Do you agree with this statement or do you think people overrate Tarantino's overratedness
Do you agree with this statement or do you think people overrate Tarantino's overratedness
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I think his overratedness is overrated. He's proven he can be mature and a craftsman with Jackie Brown and I get the sense this movie will have that lovely periodic vibe to it. I haven't even seen Once Upon and I'm over the moon for it. It got a standing ovation at Cannes ffs.
He came in a marshy cliche blocked and cucked Hollywood with a different look at action and gratuitous and courageous violence.
No critics outside the US give him artistic credit.
No significant underlying messages, nothing.
His work is just fast food commercial garb.
I don't see and rewatch value in any of his works.
He was lucky cause everyone was doing the same thing with the genera and everybody was bored to death.
Stupid dancing asshole and toe sucking fag with a bad attitude.
>Jackie Brown
Was the worst steamy pile of garbage I couldn't even go past 25min of that draggy disgusting shit.
What a drab and miserable movie that was.
You're a tasteless moron
The dialogue doesn't age well. He's way cooler when you're a teenager than as an adult.
>It got a standing ovation at Cannes ffs.
You say that as if it means anything
keep telling that to yourself, asshat.
>It got a standing ovation at Cannes ffs.
So it must the best movie ever. Like when people walked out of Antichrist and The House Jack Built they were the worst and most evil movies ever.
Nobody is going to disagree with the immense impact Pulp Fiction had on Hollywood and American film, but every single time I see a Tarantino movie I get really disappointed by him putting his trademark "blood and gore and sex" overload in it and I think it's overcompensation for the insecurity that his movies will never been good art or possibly studios mandating that he adds these things.
I have NEVER been more disappointed with a movie than I was with Hateful 8. It was such an interesting, deft slow-burn with all the right touches, and then suddenly in the third act it turns into a "Tarantino movie" and becomes shit. If being a "Tarantino movie" means ruining an otherwise good movie, then yes he is overrated. If he was capable of making that movie without turning it into a "Tarantino movie" then he legitimately fucked up what could have been a modern classic.
If I attribute the shit parts of Hateful 8 to him then I also have to attribute the good parts and accept that he's a competent director and visionary, up to the point where he puts his "stamp" on the movie and turns it into trash.
>He was way cooler when you was a teenager in the 90s
This right here. I have actually never had anybody being able to tell me exactly why JB is such a masterpiece except for MUH CROSS REFERENCES.
It also got a wink from a critic at a premiere that means it's golden.
He's alright. A step or two above capeshit.
Stick to your pew-pew superhero movies.
I don't consider that kino either.
He's definitely fallen off amongst normies imo, nobody's excited about his flicks the way people used to be. You don't see people referencing Pulp Fiction constantly or raving about how Kill Bill is their favorite movie anymore, and the underground crowd that used to prop him up have long since passed him by. I think it's fair to say that he's rated fairly accurately nowadays, where people like his movies but they have no real staying power
He made Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown and Inglorious Basterds. He’s a great filmmaker. Being accessible doesn’t make him bad. From what critics are saying, OUATIH is his most personal and mature movie to date and his best since Pulp Fiction.
It's just a really solid movie. Good plot and actual character development. Doesn't fall prey to a lot of shitty Tarantino tropes.
To me Tarantino is like Godard. They both were medicore directors, but what they did was so different to what was popular at the time, that it opened the flood gates for other directors do do different things (my favorite thing about Tarantino is that he allowed someone like Paul Thomas Anderson to become a big director, who I prefer). I do think his movies are overrated, but in a world of Avengers and constant disney remakes, I'm very much looking forward to seeing Once Upon A Time tomorrow, I won't lie.
>Kill Bill
What an angry raging menarche.
Drenching the screen with bad period blood and rape anger.
Stupid fucking name.
Clerks 2 got a standing ovation.
And I'm using that as an example despite liking that film.
Cannes is unironically full of plebs
I feel bad for the real artists who work their whole lives to be recognized outside of their stupid third world country who have to go there and kiss the feet of whatever assembly of young, white American Actresses they — for no reason related to prestige — keep putting on the panel. It's converging more and more with The Oscars every day and soon will be just as meaningless.
Tarantino is like a burger. Tasty, gratuitous, well crafted and filled with ketchup,beef etc. You will recall its sweet taste many times after you have eaten it but in the end its not real good food and definitely not good for your health
He's a hack now since his head is so far up his own ass, but his movies are still superior to the standard capeshit that's being pumped out of Hollywoods ass.
>No seeds on a bun
The only good Tarantino is 90's Tarantino. Prove me wrong.
He has his own style and cool sounding name. People respect that.
I think the prospect of having to explain to people why you weren't head over heels for a tarantino film is silly.
Like, I you didn't like d'jango people looked at you funny. If you didn't love inglorious basterds people gave you sideways looks and spoke under their breath. I think probably fucking Hate 8 is the only one you can say "I didn't like it much" or "it was just decent" without a mob jumping down your throat.
>No seeds on the bun
The more we have to deal with nolanfags and retarded superhero culture, the more I appreciate Tarantino.
He is not top 10 in cinema history or anything like that, but he is good.
The only good Tarantino movies are the ones set in the 20th century. That’s the golden rule.
if you think that hateful 8 was ruined by the third act you're a stupid asshole
stfu nurd
>going white now
Made it even better.
Tarantino should be supported if only for the fact that he’s one of the few filmmakers working today that can still get a mid-sized movie made.
>mid sized movie
>OUATIH has a $150 million dollar production budget
Tarantino's first two films were made when he still had something to prove so while they are indulgent at times they still stand as decent films
Everything after PF is literally him doing whatever he feels like for no reason. Literally interrupts Inglorious Basterds just to shove a lecture about the history of photography because that's something he enjoys. Slowing the Hateful Eight to a halt just to show a white man sucking a black man's dick was the worst of it though
If "Tarantino wanted to show a gay interracial scene" is what you gleaned from that scene, I'm not sure what to tell you.
Yeah that’s about midsized.
What i think is that people likes to make drama out of everything. Including this.
Kill Bill is still great
I think Tarantino is a very talented technical director and very good at editing a simple story to be coherent yet full of detail. I think that if you expect anything more from movies in terms of depth or profound insight, you'll be disappointed.
I'm not a huge Tarantino fan but Jackie Brown is a fucking excellent movie. I consider it to be in his top 3.
Those are divisive films, not the same thing, really. Tarantino makes crowd-pleasers
Just the way it's shot it's terrible, what happened to the freaking lighting?
And the plot... no that's a B movie at best not even an exciting one.
His films are like the chocolate cake of cinema.
Clerks 2 was incredible, though, I don't understand your point at all.
He's an overrated hack.
Yes user, some people were born before you.
You need to lighten up, Dad. Enjoy the occasional piece of indulgent chocolate cake.
he's fucking well overrated.
>Slowing the Hateful Eight to a halt just to show a white man sucking a black man's dick was the worst of it though
You're retarded. That's literally the culmination of two characters persistently antagonizing each other since they first met. Nothing slows to a crawl, things are coming to a head. If you were instead talking about Tarantino's out of place voice over explaining that Russel had just been poisoned, you might have a point.
Yes user, some people were alive before you were.
Reservoir dogs is his best movie.
Everything in the past 10 years he has made is sjw garbage.
“Nazis bad” “southerners bad” “racists bad”
We get it quinton, you love niggers
Is this nigga serious? There are plenty of people, not just on Yea Forums, who aren't into Tarantino movies or even outright hate them and they're not struggling underdogs. Fuck off.
I don't know what this means. Why not vanilla, or strawberry, or a different dessert or food altogether? I'm retarded, can you please explain?
a lot of his camerawork/style rips off so many other directors I can't say he's one of my favorites but he's never made a bad movie
he's a case of squandered potential. during the first 20% of Django Unchained I thought I was watching one of the greatest westerns ever. but no, he had to turn the whole movie into a blaxploitation reference.
Because those others do not have a reputation of decadence. Other examples are spam, fruitcake, lobster, anything rich as hell and bound to make you sick if you eat too much of it. That's the analogy. QT is an occasional treat amidst a backlog of tastefully-produced films. That being said, this might be his most tasteful since JB
This. I'm baffled there is even a debate, he is 100% one of the quintessential definitions of an overrated director.
>Antichrist and The House Jack Built they were the worst and most evil movies ever
They were, Lars von Trier is a pretentious prick
>It got a standing ovation at Cannes ffs.
I don't care how good a movie is, clapping for 10 minuites straught is utterly ridiculous
He definitely is overrated. Literally normies' first non-mainstream director, though ironically Tarantino is mainstream as fuck in how he panders to Hollywood ever since Inglorious Basterds.
This is the perfect opportunity to meme him into being a white fucking male. He hates white people, twitter shitting on him and checking his white privilege would be fucking hilarious.
I like his movies and I think he's talented. I just wish he would leave his 'foot thing' out of it. Every movie, it seems to get more overt.
We get it...he likes feet. Give us a break already.
I noticed Yea Forums HATES celebs who share the same fetishes but actually live them. For example Tarantino has a foot fetish and is injecting that shit in every movie he is making. Sperglords here fucking hate him for it. I think he's based and his movies are all really great
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull did as well.
i bet you faggots can't even name the seeds that are on buns
>We get it quinton, you love niggers
Yes people second-guess him too much. He's a great filmmaker. His movies command your attention better than almost any others, and at the end of the day, what more can you ask for from a movie?
I think he’s good but he’s not in the same league as say Michael Bay, for example.
Tarantino? More like Tarankino.
Jackie Brown, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill, and Pulp Fiction are all kinos.
Inglorious Bastards, Hateful Eight, and Django are more debatable but still even at worst well made and watchable movies.
Other stuff he's been involved with like True Romance and From Dusk Till Dawn are kinos.
If anything at this point he is so often called overrated that he has become underrated.
To be good.
nah fuck off tarantino, it was shit.
>food analogy
Hello fatass
he meant that the movie was ruined earlier fag
Quentin... Is that you?
He is one of the best film maker working in Hollywood right now. Outside of Death Proof and Hateful 8 his work is good
still shit
no shit thats what he said
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill (I don't distinguish between 1 & 2 but, if you have to see only one of them, #1)
Inglorious Basterds in a very distant 4th place
And everything else is just a wash behind that.
I have no idea where "Hollywood" might come in on that list.
I wouldn't say that he's overrated but it's just that everyone knows what to expect now from him.
I am a bit disappointed that we're probably not going to see KB volume 3. That would've been interesting.
Also, I'm not discounting more than 10 films from him. I can see a decade break after 10 and then big fanfare for an 11th film in his late 60s-early 70s for a new generation of movie goers so that they can say that they saw a new Tarantino flick in the cinema just like Mom & Dad did.
Based, funfags btfo
Yeah, hating Tarantino is baby's first contrarianism
I hate chocolate cake so I guess it makes sense I can't stand quentin tarantino
I dont get the definition of fun people use. A depressing film is still fun in the sense that it keeps me entertained. BUT NOOOO
I think Piero Scaruffi rated his latest movie super fucking highly by his standards so im hyped up
i think anyone who argues about subjective taste in films is a stupid fucking nigger
This is probably the dumbest thing I have ever read on Yea Forums and I've been here since 2011. Good job.
>saying mcdonald's is garbage fast food is baby's first contrarianism
That's how you sound like, you dumb fucking zoomer.
Black and Jew loving anti-white Tarantino can go fuck a rake
I think people hate on Tarantino's popularity and influence on independent filmmakers and other emulators more than anything.
You’re right, writing out Once Upon a Time In Hollywood each time is better.
Wtf jackie brown is great bro and by bro I mean never my bro you fucking faggot
Pretty much everyone I know thinks he is meh, I have never felt insecure about not wanting to watch his films.
He's like a rotting pile of shit in dirty gas station toilet.
uniornically is
Hes a hack, all style and no substance. Every normie pretends to like him to seem sophisticated. He's one step away from cape shit, just experimental or different enough to make it look fancy, but he knows he can't take any steps further without falling apart. Tarantino is babys first "cinema experience"
>saying mcdonald's is garbage fast food is baby's first contrarianism
thats right tho, McDonalds is good unless you are one of those retardos who act like fast food ought to be healthy
based google translate poster
He's one of the only directors that continues to shoot on film. That alone, even without his talent or proven track record, puts him heads above 99% of the dogshit that gets a major theatrical release.
I also dig his Mr. C look, pretty based.
There is a distinct drop in quality with his last two movies. Funny enough, they are the only two movies made since his old editor died. I wonder what influence she really had on his work.
It's funny that his best movie is Natural Born Killers, directed by Oliver Stone, and True Romance, also directed by someone else, and with it's low budget, is still better than everything he's done besides Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction.
>It's funny that his best movie is Natural Born Killers
oliver stone re-wrote his crappy screenplay
He's a one trick pony. You might like his trick. Maybe you never did. Possibly you're just tired of it.
The thing that worries me about the standing ovation at Cannes is that the film is about the movie industry and the history of a much better era of film that today. That is the stuff the movie review crowd loves to jack off to and is probably the main reason they liked this movie. That being said, I think this movie probably IS pretty good and a return to form in many ways, more like Jackie Brown than any of his other movies.
I'm gonna see it in 35mm opening night, then possibly another time in digital with some friends.
I love meta-films like that, so I'm probably gonna love it. Even the review which said jt's a good 100 minute movie rattling around in a 160 minute runtime made me excited because I know it's gonna meander and it's during those times that Tarantino REALLY shines
Why should he have a reason? The fact that he does whatever he feels like is why he's auteur emeritus of the world
With American moviemaking in the sad state that it's in, I don't have any problem with Tarantino. I think his best movies are behind him. I think he's a mix of genius and idiocy. But hell, beggars can't be choosers. If Hollywood were giving us gold on a regular basis, maybe I would spend more time criticizing him. But the plain fact is that he's one of the best American filmmakers working today.
Based scaruffi-drone
whats going on here?
The era doesn't even matter, zoomer friend. It just isn't as captivating when you're older.
I like Tarantino but I also have to agree with this. He's starting to see himself through the meme lens and that is never a good sign.
Hateful 8 was shit from the start.
I've never seen anyone call Kill Bill their favorite.
That was what should have been gleaned from the scene.
I think he went batshit after the 90s. His first three movies were kino.
>movie describes itself as "Tarantino meets ____" on the box