>The entire cast of Riverdale thinks the show is retarded
I love this shit, any other examples of this happening?
The entire cast of Riverdale thinks the show is retarded
the entire fanbase that unironically watches this soccer mom bait soap opera shit is a fucking homo.
Robert Pattinson hates Twilight, like alot
Normies hate this show too.
betty gf
Riverdale is the stranger things of chad n stacy
>I just hope the lad, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of second hand, childish banalities
the redhead is cute
Riverdale is shit, but I love it, because it's my kind of shit.
oh no no no no
Watch GoT actors' reaction to season 8
I watched it thinking it was going to be so bad that it was good which it was at first but it got progressively so much dumber that I'm surprised it's not been revealed that an AI writes the script.
An AI might have even wrote a better script.
I think weirdly, it takes a lot of talent to be so untalented.
>he doesn't watch the show for the sole reason of staring at betty
I always wonder how he was allowed to even say those things.
hahaha wtf he even makes fun of the author
>tfw the blind items were true
Absolutely based
where were you when you heard the news kinodale bros?
I like that it is "crazy" and cringe
what is cringe about forming your own shirtless teenage chad militia terrorist cell to fight a serial killer? nothing
This show is more American than apple pie. It is based off a milquetoast 50s comic strip nobody cares for, it has fag stuff but not too much, it has diversity shit whilst the main characters are idealized WASP teenagers/young adults who are the heroes of all races.
He would be a better 007 than that woman
I like the premise of this thread but that video is unwatchable. I don't know what the fuck "Riverdale"is, but judging by that video it is awful.
I literally couldn't make it past a few seconds. I had to pause and play it like one of those cringe videos.
Still pretty even without the make up
i watched for the comic references
once those dried up and archie became jason bourne or some shit i just noped out
I'm in that boat, I read the first book because I thought it was going to be a supernatural murder mystery with vampires and shit.
I know hating on Twilight is the most normie shit ever, even more normie than Reddit, more like 9gag level. But to do it so openly in his position is unironically based af.
i thought the first book was passable schlock but the second book was 30% bella staying in bed and whining about her fairy boyfriend leaving and it was so fucking bad i couldn't believe it.
The blond girl is based.
100% they broke up because of how insecure this bitch is.
what blind item?
cole slamming thots
Not sure if anyone’s said it yet but I think one of the Game or Thrones actor was evasive when asked if the last season was going to be good.
GoT cast hated season 8.
Johnny Depp hated 21 Jump Street and only wanted to return in the movie if they killed off his character there.
>Betty is single now
D-Do you guys think I might have a chance?
looks like she's done that a few times...
GoT last season and The Walking Dead maybe?
I never watched TWD, but from the few scenes I've seen the cast should hate it. It's terrible. Then again, actors are the dumbest people alive so who knows.
just bee yourself user
god damn
>shirtless teenage chad militia terrorist cell to fight a serial killer
Scream Queens did it better 2bh
Look at the length of her tongue.
>2nd most vanilla pairing
Unironically kill yourself.
Yeah this
fuck me
>overacting a simple meme
This mofo sucks
This kills the boner
Game of Thrones actors
Everything about the wardrobe, set design and cinematography is really pretty to look at but yeah, the stories are pure crap
It's like live action KyoAni; fire baptism when
Was this from the show? I didn't know CW was so advanced.
>Ian McElhinney
I love this dude
This bitch needs to stop fucking around, hire a new agent, leave CW and try making it in Hollywood.
It's torture watching Riverdale just for her.
god yes!!
Her stripper movie.
>Lili confirmed she doesn't go nude or pole dances
He's based, but does he not understand that women love guys that might kill them at any second? He has to have enough experience with chicks to know that. That's the whole appeal of Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey, etc. Those books aren't just successful massively successful with women by accident.
Well, I guess that's one I can cross off my list. Still have my fingers crossed for Knives Out.
>love guys that might kill them at any second?
Cole loves annoying them lol
Iwant it inside my Angus
>mutt wearing a nosering to a dresscode event
What a disgusting time to be alive.
>they think they can change the guy into something that he is not
>they get excited at the thought of danger and how the guy is supposedly holding back his nature by not using violence on her
Every man should watch Twilight to see what women really want; Edward is the super dark and primal vampire who could tear her to pieces but doesn't because he's a wealthy gentleman who wants to wait for marriage (consent) and sparkles in the sunlight
Jacob the /fit/cel is kept around because every girl needs to have a plan B if they feel trapped
what a fucking whore.
He's already Batman.
Nandeska ?
are we gonna ever see her unleaked leaks?
>watching this show for plot
fuck off
Some were posted in /hr/. The pics are tame but you can see her nipples. The pics are gone from the thread which is weird.
archived anywhere? there has to be a way
someone post some lili feet
Is that a silhouette of her face in the pillow?
fucking based user
you virgins should try actually interacting with girls and seeing them without make up sometime
have foundation
Great work
This honestly
The show is so cringy it can take me weeks to finish a single episode but I finish it none theless
I watch it only for her. Its a good sleeping aid and I dream of betty gf
I'm not sure user, it looks like he puts himself in this "self defence" position where he wants everyone to know he thinks it's stupid
no me
Are her hips getting wider or is it just an illusion?
>I didn't even get to do any vampire stuff
What do you expect from a live action version of Archie's Weird Mysteries?
Also I want a qt ginger gf
Why didnt they just adapt the Archie comics?
maybe you girls should just walk around looking like the zombies you are so we dont have to get acclimated to your hideousness
The latter.
at first it was just fapbait and there were a lot of threads on here that were essentially excuses to post the cheerleading webms so I don't know why they didn't just keep on doing that with some One Tree Hill-like plotlines, if I were to guess I'd say out of touch boomer writers
this man is hitting levels of chad that shouldn't even be possible
They should also watch it because KStew is a fox, but that's beside the point
The show is made for tweens and young teen girls. What did you expect?
bitch looks 40
Just get a haircut and take a shower, bro.
Jacob has a legion of fangirls and werewolves are infinitely more chad than vampires
Wtf this is actually based
why is my dick hard?
her parents must be proud
Jesus, how can somebody be so based?