What the FUCK was his problem?
What the FUCK was his problem?
Chinlet rage
He's relentlessly handsome. I want to hug him relentlessly.
who was best girl?
'is dick dint work
SEVERE lack of my cum
And ten years later it's Jules.
Wanting to fuck his cute sister but not wanting to mess her up turned him into a psychopath that cared only about her
it's been a while that someone tongues him
An inability to give a good blowjob,
he was british
agreed user.
Remember that time he fucked with this guy and got BTFO beyond space and time?
It's crazy how the first Generation had so many talents that are now in Hollywood
The second generation had a couple
The third generation had none except the main girl who was already famous but is now a nobody
she's a mommy now
I second or effy.
you can’t just say that and not post pics
Now this guy deserved his own episode