what movies should I watch to understand the female condition?
In literature Arthur Schopenhauer essay "on women" gave me the greatest insight into the female psyche.I was recommend gone girl but it did not imbue me with knowledge beyond the surface level
What movies should I watch to understand the female condition?
In essence,I am trying to comprehend why humans of the female gender(the gentler sex) commit acts such as this one(webm related) while professing to be equal to men.In folly they also proclaim to be superior to human men.
What creates illusions of this caliber in the female mind?
Please recommend and movies I might consume to aid me in my quest.
Study biology more then transcribe it over hyper competitive inflation, now affix it with basic socio-economic pyschology and you have an intermediate understanding of most females.
Says a lot more about the dad who wouldnt support his daughter so she had to do porn. You know he's scummy because he even goes to those websites.
In English doc
Lol is it that hard for women to not be whores and get a job?
Or he assumed she would get an actual job like he did and maybe someone sent him a link. But whores usually becomes whores because of an absent father figure, so he likely has some level of blame.
This is your brain on autism
Please Keep all discussion in my thread on films and movies relating to the topic(nature of women) or else the janitor will delete my thread.
Arthur Schopenhauer was a pussy incel loser who only hated women because he fell in love with a maid and she refused to abandon her son in order to elope with Schopenhauer.
Schopenhauer is a bitter, lonely and selfish little creature. You should never take his philosophy seriously.
here's all you need to know:
everything women do is done for the effect it has on other women
>maybe someone sent him a link.
Boomers don't share porn. Especially if the neighborhood perv found it, he wouldn't share it.
Give birth.
No dad, even the beta feminist ones are proud of having a slut daughter.
being a whore is the oldest and easiest profession
you can literally educate, feed and give every opportunity to a woman and she will still end up spreading her legs for minor gain, because that is her nature
for proof see the OP, literally given everything in life and shes still a slut and a whore
this guy has a point. if men didn't consume so much porn, it wouldn't exist in the first place. women are going to make money however they can and there's plenty of men eager to watch them perform. if women are whores, it's because men are whores.
But being a "sex worker" is perfectly fine and acceptable, what are you, a bigot?
Oh shit I didn't read anything. Please disregard. I disavow.
She doesn’t do porn...
He's a bitter weak man. He lived a life of failure and died alone as a failure. If you take advice from this empty man, you're doomed to follow his footsteps
Link to the video
>agreeying with your own post
why are trannies so dumb?
yet his writings and ideals live on while the whore maid is a footnote on his history page
check pornhub for white chick gets BLACKED and scroll a couple hundred pages
awful lot of cumbrainesque chit chat in this forum...
>Says a lot more about the dad who wouldnt support his daughter so she had to do porn. You know he's scummy because he even goes to those websites.
Lovely how you cannot refute anything, its straight to personal attacks, why are lefties like this?
if he had fucked his daughter she wouldn't have become a whore. fact.
>Lovely how you cannot refute anything, its straight to personal attacks
just like chicks
>this site is not woke waaaa
>one of you faggots goes out of your way to post bikini videos on P O R Nhub
>I guess her dad purposely searched for her???
>nobody's naked and I literally can't fap to this
Fake news, kys your self.
You can know something about their nature even if you had a bad experience. Nignogs commit crime, but im not an incel because i was robbed at a gas station by one.
based and incespilled
>312 555 views
>3,3 million likes
How does she do it?
>choose to be lost in the nameless sea of porn
the female brain is truly something
She's got rockin' tits.
>taking a mid level philosophy class at the local uni because I was bored and its better than spending my time shitposting
>mostly women
>all the white bitches barely pay attention and spend all class on their phones texting chad
>one chinky girl pays attention
>after class ends one day she comes up to me and timidly asks me If I want to join her study group
>say yes
>study group is me,her and 2 white whores who dropped out after a week
>shes respectful,driven,intelligent and treats me with respect
>class finishes and I score A+ while she scores an A
>expected her to be annoyed with me because shes a woman and asian culture is highly competitive
>instead she congratulates me and asks me very timidly if I want to go see a movie with her
>tell her no since I am repulsed by women to my very core
>expect her to go off and call me a faggot and other epithets like all roasties do when you reject them
>shes a bit taken aback but wishes me all the best and we go our separate ways
From this I deduce it is either a genetic factor or a cultural factor that causes white women to be subhuman filth.I lean more towards a genetic component as the chinky girl was born in America to 3rd generation immigrants so the grip of her native culture would have not been as strong
Posting in an incel thread!
>Like the story title and she's hot enough to fuck and still be obtainable in most males minds.
>Not giving a shit about having to actually watch the video.
>stupid channiggers reposting her dressup videos on tubesites because they're pathetic incel losers
>this is literally what she's warning the other dressup stacies about
>but gathering information and looking at context is hard, so I'm going to be a bitter misogynist dick about her non-existent porn
damn, you called them incels, everything they said must be wrong now.
>watching porn is just the same as being in porn! don't just me!
whores are really dumb
her warning got more interest in the video then acutal views of the video
shes just another slut sucking cock in the millions upon millions of videos
while on youtube she is the [1] unique roastie talking about this
>28 unique posters
>48 replies
unironically go outside and HAVE SEX incels.
Try a Neil Labute film. I recommend The Shape of Things or In the Company of Men. It is critical of men and women but that side of women is usually never shown in film. Worth a watch.
I regret reading this bullshit. Please, do cut your balls of or give them to someone that could use them.
Lol...so he's scummy for watching porn like a normal (albeit normal by degenerate standards) heterosexual male but she's just a product of circumstance for her choice to star in said degenerate industry. Hmm I think you may be a tad bit biased.
where the fuck is the video
Im so fucking confused, the foundation of what an incel even is, is what Yea Forums is built off of. Are newfags from leddit seriously the majority now or is everone just being knee deep in irony? "Incel" can be viewed as a Wizard depending on the person.
hope she sees this bro
Can someone please provide the name of the actress?
We live in a Matriarchy in which they can receive scholarships for merely having a vagina, free career training and advanced placement into Jobs that don't have a lot of their gender in it...and yet...they'd rather get blasted in the face with cum so they can buy pretty shoes. That is a creature that should NOT have the right to vote on how a country should operate. Rescind the 19th. It's all been a disaster and massive mistake.
why would I stain my soul by dating and eventually having SEX with a woman
even more so a woman outside of my race
I am not bound by biological programming or primal urges to breed or propogate
which is why I am a superior man,the ubermensch and the divine.
I know. Imagine having the gall to make this thread and not post a link to it.
fake and gay
what movie should I watch to understand the incel condition?
I'd like to try and understand why a young man would spend all his time on the internet specifically looking for things that upset him when there are plenty of things in life to enjoy.
I'm sure you are a fan of Margaret Sanger or Gloria Steinem though who are certainly not femcel losers and were brilliant women with brilliant minds that happened to have a psychotic-level of hatred for men. Nice spacing.
>daddy always neglected you and never acted like you were good enough/never supported you
>is not jerking off to you on pornhub
>still claims it's all your fault and how this only confirms everything he's ever said
being a thot truly is suffering.
name one thing in life that can be enjoyed
just one.
Her (Caroline Zalog) youtube videos of trying on Bikinis were reuploaded on Pornhub. It's still instagram thottery and she's showing off her body for attention, but it's not quite fucking dudes for money. She doesn't seem far off though. Sure you may not like it because she looks, talks, and acts like a whore, but if *insert woman you think is more respectable* is doing it on the latest Bikini issue of Sports Illustrated, what really is the difference?
Women crave attention. Women's bodies get them the most and easiest attention. 2+2 is 4, quick maths.
Well this whole thread has been a waste of my time.
No he doesn't. Women could respect themselves and choose not to prostitute themselves and be loyal mothers and wives but they'd rather suck dicks for handbags with a french guy's name on it because they are the Jews' favorite materialism-addicted cattle next to the indolent negro who spends his money on frivolities.
Because humans have the right to be sexual you dumb incel.
Accepting reality often has that effect on a man. He could see what others could not see, since they were blinded by their own desire to live in an illusion that is far more comforting.
proof? or are you pulling this statement out of your ass so you can justify to yourself fucking whores and being a degenerate nigger
Caroline Zalog
sports, reading, music, weed, food, pussy, movies, going for a run, raising a dog, exploring nature
Dubs and I get a hot and loyal girlfriend.
Women act like that because men allow it and the state+elite is pushing it really hard
If anything a variety of experiences both positive and negative is a lot more valuable as a sample size then only polite and pleasant encounters. Those who do not participate in something can sometimes be even more valuable as observers than
That woman is a stripper. She's equally to blame for this degeneracy as the group of men shown participating in the same activity.