Suppose the Witcher becomes as big as Game of Thrones. Do you think the cast is prepared to handle that level of stardom, especially those coming from relative obscurity?
Suppose the Witcher becomes as big as Game of Thrones...
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isn't she too old for him
can't stop watching this webm even tho it makes me feel like shit because of >ywn reasons
>Suppose the Witcher becomes as big as Game of Thrones
Never going to happen
>Suppose the Witcher becomes as big as Game of Thrones
No I don’t suppose that
Claire's kinda hot, I;d fuck her
i wish i was henry cavill
Cavill is a God
With a budget and some creative integrity, The Witcher had every chance to become as big as Game of Thrones. Bigger, after that late game quality dip.
With Netflix? Haha, fuck no. It'll be lucky to see season 3, and fans will be lucky if it doesn't see season 2.
To answer your question, I don't think the extra stardom would expose Cavill as Hollywood's top cunny man or anything.
>creative integrity
What does this mean? No black people?
>Suppose the Witcher becomes as big as Game of Thrones
It can't be. Part of GOT's appeal tied into the show being a big "Sunday event" on a cable channel and it grew on parallel with the rise of streaming. I see it reaching, at best, the popularity of its cousin Stranger Things (which is 'big' but nowhere near GOT big). Nothing more.
>What does this mean? No black people?
This is difficult to discuss honestly, because some knuckle dragger will come in here and start dropping racial slurs, and then everyone on "my side" gets painted with the same brush. This isn't helped by the number of people that seem to see racism under their bed at night.
I wouldn't say "no black people", but certainly don't make an adaptation of an existing IP, where the characters have existing physical descriptions, and then cast people that fly in the face of that.
In the broadest sense, creative integrity means doing whatever is best for the story being told, and what builds the best setting for the viewer. Out of place preach-casting doesn't really fit that bill. It doesn't do anything for the story, it doesn't build a better setting, and in fact I'd argue it makes the setting feel more artificial by introducing something so clearly (and cynically) aimed at real world "woke" tweeter types. It's sort of like blatant product placement in terms of its effect on atmosphere and audience buy-in, only instead of lasting for a scene, it stretches throughout the entire series.
But the important thing to remember is that it isn't just the one thing, or that the casting and the "smash the patriarchy" tweets don't exist in a vacuum, but rather that they all coalesce and form a kind of bad indicator for the show as a whole. When you see a disregard for world building, especially in a genre like this, it's kind of like seeing a restaurant with dirty floors. Dirty floors, dirty kitchen. The "message" was more important than the setting, that same message was more important than storytelling.
Won't touch Stranger Things or GOT. Those are both shows that where just made as shows based on what decent creators wanted, they didn't expect them to be the big hits they became.
The Witcher is a cynical cash grab. Get a popular IP cheap by basing it on the the books when the games are what made it popular but one's a minor author, others one of the most popular gaming studios today. Other is get a bunch of diversity hires so you can appeal to people outside the original demographics and market on the controversy.
A good example of authentic behavior of the time ruined by that sort of thing is when Robb smacks Cersei across the face and it's not this shocking "how could he hit a woman" moment that NuWriters would make it. It's just something a man may donation the time if a woman speaks out of line.
The Witcher game involved rape and similar scenarios because the world outside of the magical background elements was an attempt at realistic portrayal of what war was like.
Still can't believe costumes like this have made it into a professional production.
Amazes me too, looks like something out of Power Rangers
Those can’t be real
The story quoted in the Yea Forums post is debatable, although I find it believable.
The armor picture, and the twitter profiles of the writers and showrunner are all legitimate, however. Which is what lends credibility to the story, in my mind. But regardless of whether you believe that story, the indisputable fact is that the bad guys are dressed as a dick, in a show being written by self described patriarchy smashers.
Really sounds like the makings of a quality production, doesn't it?
nailed it
How big is he?
Bigger than you I promise
Something will fill the void but I don't think it will be this
Fuck niggers
Shows don't get as big as Game of Thrones very often, I don't see that happening especially given the budget they seem to be working with. Looks like trash.
When you say ignorant and racist things, you make it easier for "they" to dismiss valid concerns as alt-right this, neo-nazi that, etc.
What does creative integrity mean when we discuss Black Panther or Mulan or Aladdin? Why is representation of all races so scary? You might be a bigot honestly.
this is the hollywood version of bait. any negative response can be deemed racism and fuel their divisive agenda.
>What does this mean? No black people?
yes just like the source material. ideally it should be all polish desu
I think we can all agree that GoT took an extreme nose dive once women started paying attention to it.
Watch the trailer its at about 1:08 minutes in.
Still kind if mad that they cast a character thats described as being pale as fuck and looking similar to yen (in fact thats why geralt bangs her) as the blackest baboon they could find. If they did it to characters that could conceivably be from one of the southern regions, and where their look did not have any relevance in the story I would not have a problem to be quite honest.
6'2 which isn't super tall but guys got serious guns
some of these are not accurate
>show takes place in fantasy feudal poland
>I know, let's incorporate as many skin tones as possible
you're braindead
extreme creative license and suspension of disbelief are mutually exclusive
>using God as an example
>isn't super tall
>4 inches above the average for white men
>even higher than the global average
Cast Melissa McCarthy as Mohamed, and you'll see why.
The chances of that happening are about as big as me becoming the next emperor of china.
I don't know all i wathc is the 100
Not necessarily. The evidence shows that everyone really loves diversity entertainment.
If you're not 6'7 with blood clots covering your legs and severe blood pressure problems you are a literal manlet
>with blood clots covering your legs
henry doesn't have that tho
No shit. Are you disabled?
I think you took my bait there buddy. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy inherent in the argument against an-all White cast while at the same time other movies are praised for their "cultural accuracy".
Saw the trailer. Casting was a serious mistake, not even going to bother to watch it.
Could have grabbed some decent eastern European actors. The link is not the perfect cast, but much better than what we got
The Bloody Baron is not in the books, which is what they are adapting you fucking brainlet.
What might have been.
Would have been a great cast if Netflix wasn't so pozzed.
Not convinced that Zach could pull Geralt off desu.
Yes it looks retarded but I was talking about acting and not the cucked netflix garbage costumes you absolute nigger.
not against a black Ariel, but why not get a hot black chick?
That was the best example, you fag.
"Woke" women despise attractive women.
>that medallion
This could have been great.
Yea if it had been done by a company that is not fucking netflix and a writing team that is not headed by a lying fucking cunt,
Are you stupid?
>Suppose the Witcher becomes as big as Game of Thrones.
lol i stopped right there
I wanna fuck that Claire Higgins
What's his super power?
I thought he’s only 6”? That guy can’t be the same height with adam driver
I'm totally fine that redheads are replaced with blacks. Better blacks than reds.
God also isn't real, and where is the evidence that this jewish sandnigger is white?
The trailer is already better than GoT
Blacks will eat goat ass for $25, fuck off.
useless non baskeball lanklet detected.
6'2 is the kino height for everything
make çunnies legal
David as Dandelion would have been incredible. Makes me sad knowing this will never occur.
....Did you just call him king Robert, Bobby B... 'Robb'.
That medallion looks exactly like how it is described in the books, which is what the series is based off.
This is who they got to play Cahir...
fuck that suit looks like it maybe too heavy for him let alone a suit of armor.
Henry is a manspreadding misogynist.
>Ciri eyeing the prize
They are
Your right, he is barely 6'. Maybe hes 6'2 in shoes?
What a fucking Chad, god i wish i looked like that
the elves are niggers now
those aren't elves you retard
Poison immunity, cat-like reflexes.
Can't knock up girls, immune to STDs
no fucking way
You sound like a cuck. You're scared to call them out for purposefully contributing to the destruction of traditional western values and the genocide of white people, so you dance around it with technicalities. But in the end, they keep on fucking with ip's by forcing their agendas into them.
>...uh, excuse me. I don't mean to sound like a racist or anything, but maybe you could stay true to the original ip?...o-o-ok, sorry I bothered you, I'll just go back to watching my wife get fucked by the neighborhood Bull.
The only problem with the casting is that they casted too few dark skin black women.