Oh boy, I'm sure all the normies are looking forward to female Thor in the movies!
Seriously everyone I know is fucking hyped for this shit. It's gonna make over a billion dollars from the women alone.
Oh boy, I'm sure all the normies are looking forward to female Thor in the movies!
Seriously everyone I know is fucking hyped for this shit. It's gonna make over a billion dollars from the women alone.
I completely forgot that panel existed. Thanks.
>Jane: I'm dying of cancer so I want to have fun before biting the dust
>Mjolnir: Yep, that counts as worthy for me
Based dobson
>those arms
I bet Natalie won't even get 5 lb of weight for this role
For a board that rightfully looks down on capeshit, some of you autists really obsess about it
>thor is ruined :(
The superhero genre has been fucking dead since Blade 2. Literally cope.
I'm reminded of Dobson posting this in response to Zelda Williams grieving over her father's death.
Good times.
I'm not even into capeshit but female Thor sounds stupid. The only reason I've put up with those movies was Loki.
>knowing women
at least tell a feasible lie
The inclusion of women in the industry has make the standards lower so they can achieve them propertly, like in the army. So the Mjolnir is the same. Not for men of course, those still needs to be Son of Odin :^)
>Inb4 tessa thompson and natalie portman has sex in the new Thor movie
Why? Women are gonna flock to see this because they love seeing women being badass in movies?
Captain Marvel made over a billion, so...cope!
They retconned it, right? they didn't leave that stupid shit in the later comics, right?
It’s not even “female Thor”. It’s Jane Foster with Thor’s powers because for some reason that’s how the hammer works. It happens fairly often. People are losing their shit over literally nothing
>They keep racebending and femalebeding characters instead of giving proper treatment to Black Widow, Moondragon, White Tiger, Tigra, etc
Lots of characters from the comics completely forgotten or mistreated
based and our guy
>frog thor
Pepe that shit
Black Widow has always been lame as fuck.
The thing is Marvel lacks any particularly interesting female heroes that aren’t associated with the X-Men. Like a Psylocke saga starting from her origins alongside Union Jack and developing from there. Maybe even Angela now that Marvel has the rights
Jason Aaron is a shit writer and he's the reason femThor in the comics sucked
Taika Waikiki is a good writer and I think he can take whats good about the character and throw out all the Jason Aaron shit
That is absolutely not the reason. They make it very clear that she really wants to do good, and she continues to be Thor despite how it kills her throughout the entire arc.
seethe more, incel
That run was only bad for one issue and then the rest of it was great. She was a better character when she was dying of cancer and being Thor than she’s been in basically anything else ever.
Captain Marvel made over a billion because it was positioned right before Endgame and everyone following the MCU thought it was necessary viewing going into Endgame.
That and the usual “You aren’t a misogynist are you?” Media push of course.
For note, this Is from the bad issue.
I just watched Thor Ragnarok and Odin explicitly states that Mjolnir was merely a conduit for a Thor's innate powers, it didn't give him the powers.
>Thor becomes Whore
I really hope the Loki film is good. The Journey into Mystery books starring kid Loki were so great.
>despite how it kills her throughout the entire arc.
It kills her throughout the arc because she refused any outside help or magical treatments.
They’ll probably change it to him willingly transferring the powers from himself or some shit
Why does she become Thor. Aren't Valkyries cool enough? Aren't there any other Norse deities that are female they can be? Why do they have to femwash a male character.
Don’t they say that if she becomes Thor it just gets worse again anyway? Like the options were to stop being Thor and get treatment or to continue being Thor and die
female thor's helmet makes her the cooler character tho imo
FamThor sucked because it’s a woke, shit idea.
>he thinks they're going to have Natalie cover her face with the covered helmet
Kek, it will last as much as Thor's helmet
I've seen all the Thor films in theaters and they were always packed with women. I can't imagine what kind of purple haired bitches OP has confused for regular women, but normie women usually went to watch Thor to see this.
I guess since he's a fat shitter now they had to give some unwashed vaginas another reason to watch it since they'll lose some of the thot audience.
Black Widow has always been a third wheel hero in the Avengers. She's fucking weak as hell and the only reason she's even there is because Scarlet Johanson plays her.
shoudnt she be using a female weapon?
Like what a divorce attorney
Like a dagger?
The transformation cures the chemo but not the cancer
Sharon Carter is pretty interesting, well she was in Brubaker's Captain America run. And Wanda's been underused. But you're right, they badly need the x-men back if they want to make any improvements on that front.
That was for her regular cancer treatments, Before she's revealed as Thor, "Actual" Thor offers her help with her cancer with all the magic of Asgard, he offers to get the Avengers to help her and she flat out turns it down because it's not fair to other people with cancer.
I don't think divorce papers deal much damage physically.
I have it on good authority that Taika is actually a huge neo-Nazi and routinely dresses up a Hitler to help him get closer to his "father".
But that Frog is Odison
You find out you're losing half your shit there is a very physical gut wrenching pain that goes along with it.
LMAO why are so many female heroes reflections from male heroes? Isn't it kind of insulting? It's like if female heroes has to be based on the likness of a male in order to become popular
>Jane has cancer
And? Go to Wakanda and get cured
There are more original heroines they just never sold well enough to warrant ongoing comics.
They latch on a popular IP/character to procure success
Ssh, don't tell them
Why couldn't it be that Jane was sucking the powers right out of Thor, through Mjolnir? You want Girl Power, then you have her take it from the man.
Do they ever explain why Tony, or Reed Richards, or Norman Osborn, or T'Challa don't develop a cure for damn near everything? You know they could if they put their minds to it.
>Do they ever explain why Tony, or Reed Richards, or Norman Osborn, or T'Challa don't develop a cure for damn near everything?
Wakanda actually has the cure for cancer, they just don't share it. So does Reed. Welcome to comics.
oh yes they do
They did. Earth Cancer is not a concern to most Superheroes.
>Seriously everyone I know is fucking hyped for this shit
You know bad people.
>It's gonna make over a billion dollars from the women alone
Women aren't going to watch a female Thor. Women want to see a male Thor take his short off. Female Thor has no value to a woman, she's just competition.
>sucking the powers right out of Thor, through Mjolnir?
Because mean mommy Hella destroyed Mjolnir.
They did for Reed Richards and I assume it applies to the rest. Reed actually gets paid not to release inventions that would destroy the global economy/ life as we know it.
Tony is much dumber than the others you listed.
She has value to the anti-stacies
And of course girl thor has value to the open mouthed males but their money was guaranteed anyway
He's also worse than Mengele, ready to experiment on his "friends", apathetic when killing his "friends", etc...yet nobody calls his bullshit. He's actually a villain
>because for some reason that’s how the hammer works
yeah really it literally says "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor." on it
I honestly wouldn't be mad if MCU uses Ultimate Fantastic 4 as the basis for the movies. I'm almost willing to bet they do.
>normie women want to see Thor because Hemsworth is fucking hot
>men want to see Thor because Hemsworth is a bro and quite funny
Disney really wants to lose money. It's going to happen eventually. Far From Home was surprisingly good, but anything not named Dr. Strange or Guardians + (actual) Thor I will not be seeing.
The basis for S7E7 of The Venture Bros was pretty correct then, huh.
>Ultimate Reed
I was talking about 616 Reed, seriously read civil war and anything with him after that, dude is a fucking psycho and nobody even notices it
>I was talking about 616 Reed,
I know, but Ultimates is where they do actually realize. And I'm just saying I would prefer out right villain Reed (after like 2 movies) than the indifferent scientific autist Reed that he's usually portrayed as.
>Taika Waikiki is a good writer
Fuck yourself, that kiwi kike sheep fucker ruined Thor Ragnarok with his unrelenting faggotry!!!FACT!!!
What issue is this from?
Taika better include this scene in the movie
Reed just can't think about things the way regular people can. I wouldn't want him too. Even after Fantastic Four read Jonathan Hickman's Fantastic Four Run.
Not even Aaron could fix the dumpster fire that was YASS Thor
Funny how you don't see men complaining about being "objectified" when we see Hemsworth ripped. Yet every fucking woman onscreen these days has to be ugly as busted as fuck to appease ugly fat white feminist roastie slags who are threatened by beautiful women.
When men see Hemsworth/Pratt/Evans and the effort they put into their bodies it inspires us. When women see beautiful fit women they get jealous and cry sexism because they can't compete and are too lazy to even try because they all thing they're owed something for doing absolutely zero work or effort!!!FACT!!!
Civil war tie ins
>I have it on good authority that Taika is actually a huge neo-Nazi and routinely dresses up a Hitler to help him get closer to his "father".
Makes sense since Scar-jo likes to appear in movies with Nazi symbolism!!!FACT!!!
i wish they do a hickman fantastic four and Reed richards replaces tony stark as the hero of marvel.
I'd take Hela over fem!Thor EVERY time.
Remember when she fucked Thor and became pregnant? Divine mother material.
Sure I believe you
>when she was dying of cancer and being Thor than
Wat. Did she become Thor so she could fight the cancer?
Don't care if it's only one issue, it's the same writer isn't it? I never read it because the author is obviously a crazy misandrist who thinks it's appropriate to force his shit politics into his writing.
The SJW takeover of Marvel is why I switched to DC
Yeah, tell Brendan Fraiser about that
Well everytime she transform to Thor it purge her body of foreign contamination( like her chemal) while her cancer remain( cause cancer is a part of the body).
I tried to read all the first issues of the nu woke Avengers, just to see what Marvel is doing.
Muzzie Captain marvel was ok, kinna cute.
Spider-gwen and Gwen pool were ok too.
And black Spider-Man was actually pretty good at the start.
But Fem Thor made me quit reading them, it was so horriblly written and soooo bland.
I don't know why they're doing this, it's a terrible idea.
would sniff her farts desu
now that the gifted is kaput I want a comfy Cuckoo Sisters solo movie
Why the fuck does ANYONE enjoy western entertainment anymore? Its all far left cultural pollution? It's something that will be studied in the future as a strange "degen" period. It's so goddamn ugly and abnormal, unpleasant and fails to do the fundamental thing, entertain!
I'm sticking to Japanese entertainment. Like I understand that western entertainment reflects the beliefs and values of the supremacist Jewish population, but the fact that Europeans just ALLOWED all that to happen. yeah, you ain't any better.
I've always hated that these shitty MCU actors can't kept their helmet on. Nobody wants to see your goddamn ugly face unless it's for talking during the quiet part of the film.
My friend ran a comic shop and they started to hemorrhage sales when Marvel pozzed their comics. He had to close up shop this year because they went up on the rent and he practically had lost ~50% of his sales over the last few years.
Except it is literally "female Thor" and that's why people made a big deal out of it, everybody else who weilded the hammer was "____ with Thor's powers" but FemThor was a female Thor.
See the first panel is the SJW author's attempt to show that this criticism is sexist, but absorbing man is unironically correct and nobody can make an argument other than calling him sexist
Conseptualize the fragrance.
Hela is based.
it's a tiny bit sexist. her being a woman has nothing to do with not having her own identity. he's specifically upset about it because a woman is taking thor's identity. superheroes expounding on philosophical points with each punch is the real fuckin meme here.
Didn't the female Thor comics really well? Better than many other Marvel comics?
Sounds cringe, sounds likely
His annoying stone guy character was awful, agreed
Im just glad shes not some ugly black chick. Women superheros work when its not dumbass captain marvel forced bullshit.
The only reason she was taking Thor's identity is because she's a woman. Beta Ray Bill didn't call himself Thor. It's not a coincidence that the author just happens to be a frothing SJW, the decision to make her a female Thor (instead of just a woman with Thor's powers) was intended to be a political statement from the beginning. You can't criticize it without acknowledging that they only did it because of GRRRL POWER!
They started strong but fell hard IIRC. They got a boost from fat feminists who don't read comics, but they dropped off because they don't like comics. Once it became clear how hard they were going to push cringe SJW writing, most actual comic fans dropped it.
People will pay to see it still, its all shiny objects mixed with the marketing tactic of guilting people that if they don't see it, they rayciss or sexyist.
Doesn't matter how bad it is, how patronizing and insulting it is to browns and women that they can't have any stories or characters of their own, they just have to be the sloppy seconds of a superior white male character everyone loved and that made the franchise/character to a level that was popular to begin with. It's like a microcosm of the world. White man builds a great thing, browns and women claim it as their own and ruin it.
i really have no horse in the sjw-or-not race, i'm just saying that his reaction is a little bit sexist, which makes sense because he is acting as a strawman in that scene.
yes, that. But also because Disney bought up every single ticket for the front two rows of most major theaters.
what a choice!
>be a cheap knock-off tranny Thor that no one likes and die an emaciated husk
>be cured of deadly cancer
Real head-scratcher
based dobson
Wakanda does have a cure for cancer
Women were a mistake.
>Captain Marvel made a billion dollars guysh!
>No sequel
Disney pumped the box office for Captain Marvel to protect Endgame. They knew the movie was a stinker but they had to protect Endgame. The fact that there is not going to be a sequel is all the proof we need.
A random frog didnt grab mjolnir and turn into thor you idiot, Thor was turned into a frog but was still himself.
One thing about Hela and Thor Ragnarok that bugged me.
Asgard is a kingdom with a royal bloodline. Hela is the first-born.
Isn't Hela the proper ruler of Asgard the moment Odin dies? Why does she have to walk into Asgard and start murdering everyone? Just be like "Yo! I'm the first born of Odin. Bow before me!" and then everyone should be like. "Well. That is how monarchies work." and they bow and go about their lives.
why can't the west write female characters without shitting on the male ones?
Why can't someone just make an actual Norse mythology film. Like The Twilight of the Gods but without any modern nonsense added to it or faggot interpretation of it?
wtf are you smoking? there's a CM2 being produced.
>why can't the west write female characters without shitting on the male ones?
Liberals are anti-White and anti-male. Their beliefs are deconstructionist. It's not just about "representation" or whatever dumb excuse they have. It's about deconstructing masculine values. They want to erase the characters, just like they want to erase the values of Western Civilisation.
They confirmed a sequel already.
Just not until Phase 5.
Who wrote this shit?
Reminder that Female Thor’s comics sold poorly.
This. It's how Cap was able to summon lightning and shit.
>Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor
>the power of Thor
They say that now, but remember that even to this day Disney won't confirm that Solo 2 has been canceled, and they even tried to defibrillate it on Twitter with an astroturf hashtag. If there really was a Captain Marvel 2 in the works it would be in Phase 4.
That was still Thor just turned into a frog. Like do not read comics and scoop up random images to make terrible arguments?
The thing is I dont think Jason Aaron is the one making those calls. Its clearly Disney relling him to for big $$$$. Jason wrote one of the best Thor comics of ALL time, when thor brings himself from the past and future to fight Gorr the god butcher. THAT is the real Jason Aaron. I mean who came blame him when hes already qrote and masterpiece? Everything else is just icing on the cake for him.
imagine if we focused on real problems like actor exploitation (particularly children) but nah, all the outrage is about small problems like this
Source? Haven't seen any announcement for that.
It's not Female Thor. It was later confirmed that female Thor is Jane Foster.
>this is what americans look like
Anybody have that panel about that one guy who shows up to attack female Thor but the sjw who wrote that comic doesn’t know how to write and only know politics so gave the guy attacking female Thor a bunch dialogue of stuff about shitting on Islam?
They reviving Loki, Black Widow, and Mjolnir.
The plot is even more shit
They should revive Loki as a teenager like the comics did
Idk if you're thinking of this but have some [UNSOLICITED OPINIONS ON ISRAEL]
>Except it is literally "female Thor" and that's why people made a big deal out of it
It's like some dude getting Wonder Woman's powers and then being like, "I am now Diana of Themyscira, Daughter of Hippolyta!"
I remember this panel because Dobson using it as a response of Zelda Williams talking about coping with her father's death.
Right. And she's called Thor.
That's literally not how monarchies work though. It would be
>Yo! I'm the first born
Everybody else: "lol fuck off girl"
Monarchies had the first born SON in charge. She could only be in charge of Thor was dead.
>she was dying of cancer and being Thor than she’s been
isn't that deadpool backstory?
>I have cancer and it sux
>b-b-but de uder peepole wid de cancer
This is fucking garbage writing.
>Monarchies had the first born SON in charge. She could only be in charge of Thor was dead.
It depends on the customs of the kingdom. There are many different variations. Primogeniture is only one kind. You'd have to look at the laws of the land to know.
yeah, sometimes giving the people what they want will give you the big bucks
They do have it, but they don't share it. They also have ways to give everyone superpowers, but they don't give those out either. Heroes in both Marvel and DC fight to keep things exactly the same and fight any change whether it's good or bad. Best example was when Scott summers got Phoenix powers and was fixing the planet (ending world hunger, fixing the climate change, ending wars, etc) and they kept attacking mutants till Scott retaliated and they used that as proof he was a villain and kept trying to kill him.
Isn't she Thor for like a few months then fucking dies?
No they teased that, and when I decided to read after her supposed death to see if Thor was back, she was still alive and Thor was unworthy. She didn't have Thor's powers anymore though cause the hammer is stuck in the sun.
Doesn't Stormbreaker not have any special enchantment on it to give people powers if they are worthy though? How are they going to get around that one?
my sides kek
Ye it sold well at the start like most books also because Aaron was writing it (People jerk off to his god bomb run) it started to fell off/fluctuate, the secondary story were good but JaneThor was the weakest part of the book
>Marlel actually published this
>Wakanda actually has the cure for cancer, they just don't share it.
Damn niggers keeping white man down. Pay reparations!
I know most Marvel failure predictions have gone hilariously wrong becasue of the boundless ability of the normalfag to lap up mediocrity, but at the risk of being BTFO by billion dollar sales, this might do it, at least for future Thor movies. Not even because of backlash to social justice nonsense or anything. 90% of Thor's appeal is women finding him hunky, it's the same reason Twilight sold. Men clearly don't go to the movies for sexy chicks anymore, Marvel neutered their audience too much for that, and I doubt they would sexualize female Thor anyway for SJW reasons. So the main draw of these movies is getting thrown out the window. When name recognition and horny fangirls are about all you have, this could be a serious blunder for movies after the tradeoff.
this, except for sticking to Japanese, I don't know anythng about japankino
Reminder that Endgame is the perfect movie to close a chapter to, and you don't have to pay attention to anymore future marvel movies.
Wakandans are the ultimate niggers. They found a magical mineral that help them evolve and the first thing they did was to isolate themselves from the rest of the niggers. They developed weapons,medicine and vehicles far beyond the human imagination, and yet.they let their fellow africans starve, get enslaved and genocided.
And yet african Americans still believe that they are a role model. Fucking stupid niggers
>unsolicited opinions on israel
Portmanteaus were a mistake
Jesus FUCK how can this be real
dialed the woke knob all the way to 11
Why not Korean entertainment too
This was published like that? For fucking real?
>Oh boy, I'm sure all the normies are looking forward to female Thor in the movies!
they don't need normies.
these MCU movies make their money on Libtard incels paying to see each movie over a 100 times each and nigger charities buying out empty theaters.
>Seriously everyone I know is fucking hyped for this shit
Nobody I know in real life talks about this shit. They watch the movies and they might come up in conversation in the weeks after and that's it. I'm probably the only one who follows news like this among my friends making me a massive loser
>and you don't have to pay attention to anymore future marvel movies.
I'm not. People pretending to be hyped for those giant robot things is annoying as fuck.
It's magnificent how pozzed these guys are. I can't fathom living like that, having capeshit be a core part of my identity.
In that situation I would be praying for Spider-Man just so I could cover my face
Iron Man would work too.
>Marvel brand recognition
>Disney money and industry talent
>some leftist
>"see I told you diversity works Thorette made a bazillion dollars"
NP hasn't been in the series since the forgettable first thor films
How are they going to spin it so she becomes a major character out of fucking no where all of a sudden?
Combine with this please
Women get wet for Hemsworth but detest other women, it’s not going to be them going to see this utter shit, it will be men who cannot give up their Marvel fix.
Stfu you skate pant wearing Limp Bizkit fanboy.
This, it was Loki for me, I liked Odin too.
You comic book fans put up with such shit but it doesn’t work in the films.
>Only Cap is worthy of allll the Avengers to lift the hammer... oh and this boring farthead that nobody gave a fuck about in the first two films
The funny part is how smart Kevin Feige is handling it.
Phase 4 is going to underperform tremendously, so they already prepared to win back their hardcore audience with Fantastic Four and X-Men for phase 5.
Literally nobody gives a fuck about Eternals, it's going to be the MCU's first flop. The fact it's being propped up by a progressive cast has no bearing on this, but it'll be more damning when it does flop.
The only movie that sounds remotely interesting is the Doctor Strange movie, and that's only because after IW and Endgame Scarlet Witch really came into her own as a character. Having Strange and her in a more horrific action adventure is awesome if they can do it right.
The plot of the next Thor sounds godawful, but the guy that directed Ragnarok is coming back for it, so i'll give it a chance for that when it's ripped. Female Thor isn't even a bad idea, it's just fucking stupid and boring, and I really doubt Portmann will bring anything to the table for the role. Should've just given Mjlonir to Valkyrie
Literally scrub yourself out of existence you cringe fuck
>good writer
He brought us the worst MCU character in Valkyrie and makes everything look like a wacky Australian TV show. He’s shit.
>it's going to be the MCU's first flop
I’m a normie woman and I agree. I always preferred Loki but when Thor cut off the bad 90’s hair and then his electric battlefield entry in Infinity War. Omfg. I’m actually gutted they’re blackwashing and muffwashing all these characters and then blaming women, as if we want to see that shit! I will only watch Spider-Man I think, because he’s still very cute.
He’s a typical neurotic Jew who has a humongous grudge against white people but gets a boner for white men because he’s also gay.
I totally agree, it should have happened then
>black Spider-Man
It’s Bendis pandering of the worst kind, Peter Parker is Spider-Man and he’s white.
that can't be real, is that real?
Because I like some of the actors, the Japanese just cannot do it for me the way Evans, Holland, Hiddleston can. I’m increasingly just ignoring most things though, I didn’t watch Gifted because I cannot stand much more Jewish nepotism, pant shitter Jenny Slate is not an actress.
you have to worthy of wielding Mjolnir, not simply the son of odin
numerous other characters have in the comics
and marvels thor has little to do with norse mythology besides a few names
How come the only normal looking dude is outside the queue?
Hulk technically doesn't count because that was before they had the whole "system" they've been operating by down. You're right, just since they managed to organize everything, even Ant-Man did good.
We can dream
Agree, they’re pretending to be the nice guys but they’re just evil, subversive snakes
Peni Parker is Spider-man and she is white
here's a tip;
If it's a Marvel comic published after 2010 and it's ridiculous well beyond parody woke shit, then it's real
the entire industry is fucking fucked because 50% of the market had a gang of blue haired cunts hold it down while tyrone pumped a full pozz load right inside it while the other 50% keeps making stupid fucking mistakes
He's even got his head down so his face isn't captured along with the losers in line, kek
>redpill MRA filth
>unsolicited opinions on fucking Israel
this is a little too much to believe, even though it's real.
If she got fat you could call her Nathalie porkman.
Maybe your friend will quit being such a faggot and start working with his hands like a real man so he can actually contribute something to society, consider it a blessing.
more like Whor, amirite?
looks based with natalie in it in my mind. Besides, Marvel will improve this writing don't worry MCUbros. Imagine Thorshlag and be happy
natnat will save capekino