Entertainment should be the goal.
What is happening to the Film industry?
city slickers
I really don't understand why the dems even called that meet. Do they just like wasting time
You do realize this is a photoshopped cover. None of them got dresses today for something they new was going to be nothing.
i find the constant propaganda from both sides and absolute destruction of free speech pretty entertaining
entertainment only exists as the propaganda arm of the government
Kikes, it's just kikes. This isn't a hard question, senpai. Kikes ruin and defile everything they touch
You must realize the connection between the slave markets and the early theater business. It's reciprocal.
are celebrities not allowed opinions?
I don't think he remembers.
>he's guilty until proven innocent!
What did they mean by this
ok yid
>grabbing a random picture and putting text above it
>not even making a fake writer or website
Put some fucking effort into, fag.
Trump wasn't even a presidential candidate when this photo was taken, dipshit
Explain to me why their opinions are newsworthy. Are they worth more because more people recognize their name and face?
They want to do both
The arts at risk.
Who cares what a bunch of minstrels, dancing monkeys for coins thinks.
Well said.
>i find the constant propaganda from both sides
yes, I cant stand the constant pro-trump celebrity pandering as well.
big fan of getting my opinions from cloistered millionaires who's interests are diametrically opposed to my own
>that token darky