Cast him

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Clive Owen

Robin Williams
We can hook his corpse up to tubes and everything

That guy who played iron man. Looks just like him too.

CIA nigger

Rene Auberjonois


If there ever was a New Vegas movie, House should win. House is, objectively, the superior leader of New Vegas and, perhaps, the parts of the Mojave we travel.

fuck no fuck off you fucking retards

Hugh Laurie

House ending is cannon in everything but name.
It would also explain the glareing plot hole to where this autistic mathematician never counted on the courier betraying him

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Ed Harris

rene auberjonois and cgi howard hughes

George Clooney looks the part, but House is just a static face and a voice, it really doesn't matter as long as he sounds the part, could be anyone in that regard.

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steve carell

>it's a 'dumb faggot Yea Forumsirgin zoomers dont realize a video game character was based off a real life person who has already been played by multiple actors in live action movies' episode

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raul julia but since we'd need someone current dominic cooper

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What are some other good castings for New Vegas?

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Why not just get the guy who voice acted him?

he did actually, he warned him several times. he simply underestimated him, and tbqh, you would never expect from a random wastelander with a hole in his head what he managed to accomplish.
>Thwart me, and your punishment will become the purpose of my existence

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>*disconnects him from the mainframe*
The purpose of your existence is to suffer, House.

Di Caprio already played Howard Hughes so he could be good.


This. We have the technology afterall.

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Who the FUCK is Clive Warren?

Go NCR, go !

the guy who voiced him is also a good option


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Way too old now.

in game models are shit, I think he can pull it off, also Jeff Bridges as Chief Hanlon


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came here for this

>I think he can pull it off

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a little make-up and sepia filter can fix that

It's pretty close to his Punisher role but at least we know he could pull it off for sure.

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if it means seeing him crucified at the fort then you have my approval

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I liked aviator but still feel he was miscast as Hughes. The whole movie he looked like a teenager in a suit


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too old
Veronica is supposed to be mid twenties


Why do idiots want movies made of video games? Their stories have already been told in the medium they were written for. Hell, the Bioshock games were already linear enough. The fuck would I want to see some Hollywood studio water down a story I like?

Wasn't the Doom movie bad enough where they decided to censor the story by taking out all references to hell in it and make it into a Resident Evil knockoff?

Anyone looking forward to a movie based on a video game is an idiot.

The fact that Hollywood thinks their salvation lies in adapting video game stories is a sad death knell. They fail to realize they're just driving people toward games more and displaying the limits of film. If these studios truly believed in films, they wouldn't turn to another medium for salvation.

If anything, I'd be open for a movie set in the same universe as a video game. Just redoing the same story told in a game is stupid.

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Now give me upvotes

Daily reminder: if you didn't side with the Yesman, you're a pleb.

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Cast him!

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Who would be Vulpes Inculta?

David Bowie

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Good pick
Good but very diff vibe than the game.

the witcher looks like it will be good though

Hugh Laurie

Ed Norton as Josh Graham
Gary Oldman as Caesar
Matthew Fox as Vulpes Inculta

This is apex kino casting.

From a story point of view he's the best choice, I agree.

no it doesn't

>3 blacklisted actors playing 3 villains.

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>the courier

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>joshua graham
play honest hearts

Cringe and profligatepilled

He was for years before the game.

based and redpilled
>choosing to be the henchman of some beef jerky fuck instead of ruling Vegas yourself as an immortal cyborg with your based murderbots and all the side factions licking your boots

Ed Norton does not have the imposing voice needed for The Burned Man, he's practically Woody Allen in that regard.

>hurr durr me good at politics shit
>why all vegas starting bum bum bang bang?
leave the money management to the competent people, you rad roach meat loving, trigger happy, uneducated glorified mailman

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Danny Trejo as Raul. I thought his voice acting in FNV was better than most of his live action roles.


And he doesn't need any makeup, either. Works perfectly.

>let the only chance of humanity to rise and be a secure, advanced society being discarted in the name of an egotistical desire to rule over a decadent empire of sand in the middle of an apocalyptic wasteland where literal bottlecaps are regarded as currency and people free of radiation or mutations are like unicorns
some kingdom you got yourself there. bravo


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>No Idris Elba

Sure is summer.

>some people actually trusted Skyn- Yes Man and gave it full control of vegas and the bots

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Tom Hanks.