HoH: Cliff
Veto: Jackson
Noms: Jack, Bella
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Cliff
Veto: Jackson
Noms: Jack, Bella
Previously on /bb/:
Other urls found in this thread:
>the one who actually models won the modeling competition
whose zebra dress is nicole wearing?
jackson eating
From left to right
>Cute rock-god look
>Badass southern boomer
>The dyke with the artful soul
>Bigger is better
>Animalistic sexuality
>Frumpy and gumpy
bog looking good for once
her own
she won so they didn't look like they were fat shaming
I hate that faggot
half of them are models casting found on instagram desu
bella gave it to her
good they're bringing up the gilligans island thing again. i'm glad some of the houseguests are just as frazzled as i am.
I just remembered that after I posted. hard to remember week 1 convos
i just remember that convo super well because it was the qutest she's looked
you also posted the only screenshot i took from that convo
would watch
i'm really starting to dislike holly.
the way she talks when she says like, say about Kat, "she's entitled." she says it with such an absolute confidence, and in a way where you can tell she is trying to point out that she's not like that negative quality. she thinks she's this perfect 'calm' girl for Jackson instead of the 'crazy' Kat, etc. she really peeves me off
OOoOooOo Billie Eilish discussion!!
Now I'm paying attention.
holly and kat know each other outside the house so she probably know what shes talking about to be fair
the main story of the whole thing is holly lost
jokers updated more in the last hour than they have all season
this is what the fanbases want to see
OOoOooOo Dani Daniels discussion!!
Now I'm paying attention.
point taken but i dont think its the only instance and even if it is, her condescending nature is offputting to me.
OOOoOooOo Jacks Cock discussion!!
Yo sis now i'm paying attention
Holly looking cyberpunk af
is this a meme i missed or something
Jackson trying to sneak in a finger blast
>It's like 4:30
>Nick: Is it? That's good. Yesterday at this time it was like 12.
Huh lol
everyone in that pic looks like they could be modeling for something except the "plus size model"
I hate them
nicole trying to walk in those heels lol
first time since she took the retarded kid to the jr prom
she took herself to jr prom?
BB21 winner looking good
She is not a crook
you can stop now
Help me help you
Do you use a mac or pc?
Let's assume mac, then it's extremely simple to make the switch:
I'm not suggesting it for us, I'm suggesting it for you, I can't imagine how sluggish your folders get while trying to look around - took me just 5 minutes to fix my own setup a few years back. Would recommend.
i could stream a netflix show with the amount of data pngfag has dropped in this thread
christie cliff nicole
christie misting nicole
christie babysitting nicole to vote out bella
is the show late again do to cuck island?
it's going to be on at 9pm until love island ends
cliff is such a fan he is loving watching mistie mist in real time in person. he doesnt even care if she wins
k, thanks
he’s doing it on purpose because he knows people don’t like it
not the guy spamming png files but why are png images baad?
cause the guy complaining has a 28.8k modem on his moms landline and using a windows me machine (also his moms)
It's just a huge filesize. My connection is fine but when I'm streaming and having multiple tabs open, clicking a png could sometimes take 3-4 seconds to load. I know that sounds menial but those seconds add up when we're talking about dozens, hundreds of images to view, and when you can already basically tell what's happening in the thumbnail, you're discouraged from bothering with it
Eh actually more like 1 full second sometimes; the principle still applies but it isn't a huge deal, not trying to argue about it or anything, just giving my 2 cents
>Alright user, I wanna backdoor my real target so I'm putting you up on the block as a pawn. Don't get worried though, you are NOT going home. I'm promising you that, you cool?
You'd be a pawn for your alliance, right /bb/?
I want to impregnate nicole.
>tfw they think they are funny and entertaining
i would just mist him by saying that zach has been talking shit about him again
sure man, battle of the block sounds like fun
I would do it for almost anyone except Devin
what if nicole votes jack out and gets everyone to blame jackson for doing another hinky vote
for the last time they dont have the votes
>Applies a light mist that sends him spinning out of control
because I'm not saving a cap of something that's 1.01MB when it could be 85KB png files are only good for text images anyway where jpg is for pictures
im not saying bella would stay. but nicole maybe could stir the pot if she does vote jack. and everyone would assume it was jackson fucking around again
they load slower and are at least 10x the size of a jpeg, if not 20x.
they’re not worth saving. because I usually try to save everything, I don’t want to waste hard drive space (which I have plenty of, it’s just saved for things that aren’t needlessly massive)
>mistie making fun of how dumb cliff is
cliff talking about targeting jackson next week to make christie happy to not use the power
mean spirited and unnecessary
>watching the LFC roundtable with derrick
>he said no one can convince him that kat is playing a good game and knows what she's doing
wtf I love derrick now
i would never be able to play in bb because i have urges to say nigger every now and then, anyone else feel the same?
I wouldn't want to let other HGs cut my hair
Just let it grow or cut it yourself bro
>do to
i was starting to think nobody was going to reply
i pretty much worry about this every day at work and i don't even say it ever
lol. nice. at first glance i thought it was just another .png and ignored it
but then it would look bad
im a head switching man myself.
is he, dare I say, /ourguy/ ?
I saved it but didn't leave a reply. sorry
i pick my nose and eat it
that's much more of a "oh fuck I did it" thing than accidentally saying a slur
and honestly i dont know what your boogers taste like but mine are delicious
fuck these cams
nice lol
the rockwall really did give them something to do when they are bored like this
it felt like they barely used it last season
>mfw nicole wins hoh tomorrow
lol tommy and christie are talking about jenkinson's I'm going there saturday
and then she gets threatened to go after nick and sam instead and she does it
fuck these cams still
look at love island keeping n-bombs like amateurs
>mfw this happens
i dont watch love island but im sad for winston bros
winston lost lol
>too scared to come play again without BOB
no one can convince me that Derrick isn't a scared little bitch
what happened? did he get evicted or some shit? i dont watch love island lol
I almost missed the beginning of BB because I wanted to make sure not to turn on that fag show at all
he said he would do an allstars season if they were actual good players competing against him
there was a vote between which girl will stay and they evicted the girl who winston was vibing with
you can get a cameo from zach for $45. worth?
Holy shit, Winston is done.
danny mcbride is only $45 on cameo?
shelby gave me shitdick
My last name is Mcbride, think I could book Danny to flex and pretend I have famous relatives?
*wins bb21*
cliff bout to save this terrible season
just like i said, scared little bitch
Christie > Derrick
it would be our third straight lgbt winner yaas
seriously the first thing they're gonna show is the fag crying?
>Someone needs to make a big move
Oh no no no
cue the blubbering faggot
Bog putting her pageant skills to use damn
Cliff made this season terrible.
based jack show getting the sympathy edit
oh wait....
What does she think the power is for? Is she just going to sit on it?
Bella and Cliff can go fuck themselves.
based nick
>singlehandedly cleans the house of all shitskins
>You are a BB legend
okay the producers are just trolling us now
kill cliff
Like a 80s commercial I love it
lmao editing it like they didn't volunteer
>hijacks your hoh without a power
What was the worst have not room in BB history?
worst in what terms? worst for HGs?
the bumper cars
the dentist seats
oh big corey trying to squeeze himself into those shits
Being an actual punishment. most of the Have not rooms I have seen haven't been that bad.
>an actual padded chair is the worst bed ever
He deserves it
What's the point of these retarded ass twists if none of the HG ever use it like they are playing fucking rpgs. This game is getting silly and unplayable without haxes.
>stupid game shaking "twists" that no one ever uses because they want to sit on them the whole game
>week one alliance composed of 8 or 10 people who always win because they coast on two strong players
>weak-willed babies who cry whenever they are put on the block
this poor guy
spiral room in bb14
bb12 then. they got lawn chcairs
What the fuck...How do you sleep here. do the chairs go back?
fuck i forgot about this. no wonder they were racist that season
spikey bed room wouldve been the worst but they let them put pillows over it
>Attend North Carolina
>End up on Big Brother
I forgot Holly was even here.
those were awesome
they would only suck if you were a giant
oh look tommy did his gay two hands to cover his face overreaction at a ceremony again
not being able to straighten my legs would completely prevent me from sleeping
I am a giant, I am fucked.
>good job jack
Sam is saving this season where Cliff destroyed it.
If they let me have blankets that actually looks comfy as fuck
Cliff is the worst HOH in history
>i love you
I love cold rooms, works for me. If I get a tiny, thin sheet, even better.
This is awful, I would rather be in that insane asylum padded cell have not room.
>Cliff is the worst HOH in history
bayleigh says hi
He is the worst HG in history
so all that needs to happen is christie not use her power and we good!
he's not even doing worse than nick's HOH
well that power got wasted
what are we supposed to watch them do?
they not gonna show the moon alien segment right?
It was always kinda shit next to the other powers
This. Nick managed to evict nobody and his week was a total clusterfuck that ended his own game.
no because cliff disappointed them
have sex
thot slayer sam was based. what you talking bout
Eh I mean he's the main target this week if his alliance doesn't win veto. The power is just kind of shit in general.
>I know
you are wrong
Nick thought he was in an alliance though. Cliff knows the Six Shooters hate him.
>blindsides production and manages to evict someone during "wasted" HOH week
>bad HOH
haters gonna hate
its literally the roadkill comp
a lot of new comps this year
Post Cliff's feet.
oh, right. derp
bimbo's titties sittin right
Tough comp but I kinda like it
Look at that body language. everyone shying away from bella. dead woman walking
i'm enjoying watching kat undress
cliff is pretty high iq in this comp
dad bod, my ass
more like lard bod
litty comp
Kat is trying to make me lose what little religion I have.
lets go bimbo!
Too bad we didn't get to see Jessica do this challenge
hope jack or jackson wins
I said that on saturday
Nice one Jack
Jack is retarded, he is just like movie Aquaman.
lol jack sucks
i dont spend every waking hour here you neet feedfag, i only come here 3 days a week
all of anals dr's are about her looks lol
Jack so confident he literally threw this comp
It’s the jack show
will you be my bf?
analice is pure
*throws comp in your path*
nice butt
>anal's butt is too big for the pants
I'm not a neet :)
reminder jack gets to fuck that big butt
holy shit most of them are awful at this comp
>wins Bug Brother
yeah nah she based
holy shit sam is a fucking idiot lmao
Anal is a dumb slut.
I like short girls my friend.
What the fuck is wrong with Sam? Did he just have the worst time?
michie is such a hunk
no one said she wasn't based, but her hoh wasn't
I member
but I do spend every waking hour here
too much speed fried his brain
I think this is one of the challenges that I could actually do really well.
CBS needs like a theme park where they host BB challenges for folks to do.
yeah she used that HOH to win Bug Brother. how is that not a good thing?
Taking off your jacket and shirt at the same time
Wow big brain jackson
>When you're so based you can just disregard the rules of the comp
I had this epiphany a few months ago. Also when I'm home alone I like to pick at my ass crack. Nothing wrong with doing it in privAcy, but I know if I was on the show I would forget more thAn once
that's not how she won bug brother lol
jack is campaigning to jess on the feeds
The sad thing is that compared to the rest of the house that's not even a bad description.
Three interracial couples being pushed in less than an hour. CBS is going for extra good boy points today.
what the fuck is bug brother?
? what rule was violated.
>inb4 the last time is the winner
Jack or Jackson, which one just won?
he went last and thats the order theyre revealing it in
Kat is cringe
you can't inb4 something that's already in the OP
>sam got based aura evicted
fuck that cunt and she is the worst HoH
Jackson needs to fuck Kat, I need to jerk it to that.
Is Jack the most unlikable non black that has ever been on the show?
he has
Makes sense that Jackson would be better at taking his cothes off real quick
even though needing to win a veto to ensure your safety is literally checkers
i dont watch the feeds... so ya
how convenient
where my /chessnotcheckers/ bros at?
You either use the power or you need to get out of the alliance.
based jess panting after coming up to the HN room
sorry i am more of a /tangledwebweweave/ gentleman myself
I will cum on you.
Not even the worst non-black on this season. Nick is managing to ruin every cam he's on.
No that’s scotty
Christie fake crying again for camera time.
Any know the record for veto wins in a single season?
classic butterface
neurotic bitch is neurotic
t. envious girl
I am gonna need some clips, my dick needs this.
I love THE JACK SHOW don't know what you're on about
"Blood on my hands" is such a stupid thing to be afraid of in the pre jury
get it yourself
pre feeds
Christie's eyes are so pretty in the DR
who sip and watch here?
so don't use the power, Christie
paint a huge target on your back
If Christie doesn't want to use her power to save her alliance member, what's the point of her being on the fucking alliance? She isn't a comp beast, she has nothing to offer if she can't even offer her loyalty.
5, record holders - Kaycee, Dani Donato on BB8, probably somebody else
>only 10 minutes to show cliff being a cuck
cam 3/4 june 24th 1:13am BBT
Everything Jack says makes me cringe though. His "humor" is awful and always has a narcissistic tone to it
cant wait for bbc island next season
>what is edition?
Seriously, what's the deal with her jowls? She's not nearly chubby enough to have that much face fat. I actually kind of like her slightly pudgy body
the proof is in the rice pudding
A day before my birthday, I guess I was drunk as fuck.
just you bro
excessive pussy eating
Yeah he's an ass, but he's nowhere near the monster twitter/reddit have made him out to be.
cliff the cuck
Fuck you Cliff
>cliff is a superfan
>guaranteeing himself jury makes him a cuck
GOOD move Cliff
BB is a marathon, not a sprint
Use the fucking power you dumb bitch.
yeah, Cliffie is falliing for this
It's annoying for sure, but I actually find his direct narcissistic attitude far more bearable than the whiney passive aggressive hive mind mentality of most millenials/zoomers. I wouldn't like being talked to like a child because I left a water bottle in the fridge, but It's better than nobody telling me about it and slowly boiling up a massive shitstorm while talking shit about me behind my back because of it.
When the six put up Clifford next week I will die laughing
too bad, i kinda like this asian
and there it is
race card played
>not just saying "use it or I put you next to Jack."
Why do people always cuck to crazy Vanessa types?
Does she think she can cash the power in at the end of the game for cash? Fuck this whore.
>put up nick and nicole
>sam wins veto takes off nick
>cliff goes up and home
Probably. Cliffamania is over next week.
Shit strat, the pro move would have been just putting her on the block next to Jack with the power in her pocket.
>Votes to evict Christie
>Votes to evict Jack
It wouldn't be hard to convince the house to flush Christie and get rid of her power.
if you want jack out you put up kat
nick+bella+sam+nicole+jess+you gets jack out
kat sees the 6 will turn on her in a second
kino move
fuck you nigger I ain’t cringe ya ding dong
please understand
/bb/ is welcoming to all races and genders
we do not use n-bomb
if you're trolling fuck off
if you're a black person, dont use it here