What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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literally nothing it's kino
Yeah in a so bad its good way
because everything went wrong
will smith
is dis sum su sy skwa
Slipknot, the man who can climb anything!
they saw GoTG
that fucking boring boomer ruins everything
Sloppy editing.
>violates the show don't tell rule
>is edited like a extended trailer with some scenes literally having no point, built up or end
>weird character changes out of nowhere (El Diablo randomly decides those bunch of assholes he knows for 10 hours max are his family)
>literally just has music playing over the scenes who don't even fit
Somewhere into that is probably at least an average movie, but in the form I watched it in cinema (at least I got laid after) it's one of the worst movies ever made and not enjoyable to watch.
seriously, what were they thinking hiring her?
I genuinely like it and think it's underrated.
But the scale of the threat the team faced was way disproportionate to the team's mission statement.
Enchantress and her boy toy was a Wonder Woman/Shazam/Superman scale threat.
they weren't
t. retarded stupid fuck
The design and powers are fine and cool but she is REALLY not attractive enough to pull it off.
Someone exotic like Priyanka Chopra would have been magnificent.
what the fuck is she doing
I don't get it.
harley+joker+cara were PERFECT
everything else were useless filler that ruined the whole thing. there's no need to shoehorn american military bullshit in a superhero movie
people like you exist how?
no survivors
She was so bad they had to have her dubbed over in her "powered up" form (which is 90% of her screentime)
They were all dreadful.
brainlets will never understand Suicide Squad.
too bad James Gunn will make it pure cringe
you ever notice these tryhards never actually name something supposedly "kino" about SS?
Trying to be Guardians of the Galaxy
>They actually did this
By not being blatant homosexuals such as yourself. Have sex, tranny.
grow some taste faggot.
Grow some tits, tranny.
List your top 5. All cuckman tier trash.
It was bad
Instead of maniacally psychotic Joker and Harley we got angsty love-sick teenagers.
They hired a shitty director.
I don't understand why she insists on not taking acting classes.
>got laid
Pffft ya right.
ayer has done good work, but WB did most of the directing on this movie.
they put the joker in it for no reason at all
It fails at every basic aspect of filmmaking.
Rushed script and poorly edited by a shook studio
shoehorned will smith. if you edit him out, it becomes 15 minutes of pure Harley-Joker kino
the only reason it didn’t suck
>it didn’t suck
but it sucked
the fire guy was a total pussy
joker was lame
boring all around
Not enough re-shoots. I don't think three opening sequences is redundant at all and would have loved if the entire movie was just montages of pop songs and the characters in jail.
everybody was hyped for a solo harley movie, and we got a lame nigger leaded team instead
as much sorry it was still bad but he was good
>everybody was hyped for a solo harley movie
>suicide squad
yeah, no one thought it was a solo harley movie unless they were fucking retarded
trailer was 90% harley, and audiences LOVED it
still today, nobody knows who the fuck are the other people, save for based joker which was barely an extra on this mess
you're making a lot of generalizations. Funny how you can speak for everyone.
So fucking cool.
Best joker, heathbar legger is shit.
It is trying to be like three different movies. The editing is horrible. The music is overused, on the nose, and comes off like the film is trying way too hard to have a personality. The plot and character arcs are flawed in massive ways. This team would be better suited for taking on Calendar Man than Enchantress.
>The single SS Flash scene is better than the entirety of Flash in JL
That's how terrible the quips in JL were
This is Katana.
They let a fucking trailer house edit the entire movie, so every character gets introduced TWICE, each time with some annoying fucking song.
>It ain't me starts playing
>he's fapping to animation
1st trailer was kino, tbhwyf
pretty sure the editing guys did their best with all that will smith bullshit they were forced to include
why are you so fixated on will smith? He wasn't shoehorned in last minute.
No shit, good editing can make any trailer good.
Hobbes and fucking Shawe has a good trailer, Rise of the Skywalker has a good trailer. That doesn't mean those people should edit the whole film.
>here's some random songs
is like her bosy from the neck down animated? it seriously looks like they just CG'd her entire body
literally all of her is CG, it's a mocap performance
No, it's all real except the magic smoke
honestly one of the better capeshits that hollywood has squeezed out in the past 15 years.
of course the main problem it suffers from is youtube.com
lol no
Slipknot, the man who can destroy anything.