What was his FUCKING problem?
What was his FUCKING problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Tomatoes didn't arrive in Europe until the 16th Century, although it is not known how.
He was pissed off at the weird red time-travel fruits in his salad.
You don't learn much about him in the movies, any bookfag with knowledge care to redpill me on this man?
He was wh*te
He was butthurt because Boromir wasn’t around to fix all of his problems and Faramir wasn’t cut out for that shit
Hard working and underappreciated caretaker of kingdom constantly under siege is pissed off that every other kingdom is supporting some asshole saying he's king when the king's lineage has been missing for hundreds of years. And then it turns out he is and you've just got to sit back and let him have the kingdom when you sacrificed your favourite son for your people.
His problem was FUCKING justified
His son died so he was overcome with grief.
So much so, that he opened a doorway into a parallel universe and kidnapped the duplicate version of his son and raised him as his own, inciting a war between the two universes that were collapsing in on themselves due to the opened doorway.
His favorite song was dead
The tomato didn't pop in his mouth.
>a fictional fantasy world bearing some resemblance to medieval europe
>actually europe
It isn’t you autist pedant
I know Tolkien wrote the hobbit in a ‘fantasy past’ for the real world but that was before he’d written all the backstory for the world or even created a map of the world outside of the area around erebor
Even if you really must have lotr be set in past earth the geography doesn’t line up enough for it to matter
>it takes place in Europe
ok, retard
his wife died and he knew doom was coming from the Palantír, cant blame him
>eldest, favorite son was kill
>youngest son is a mithrandirfag, doesn’t listen to him
>start seeing on the palantir
>learn that Aragorn is coming to reclaim the throne, ending the rule of the stewards
>see Sauron’s power growing and moving against the west
>mihrandir puts a halfling spy on your court
>youngest son is gravely injured
>see on the palantir once more
>see Frodo captured on the tower of Cirith Ungol, see the corsairs coming up the anduin
>no napkins
Yeah, I would’ve tried to set myself on fire too.
He was the Steward of Gondor. His thrown was a smaller black one next to the gigantic white one that Aragorn would've sat on, if he wanted to be king. It wasn't like Aragorn left a month earlier, he had lived his nearly 80 years in isolation and self-imposed exile. And before that (for however long) Aragorn's forebarers had been absent from the throne. During hundreds of even thousands (I'm not going to look it up) of years, the line of Stewards lived as defacto kings/rulers over Gondor but they were only keeping everything running for their missing kings. Though they had a lineage and a title and ruled, they were pretender kings. And this really fucking pissed Denathor off, because as the world was ending (and by god he was trying to save it himself), the True King shows up. HE WAS GODDAMN PISSED. Pissed that he was going to be reduced to a secretarial or perfunctory role. For all intents and purposes, for his entire lif,e he had been king. But it was all smoke and mirrors he'd built in his mind, to hide from himself the fact that he was cog keeping the machine running.
He was kind of like Agent Smith, now that I am thinking about it. Fuck you, Elrond!
this nigga will explain it better than me
What was his favorite song?
The only things added in the book are the fact that he has a Palantir and was using it to aid in the defense of Gondor. He was not able to be corrupted by Sauron like was usual for people using the corrupted Palantir. After Faramir is saved, he sets himself alight and the image of him burning is the only thing that can be seen in the Palantir after that point
The rest of his characterisation is in the film
i hate when that happens
He hated his first name Stewart and banned anyone from calling him that
this is now a fringe thread
>smaller black one next to a giant white one
Was cheesed because he was a steward cuck wh would never be king.
Also Aragorn
actually LOTR is set in the 31st century
LoL. Okay, I'll play...
>"So you fucked Fauxlivia?... No big deal, really... I'm glad you did actually..."
He was trying to eat his lunch and some short fag kept singing a maudlin song instead of something peppy and swinging, as befits a healthy lunch.
>mfw i started the * trend
>mfw subhumans are using it because theyre afraid
tippity toppity kekles
>is it cold in here?
>ywn have a torv mommy to molest you when she's having a bad day
it hurts bros...
Sauron didn’t corrupt him, but still managed to drive him to madness by letting him look at his huge armies.
>mfw I caught mommy diddling herself with an inanimate object
Fringe threads RULE!
>What was his FUCKING problem?
this is my favorite fringe poster
i dont really know why, it just seems kinda silent and mysterious
Kinda cool, but this guy is my favorite Fringe poster:
he needed to have sex
everyone named Stewart is a dick in my experience.
>tfw no fantasy film will ever be remotely as good as lotr
Why was he so FUCKING smug?
>just beat Sauron
>now High King
>took the enemy's most valued treasure for himself
>long prosperous reign ahead of him
why didn't elrond just shank his ass and shove him in the lava? better to have war between elves and humies than the dark lord still around
why didn't he just-
well fuck, can't argue with that logic
lol absolutely seething
Salty GoT fan
what a retarded fort design
should've had a moat
>dies a year after
or a drawbridge at least
>play the third age mod for Medieval 2
>siege Helm's Deep with my uruk-hai boys
>game spawns my units behind the keep on top of the mountain for some reason
>fire ballistas straight down to massacre 50% of the defenses then spend 10 minutes watching the uruks march down an almost 90 degree cliff at 3x gamespeed
you right now