How excited are you for the third?
Ghostbusters thread
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Why can't I see what's under that spoiler?
there's been almost zero information released, so I have almost zero interest right now
it's unhealthy to endlessly speculate and build up something that won't come out for years
>J-Jason...? Why are we shooting all my scenes first?
>This proton pack is getting heavy...
>Do we really have to capture a CGI ghost of Egon?
kind of excited
Mainly looking forward to it for this reason. Don't have much hope for the film in general. Hope I'm wrong
Why can't things just stay fucking dead?
i wanna fuck kenna before she hits the wall
kinobusters coming through!
How many knocks can I get on this deceased E. Ferus?.
You fucking waist of space mouth breathers and your love for shit is quite funny to me. Pls die in your sleep.
I want to rub my face through every square inch of her little body.
it's the fourth one moron
The female one is not cannon, this one is a direct follow up to 2. So it's Ghostbusters 3
she's 13 already: most probably some 15 yo chad is already strategizing how to accomplish irl what you can only dream about
assuming she ain't already a full blown whore and her bf is using all her holes on a daily basis
Woah user what a sicko and mckenna is into girls not boys
hot. leaked video when?
Hopefully soon.
>still carrying that plushie thing around
When she turned 13 she wrote a song about how she doesn't want to grow up and how she still plays with her stuffies.
sounds creepy. a normal 13 year old should have left that shit long ago
i guess it's another case of infantilized, princess-complex hollywood starlet created by overprotective hypocrite parents
sex must be really wild, tho
Probably. But if it's between her being a silly 12-13 yr old who is still very child like or another 12-13 yr old thot on ig showing her ass, I'll take the child like Mckenna, it helps that she also looks 10-11.
not very excited at all
if only they could keep the DFC forever
Well there are levels between internet whore and acting like a little child, I like her, but it's getting weird, it also could mean that someday she decides to swing to the other side.
but seriously, i'd enjoy licking mckenna's asshole
It's not unheard of for starlets to go wild after being attached to a goodie persons but as long as she's good till 16 I'll be happy.
As for her toys she's fully aware that she's getting old, but still enjoys being otherwise childish and silly. I'm already seeing on IG anfmd YT where they are shipping her with other boys and asking if they're dating. This is only going to get worse.
It has young and handsome main characters. I'm very excited.
lewd, but understandable.
Get in line
Goddamit when is that movie coming out
How long till she starts vaping? 1, 2 years? Keep an eye out for Juuls and report back.
If she Vapes at 16 I won't care, I just want to admire her body if work for another 2 yrs while she's still cute and nubile.
>that tushy
>dem legs
>still cute and childlike
If you could just freeze time right now, she's perfect.
i wish they made it 20 years ago with the original script and complete cast
i hope it's good though
Girls that never grow up just lie there and cry after sex. Dead fish, no different positions, etc.
t. dated a few "eternal" princesses
>Girls that never grow up just lie there and cry after sex
That must be really awkward, thank god I'm an incel.
male is the one supposed to propose the positions, tho
t. princess
And when they are staring at you like a deer in headlights and refuse to move, you can't do anything.
>force her
Yeah, girls bruise easily and that's a good way to get arrested, or have her cry during, which also leads to arrest.
That "the quiet girl is the biggest freak" trope is the biggest meme about women in existence. Coke heads are the biggest freaks in beds.
nice ghostbusters thread you've got here
I would say I'm more excited for the long awaited code update on the Ghostbusters pinball machine.
Ghostbusters? More like, cunnybusters.
>all these speculations of cute sweet kenna
She is growing fine, with so many thotty young girls people seem to forget what an actual non whorish 12 yr old is actually supposed to be like. She's also into music and likes queen, bowie, taylor swift, etc... just like your average teen
she can have my ectoplasma anyday
Yeah the average teenager walks around with an old stuffed animal to cope with being jewish producers fleshlight.
She just turned 13 a couple of weeks ago. You seemed fixated on a toy she now occasionally takes pictures with for sentimental reasons, to insert your own jewish pizzagate cuck fantasy. If you see an innocent young girl and the first though that comes into mind is she's being stuffed by jewish cock, you might be the one with issues. But whatevers I know I'm not going to change your mind, and I'm not interested in it.
based jewish producers
it's very kinoesque
i don't think she realizes the amount of human sperma wasted on her on a daily basis
she's just barely starting to get famous, there's definitely going to be a lot of spilled seed in the next upcoming couple of years
How the fuck did a thread about ghostbusters turn into pedoshit?
nice double dubs
Every thread on the cunnyboard is potentially a cunnythread.
My thread got overrun with pedofags
an apology for Ghostbusters 2016 can’t just appear out of thin air, user.
This show was made specifically to trick grandmas at Christmas. I distinctly remember being a really small child, getting a VHS of the Filmation Ghostbusters, and thinking "What is this crap? It's definitely not Ghostbusters.". It was a feeling of betrayal.
Even if the new movie isn't good, it can't possibly be as terrible as Ghostbusters 2016.