What are some good plotless movies? Like, "Movies where nothing happens"...

What are some good plotless movies? Like, "Movies where nothing happens". I'd like to make my own but I'm not sure how to do it right.

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most of the MCU flicks

The Simpsons Season 11 Episode 5

no such thing as a plotless movie, there are only movies casuals can't follow

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Every movie has a plot by virtue of it being a movie.


you want to make one, but you don't know of any?

Citizen Kane. I'll save you 2 hours of sitting through this ass-numbing snoozefest: his sled is "rosebud" and it gets tossed in a fire without anyone figuring out what the fuck he was talking about.

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Has a plot.

Ebin b8 aside, it still has a plot.

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Has a plot.

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I do not recall a plot.


Un Chien Andalou.

Pic related.

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trying to get to the virgin in time before she fucks the aids guy is a plot.

You must not have paid attention.

Inside Llewyn Davis

Julian Donkey Boy.

Last Year at Marienbad may or may not have had a plot. It's the shrödinger's cat of plots.


Killer of Sheep
The Brown Bunny
The Passenger
Before Sunrise

Bicycle Thieves

today I will remind them

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every tsai ming-liang film

