Any movies for this feel??
Any movies for this feel??
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the last american virgin
Around chinks...
Sure is worth risking your life for kikes huh user
Well, she was surprised indeed.
There're 2 Chinese men for every 1 Chinese woman, so the women can pick and choose. Many of them fuck white and black guys too. That's why many Chinese men go to Africa and marry African women.
t. depressed Chineseanon
Gone Girl
How about women are whores, period
Literally Il Mare
That is hilarious. As a white man I need to go to China.
Man what a fucked up society, historically it has always been the opposite due to war. Fucking commies.
Come to east Europe abd get mad pussy,, comrade
Military wives and girlfriends are some of the easiest fucks you can get outside of renting a whore. What did the dumb fuck expect would happen whilst he's off playing soldiers for months on end?
The disparity is 30 million, or about 2.5% of the population. The real problem is that China's entering the late golden area period of the cycle, where the women become stuckup whores before the latest collapse.
Man, I wonder how horrible the backlash against Chinese boomers is going to be when they're inevitably confronted by a generation of pissed of incels because they aborted all the girls.
Nothing to do with commies, China's population was exploding, they needed some kind of incentive to limit the population, so you get the one child policy. The population is at fucking 1.3 billion right now even after having that policy. The men outnumbering women is because people would rather have a son than daughter.
correction 1.4 billion right now
this site has been reduced to posting screenshots of facebook clickbait made by chinks
>carrying on your family name or having a girl
do you think the faggot forgiven her?
Wait, it just went up to 1.5 billion 2 minutes ago.
>raising an incel or raising property for another man
I love that he puts the teddy head back to hide the tears
Dumb and Dumber.
Yeah, in the last thread you posted faggot
He probably cimmited suicide.
Don't be sad, user. My bf is an asian guy and I really love him! You'll find someone.
t. tranny
yeah i know a few JAVs for this feel. But instead of "another man" it's her son
Is that him? Cringe as f u c k
>a few
their retirement plan is living off their kid's earning... and well, the wage gap is not limited to the decadent west