What does Yea Forums think about actors going to hospitals in character? Do they do it out of the goodness of their hearts or because the studio required them to? My cynical self believes the latter but I'd like to be proven wrong.
What does Yea Forums think about actors going to hospitals in character...
Disney makes them do it.
You've got to remember these people have effectively unlimited money and could retire any time they want. They only do what they WANT to do and life is effectively like a game with no real concerns, they likely do it cause they find it satisfying. I'm in a similar situation (doctor who does the volunteer in Africa meme).
Inb4 cringecels arrive and say the only goal in life is to selfishly accumulate as much money as possible, not help anyone and not even spend it on anything but a showy house and car.
I wish that I could bring light into the lives of sick children. I wish that I could make the whole world smile and laugh and play.
>volunter in afrika
you are part of the problem
Thry just want attention and be seen as good people.
It's probably in their contracts but it's also go PR so I'm sure they would do it regardless if it was in their contracts.
so what happens next? do they just stand there and smile then up to the next sick kid?
I want jake to hold me softly.
I don't believe anything you typed
They find it satisfying to lord over terminally ill children in their retarded costumes? Sound like psychopaths
Do you have sex?
Have you ever traveled to a different country without your family?
Have you ever saved anyone's life?
Do you regularly interact with people outside of at the supermarket, job centre and your mum?
Guessing the answer is no to all of them.. The absolute fucking state of "redpilled" retards
that's depressing user. half of the people on Yea Forums are barely hanging on, please stop
>making Africa better so niggers stay there
Literally solving the problem
>hedonism and stds good
>wine aunt lifestyle good
>africa good
The absolute state of normie cuckold retards
Literally solving the problem would stop giving them supplies and resources and let nature take its course
if the official disney photographer is taking pictures, it's the latter
>millionaires meet the terminally children whose organs they'll harvest
>The absolute state of normie cuckold retards
Yeah bro I'm sure the people who can get laid, get girlfriends, finish college, get a job and have satisfying hobbies are the bluepilled retards, not the redpilled unemployed neet virgin. Grow up
except thats not how it works, they just breed even more rapidly and then come here in bigger numbers
>durrrrr let whores leech off you durrrrr
>hurrrrr pay thousands in student loans hurrrrrr
>durrrrr work hard for your boss Shekel Steinberg hurrrrrr
How about no wageslave, why don't you go back to work so my neetbux keep rolling in :^) stupid fucking soggy brained limp wristed boot licking cuckold conformist
>They only do what they WANT to do
Everyone around them relies on them to keep working (managers/agents/studios).
They are probably bad with managing the money they have, and they'll blow trough all of their savings in a couple of years if nobody is advising them.
>living a life that has hardships but satisfies you is bad
Is this the power of autism?
>durrrr muh hardships make me strong durrrrrrr
Almost retarded enough you could imagine it on a pillow or hanging on some normies wall
>durrrrr let whores leech off you durrrrr
My girlfriend makes just as much as me and we split everything equally
>hurrrrr pay thousands in student loans hurrrrrr
Assuming your American the average mutt pays like 40k in student loans then makes back over 1 mil lol.
>durrrrr work hard for your boss Shekel Steinberg hurrrrrr
You're thinking every job is like McDonalds, they're not. If I was treated disrespectfully I'd make it clear not to speak to me like that again or I'm leaving and carry through with it. What you gonna do if the jobcentre or mummy treats you rudely? Absolutely nothing cause you're the states bitch lol
This site has clearly rotted your mind. Leave it and actually do something with your life instead of talking with hateful virgins on Pol about how niggers are the death of America
What do you think the best way to spend your life is?
Remember it's going to run out in 60 years and there's nothing afterwards.
>m-muh imaginary g-girlfriend is a d-doctor too ;_;
Imagine lying on the internet
>Assuming your American the average mutt pays like 40k in student loans then makes back over 1 mil lol
Hahahahahahaha no no wait *breathes in* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>s-speak nicer to me Mr. Steinberg ;_; nooo don't take away my vacation days ;_; I have to go cuck my "wife" to some Africans ;_;
You are clearly a mentally ill pathological lying liberal fucktard piece of shit, seek therapy before you end up castrating yourself
To crush the spirit of wageslaves and normies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women
holy fucking based, btfo racists
Everything I said was true though. My girlfriend pays for herself (but even if she didn't I wouldn't care in the slightest). You can look up earning statistics in your country, in the us it pays itself off massively. No one would treat me disrespectfully cause it would be such a pain if I did, same can't be said for you at the neetcentre they'll just cut your bux lol. It's debateable of I even have a boss since do daily contract work. Volunteering is a faaar better use of time then League of legends
Anyway this is done, have sex.
True altruism doesn't really exist. However, while it may be a calculated business decision and/or done to appeal to the narcissism of the actors, it still makes the kids happier. So for that reason, who gives a shit. Effect is more import than intent. Benis.
I would think going to a hospital and seeing kids who are going to be dead soon would be a bad time
No seriously, what are you meant to do?
You're dying right now better be making good use of your time
>When Jake is so cool that these kids will be rooting for Mysterio to kill the twink and goblina in the movie
Get AIDS faggot, hope your whore "girlfriend" gets raped and decapitated in front of you while you're philandering in Africa, sickening soulless liberal creep
You're right, my time would be much better spent spending 8+ years in medical school so I can go save some niggers in Apefrica for virtue signal points. You have truly shown me the light, thanks s*yim
Not him and you didn't answer. What do you think you're meant to do with your life?
Why do normies lives have to revolve around some kind of "meaning"? Do they really find meaning in the indoctrination of the public education system, slavery in the form of working to the age of 65, endless debt, and the country your ancestors built from the ground up becoming unrecognizable in only a few mere generations? Pathetic
Because only with that can you have a satisfying life...
I can't wait to read about you getting your head bashed in with a rock by a rabid African negroid
I think that mysterio needs to plow peter's tite boipucci and put him in hospital
>using sick kids for cheap publicity
Lol you can't answer. What did you do this week
I do whatever I want whenever I want. Swim, read, go to the movies, workout, etc. What did you do wageslaving this week?
He did answer. You just didn't like it.