Why does hollywood have such a hard-on for biracial actors?
Why does hollywood have such a hard-on for biracial actors?
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She is cute as fuck tho
The cat looks cuter.
you dont have to hire real minorities if you hire them.
Aye OP,
shut THE FUCK up.
They are the future for America. Every spic is also biracial if you haven't noticed.
Why do you have such a soft-on for cute girls?
Normalizing a non-White nation
She cute
Keep your mouth shut boy
>everyone needs to have reddit skin
white father. based
Theyre attractive as fuck after you stop taking the “redpill” and being “based” as a racist. Being an incel AND a racist is fucking hilarious.
because as much as they try to gloss over it, "black + white aesthetics" is more superior to "just black." it's one of the more hilarious ironies of all the clownworld shit that's been going on.
I rest my case, see:
Watch the dummy sperg out without a hint of irony.
why are you assuming, in a role that requires actual live singing, that she has the role for being bi-racial. you should literally be more annoyed about all the name actors who can't sing being cast in a musical (again).
i've been asking girls if they got impregnated by a nigger, if they would keep the baby
they all said yes because mixed babies are "cute"
These people hate white people, wish to "breed them out," etc. etc. yet they covet the white aesthetic so hard and blatant you can't help but laugh.
They're all about pushing the "other" as a norm, to increase acceptance of the gradual (and not so gradual) forced demographic displacement and of course to virtue signal.
It isn't accelerating any good, it's just pissing people off and dividing, which is likely the intention.
We never needed this before, we still don't need it now.
Cause they're black but not so black white people don't find them attractive
Half assed diversity.
I don’t know why, but the vast majority of biracial actors are just not particularly talented.
Thandie Newton was the only one that was decent.
>Being an incel AND a racist is fucking hilarious.
one is a support system for the other
biracial people normally end up with more regular facial features because they have more dominant genes. sorry stormfags, it's completely legit.
They want to cast "black" actresses but don't dark skin actress. It's racism pure and simple.
wow this woman is cute as fuck
the simple fact is that the main target audiences with the most disposable income care the least about race. it's financial: that's why it's so ubiquitous.
>blocks your path
>ywn have a qt3.14 mixed race ballerina gf
All those non-whites having bad tiki torch marches screaming “you will not replace us.”
Totally trying to keep the uneducated, low iq, inbred of the war losers southern White going.
1) there aren't as many of them.
2) everyone's more of a mix than they realize
3) 300 years ago ethnically identical germans in Europe were slaughtering each other over the difference between different forms of Christianity
you need to grow the fuck up.
Because they're hardcore leftists, but at the same time they love money: blacks are too ugly to hire, so they need bleached ones.
Nobody actually likes most black people, they're loud, ugly, stupid and obnoxious
>everyone's more of a mix than they realize
Not everyone here is an amerimutt
Like all incels? No one likes incels or pol
I love her b-bros
>Nobody actually likes most black people,
that must be why their influence on Western culture has been so limited over the last several decades lmao
Of course nobody likes them, that's why they inhabit one corner of the internet
Being liked or unliked doesn't make someone truthful or false however.
To be fair, Jennifer Hudson is in the same movie (though she’s already a proven actor/Oscar winner).
Most blacks live around ther blacks, because everyone moves out from where a significant number of them inhabit.
Having some tamed negroid on TV doesn't matter much in the real world
There are a few rare exceptions.
White-featured women with exotic colouring, that's it.
>Why does the United States of Abmoniaciones have only goblinos as actors?
Gee, I don't know, OP. Could it be that every amerimutt is a creatura?
The whole trailer I was sure that cat was Taylor Swift. Looks identical in cat form at least.
you must be destined for the same future as Galileo, then: persecuted in your own lifetime, yet recognized by future generations as true.
well done user: I've no doubt your advanced science of "black man dumb, white man good" will be understood better by future generations.
Ah, meanwhile the powerful white suburban man is shooting up schools and whining on the internet over digital boobs in a japanese game
>le snarky comment
Framing genetic biodiversity as racist isn't an argument
I'm sure future generations will aplaud your efforts in funneling trillions of dollars towards a racial group that never invented a written language, and achieving jackshit in return
i think they realised they were going too black, too early and people were calling it out, so now they are putting in a load of halfies that look more white than black to make the transition less obvious over time
meanwhile negroids murder each other on a scale seen in actual warfare and live off whitey's income
>Yea Forums is actually full of mainstream agenda brainwashed kids
It's a sad sight.
It only seems rare if you never leave the house.
Where her tiddies at doe?
So cute
>Chest vains
_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___!
The idea is to implant bullshit like
>mixed people are so attractive because hybrid vigor
Even though the biracial people you see in hollywood and doing model work are very much the exception not the rule. It would be the equivalent of only posting jewish actresses and models, and then saying "Jews are inherently superior look at the waifus. Get yourself a jewess." Pure cherry picking. The media will never put out real mixed people because surprise, the vast majority look average with wonky appearance traits.
It's pure racebaiting. The media wants you to think you're getting some 10/10 model as a mixed race kid, but you get DeNiro's mutts.
Who else /biracial/ here?
Diversity sells, diversity divides. Less than 3% of the US population is Jewish. The majority of media companies board seats and executive positions are occupied by Jews. Waste no movement, they run a tight machine.
You mean the income that incels and neets live on? Because the rich white kids, buying multiple ars and shooting up schools, churches, businesses and running people over are taking more from the system than the black people living in a small apartment shopping at the dollar store taking the bus to stab their drug dealer for ripping them off.
Using things that actually occur versus a Fox News editorial as your basis makes your racism and incelism seem sad kiddo
What is this man's expression trying to convey?
To add to this, pol’s retard hero who failed at shooting up a sorority, was in his dad’s bmw using his dad’s cell phone plan, in a rich white neighborhood, when he failed oh so hard
>They are the future for America.
OP's actress is British though.
Because the future according to the (((NWO))) is mutt brown for the peasents, so they need to brainwash you into that's ok with Hollywood films propaganda at large
She's a ballerina, they very often don't have them.
Who the fuck is pol?
How do they keep their tiddies from growing?
diet and exercise
I don't think you understand his post, you need better reading comprehension. He didn't say most people don't like black people, he said people don't like most black people. Most black people are in ghetto black neighborhoods, which people hate on the most. The blacks in the media are generally the likable blacks. This isn't my take, just clarifying what user is saying.
Because they want to appeal to both black and white people, having an all white cast alienates black audiences and vice versa, so they try to be in the middle ground.
whatever fucked up thoughts you're having .. . he's gay
>Uncanny valley
Because both black and white women will be interested in it then. Look at almost every commercial
Is that why you live in a mostly white neighborhood?
Some bbc exec has a huge fetish for qt mullatta's so there's a bunch of them floating around on British television.
>towards a racial group that never invented a written language
I'm gonna tell you. They're white enough to appeal to whites, but black enough to sucker some of the black audience in, too.
in my country, Belgium, there is a lot of mixed race people, especially in the young generation.
i don't mind them.
Please Yea Forums be respectful to my waif Frankie who is pure and innocent making her way into the grand well-deserved future and you guys dont even watch ballet
(((encouraging brazil tier race mixing)))
I dont know. it doesnt seem like its being pushed. I think its just occurring naturally and organically.
She cute. I finna dab on her
Cats have a distinctive nose. Why the hell didn't they make them have cat noses?
Mixed babies can be either creatura mutts or 10/10 like Jeremy Meeks for example. Or Jesse Williams.
You know what's funny about you incels and nigs?
Nigs don't have incels on their mind, 24/7. They aren't obsessed with incels and whatever they do.
You can't say that about the average fa/tv/irgin. They have nogs on their minds every hour, making threads about them every single day.
lol Did you look this up, just to find something to complain about?
Well said. But they're never going to stop acting like children.
This information goes in one ear and out the other with them.
No they won't. Only white incels and black boomers care about that shit.
You know how many black people used to like GoT?
>Why does hollywood have such a hard-on for biracial actors?
Hollywood has a hard on for biracial actresses because everyone has a hard on for them.
but nogs go on and on about both incels, white privilege and white supremacy. so obviously its on their mind more than you think
I don't have a single issue with her being cast in a movie about non-humans, I just can't stand how she's destroying a classic song in the trailer. She doesn't have the chops as a singer for it. She's a pop singer, no a stage/opera singer.
Those aren't nogs. It's white SJWs. Nigs don't care about incels at all.
Would it have been that hard?
How many waifu threads pop up here on the regular about Zendaya, Emma Dumont, Moner, Nathalie, and Jodelle Ferland (Back in the day)?
We have a natural attraction to the exotic. Scientists think that's because we are wired to seek out someone we won't inbreed with.
Many of our cultures made miscegenation taboo and illegal and that made us want the forbidden fruit even more. Even the most /pol/ of us will either justify that they are white enough or that it's their duty to dominate thesr halfbreeds to put them in their place. (And thus they have a raceplay fetish.)
Because they look cute a lot of the time. The problem is when they wanna turn everyone black for no reason, they pick the worst baboons they can. There's plenty of pretty-faced black girls, but they pick the worst of the worst. If they're gonna shove down their propaganda jew tricks down every movie's throat, the least they could fucking do is hire a PRETTY black girl and not a literal monkey.
This is why I don't entirely subscribe to the conspiracy. If these retarded Hollywood Jews wanted to promote racemixing, they'd pick the pretty black girls to convince white men to fuck 'em. What they're doing now is having the opposite fucking effect.
Because making pure ooga booga balloon lipped niggers look attractive is a feat next to impossible. They don't want to sell girls that only blacks find attractive, they're targeting not only the white audience but literally anyone who doesn't fuck giant sheape weave queens.
Did you guys see everyone's pissed she has white fur (like the author originally intended) because it's mis-representing her race?
Idiots. Idiots everywhere.
fuckin piece of shit
Post pics of the guy cats please.
Are there male cats in this?
Deep penetration.
It's to be expected. None of them have seen the stage play, where that character does a pretty awesome ballet scene, and is white for that reason.
But just the whole idea that "race" has any fucking meaning, when it's not humans...well, you have our current retarded "outrage" culture.
The play, and the book it's based on, is based on BRITISH cats, so the expectation is...oh, wait, they're FUCKING CATS. THEIR RACE IS C A T.
Nice try dumbass. But nobody cares about that.
almost white but check woke box cause of that 1/2 1/4 1/8,etc non white blood. hollywood does get called out on preference for lightskin POC but not overtly so cause wokesters have to concede it's better this than nothing.
she really is. I hope Cats isn't a total disaster and that Hollywood replaces Thompson with her. Enough with pushing Thompson already.
No way anyone is recast at this point, they're committed, unless they push the release back to next summer - don't hold your breath.
It's already a flop. They can't save this in post production, the entire thing needs overhauling. And, because it's going to crash and burn so hard, you'll never see another attempt at making a movie of it again, for several generations. Most likely long after Webber is dead.
This is now a mixed waifu thread.
Taylor cat is cuter.
why don't the cats have nipples?
Swifties can save this movie "maybe" boxoffice wise. I actually will watch it, it seems like fun christmas ride, got drunk, on stoked and watch it. And i somewhat like Taylor, especially her few first albums so it helps.