Why is there no right wing film movement? The right makes better memes and certainly had the creative edge right now. Why aren't more right wing indie films coming out? youtube.com
Why no Right Wing film movement?
because art is the antithesis to modern right wing values
Why do you shill this?
An American made this post.
S. Craig Zahler bro, but we need more yes
Because all they have to offer is conspiracy theories, fear, blindly worshipping authoritarianism, and memes. They have no art to offer.
Right Wingers can't into art
He said Right Wing not Left Wing, stupid leftoid
Nepotism and normal trends with more artistic types usually means its leftist, doesnt mean its good and its far more the former then the latter
Because right wingers are reactionaries instead of visionaries.
Because the (((people))) who own the major film studios and control modern mass media necessary to market films do not like white men and right wing values and make sure that they are carefully filtered out. And most importantly never make it to the top. Eastwood is probably the only conservative in Hollywood still allowed. Because he is
a) very old and almost dead
b) hates Nazis and Germans (see Million Dollar Baby)
c) is a peak boomer nationalist
If you can bank roll a major studio with the network and agencies to higher the crews and an independent media to promote them, then you can have a right-wing cinema movement.
Truth and beauty? The focus of all great art? Niggers tongue my anus?
Fake news. Leftism didn't exist until the industrial revolution and before then all art worldwide was made by people who would now be considered racist, sexist, homophobic, ultranationalistic, religious zealots.
Majority of right wingers are retarded, no offence
This, why can't they make pure kino like The Cuckold like us?
Because the industry is Jewish
Lefties on ancient times would be considered right-wingers now, but by and large are great art was made by lefties
And the proof is now, conservacucks are not doing shit when it comes to producing new art, an entire political spectrum can only do Pepe edits and chug male vitality pills.
Embarassing, really
this is basically it, anyone with an iq above room temperature is going to be a liberal so naturally thats where everything comes from
dude just pull yourself by the bootstraps lmao
What does it mean to be right wing kino exactly?
John Wayne
This shit bait is somehow still gonna work
>The right makes better memes and certainly had the creative edge right now.
yeah, there's a veritable flood of kino right-wing literature, art, movies, TV, music and poetry right now.
Shitposting memes and larping as capeshit at a protest does not make you creative
prove it wrong
Bobby fisher’s iq
A lot of film is made by manipulating money through certain companies that would never even consider touching right wing films.
Could be a low IQ thing. Probably a low IQ thing.
Because Hollywood is run by jews.
movement? nah there isn't enough talent around in the right wing/conservative spectrum.
there are probably right wing series around.
e.g. deutschland 83 is certainly not left. would you consider it right wing?
>The right makes better memes >> and certainly had the creative edge
4channel has the better memes, but that was even before American/British politics shat all over the place. if anything, it was better before.
>wanting to establish right-wing focused or even sympathetic movies in an industry that's 100% dominated by die hard left-wing globalists and cultural-marxist Jews.
You'd be fighting a war you couldn't win, OP, that's why. All the big money lenders are hooked nosed or in affiliation with the globalists.
Because left wing people are far better at creating art, this is true all over the world
Actually true. The right wing way of thinking is yearning back to the past and trying to create a society that would reflect that. It's against taking any creative risks.
Pursuing a creative life means not prioritizing money.
The VAST majority of professional creative people could earn more money doing other things.
And many of them are outright poor.
Conservatives are largely pragmatic and want a stable career. Their ideal is a steady professional job, supporting their family, and looking after themselves. So conservative young people don't go into the arts. They don't do arts degrees, they don't do theatre, they don't try seriously to be musicians. Because it's literally a bad decision.
It's a core ideological difference between the left and the right. The right cares more about money (prosperity, direct standard of living, jobs) and the left cares more about abstract concepts (altruism, art, peace).
When people say that the left are delusional and have their head in the clouds and none of what they want to do makes any sense, there's a lot of truth to that. But that kind of dreamy thinking is necessary for creativity.
Of course this is all based on generalisations and there are a million exceptions, but it is also true on many levels. And it's utterly delusional that conservative people think that they should be able to have their cake and eat it. To be pragmatic and fiscally responsible and protect traditions but also somehow create art and be original. And much of what is so cancerous about the film industry, is driven by people who are only superficially liberal, but really only care about profits and are conservatives at heart. This is most film studios.
Main reason is that Christian ideals worm their way into the production. Message movies suck. Look at the current SJW trends. They are ruining tons of movies and TV shows just like Christian shit does to its media.
They need pragmatic Righties who are not moralfags to make some kick ass kino.
To all the 'right wing' people ITT.
Would you rather create genius art, yet live a modest life and be largely unrecognized for it?
Or be very rich?
>right wing: rigidity
>left wing: creativity
except of course, the left wing are also increasingly rigid, which is why in the past couple decades cinema has become increasingly shit
>Why is there no right wing film movement?
Because the bedridden, octogenarian boomers who comprise the majority of the right-wing don't go to the movies anymore.
I'm literally a right-wing artist living since over a decade with the non-stop cencorship by left-wing publishers. You have a kindergarden view of the environment who obviously has never actually tried to work in any industry: be it music, film, or writing. Left-winger and liberals are the most biggotted enemies of freedom of thought imaginable. And everything stemming from the 60s on was never actually counter-culture.
Obviously the former, but being rich doesn't exclude pursuing a creative hobby. If anything, it opens up so many more ways considering you don't have to worry about starving to death or ending up on the streets.
back to your cuckshed ahmed
Tell us about your work
Basically, because the Right doesn't understand capitalism.
I'm not part of the Right, but I hate modern identity politics enough to find common cause with them on this issue. There's a point I've made to conservatives several times: Producers and executives don't really care about any of that. In fact, in their private lifes, they probably lean to the Right.
It's all about demographics. All data tells the same story: Young people, who lean Left, consume way more than older people, who lean Right. Women consume a lot more than men. Gays consume more than straight people. Blacks in certain industries consume more than whites. And to add to this, all these key groups can be turned off from your product if you say or do the wrong thing, because progressives speak the language of boycott and public outrage well, and make use of it as a political weapon.
So if you're part of a film studio and you're not pandering to the progressive line of thinking and to the identity politics that mobilize these groups, you should probably be fired desu. It's a no brainer, and it's just business. This is an aspect of modern day capitalism: your input on the Culture Industry is essentially a reflect of your demographic's potential as consumers.
I've made this point - that should be common sense to anyone who gets Capitalism - to conservatives several times, because I think all we have to do to develop alternatives to modern day PC culture is to develop the right consumer mindset and give our economic support to projects and companies that are thinking outside of this logic. And in response I *always* hear the same thing:
>it's not capitalism dude, it's the jews!! it's cultural marksism!! it's the fabian society!! it's the pedophile-democratic ring! it's whatever conspiracy theory is hot on youtube today!
The modern Right can't understand supply and demand and market research, because the conspiratorial mindset has replaced all common sense. They've been legitimately lobotomized.
>doxx yourself
>on fucking Yea Forums
No. I will just say that I have written and published novels, short stories, poems, essays. But not in English.
For the millionth time now: left-wing ideas, feminism, homosexuality/LBGTQ+ stuff and (anti-white) identity politics are pushed even if they make (huge) losses. Since decades.
This is very insightful. Many mainstream films and tv shows made for wide appeal are not produced by people who even are liberals or specifically to espouse liberal values. It's literally just a business strategy and the people making them only care about making money.
There's very often no ideological agenda.
You also have to consider that distribution remains active far more significantly over time and extends the shelf life of tent pole shows and films. So streaming platforms and content creators aren't just vetting their work against current trigger-happy progressive standards, but future ones as well.
>I-I swear, the jew is keeping the white man down
Sounds like the free market decided you and your art suck balls
^^^ this
hard data shows that left-leaning Americans and Chinese ants are the biggest devourers of fictional/fantasy trash, so its entirely logical to go where the money is.
right-wingers generally stick to the same old shit (its in their very ideology) without buying anything new, and thus less profit
>But not in English.
Why do you act ashamed of your own culture? You could just as economically have said which language you do work in and it would not have made you any more doxxable unless it's ainu or something.
This. Whoever makes it through is approved by them. It's been a Jewish industry increasingly since the 20s, and now it's a Jew mafia.
t. Hollywood fag
this, the left are true intellectuals
Or even, there is often conservative ideological messaging in big blockbuster films, no different from stories being told for decades in Hollywood, but covered in some superficial representation to make the work appear liberal.