Nolan's best film, discuss.
Nolan's best film, discuss
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Enjoy yourself at Area 51 sweaty
it's nolan's best film, there's nothing left to discuss
I know the ADHD might get too much sometimes but try to talk about film on a board that's meant for it every now and then. Your teddies are probably done by now.
I'd like to discuss why you discussed it while saying there was nothing to discuss.
Inception is his best original and Interstellar his best overall.
But there is so much to discuss, how it gets outshined by Inception and the TDK trilogy while this remains an unappreciated gem.
why do so many people on Yea Forums think the machine worked?
were they not watching closely? Nolan literally spells it out for you
Both of those are mediocre, Prestige is at least decent.
It is just me or there were two Bruce Waynes but no Batman in this movie? Why Wolverine didn't use his claws to save drowning woman? Strange superhero movie.
Yes yes, what a hack because Yea Forums told me so.
not bad except for shite sci fi ending
Inception and Interstellar are both good films even though people like to shit on them but the themes and the overall story arcs in The Prestige are done in a much better way. Inception could be summed up as an elaborate, mind heist-thriller and Interstellar as a story about (yes it's a meme) the connection of love and a story about the new human frontier but theres something about The Prestige where the characters are much more fleshed out and realized.
Dubtrips confirm it, great movie but the ending drags it down
In Inception the exposition makes half of the film and despite the constant explaining the film breaks its own rules right after that. The characters talk like robots and not human beings. Why was there gravity in the third dream level? The gravity was supposed to go from level to another that's why when the van is falling the hotel loses its gravity. This means that the last level was also supposed to lose its gravity. The film uses characters as mouthpieces to spout exposition instead of showing us things. Show don't tell, film is a visual medium (this is a problem with lot of his films). The heavy chunks of exposition are really clunky. The film is all gray and beige. Nolan is green and red colourblind so he shoots everything in darker tones because darker=gritty. No it doesn't you hack, use some other colours.
the stupid portal/replicator thing is so physically impossible that it maks the movie unenjoyable.
it was good up until then
I thought the last 20 minutes were great, but everything before that was ok. Memento was a bit better.
It's a bit like John Huston's The Man Who Would Be King, albeit set in the world of show business. Not sure if it's true to the book or not?
Holy shit youre a fucking retard, if you actually believe Prestige is anything more than a typical 2000 era plot-twist flick with great acting, great score and great plot twist.
Thats it. Inception redefined a dead genre and Interstellar is not a film, its an experience of space exploration in a pseudo-realistic Hollywood setting. It was made for the people who genuinely wished they could explore the galaxy. It wasnt made for the jaded cunts who pretend to critique a film of adventure with critique-laden wannabe cinephile jargo.
So fuckoff and die.
>Inception redefined a dead genre
>In Inception the exposition makes half of the film
Stopped reading there.
Not surprised you dont know what Im talking about.
I agree but that's not the point of it even if it is hard to ignore it's more about Tangiers obsession with finding out the secret of the trick and to outdo him in some way. As the film goes on he becomes unhinged and considers the possibility of using something close to magic (science) to outdo Borden. Because that's what their rivalry atleast on Tangiers part boils down. It's not about the machine although it speaks to Tangiers obsession and determination to beat Borden. It's a monument to what Tangier is. Were you watching closely?
Nolan hasn't made a good film
The Prestige and Inception are the the best films that characterize Nolan himself. He is far more in his element in these films because of the subject matter.
Dunkirk is his most kino
>Not surprised you dont know what Im talking about.
I'm not surprised either, I don't typically converse with people who know nothing about film.
I haven't seen the films I'm about to mention but Gravity and The Martian were well recieved weren't they? Or do they not count because they are in the solar system. Fuck off retard.
I liked this character but cant seem to find pictures of him online.
>how bout a magic trick?
>sci-fi ending
The prestige was that he had a twin brother sweaty
It's true. Maybe even 75% he spoonfeeds audience instead of using any kind of visual storytelling. Nolan is literally exposition the director. All of his films consist of people explaining the plot because he doesn't trust his audience. His characters are non existent and serve only as mouthpieces to spout exposition and explain the plot. The funniest thing about this is the mechanics the plot has and the rules the film set up are usually broken with few minutes. So the whole exposition was useless because he doesn't even keep his own rules. He can't direct action to save his life. His films use the same colour palette because he is green and red colour blind. He is overreliant on music to conjure any type of emotion and his level of visual storytelling is 0. Show don't tell you fucking hack. He makes films for people who only watch blockbuster garbage and he makes them in a way where they think they are intelligent for getting it. They are not, everything is explained and his films are not that complicated. That being said Dunkirk was a step in right direction.
Yeah but were there some proofs beforehand ? You know how in the Usual Suspects or Fight Club watching the movie a second time makes you see shit you didn't at the first sight. It's been a long time since I watched The Prestige, but, I don't recall seeing any proofs left by the filmmaker to show us anything ?
How did Inception redefine a genre? Mind-twist movies? Nolan had been doing them including the one in op's post, heist movies? Fucking please. You're a retard spitting the dummy because the one that did the best before TDK and his recent films arent getting a thread every fucking day. Cry harder
Borden's brother shows up quite a bit throughout the film albeit with a disguise but usually something important or dialogue that continues the main plot is happening so you arent focused on whatever he was masquerading to be.
What do you think of Formalist directors? Especially aphoristic filmmakers like Bresson, who will have the actor read a line and then demonstrate what we've just heard visually.
That's not true. It's not like when he kills the lady in L'Argent and then throws the axe in water he says. Now i have killed and i have thrown my murder weapon in water. Bresson and Nolan have nothing in common.
>fighting over a woman.