>plays space babe
>film grosses billions
how does she keep doing it?
>plays space babe
>film grosses billions
how does she keep doing it?
by being hot.
a good agent.
and she's a decent actress
Good looking so that both black and white markets will find her attractive.
And she's willing to put up with makeup up bullshit that lasts hours, unlike some other talentless bitches like Lawrence.
good at acting
good looking
Fit, friendly and a bit feisty. What's not to like?
Why does this board lower its beauty standards for sheboons?
This board is an absolute fucking cancer. It's just the same fucking dumb threads posted ad infinitum.
where do you think you are?
Now lads, lets play a game:
How long did you browse this shithole before learning what this disabled young man learnt ?
>And she's willing to put up with makeup up bullshit that lasts hours, unlike some other talentless bitches like Lawrence.
I think this. She seems to be doing so consistently well that she's probably nice to work with.
Why is she so big as the blue bitch?
They are like 8 feet
please do not call Neytiri " the blue bitch", it's both offensive and incorrect
she looks like she fucks white guys
unironically and factually, have sex.
>Actress Zoe Saldana (centre) went on a triple date with her husband Marco Perego, and her two sisters with their husbands...and as you can see, the three sisters have a type.
Bleached and redpilled
isn't this movie supposed to be 3d? this looks so grainy and 2d, like it's not even popping out of the screen at all
idk, it's some random screencap off google - i have the bluray and i think it looks nice
no wonder she is so likable
Did she make more in trek, avatar, or mcu?
She only needed the makeup for the Marvel movies
avatar has never had a home release that's done it justice. There is a fanmade 4k release I haven't watched but it would be upscaled anyway.
In theaters Jake and Neytiri would definitely pop in this wonderful and heartwarming scene
What causes these queens to do this?
Seething stormnigger
Not wanting some nigger buck's hepatitis I'd imagine.
ha she was in SOLO, too. Add that to the list mate
marvel I'd imagine. Four films and a lot of makeup work
no she wasn't
There's something wrong with her body, but I can't tell...
Oh shit.. she has no tits or hips. Her body proportions are fucking weird.
what the fuck is the point of putting heels on combat boots
dumb ass deserved to get thrown off that cliff
When ethnic women have money or are really good looking they tend to date up. Nothing personal shit skin.
lies and slander
t. homosex
to secure them better in stirrups