>This award winning film
What a load of shit movie this was
TLJ is boring, self absorbed, disjointed and pointless but more than that it vandalizes an existing story that I enjoyed. A film that's merely bad in its own right can simply be ignored but TLJ manages to desecrate a classic story.
Some film about a crocodile targeting people in the Philippines
I've seen loads of bad movies... The worst of which was The Matrix. Do you have problems with reading comprehension?
That Sherlock Holmes movie with RDJ was fucking awful. Anything Guy Ritchie directs is fucking awful.
But The Matrix is not a bad movie?
This is up there. Sorry I don’t “get it”, I’m not one of those guys that quoted Stepbrothers endlessly or thinks that yelling is funny.
Also, I watched pic related in theaters, guessed the twist just from the poster.
(His girlfriend and the killer are split personalities of himself, the entire movie is pointless!)
Garbage Pail Kids Movie is unbelievably horrible
It was so bad that I got legit angry while watching it. Only good thing was Michael Keaton, but the rest was just advertising Iron Man and changing established characters to something else. Flash Thompson is tiny indian kid instead of blonde alpha male, Shocker gets turned black and the whole MJ thing is just ridiculous.