What's the most fucked up movie you can legally buy?

What's the most fucked up movie you can legally buy?

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Orozco the Embalmer and Junk Shits

Pretty Baby.

Salo 120 Days of Sodom

This is on youtube and isn't even as bad as going on /gif/

Magnificent for Ambersons

Not for what it is, but for what it could have been.

Traces of Death

>The Magnificent Ambersons

August Underground

>Orozco the Embalmer
Sounds great, DLing right now.

Junk Films by the way. Prepare yourself.

Almost all the footage in that was fake OP. You got duped.


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Not even close to the most explicit legal cunny film

On a still under developed 10 year old mind during the pre-internet era... I don't think any of us got duped. In fact, it made me a more effective killer.

Are mondo tapes rare?

Yeah yeah, whatever, your mom said you better change your Pokémon sheets, they're too dirty already

Administrative Services Manager Dog?

i dunno what it's called but nicolas cage has gotta copy

>not Charlie Sheen
Know the lore or stay away zoomer

Maladolenza I assume you're implying?
My choice is Men behind the sun.
Largely because of the cats death.