Could you live on this salary?

Could you live on this salary?

Attached: wagie paycheck.jpg (690x308, 24K)

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For a weekend maybe

I have and could

This episode aired in 1996. Adjusted for inflation Homer's net pay is $598.28. (according to

Answer is still a big no.

Formerly 362.19

Good thing he also had a TV series, would have gone broke without it.

That's just slightly below the US average net salary.
Pretty realistic considering springfield is considered a shithole and he got his house for free and the family is considered on the poorer side.

> You are on your fifth mortgage.

Lousy Bear tax


How would someone afford gucci loafers on that budget?

I'm from a latin american shithole
if that is a week paycheck its literally twice what I make for about the same amount of hours

I earn less than that and manage ok

photoshop to zero dollars and you have yourself a new jannie meme.

For 7 to 8 days max

So for monday to friday, 8am to 4pm I would get 536€. 536€ per week.

2144€ per month. Double my fathers pay, almost three times what my mother gets. Double my pay.

Could I live? Negro I could fucking thrive on paycheck like this. Whores and coke every day.

>posting for free

>$2400 a month net pay
>roughly worth $40k in pretax salary
That's pretty close to US average wage isn't it?

I take home 299 a week so yeah

I could actually, yes.

Attached: 1325449705482.png (493x402, 5K)

Not just supporting yourself. Homer has a family of five and a dog to take care of, and I don't think Marge has a consistent job.

It's a few thousand above.

Nice to see such a wage increase well over a decade...