Why movies always have to show improbable and unrealistic depictions?
Why movies always have to show improbable and unrealistic depictions?
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this is me, i'm 33, never even been on a date
probably too late for me. least i got money
Is this bait or are you underage?
Do you have long hair?
I don't even have the money.
Anyone know the music that’s playing over this scene, made it a lot more powerful. It was sad to see Marty get reduced to a shitty apartment and TV dinners.
No, I keep it short because there's a cheap and good barber around. Otherwise i'll go full Rust I guess
>my life since the divorce
Things haven't been good.
I never want a gf. I can’t shake the fact that humans are things laboring under the illusion of having a self. This secretion of sensory experience and feeling. Programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody... when in fact everybody is nobody.
>Past a certain age, a man that don't hate trannies, n*ggers, kikes, women, love nihilistic; cynical characters such as The Joker, and post on 4channel 24 hours a day, every day of the week, making the same posts, the same threads, with the same memes everyday, can be a bad thing
What did he mean by this?
I can’t believe people keep reproducing. I say we should deny our programming... stop reproducing. Walk hand in hand into extinction.
Just realized I have that exact shirt.
Literally me, except I don't even go to work.
Rust is the best character from any yellow crime story ever.
The gays are already doing that, dude
Not too late. Join a club, maybe start a hobby, use those to meet people. Make yourself presentable.
Just ask women out until you get some yeses. (I like the "I'm going to do x, would you like to join me?" method.) You need the practice, so don't worry about if you find them particularly attractive. You'll get something out of banging even a 4/10, I'm sure.
It was something made for the series. Part of the ambient soundtrack. Not sure if it was released.
Those who experience the greatest suffering recognize the greatest good. They are pushed into a clear view of the chaos and they draw the conclusion if the world was willing to push them down so far and ignore their suffering then suffering is something that will never end for those who are willing to be human and susceptible to emotional depth.
Because those who don't feel don't suffer. Suffering is the virtue of real man, not man pretending to be a fantasy.
Only those who care suffer, those who satisfy themselves do not.
You just aren't watching the right movies. If you want that Rust Cohle bleak vibe, watch Aster films.
Based optimistic poster
same but 34
>It was sad to see Marty get reduced to a shitty apartment and TV dinners.
My heart went out to him, but he's 100% responsible for ending up there.