Whats Yea Forumss opinion on X Files?
MOTW or Mythology?
Whats Yea Forumss opinion on X Files?
MOTW or Mythology?
I'm on S01E12 and it's been all fun so far.
Starts great, but it went on way too long and the mytharc devolves into an incoherent mess around season 6, before that point the mytharc was best, after that MOTW is best. After Mulder leaves there's little point in continuing though.
Wrong, that's when it escalates and becomes kino as fuck.
He comes back anyway
don't really care, i watch for scully. mytharc gets absolutely mental, mind. half way through season 8 for the billionth time. chopping off heads.
I enjoyed both. I never saw the last 2 seasons though
The recent seasons?
I watched the first one and thought it was alright
The whole show is fucking KINO up until season 5. MOTW is best in the first season.
Its probably the most KINO as fuck show ever. I enjoyed watching the bad seasons / eps at the time it came out. Favorite show ever.
It's been a while and I didn't look up any other sources.
...is Catholic teaching real in the show? Or Protestant teaching? Does God exist?
Why was Moulder able to believe anything but God?
Well there are episodes involving Hell and the Jewish faith so I suppose divine influence is a thing in it
The devils exist. The witch abused devils. That means Christianity is wrong and Paganism is right.
you're probably looking too far into it.
Its about faith, irrational thinking, science, lies. Its not trying to teach anyone. Its trying to explore the topics.
It's been pretty fucking bad. You'd never guess Chris Carter is still involved cuz it's such generic network TV trite now.
The Mandela effect episode was pretty fun though, until it went all "FUCK BLUMPF" at the end.
>kys fag
Pic related
Mytharc a shit.
>S12 will break new grounds muh Redditors collective.
terminator man has some great episodes. 'via negativa' was awesome, for one
My favorite show. I liked both until faceless aliens killed the syndicate. That’s when the mythology turned to shit. CSM was poorly used after that.
really enjoyed the first series but I never saw it when it returned
It's depressing how awful the carter eps are in the 2 revival seasons.
Maybe if he wasn't in charge of the mytharc for those two seasons, it might of kept going
Both. It wouldn't be the same without the mythology.
The mythology is easily the best bit of the earlier seasons.
His mythology episodes were bad, but the MOTW in season 11 was pretty good
>MOTW or Mythology?
Both are fucking great.
My favorite MOTW...
> S1/E15 - Darkness Falls (killer glowing bugs)
> S2/E15 - Fresh Bones (voodoo in detention camp)
> S3/E14 - Grotesque (red foreman & gargoyle serial killer)
> S3/E22 - Quagmire (lake monster)
> S5/E4 - Detour (chameleon dudes in woods)
> S5/E11 - Kill Switch (computer virus & sexy hacker chick)
> S6/E13 - Agua Mala (tentacles in hurricane)
> S9/E8 - Hellbound (people being skinned)
> S10/E4 - Home Again (band aid man)
My life will always be shit as I will never have sex with season 2 scully
Anyone read the comics? Aside from the art their pretty good and actually make the mytharc not shit for once.
loved it
especially the episodes that didnt take itself too serious
how can she still be so hot
for me its the Mythology eps but MOTW eps are comfy
>Home>>Home again
Man, both Xfiles movies were good as fuck. They should make one every year.
The mytharc seriously goes to shit after s6.
The second one was abysmal.