No, I'm Dunheir

>No, I'm Dunheir
What did he mean by this? What did Nolan mean by this? Why suddenly reveal the name of such disposable character?

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>a jew clown
What did Nolan mean by this?

Quality thread

it's called foreshadowing, dumbass.

Dunheir is a criminal in a clown mask, and hubris is his downfall.

The Jokester is a criminal in clown paint, who believed he could outsmart the Bat Man, of all people.

its poetic, really.


The actual line was "No, I'm Dunkirk", as a little foreshadowing for Nolan's later movie, but the actor couldn't pronounce the word take after take, and they were forced to leave it as is.

>mom, I posted it again

>its funny because hes playing dumb

Fun Fact, the actor was later found out to be a vehement nazi supporter and fucked up the line on purpose

He says “I’m done here”, meaning his role in the heist had been completed and that the other guy could kill him now. He wanted to commit suicide but apparently couldn’t do it himself

tale of hubris right at the onset. Here we see a guy who's so full of himself. He boasts that he can work around any problem, because 'He's Dunhier', the legendary thief.

However, almost immediately after his first appearance, he is nonchalantly shot in the back. It really delivers Nolan's message about escalation perfectly; the low life criminals in Gotham have no respect, even for other criminals and their previous merits.

Even Dunhier, with all his skills, is expendable.

With all of this said, though, there's still an even more important question at large that remains unanswered.

Is Dunkirk the spiritual successor to Dunhier?

Attached: dunheir.jpg (1024x576, 90K)

Hugh Briss

Y'all weird smfh

Nolan is such a genius, jeez.

Joe Kerr
Adrian Kerr

Best meme of Yea Forums.

Honest question, why did the other school buses not question the rouge school bus entering their convoy?

The worst part is the school bus. Bus drivers will tattle on each other live on tbe radio for anything.

Yeah that was pretty stupid

>Masketta Man
>Nomor Dedcawps

I see a pattern here

Delet this.

Attached: 15-Nolan.w330.h330.jpg (330x330, 30K)

>Flight plan lists me, Maimen, Dr. Pavleer, Button Lee, Huan of Yu

Is this a nod to some obscure comic book characters? These people are never mentioned again in the movie

What kind of a name is that?

It's Dunnhier, you idiot.

Dunkirk is a prequel. In the post credits he's revealed as Dunheir's father.

Apathetic drivers unfulfilled in their careers and personal lives.

They were all driven by clowns that the Joker later killed.


>Dun-heir as in he's an heir.
Genius really

heir is not pronunced "here"

You called?

Attached: Durnehviir.jpg (600x337, 57K)

mispronouncing words is a signature in nolan's batman films, just as rah's al ghul was mispronounced in batman begins.

It's Dunnhier. Otto von Dunnhier.

Maybe they were colorblind

The rest of ya'll know

Say hello to Milo fring

Direct reference to the chinese sweatshops that made CIA’s clotheses

So they thought it was just a normal bus covered in bank dust?

But what about Theàbüss D'Rýveir?

He's a german? Damn, what's the history behind this man's family?

>Heez Outrite

Why would he say his name in such a dangerous situation?

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A cheese baron, and actual baron. 300 years of cheese domination in eastern Bavaria. Til it all went belly up in the mold wars of 1978. Then he emigrated to become a a bank robber for the next 30 years until his untimely death.

>The Jokester is a criminal in clown paint
But really, it's society that's the joke for turning him that way.

Quality thread.

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>Dunheir? I'm Mist Herr Rowbaut

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Pretty amateurish of McKenna to give away the names of himself and his crewmate like that

>Jesse, I’m finally breaking... bad luck I guess.



There was a school tour of a gaping hole in the side of the bank that day so they just thought it was that bus. As everyone also knows, the only thing that is above the law is a convoy of school buses so they could not be all pulled over and checked either.

>5 shares is plenty
>6 shares. Don't forget Degai, Hupla and Deyov
Wouldn't that be 8 shares? Where did Nolan learn to count?

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>Where's Leonard Dukount?
Wait, so there's another bank-robber? Would that one be the bus driver?

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clowns were driving each bus duh

why do you think they left a gap?

Where did you learn, Tucount?

How come they never touched upon Ewan Yafrenzaded ever?

Who WERE they stealing from?

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>Do you know who you're stealing from? Jr. Franz R. Dedd!


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>You got any idea who you're stealing from? Yuanya Frenzaded

Who could that possibly be?

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Franz Dedd, son of Franz Dedd, son of Ewar Dedd.

>all these shitty attempts at making the new Dunheir meme

When did get filled with teenagers? Oh, right, always

Somebody get this hothead outta here.

>I'm Amanda Meiwurd.
Nolan, ahead of his time as always, with the perfect commentary on the transgender community. The Joker is so insane that he actually believes that simply declaring himself to be a woman, "Amanda," makes him one. This would be impossible to pull off in today's climate.

Attached: Amanda Meiwurd.png (1201x808, 911K)

Newfag trash gtfo

>depicting a transgender hitting a straight white man
Nolan truly doesn't know limits.

Funny. He told me something similar

Best response I’ve seen in one of these threads

>will my reddit thread work on le epic chans too? Let me find out!

stunning and brave

He is showing that every criminal is a real person with a real name. No different from you and I. Same with the mask. It is the opposite of the Joker character who's face is the mask.