Favorite tropes?
>protagonist goes on long journey
>faces many hardships
>it’s revealed to be all for nothing
Favorite tropes?
Other urls found in this thread:
>do it for ZOG
>gets cucked
you know the drill
Why are women so cruel?
i couldn't bear the humiliation
Women aren't forced to take responsibility for their actions, so nowadays nothing is their fault.
Women are children and the world is a candy store.
>retard youngfags still think they can snap up a woman via marriage before they get deployed
It's their own damn fault for being so cocky and arrogant
She’s not wrong about him leaving her though. A relationship is a commitment and him just fucking off overseas is not cool.
Everyone who joins the military gets cucked. You think they'd learn
how can i get a military wife gf
>"coming home"
>it's clearly in public
Nice cuck story, faggot
>being a militarycuck
>thinking you will ever be in normal relationship
Lmao, the best you can count on is some open pseudo "relationship" where she fucks everything with a dick and you fuck some hookers while being deployed.
It’s the narcissism that everyone has.
>It happened to them, but they’re not me. So it can’t happen to me!
Women aren't cruel. Cruel people are cruel. He decided to marry a thot and paid the price.
Also, these
Funny to hear a whore say shit about commitment after cheating because someone was gone for a little while.
She’s literally fucking another person.
>military cucks
As a guy who has pounced on several armyfags' wives while they were on leave, all I can do is laugh. I even cucked one while being NEET that's how pathetic they are. The militaryfag fears the big dick NEET BULL.
>victim blaming
You mean a calculating thot who hopes you never come back alive so she can life off of widow's benefits for the rest of her life?
The Big Lebowski
>"tee hee, of course!"
>"uh, yeah whatever you say Cabrera"
>hero dies
>sidekick has to finish the quest
These guys get married so they can live off base as a junior enlistedman and rake in the extra housing benefit money
They pocket like 2+ extra thousand a month in many cases
>Yea Forums gets butthurt
Now that I've posted the video and you can see it's in China, I expect you all to call the guy a faggot cuck
I assume he wants to be the affair
Knew a guy who went into the army a full-blown racist and "ladies man," come out with tons of non-white buddies and a healthy hatred for thots since his wife left him while he was deployed in Iraq. Bros before hos is real.
>leave your own house like a cuck
>surprised that your pet fish die when you're not there
>shows everybody her picture like every fucking day
>everyone just gets this look and chuckles a bit since half the platoon has already been at her holes
>Out of options and looking for a way to make a better life for yourself
>Get tricked by someone as dumb as you into joining a war you don't understand
>That war is coincidentally started by the same people that had plenty of options when they were your age
>Spend a few of the most formative years of your life in some country occupying it and killing an enemy you don't understand
>Come home and find out the world moved on without you
>Out of options and looking for a way to make a better life for yourself
>chinese women getting away with cuck
nah she gonna get publically parade around naked
>Two smart characters say something vaguely scientific
>Other character asks them to repeat it "In English"
>Go around the planet and fight a Jewish war (for muh freedoms)
>Wife consumes too much Jewish media and gets BLACKED
Imagine being a milifag
No contest the best lay I ever had was a military wife. Guy almost caught us on their anniversary. No regret either, fuck those welfare crybabies.
It was the reverse for me, I BLEACHED a black militaryfag's wife.
Reminder that men cheat far more on average and you incels are just trying to cope with your insecurity
I'd probably immediately fall out of love with my hypothetical wife if I caught her cheating and I'd just move onto the next woman
based virgin
Men admit to cheating far more than femoids*
That was fast
Did you get AIDS? Nasty
Surprise, surprise. Why dontcha go back there while you're at it.
This is the face roasties make when their milicuck comes home and finds someone else balls deep in her
This is key
>getting HIV from straight sex
Very funny, homo lol
I don't feel the least bit sorry for him. He chose that woman, he chose to leave her, he chose to be the retard.
I wish to BLEACH a hot nubian godess who works at a flower store next to my work. Dem titties and ass, and perfect face
>Falling for these obviously fake stories
Anyone have that pic where the guy who fucked another guy's wife didn't know about it and the woman onl told him the night after so he left a note on the toilet seat like an absolute bro?
you cute
No one here is cheating on anyone if they are incels, dummy. They're technically the most faithful.
Don't let your dreams be memes, friend.
All niggers have risk of spreading AIDS, wouldn't take the chance, also beastiality
Women are delusional retards who deny to their dying breath their wrongdoings. I found out a girl I had been casually seeing for several months had a boyfriend and rather than continuing to unknowingly cuck this guy I contacted him and we set up a meeting where we both showed up to confront her and she stood their and denied simultaneously to us of her cheating and started crying and ran off, the situation fucked me up but I was at least just the one meeting up with her for dinner and sex.
We need to kill all pajeets. The world would benefit greatly.
>implying you have or ever will even get close to touching a woman
Soldiers get pay increased for being married so they marry the biggest air headed sluts before deployment. I've witnessed so many of them argue over the phone while on deployment. It's either they squander their money on stupid shit or she's cheats. If you ever join ZOG's military don't get into a serious relationship. Fuck whores domestically or abroad.
It's literally a race of incels to the point they have to rape to get any. Like, all of them.
I know that guy. He's touched plenty of women. In a sexual way.
And men do the same shit
i stand corrected
lol the only things pounce on are hotpockets, frogman
lol no
Please be in London
You should have recorded her sucking your peepee for proof. And hung a calendar on the wall behind her so he could see the date.
You can be honest here. No one knows who you are, you won't be arrested for thought crime or unpersoned on social media. You can just admit it. Unless you're a woman.
Have kids femcel
Undoubtedly but you're a fucking retard if you think it's anywhere near the same degree. Lesbians are another bag entirely.
We do it to ourselves. Women only have as much control as you give them over you, and marriage is giving them everything. Why the fuck would any sane man give a creature that makes decisions based on emotion control over him? I'm not saying don't be in a relationship, just don't let the risk you're taking on have any more hold over you than a heartbreak.
>implying negresses can resist the BWC
I'm just saying you're risking AIDS and it's also beastiality
>confusing jannies with BASED cute tuxfrogs
Yeah that's a yikes from me.
it boggles the mind that men don't understand that women are overgrown children, "I want it I want it" never goes away.
God I wish I had a pussy.
I need to dilate
In what universe would any man with an ounce of self-respect and dignity stay with a woman that has been unfaithful. Sure smells like femcel in here...
i'd rather break up before going being cucked in a fight for israel
It's like when a polygraph is applied for sexual partner count, men's stay the same or actually get lower, women's inevitably get higher. Even though nearly all social stigma has been removed, women still know deep down that being a slut is unbecoming.
Is it a tranny thing to wonder what having a vagina feels like?
My first girlfriend's dad stayed with her step mom who had cheated on him with her ex-husband. I lost all respect for the man after I found that out.
Implying frogposters aren't self-hating jannies who try to act cool
good, hope that happens to every fucking warmonger.
No one makes these images about wives who don't cheat
I don't know if you've noticed but this thread is about what women do wrong, we hear enough about what men do wrong every day from every major media source and politician, femcel.
Soldiers don't get a choice to leave when they get deployed, she would've known this from the billion of briefs they get.
Literally 100% of these videos are fake, they have a massive market for them over there for some reason, nothing is real.
It's cucks like you that allow women to be the worst things on planet earth because you just say it's all your fault like a good little whipping boy. It's pathetic. Grow a spine and hold women accountable nancy boy.
i like this post
A jobs a job, and if you cant go 6 years (with obvious exceptions) without fucking everything up and betraying your lover then you need to examine how childish you really are.
At least he's still got boo boo.
you could not tell that was chinkland from OPs pic
yes, but he chose to be in a position to leave. He knew that was going to happen. He chose this life, it didn't just happen to him.
>waaaaaaaaah women bad
have sex you fucking incels
As well you should. For all you know your girlfriend could have not even been his actual child. Paternity fraud is rampant and yet women don't want men to be able to verify if the child they're forced 18 years or more to support was actually fathered by them. Pretty evil honestly, if most modern women had a soul that is.
I could. I spend a lot of time looking at Asian females so I can spot them easily.
ok now THIS is based
As if his choice of occupation even mattered. She would have cheated on him had he been a programmer, plumber etc It's on her and her inability to remain faithful to her partner, no one else. Fuck this man up rhetoric some men fall for hook, line and sinker.
>wellfare faggot who can't think for himself gets his life ruined because he can't think for himself and can't cope without substance abuse because he's incapable of thinking for himself
imagine my shock
just because your father was some sort of junkie who might have served in the military, doesn't mean everyone who serves in the military is a junkie femcel
You can't hold women accountable bcause they do not have agency, they arent like men. its faggots like YOU who think women should be equal that fucks it all up
This. Women should be treated like teenagers are according to the law as well. Particularly egregious actions should have them treated as adults (murder), but we need to recognize that women are not adults in most cases.
She was a weak-willed whore who would have cheated no matter what profession he had chosen.
Because they don't exist
All women are weak-willed whores, user.
Some of them are actually loyal, I don't know what causes this.
Not all women are this way m8, this is the result of feminism.
Really? I have never met one
and he still chose her.
you're right he should have told his superior officer "my wife says I can't deploy"
>having a wife
>leaving your own house
no dude it's totally real! the camera man just happened to be there and he knew she would be at the theater waiting for him totally unplanned!
you've never met a woman? lmfao fucking anime loving incel
>B-buh not ALL.....
Dumb fucking argument. The point is that for all practical purposes it's safe to assume every woman you meet is indeed 'like that' since the percentage is so high. You might as well be looking for a unicorn if your goal is to find a woman that isn't massively entitled and totally lacking a moral compass
or you know, not marry a retard
Atleast he kept Israel safe. That's the important part.
>slept in the barracks for two months
What a faggot
why would you ever join the american military? fucking prisoners have more freedom and income
"muh one true love" is just capitalist propaganda, it's not natural to have just one partner your whole life. Stop lying to yourself and maybe you would be less insecure when your partner or you decide you want a change
Calm down roast
only loyal bitch I've met was chubby
Zhang Fei?
>brainlet doesn't know how nature works but will opine on the topic anyways
classic dunning kruger
my grandparents married at 19, they're 80 now
Yeah and that's because she couldn't get anyone else to fuck her.
Women are only as loyal as their available options
that doesn't mean anything. There could have been a whole lot of infidelity in those 60 years.
10/10 bait
I have never EVER met a dude who was serving who didn't got cucked. Ever.
Want to risk your life for Israel? Good for you goy, but just break up with that thot before leaving, because you will 100%, undoubtly, for sure get cucked.
>it's not natural to do the thing that nearly every society has practiced for at least 7,000 years, because I want to be a whore
and redpilled
based mental gymnastics
it means something to me, and I'm certain they were both faithful. you claimed it was unnatural, I'd like proof
>muh human nature
not a real thing. tons of animals live polygamously
that's not true at all, dudes will orbit any girl that isn't morbidly obese. her insecurity kept her in check, but dudes still tried to flirt with her at parties
manlet rage
I'm a different user m8. Also, anecdotal singular instances aren't proof either.
What a boring episode
why isnt it ending already? ooo cliffhanger firepit ending wow didnt expect that so exciting wow.
the most boring season by FAR - how do they fix this shit.. the show is too big for its own good? people can be made for LIFE just by getting to the final few weeks
t. cuckold
I would feel great if you compared me with the greatest Egyptian God.
animals don't raise families in environments like humans, that comparison makes no sense
>bro... dogs sniff and eat shit, while fucking other male dogs, come on bro.. its nature bro...
>hey bro, spiders eat their spouse, lets give it a go x)
Both of my parents left their partner's for eachother during their service in the Navy. My parents actually made me, a high intelligence Aerospace Engineer, while my half siblings are blithering retards.
your wife's hot pocket
you're a fucking idiot. sorry your mom cheated on your dad and abandoned your family.
Based no substance meme reply
the cranes are flying alternate ending
proof of what? what the fuck did I claim? he said it was unnatural with zero proof and I shared something from my life that made me disagree with him
there are men that maintain two or more relationships for years exactly like that, you're either extremely young or naive if you think they don't
Human environment has changed drastically. Having one partner is no longer realistic anymore. Either change or get chewed up
you're moving the goalpost. you claimed it was unnatural, give me a reason why
>monogamy is caused by capitalism
Imagine having to go through life being this dumb.
user, think about what you just said for a second. Think of the different eras, cultures and political systems throughout worldhistory and how monogamy fits in there. Then reread your post. Then realize just how dumb of a statement that was. Then and only then shoot yourself in the face.
Exactly, there are no set rules on how humans should behave toward relationships.
dont bother trying to explain it to retards they dont understand it. my grandparents are in their 90s and have been married since their 20s. turns out a society thats easy going and doesnt have to be a slave to hedonism tend to be loyal.
if that were true, that would be proof against what grandparents user is saying...so, which is it?
what did you claim? People get divorced all the fucking time. People cheat all the fucking time. But that doesn't matter because your grandparents have been together for 60 years? ok.
and tons of animals live monogamously lol fucking retard
I said there is no such thing as human nature
It didn't though, people have had multiple partners as long as ever. You just believe it's this way because you watched too many movies about "true love"
it's his fault
he went fighting for Israel
god then punished him
if he wanted to serve his country he could have gotten into the police
the only difference is one shits and the other cleans it. another day, another week, one different email and they are the same person. two sides of the same coin
How did you get in contact with her bf?
>Chads cheat more on average
you're an absolute fucking idiot. get out of highschool and then you'll see how stupid you are.
sorry your mom fucks other guys behind dad's back.
you literally said "it's not natural to have just one partner"
explain why
Imagine being retarded enough to join the army while you have a gf and expect them to be okay with being alone for months or years. How often do women cheat when men are deployed? How have they not gotten the fucking message yet? The women are in the wrong obviously, they either have to end the relationship and or not cheat, but these guys are so fucking dumb and naive for not expecting the possibility of this happening. Some women will remain faithful, but you're still taking a gamble, especially if she's in her early 20s and doesn't want to miss out on life.
when the fuck did I say it didn't matter? all I'm saying is those 60 years were natural and not some anomaly
I love watching 16 advert breaks for 4 minutes of actual good content
Such a shame to see the show decline so much in quality this season
just because you have a dysfunctional family doesnt mean everyone else does too.
you clearly come from one, how on earth could parents deal with such a dumbfuck like yourself.
Looked at his profile and dude's a loser who acts badass, is racist and hates women.
You might say it's the wife that made him this way but really he's always been a shithead and being in the army and his choice in women proves it.
>protagonist goes on long journey
>faces many hardships
>it’s revealed to be all for nothing
When you move out of your mommy's basement you'll understand that sometimes it's all about the journey, not the destination user;
That's how people grow sometimes.
>all I'm saying is those 60 years were natural and not some anomaly
one instance compared to millions of the opposite is literally an anomaly
I seriously don't understand people who get gfs / wives then immediately deploy. What a fucking dumb idea
>"it's YOUR FAULT you caught me with someones dick in between my legs, you fucking asshole. How could you leave me?"
most of the guys are young and had very few girlfriends before joining up. (usually because autistic band nerds)
there are female predators that hang around military bases waiting to snag one and they know the system and how to drain them dry. should be precautions taught in the military but that'd be sexist to warn against a harpy trying to steal your shekels.
I work at sea for a living. One of the old timers told me to never surprise your family by returning home early.
>You'll be the one getting surprised.
Can you fucking stop posting this image? it fucking keeps me thinking i have it selected when its not true, are there any moderators on this shitty ass site? this is litterally trolling.
did you just say it's a 1:1000000 ratio? are you saying for every monogamous person, there are a million polygamous people? give me that statistic, please
you really didn't say anything except HURR DURR MUH GRANDPARENTS...
>the kids from the divorced homes turned out fucked up
nobody's ever observed this before
redditor BTFO, based roastie
>tfw fucked a cop's wife for 8 months because she was bored of him literally 3 months after their marriage
>they hadnt had sex for a year prior to marriage except for the ONE time on their honeymoon
>theyre still together and he still doesnt know shes gone home plenty of times and kissed him after she'd swallowed my loads
>they STILL havent had sex
and you didn't say anything except HURR DURR MUH HUMAN NATURE
post proof of your claims. I never said my anecdote was the only correct human behavior, I'm simply asking you to prove what you're saying
a study or just anything would help
>calling someone kek
Ok, is there some discord raid going on or something? You are clearly new to Yea Forums.
>I realized that gay men are blessed, they are the only people who date like minded rational beings.
you would think that but no.
Judging by co-workers and acquaintances they get catty, backstabby, and take on negative female traits and stop being rational men;
You're talking to a literal commie dude. If you want to slug it out with one of these retards go to Yea Forums where its at least interesting.
The woman is wrong but he is also a retard for his choice of a woman and the fact thought he thought this woman would remain faithful when he's gone for so long. I wouldn't cheat but if I was a woman I wouldn't want to deal with that shit, I'd end the relationship.
Grandparents were together for 70 years before cancer took my grandmother. That kind of mindset is dead now though, not sure what made women loyal in the past.
>I realized that gay men are blessed
??? gays are even worse, the fuck?
This. Literally some of the most judgmental and cunty people.
>Almost 50 percent of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce or separation.
>Researchers estimate that 41 percent of all first marriages end in divorce.
>60 percent of second marriages end in divorce.
>73 percent of all third marriages end in divorce.
I don't know any gays, so I have no way to know, I'm just assuming they still are men.
If you guys say they act like women, than I can do nothing but agree. Have no data to back anything on the contrary.
It can happen, psychologist Walter Riso mentions in one of his books how he's had a handful of patients with the ability to fall out of love instantly through a certain trigger (infidelity being the most common) and sidestepping all heartbreak. Interesting stuff.
and this proves that monogamy is unnatural how? that's fucking HALF of them staying together, and you said it was an anomaly just before
Jesus Christ, the Vietcong couldn't break him as bad as that bitch did.
You can't just enter into a relationship with a woman and then leave her and expect her to just stay quiet and wait for you. We are not your pets that are going to wag our tails when you finally come home.
50 percent of marriages ending in divorce doesn't mean that 50% of people who get married get divorced and your next statistics absolutelt confirm this. Its the same idiots who never learn stop fucking their lives up, like repeat criminals and alcoholics. You have just provided evidence that at least >50% of people who get married stay married. You are a retard.
This. They always act so fucking surprised when they find out they got cheated on. And the kind of morons who join the army generally date or marry a thot. I know they're young and inexperienced, but a guy that's at least 18 should fucking know it's common sense that your partner is going to be deprived of love and affection and they're going to have urges.
Tits or gtfo
>keeping the bitch that betrayed you as a sexfriend
You're a closet beta faggot
this is the one that broke me
Didn't say they didn't? Said women are far more prone to that type of shit. You're either dyslexic or arguing with fifty people.
Fuck off and go to crystal cafe.
if you leave women alone for more than a few days they begin looking for a new man
its basically nature
41 percent of FIRST marriages is an abysmal statistic, imagine flipping a coin and if you get tails you lose half of your shit.
Not that user, but I'd like to know if that 50% is only counting first marriages, or it's counting multiple divorces from the same people as well. If it's not only counting first marriages then you're right, the statistics are fucking retarded.
You can't just enter a relationship with a soldier and expect them not to get deployed.
It's a two-way street bucko
>Fighting for jews
>Having a relationship with a women
Brought it on himself
>have gf
>go to military
>be surprised she doesn't want to wait
yeah women are whores but you knew this going in
I swear there must be something wrong with the heads of people who want to die in the desert for Jews
shut the fuck up you bitchy goal-post moving marxist retard
This is why I just fuck women and avoid a relationship with them. I’d probably go full axe murderer if they tried this shit.
abysmal? you need to pick up a dictionary. it's certainly bad yes, but it's far from abysmal. and the user was trying to claim it was an anomaly,
wish COLONIZED caught on instead
>she said it was my fault for leaving her behind
classic women
I hope to G*d you're black
at least he got plebbit gold....
what even is reddit gold?
you said they don't do it to the same degree. They literally do
Imagine if you had to pay real money to give someone a (you), and that (you) was worth money to them
>Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat
words to live by, fellas. there is not a single person on this earth, male or female, who is worth that amount of trouble.
Look at that fucking whore smiling like the disgusting demonic cumdumpster that she is.
>goal-post moving
I'm not him you tard, stay mad.
Its probably not striated honestly like that but I don't know for sure. It also fails to account for the people who go through a shitty divorce and then buy a house and stay with someone until they die without getting married, which isn't uncommon.
>if you read the book Jarhead it's revealed that the protag knew she was cheating on him before he even left
thots gonna thot
Sure and he died too
reminds me of this
>everyone who replies to me on an anonymous website is the same guy
take your meds you schitz
>christian "women"
skaniest of the skanky
If you ever want to sit and laugh, go to "twoXchromosomes" on reddit. It's a circlejerk of women telling each other that they aren't responsible for anything that happened in their twisted version of what happened to them that day, it's ridiculous.
And before you get excited by the title, there's a huge sticky disclaimer at the top explaining that you don't have to have two x chromosomes to be a woman. Fucking clowns.
>I'm not that guy and he died and here is a typical commie insult
it's absolutely abysmal for something as life-altering as marriage. you wouldn't get a surgery that had a 41% fatality rate
>you don't have to have two x chromosomes to be a woman
I'm so glad their names aren't blurred out
Either the woman who is lying to her husband is also lying to you about that (wow what a shocker huh) or the husband's a closeted homo. So like your story, the options are "fake" and "gay."
Because it became illegal to beat the shit out of them and own them as property. Prove me wrong. This shit would not have happened 200 years ago, or even 100 years ago. Women were given freedom and all they do with it is screw other people over without taking nay of the consequences. That's the real redpill on women. There's a reason they'd rather not cheat on a millionaire but they cheat on a man risking his life, but that doesn't get paid nearly enough to do so.
Damn, would’ve lost my shit and done something extremely foolish right there.
At least he has his kids. They display their pictures probably because they all remember this as a happy moment. I'm sure they love their dad.
Dumb as shit hottake: Having a gun in your house reduces the likelyhood of spontaneous cheating
you're a fucking tard if you actually believe that. it's a line she fed you so you don't think of her in as poorly a light as if she just came out and admitted that she was a total slut.
>female 'empowerment'
And remember, everytime someone tells you to have sex (ironic or not), that person is encouraging cheating thot behavior because the retarded silencing method was specifically designed for just that.
>transgenders are natural
>monogamy is unnatural because nature
honk honk
if you want to reeee this is a good one
it’s a silly Yea Forums meme
>confused on what to do
A father shall never know love as much as that from his daughter.
I don't want to read all that shit. You have to be a massive faggot to even write all that out. TL;DR me or fuck off.
>getting worked by the "have sex" meme
kek what a simp
>all the supreme gentlemen raging at this post
it's beautiful
There's no way fucking /woo/ fags came up with that incredibly jewish trick. Or I must be spending too much time on /pol/.
many americans want to recreate the 50's spirit
kek, its gone dog, I told you abut decadence, I told you dog
lol you people really are beta males.
>be mumkey jones
>leave girlfriend for a pedo furry
>she cheats on you with a 15 year old
>beg her to marry you anyways
>buy a house near her
>she says yes
>leaves anyway
Eric bait
>anyway, to make a long story short....
>proceeds to make a short story long.
way too long and not worth reading
So this is the power of white women... woah.
They did and I also spend too much time on /pol/.
A 2010 study by the ational Opinion Research Center showed that women are 40% more likely to be unfaithful today than they were just a few decades ago. Greater economic freedom and more travel are believed to be a few of the reasons for that development.
Ok so if I marry a woman who has kids already I’m justified in murdering her kids so my own get better treatment like lions and baboons?
>gf goes to college
>lets break up for 3 years
>fucks 15 guys
>wtf why wont you take me back
odyssey repeats itself
Maybe if you guys didn't hate women so much, we wouldn't have to cheat
this one is good
he sounds like a cuck faggot and she did nothing wrong.
Did you really stop posting on your phone as soon as you realized you BTFO yourself just for this occasion? Wow.
>not killing or at least beating the shit out of either of them
I don’t understand
punished cuck, partly redeems himself
He is retarded to have even accepted such a deal. Deserves the shit he gets
>15 guys over 3 years is a lot
I hooked up with a chick I really liked in highschool who told me she had only been with 6. Turns out the number was closer to 60. Thats what happens when you grow up without a functional family unit.
pls fuck off or show tits. Go to reddit or crystal cafe for all your attention whoring needs.
Well deserved for serving Israel faithfully
lol based lil dude.
women's basic instinct is survival by acceptance. if she were to be cast out of a society she'd have 0 chance of survival in the past. not surprised, doesn't it make it less shallow but honestly pretty tame compared to the rest.
>whore got too greedy and though she could keep her beta provider on the marriage leash
>beta ends up getting a new girl which made whore go into rage mode (even though shes been with 15 guy
what ever you say virgin vincent
I really don't see it getting much better without it nosediving first. People will only act in their best self interest if theyre scared the hell out of of the alternative.
nobody starts off hateful, hoenstly. u do shit like this and it makes us hateful
You're talking to a dude, dude. It's clearly bait.
What a heartwarming story. I'm so glad for Matthew.
>it can't be two people on an anonymous website that disagree with my post
>no it must be one guy who switched between devices between posts because he anticipated that I would think they were the same person ahead of time.
I'm completely serious when I say this; you need help.
>Walking out of his own house
>Not kicking the bitch to the curb like an alpha.
No way this guy would survive a real war.
okay newfag. You didn't disagree with anything though. You just tried to make it sound dramatic. Would you like to disagree with the statistics or are you just illiterate?
>trusting a woman
kinda brought this upon himself.
>fiances father dies
>better make it all about me
Thought it was fake at first, but as it kept going on it sadly seems real.
>leaving your pets with an ex and expecting them to be okay
what a faggot. If someone expresses that they want to break up with you to experience life, you say fine and cut them out completely from your life and move on. It's the same stupid shit that makes faggots think that the friendzone actually exists.
None of the ones in this thread lol
the people who actually want multiple partners they actually care for is demented. Maintaining a monogamous is taxing, and in turn, rewarding enough. You add more people to the equation, you get diminishing returns.
Gay marry your bro.
That makes the stories of guys having a secret family all the more surreal, doesn't it? And usually they can keep that charade up for a long ass time as well.
>short guys are unnecessary confrontational to taller guys
>anti homo all macho who keeps trying to show off how manly he is actually is a closet homo
These two are my favorite because you read then everywhere, asume it is just another fake meme but then you go irl and see this 99% of the time.
Based projecting cuckold
Cheating is wrong for both men and women.
There's literally a TLDR at the bottom you inbred faggot.
yeah, I'm not going to look for it, either that shit should be on the top or it shouldn't be a mountain of text.
Yeah, I really don't understand the guys who can do that. Something's got to give, yet they just keep it going for decades, somefuckinghow
Do you live in a city?
either none of that happened, or it happened nothing like that. Either way, he's a fucking retard where he should have expected that to happen to him and he was in denial or delusional. It's funny how he writes it out like he was surprised things he should have known were happening happened.
polygraphs are a meme, go back to watching CSI retard
no, I live in a society
So yes. Move dude.
You got the one where there's some rich ass dude that doesn't want to use his money so he hides it and lives pretty frugally, gets with a girl and then they break up cause she thinks he's deadbeat, then goes apeshit when she finds out he's loaded
>I told him this was not an option
should have dumped her then and there.
I remember that one. The roastie threw a huge shitfit when she found out the dude was leasing oilfields to the government and she wasn't able to manipulate her partner to give her a lazy, lavish life of luxury.
it's almost guaranteed she weighs at least 200lbs
Nice tripdubs
Too bad this doesn't include the edits she made. She got torn a new one by men and women. It was great.
holly mutteroni
keep posting more stories
based leftist retard