Lindelof is a powerhouse of creativity

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Other urls found in this thread:

Original Watchmen was written by an ultra far leftist

stay mad

Wow, confronting white supremacy in 2019, very brave.



He's Jewish.

yet nothing out of the original watchmen pushes any sort of agenda like the current bullshit productions blatantly do

Perhaps it will make this board less racist, are you with me sistas?

The difference of course is Alan Moore is able to write with a degree of subtlety that Lindelof could never dream of achieving.


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White nationalism is on the rise, and the power elite are shitting themselves. We are inevitable, like the body's immune system responding to a disease.

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No way! So the trailer was supposed to look like a cringe propaganda video?

people are NOT looking at the early life section of his bio
seriously DON'T do it

where is this white supremacist nation and how can i get in?

It very much does. It's a seething condemnation of the US, the Reagan and Thatcher-era right, and anti-communist policies throughout the world.

>the world is black or white

It's called America and it's so racist that brown people from all over the world keep leaving their non-shithole paradise countries and trying to sneak into America so they can be oppressed.

>Rorschach dies because he refuses to accept peace that is based on a lie
>gets turned into Jesus for not-KKK

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we try to share our wakandan technology and this is how you repay us

haha. weird!

>tfw no matter how racist I am Mexicans keep coming here


Almost correct. Commies and russians are far from being shown as ok, reasonable, or even human-thinking to some extent.
Which is pretty accurate.

dude alan moore is so batshit the guy worships a snake, his politics are beyond anything contemporary and watchmen is more an anaylsis of contemporary tropes around superheroes than some "far leftist" political treatise.

Alan moore isnt a communist, he is so far left he is like a anarcho primitivist

No wonder it sucked

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What's white supremacy mean anymore? White people in white-majority countries having power in government and money? When does white supremacy end? I thought us white americans were all dying from opiate abuse and lashing out because we're losing our privilege.


its writer is some sjw british """punk"""" fag right?

that shit (punk, rock against racism, yo thatcher is evil!!!) has aged BADLY

step 1 is to realize that people are not making logical arguments

rorschach was right. blue nigger BTFO, gayman BTFO

You can condemn the other side as long as you don’t glorify your own. That’s what makes it hamfisted political content. Most progressive left wing driven media today criticises the other side while glorifying its own.

Do you speak human?

t. incel

I can only hope there is a Trump proxy that I can throw popcorn at from my cum-encrusted recliner. it's what we NEED in 2019, obvs.

t. projecting retard

White supremacy is reality. White people by all accounts and metrics that matter to any sort of civilization, are the best. We made the technologies that make our greatest civilizations run, when we take over a land we build instead of bear tribute, we raise not only ourselves but others around us, in magnanimous patience and altruism. It is this power that gave us the conquering of disease, and the touch of the moon. We children of the northern midnight sun, the land of hard knocks and well-earned rewards. And yet, we have fallen to decline, and false words have whispered in our ears, that would make us not want the crown of humanity, and so the world ripples in rage at our malaise.

We are not meant to be like Hamlet, all comforts to watch the world crumble around us. We are the Aryan, those of the royal duty to take the reigns of mankind west the Ural. The Yamato take the East, we take the West. Our duty is to break the Semite shackle, to acclaim dominion of land, and sky. The monsters betray their feelings, they know our power, and mock us for the weight of it. Still, where war would not clean out the apathetic and cowardly, time will, and our race will temper to political and military might again. We will welcomed as liberators, ascenders, and seekers of the stars. We will pluck from their animal brood the choice and leave the chaff, to make interesting playthings of their kind, but never us entirely. Our duty is to leave this cradle, like our brother Yamato, and seek the universe like wings to Heaven. The Semite shall be our first beast slain, his wicked way expunged from reality, and with him the twisting tongue that holds our people back from greatness.

We ARE the Supreme. We are the closest thing to Gods that Earth has yet made. And we are slowly, but surely, understanding it. The Aryan spirit will never die. Hail Victory.

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The Dead Kennedys are nigh unlistenable for this reason alone. Agree, aged terribly.

America needs to fuck off. You cunts are ruining the world with this divisive garbage

Moore is an anarchist, you ignorant buffoon.

anarchists are socialists

If you support anything for the interests of European, you are a white supremacists. If you support first world nations, or genetic science, you are also one. You know, because ugly brown people who are insecure about themselves, feel the need to belittle them. They live in nations that don't belong to them, they consume entertainment that wasn't made by them. They have an inferiority complex, so they get aggressive, and happily engage in this behavior.

Seriously, when will people get it? Leftists fucking want to end Europeans. They hate you. They hate your race. They want to make life not worth living. Even though so many people are traumitized and having the soul sucked out of them from the negative effects and stress of living in multiracial areas, they still need to stick the ugliest most repulsive black actor into traditional white roles in their escapism.

Fuck this garbage. I'll rather stick to Japanese entertainment. The fact that whites even tolerate that, shows their is a genetic abnormality among whites who think that is okay. And white nationalists should be more concerned with punching out the lights of whites who support this garbage, then to pretend that all whites are equal and on their side. Even on this board, you see a few traitor whites.

at no point in Watchmen Rorschach is made to be a white supremacist, therefore it doesn't make sense for his followers to be white supremacists

>America needs to fuck off
dude, the whole world is infected with this shit, and I think we all know where it (((started)))

Anprim isn't really farther left than plain old Marxism or anarchism, it's just different. On the political compass, it would be at the same place as anarchism, maybe slightly farther down, but not farther left.

all of them?

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I tell every brown person I meet from countries the US has ruined by meddling like Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador etc. to migrate to the paradise that is the united states in order to support the further brownification of America for simple poetic justice.

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>dat pic

t. """"punk"""" music fan

Alan Moore writes comic books.

No, anarchists can be non-socialists, even if the the vast majority are socialists.

The ones who just refer to themselves as "anarchists" without any additional labels, yes.

Almost as if they're going to shoehorn current_year bullshit in the most blatant way

Anyone who actually wants to stop crime becomes a racist eventually. You can only look at patterns for so long before you begin to recognize them.

yeah its kind of weird how bad the music and punk culture of that era has aged

pretty much none of their "warnings" about society came true. bob geldolf and the retards who raised money for africa are now looked at as naive retards who helped cause even more famines, post apartheid south africa is a hellhole that western media is quick to ignore. reagan and thatcher were lionized (for the wrong reasons), punk music died, etc..

the whole "punk ethic" was drowned in the rising tide of identity politics. can you imagine jello biafra saying "nigger" in a song today?

lindelof writes for HBO, whats your point?

itt: fragile wh*te "people"

why yall so pathetic lol

It does, you're just too intellectually stunted to pick up on themes that aren't explicitly and clearly spelled out at least three times.

I cant wait for white people to go sicko mode

So? A Liberal has nothing to do with an anarchist. A liberal or socialist still wants someone in power and that power to keep existing.

Yeah deus vult, you fat retard

Pardon my ignorance, but how the fuck can an anarchist be a socialist? Isn't socialism all about the government organizing things so that people are working for the collective interest of all people? If there's anarchy, everything will restart and the strongest, smartest and most brutal will rise to the top like they did the first time around.

the 80s punk scene in the UK looks even worse when you realize how much the Soviets had infiltrated the "anti-nuke" movements that were organizing protests against US cruise missiles and all that.

its like how the Venona papers coming out pretty much backed up McCarthy's accusations in the 1950s.


>white supremacy
Is this the biggest political boogie man of our era?

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I can't believe this same guy made Leftovers

Not all kinds of socialists. Anarchists are socialists but they don't want anyone in power.
Even Marxists eventually plan for the state to wither away.

They look the same age IMO, it's just that Nigel's always been uglier than Keanu.

how the fuck can "anti-fascists" be pro-corporations?

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Who are the white supremacists? Rorschach followers or cops?

Maybe if you'd stop fucking up their countries for five minutes theyd stay the fuck home

whites are all like fucking crazy an shit

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the kids I grew up with who listened to punk didn't turn out that great. 1 committed suicide like a few months after high school. another died of a drug overdose

one is working a best buy (we are 30), another works as a full time "uber driver" i think

its kind of sad desu senpai

- kittatinny regional high school
hampton NJ

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have literally seen people i know for a fact to have been born in the 80s write and play reagan related songs
no thought about "what can i say about this topic", "how is this topic relevant to me at all", etc
they just think that's what you're supposed to write about because they saw other bands do it, they don't even stop to think why it was actually relevant for a band to do it 35 years ago lmao

Powerful stuff, makes you realise how important the space race is too.

Listen dipshit, I may disagree with Moore politically, but like George Orwell, he is one of the few leftists more father to the left that I can respect because he is clearly a more intelligent and rational man. When he created Watchmen, it wasn't some centerpiece of stupid shallow blatant contemporary commentary. That isn't to say, you couldn't glean some from it. This isn't like some other leftists, like those jackasses at summer camp who think they are being "clever" adding lame "republicans are stupid jokes" in the middle of a play about Godzilla that some people acted out, just for fun. Or those awful left wing writers on CinemaSins, who make blatant leftist activists comments masked as "jokes" that will be dated and confusing to anyone from the future, and even come off as uncomfortably aggressive.

tl;dr. There is not a single left wing Jewish writer in Hollywood, the same people who make all this capeshit garbage, that would be able to create the characters of Rorschach, the Comedian or Ozymandias. Especially Rorschach. just on the basis that a guy who spouts far right things ever been seen in any way sympathetic or complex, who, despite being written as a critique of Objectivism, is seen as an admirably character on his own. And half the reason, is because Moore didn't sacrifice the other things that the matter, like the objective qualities of good storytelling, and a good graphic novels, or all the other themes he wanted to express, which Hollywood is now so found of doing, and even going further by adding fucked up things like changing the race and gender of established characters for hypocritical left wing objectives. It may be inherently political, but its the only type of political work anyone wants to see, not some Jewish jackoff screaming about "white supremacy" shitting on this established graphic novel, because otherwise, his work would gain even less traction.

Europeans are fucking cowards for allowing this.

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From what I understand anti-fascists(some at least, most are complete retards) see corporations as coopting the movement and they are right to a degree. The establishment has many true believers.

On second thought, nothing.

This thread alone is teeming with white supremacists.
>white supremacy is this the biggest political boogie man of our era?

I dont know lol you tell me

>and a good graphic novel
Watchmen is not a graphic novel, it's a comic book that was released in twelve issues.

When are they going to tackle jewish supremacy, which actually exists?

Moore was in the storytelling business.
Hollywood Jews are in the propaganda business.


>when are they going to bite the hand that feeds and get labeled a nazi?

I wish people had the balls but too many have dug their own hole.

>white supremacists.

No such thing jackass. Just because people are starting to see that there is NO benefit to just allow whites to be attacked unchallenged, doesn't make them "supremacists". They just understand that white traitors and leftists don't have a right to dictate these terms to their kin.

Also, just because scientific evidence shows that Europeans are cognitively better and objective evidence shows Europeans are more beautiful and build better nations then blacks, it still doesn't make them "supremacists", no, it just means they are black inferioricts. Who believe in the objective facts of black inferiorcy.

Yes, it is. I don't know a single movement, (besides Richard Spencer and his 50 dudes) that defends the idea of racial segregation. And Richard Spencer doesn't even defend racial superiority.
I only see racial politics on the left to be honest.

>black inferioricts
You spelled it wrong, but I totally agree. I googled it awhile ago to see if I coined the term but somebody got to it before me.

I’m glad your here

>tl;dr is longer than the main post
extra based

The BLM/black nationalist crowd are starting to push the idea of resegregating to create white free safe spaces for minorities.


>“What in 2019 is the equivalent of the nuclear standoff between the Americans and the Russians?” the sometimes-punchy Leftovers co-creator postulated during the Watchmen panel at TCA on Wednesday. “It is race and the police,” Lindelof said, answering his own question as star Regina King and EP/director Nicole Kassell — both Leftovers alums — sat next to him on stage at the Beverly Hilton.

Lindelof is a fucking moron. He is a walking parody of the average liberal/woke retard. I'm honestly surprised he didn't kill himself as soon as Trump won on election night.

I'm going to watch the pilot just to see how many cringe woke moments there are and hope to hear some actor awkwardly say "NIGGER".

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>leave a power vacuum
>Russia/China/Europe rush in to fill it
Great plan retard.

>White nationalism is on the rise
It isn't.
There's growing anger at the subversion of what was America in favour of what it could be, but White people just do not coalesce around a single racial identity.
You have some who try, but they're the overwhelming minority compared to those that would rather coalesce around their nation, or even class, rather than race.

lol no they wouldn't you naive simp. They come for the gibssssssss not because of some vendetta, you give them far too much credit that they haven't earned. It's a simple economic migrant situation. That's the reality.

This. Based Snyder improved on the comic by making Rorschach the good guy in the movie. Moore is a commie bitch.

>equivalent of the nuclear standoff between the Americans and the Russians
>race and the police
This is gonna be cringekino.

lol I bet you believe in the Russia conspiracy. take your meds

The writer for Fargo Tv has hinted around at it, the jewish producer character was fucking great (especially the part where he got beaten into a coma and totally deserved it) Obviously not super in-your-face like leftist trash like The Good Fight but yknow it's there I think.

You should probably sit in on some PanAfrican study lectures and BLM meetings. You'll find plenty of segregationists there. We all want it, we all voluntarily self-segregate anyway. Why not embrace it. People can live in garbage California and New York and the rest of the Multicultural Jewish utopias and leave the rest of the sane world alone.

>Lindelof is a powerhouse of creativity
Said nobody ever. The man is a total hack.

shhh don't tell the /pol/acks that most of their favorite shows, films and music were produced by leftists

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>shhh don't tell ____________

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>Yet nothing out of the original watchmen pushes any sort of agenda

Yikes imagine being this unaware. Even from just watching the movie did you miss all the shit about Nixon getting elected to a 3rd term and the US turning into a dystopia after winning the vietnam war, also shit like the protesters at the beginning with the flowers getting shot

How the fuck can an anarcist be socialist? How the fuck does that work without radically changing the concept of either ideology?

>the US turning into a dystopia after winning the vietnam war
Gosh, sure would be some crazy world if that happened. Good thing it's just a movie haha.

Because we’re told that we’re responsible for the troubles of human history and are told to sit down and listen about you niggas taking charge. Then you niggas say literally nothing and then bitch to us when nothing gets better. BLM has existed for 5 years and your most significant accomplishments have been sabotaging Bernie’s campaign and literally removed any power rioting used to have

When are you going to learn that punk did far more harm then good? The hippies of the 60s grew up to vote for Reagan, the punks of the 80s grew up to vote for bush. Whatever bitch ass resistance that’s popped up in the last decade is going to grow up and vote for nothing



you can like a person work without agreeing with their ideology and life choices. by your logic, youre going to do like alan moore and get cucked by a lesbian, use mushrooms and pretend is a hobo wizard.

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it's about time we had a series that stood up to emperor Hirohito

This has nothing to do with the left, it's a flat out incitement of vile scummy fabricated racism. White supremacy hasn't existed as a meaningful political movement since Hitler.

Now, who benefits from the destruction of the white race?
pro tip: it's not North America and Europe

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rorschach is the most coherent and moral character of the graphic novel.

he did what? killed a pedophile that rape and murdered a little girl and gave her meat to dogs?

that may sound evil for some jews, once israel is a pedophile heaven, but for most people rorschach did nothing wrong.

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>non-shithole paradise countries
i do not understand how people can argue that you need to let in people fleeing their shitty country but if you call their country shitty they go apeshit

possibly true, yet directed by a redpilled right winger

the problem is that alan moore isnt left wing enough for todays standarts - wich makes sense on the whole context of the left eating itself.

These people say stupid shit every day, no one is paying them for their political insights.

ignorant post

Based "white is not a cohesive identity" poster

I mean, despite thinking Lindeloff is a hack and that this show is a bad idea, a bunch of people idolizing Rorschach being white supremacists is on par for how Alan Moore depicted Rorschach and a crazy right-wing conspiracy theorist (who happened to be right this one time)

Tbh, Rorschach is 100% the type of person who would take the redpill to the point that he would become a race realist.
Is the implication of associating him with white supremacy that white supremacists would similarly rather suffer and die for the sake of preaching uncomfortable truths to the world?
Based Lindelof.

They see corporations as "useful idiots" because their heads are so up their asses they wouldn't ever imagine it's the other way around.

my favorite character on the comic book was rorchach and the comediant, but when you grown up you realize that ozymandias was right all along.

that said...

rorschach was the only guy with a code. saying that the only character with a strong sense of morals represents everything is wrong with a society is a fucking joke.

and the premisse of his diary becoming a gospel is pathetic. it wasnt a manifesto like the communist manifesto, like the unabomber manifesto, like mein kampf. IT WAS A FUCKING DIARY.

he literally says that could investigate further if ozymandias was gay and his origin - the most important thing about him - isnt even there, is a dialogue between him and his shrink.

and ozymandias could buy that newspaper, no one would care, the whole concept of rorschach having any sort of legacy other than a blood spot on ice is oportunistic.

>race and the police
kek, he can't even admit that it's a mostly black problem

This board just cannot grasp the concept of something having a well told message. Faggots here bitch about sneedposters, but why? They aren't stifling discussion. There isn't any discussion to stifle.

I agree with the fact that a good writer doesn't make an exception of himself, but I would add that Watchmen is also both enjoyable even if you ignore the message as well as open to interpretation. It's a message that makes you think, which is a good message. A bad message is one that discourages thinking and instead just makes excuses for why the viewer/reader doesn't actually need to challenge their own viewpoints.

I hold the same liberal views on race, the environment, etc. that I did 10 years ago. However, I would never call myself a liberal for exactly these reasons. Liberal shows and films were able to seamlessly integrate their social statement with their integrity as art. Talk show hosts like Letterman and Stewart could be funny and political without being preachy, for the most part. Compare that to the blatant one sided programming of Colbert and John Oliver, and it's a really sad state of affairs. Star Wars has always leaned left, but this never intruded on how enjoyable it was. Nowadays, the only thing the media talks about with Star Wars is who's genderqueer, what new ethnic character they're adding, how Rian Johnson DESTROYED capitalism. It's sad.

The left isn't funny or creative anymore because they're too obsessed with cramming their message down the throats of whoever they can. What they create can only be enjoyed if you agree with it, and even then the only enjoyment is "Haha I agree with that." Meanwhile, right wing assholes like Sam Hyde makes content that actuslly entertains me, even though the man is wrong about almost everything.

Anyways, Watchmen was good and whoever claims it was nothing more than a liberal agenda is a frogposting faggot.

communism in this day and age is unironically more prevalent than white supremacy. You are a fucking joke if you take anything someone says anonymously on Yea Forums as a joke to piss off retarded uppity rad-leftists like yourself seriously. wew to the lad.

Alan Moore isn't a retard though.


This is probably the dumbest post currently on the site. How embarrassing for you, user.

tth breh

Snyderfags on suicide watch

t. falseflagging white person

Nazi broccoli makes me so angry grrrr >:C

>angry effortpost with wall of text tl;dr

Jesus, what a dumb fucking thing to say.
Even if you were a leftist and all, surely you can see the straight up absurdity of comparing the cold war to american police shoot outs?

It's funny how they're still going after whitey for wanting to be around his own kind when that whole ADOS movement is about blacks self-segregating.
>literally it's okay when non-whites do it

Moore confesses that his worship of Glycon is performative art making a statement about the ridiculously of religion. He is actually an atheist or agnostic.

You guys think this heavy PC culture will ever stop? I mean, how can you say "we're bringing back straight white male leads in films and ditching liberals, niggers, faggots and women"? I really don't see it happening. It can only get worse or stagnate at best.
There is no logical answer on how can things go back to "normal". And by normal I mean the West and it's allies being the white mans world.

Yeah, but even he had a more nuanced and balanced take on the right wing characters in his story. He didn't make some grand black and white moral argument. If anything he made sure to make a complex moral quagmire where characters like Rorschach were not villains as much as they were not heroes. As much as Watchmen was a critique of Thatcher and Reagan, it was far far far more intelligent than this idiotic sequel that flat out claims it's some confrontation of Trump's "white supremacy".

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How is Lindelof allowed to write anything more than a copywrite for cheap mattresses? He is the ultimate hack of hacks.


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Liar Lindelof is a hack.

you present those items as if they were bad things

Yeah. Antifa morons don't realize they're being played by the 1% just like the Tea Party was. The pseudo-leftist millionaires of the global elite are playing them just like the right was playing protesters during the Obama years. People like Soros are puppeteering them just like the Kochs were behind the "grass roots" Tea Party protests.

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sieg heil

>watching anything by Lindelof
Will you faggots ever learn.
EVERYTHING by this guy is fucking garbage.

This looks from the ad like some kind of blueball Gotham/smallville type shit full of everything but the actual watchmen, who may appear occasionally just to drive it all along and leave a cliffhanger. Prove me wrong.

>“What in 2019 is the equivalent of the nuclear standoff between the Americans and the Russians?”
> “It is race and the police,”
On what fucking planet does that make any sense?

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>This thread alone is teeming with white supremacists.
And there's nothing wrong with that.

LOST, Prometheus. Do people take this motherfucker seriously?

niggers are worst than nukes

nobody is obsessed with this shit the way burgers are, even shit holes in africa that have actual race wars and ethnic cleansing aren't this annoying.

and you're proving yourself to be quite a big one, no matter your race

if that were true why do so many retards make threads that show X is going to suck because look what this person said on twitter


Maybe the problem is not the creator's politics and personal beliefs but the lack of talent. A talentless creator isn't any different from a propagandist.
I consider myself an anti-feminist but I can enjoy something like Mad Max FR mainly because George Miller is a talented director. And you can say whatever you want about Alan Moore's beliefs, but the guy is a gifted writer and Watchmen is a masterpiece, so he can show Nixon in a negative light and at the same time make Rorschach an iconic character.
Another example I can come up with is Starship Troopers. It doesn't matter if people ignore it's a satire or not. Hell, it doesn't even matter if Verhoeven dissed the source material. The movie is such a sci-fi classic because it's a unique mix of a well crafted pulp space adventure with a gruesome, yet compelling war story. And Verhoeven didn't succeed at doing so because he was "on the right side of history." Talent and the drive to tell a good story made all the difference in the world.