i just done finished season 3 and this guy broke me man. what a fucking champ. sad about the lady but damn if there isnt beauty in the struggle.
I just done finished season 3 and this guy broke me man. what a fucking champ...
McNulty dies at the end
McNutty was just Bubbles in whiteface the whole time.
Cutty was based. People that actually give a fuck about kids in the hood are few and far between, Cutty tried so hard for them.
I'm never going to finish season 5 because it was so boring, so what do I care?
You missed out on zombie Stringer bro
He could have been such a good Tyreese. Fucking Scott Gimple butchered that character.
It's boring, but the last ep or 2 kinda make up for it and are good send off.
>I'm never going to finish season 5 because it was so boring, so what do I care?
I just watched the show for the first time and the meme about season 5 being a huge drop off is pretty true. Especially after season 4 which I thought was easily the strongest.
y u b talkin liek a niger
My favourite character as well. And surprisingly one of the few who have anything close to a happy ending.
>He used to be a man.
>He a man today.
Season 5 is like Seinfeld Season 8/9. On rewatch I really enjoyed it.
He's too friendly, like he some type of faggot or something. Everybody just too motherfucking friendly!
he looked so chunky in walking dead. when did coach get fucking swole?
whatever you fucking faggot. i blame myself for coming here.
man that motherfucker looked fine no homo. goal body. lean and shit. he let himself go ive seen.
pashang, Da koyo de im mang mal!
people weren't ready for a news storyline deconstructing the approach of the show itself. Simon was obviously a journalist in Baltimore himself so he was personally invested in that material and honestly I thought the payoff with Bubs was worth it.
man omar crying over bunk telling him kids are emulating him and shit was cool as fuck. im just glad i found about this show.
drunk bunk was best
smells like pussy