I Am Jazz
I Am Jazz
Other urls found in this thread:
I Am... forgotten
I Am Techno
I love the show
I'll not forget you
do trannies grow a beard?
Reminder that this tv show is 100% fake, Jazz is a real girl and never had a dick.
How the fuck is this legal?
wtf is dilation?
Jazz is an inspiration.
dildo in new vagina to keep it open
Lol do they just throw his dick meat away lol like in the trash? Lol does the surgeon roast it up and eat it? Lol like on a bun like a hot dog? lol imagine being a little boy and having a surgeon eat your dick like a hot dog lol
I am...soon be dead
You ask this question every thread in an attempt to be cute. But its the same 10 anons everytime. you are not clever or original, you are a bitch
Its the smoking gun for why the "surgeons" who do this to people are unethical. With "do no harm" in mind, they literally create an open gash in between the guy's legs. The human body will obviously recognize that as a wound, and will attempt to heal and close it. It will be successful given enough time, which is why they tell these head cases to put a literal dildo into their open wound for the rest of their lives to prevent their body from healing.
lmao om nom nom nom right??
reminder that this was a boy who was brainwashed and steered by sick adoptive parents to believe he was a girl
and it's all on TV
they were already filming him when he was 8 or something, creepily saying he's a girl for the camera
Skylar is very supportive.
David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blase quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
based and lynchpilled
When youre prepping your girl for anal you first put in a finger to dilate the hole. Now imagine that, but with an 8 inch dildo and it's a tranny's new pussy. And it has to dilate even when it's not gonna be used
David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
Self-mutilation that's socially acceptable.
What a unit. What position does he play?
The Fattening has begun.
I would post this now kek Based.
It's funny if these trannies got sissified instead they wouldn't mutilute themselves or go postal
no trans girls go insane
I Am Speed
Same, it just sucks when it's off air. At least there are more shows with trans characters now but I Am Jazz is still the best by a mile.
She could support my entire body weight
Is this achievable natty?
underrated post
I Am Sneed
yes if you put in a solid 5 hours of gym time weekly for a couple of years you will have your own cutie trans girlfriend
Shave your mustache, mister.
the surgery itself is touted as treatment for gender dysphoria despite every single solitary statistic contradicting it.
As if 'i feel like a girl in a boy's body' isn't obvious enough it's is a mental illness.
Is being gay a mental illness?
There are many types of gay. The kind where they hate the opposite gender, teach their kids to be gay, parade in the street in bondage gear and give each other aids on purpose is definitely a disorder.
There are many types of straight.
you need to dilate
Imagine being so sightless and full of beast blood that you actually believe they didn't gain an audience. It's evolved into the correct kin using the most advanced blood healing methods available. Your inaccurate view of the ritual and the mindset of the transcended individual in general are so remarkably colored by frenzy that it draws me deeper into the dream.
Well hey, I can't totally throw you out of the nightmare, since I used to be a little bit like you before I gained an audience with Mergo, who was actually an ancient pthumerian stillborn fetus. Being on the journey with them throughout the Cosmos changed my world view about ligning eyes and insight as a whole. You need not find out for yourselves if it's not your cup of blood pellets, but I can wholeheartedly assure you that a Kin's eldritch knowledge is just as enlightening to attain as a Great One's.
Next time it pops into your Mensis Cage that people like Jazz (or some say Jazzm )are "accursed" just remember that she has to be more insightful and lined with eyeballs than many of you will fortunately ever have to be in your beastly idiocy.
I've taken the steps to advance my ideas of the higher plane and my research on yharmanites, becoming better for it I may add.
Even in the dream I know who I am. And I love who I am and shall become - all I can say to you is: your move, Hunter.
i want to stretch out her girlpucci
jamie do we have that video
I dunno but saying you feel like one gender or the other is crazytown.
* to be
i am jezz
>I am Jazz
Imagine being named after a musical genre
Imagine going to the doctor because you feel like you have bugs underneath your skin, and the doctor says, "Yes, you DO have bugs underneath your skin!"
Then the doctor offers a $100,000 surgery to remove your skin so you can keep checking for bugs, plus $10,000/month worth of antibiotics and painkillers that you'll have to take daily until you kill yourself.
And instead of being arrested, society elects to champion the doctor as a hero.
There's no 'feeling' like a boy or a girl. It's indicative of some sort of mental imbalance and that's it.
It's what's poppin'
Yo Jazz whats up girl! Thanks for meeting with me, I'm your number one fan.
because it's mumbo jumbo designed by medical industry to profit of mental ill people
Skylar has a female soul.
He always reminds me of the boss of super punch-out.
As a biological organism that replicates with male/female mating pairs, if you aren't attracted to the opposite sex you're sexually retarded.
But no, apparently only religious nuts are anti gay. If you FUXKING LOVE SCIENCE you're an LCDTV ally.
One day we'll look back on the days of woundginas in horror and regret.
But gays have children, no?
It's a first step towards equality.
You can run, you can hide, but those Y chromosomes will always catch up to you
Would you let Skylar ravish your quivering body?
do you really want to know
opening vagina with a tube
Anything that flies in the face of a biological imperative is. I'm inclined to believe it's genetic but the entire gay community throws a bitch fit at the suggestion.
Do transexuals actually have sex with their newfound hole? I heard it gets filled with some yellowish pus, is that true?
reminder that he was a palestinian adopted by jews, they probably get off to destroying him
Gays believe it's genetic too, you gungan
And the mom founded the TransKids Purple Rainbow Foundation.
If that's not a giant red flag I don't know what is.
after 6 moths, you can have sex with the new vagina.
If he was autistic, he'd be called Slow Jazz
>Lynchian poster
Not in my experience. They resent being called mutants.
The fuck do you even find a tie-dyed muumuu? Makes his tits look like they're trying to run away.
it's an open wound it has potential to grow terratomma's
Maybe if you tried being more respectful?
GOD i want to cum deep imside skylar's fake vagina
Looks like a fucking dude
Meh it's a word with an exact definition just like the word retard. If they want to take offense to a proper term it's on them.
why are her breasts like that*?
Skylar has a very supportive family.
This is what I mean by toxic.
You can't stop the Y and the T
His masculine features are going to be full force by his late 20s. He might an hero
Yeah there's still some nervous tissue so they might in some way enjoy it, but not Jazz. He'll literally never have a libido which makes his life-ruining frankenvajay just for show.
Im gonna have many babies with her
Shut the fuck up faggot
>cuts dick off
>I’m a lady
>doesn’t have any other feminisation surgery
>body fills out like a bloke anyway
If anyone wants to see the future horror these mad lads are Looking at google Brianna wu
>waaa waaa stahp mocking trannies
Skylar's just you girl next door.
I am Sneed
look, i ate niggers just like the rest of you, but this is just cruel.
They parade him around and make him face the demons of this world in every waking minute.
How has he not lost his sanity yet ?
This is why you never do hormones. Dress up like a girl while you're a twink then become a man when you start to fill out.
Thats a male skull
>pay a "doctor" thousands of dollars to chop up your genitals and turn them inside out
>body desperately tries to repair the damage best it can, but it can't do it properly because you keep shoving giant dildos in the wound
>festering wound occasionally oozes out solid chunks of rotten flesh/pus/hair
How does this alone not convince people that trannies are mentally fucked?
It's always Thailand.
Amir is made of strong stuff.
Sometimes he does that face like if hes about to have an epiphany that he got lost, and is in hell, but he never follows the needed line of thought, he merely stares at it and avoid, its just a matter of time really.
Has everyone done their daily dilation?
My name Jazz :DD
tfw every user jack of us would fuck Jazz and Skylar given half a chance.
If only the world catered to other fetishes this much.
I am Jazz.
We'd fuck anything.
Because the tv and social media usually omit these complications and only focus on validating their dellusion.
those shulders m8.
not very flattering.
He's a really off brand dude.
Amir broke up with jazz
*blocks your path*
Sky's all gurl
He could have been a chad, what a waste.
>tried so hard
>got so far
This one is lucky he doesn’t have a large/hawk nose like most FTM’s
Only if the surgeon is Jewish
Looks like he still will be.
it's his chosen name, jaron is his real name
When you leave a gash where your cock used to be your body tries to heal itself. To prevent that, trannies have to "dilate" by cleaning out the gunk and mucus that builds up inside the gash and insert a dildo to keep the flesh separated so it doesn't heal back together. This is a healthy medical procedure according to certain doctors.
No thanks i can shag actual women
there's just a buzz in your brain that goes off, you simply know, and you can't explain it.
It's like that Dr. Who episode where the fish creatures were using holograms to hide as people, but the brain still detected a threat so it gave them vampire fangs.
No matter how much these things hide there's just a biological reaction they can't ever fool.
why do that when u can play with a feminine penis?
because they're deformed
More people watch I am Jazz than HBOs Euphoria Jewels = BTFO
Stop flirtin with me u fuckin bender
I want to vomit in disgust
Thats a bloke
When's her tv show coming? Bout time TLC adapts Mars Attacks
what's their foot game tho??? I'm afraid I can't really have an opinion until I can see their feet...
Trans people are just that...people.
*cute people with an extra something :3
Sky's post op
So do psychologists just look at these people and say “oh yeah this is totally normal”?
I’m guessing his went better than the jazz
>pay a "doctor" thousands of dollars to chop up your genitals and turn them inside out
>body desperately tries to repair the damage best it can, but it can't do it properly because you keep shoving giant dildos in the wound
>festering wound occasionally oozes out solid chunks of rotten flesh/pus/hair
>How does this alone not convince people that trannies are mentally fucked?
They don't talk about that stuff.
Imagine the terranoma of hair, pus, blood and hardened scab cells that are forming in that mutilated hole at the very moment this was being filmed
Skylar is doing fine, thank you.
Jazz is actually very open about it.
FYI her parents are Zionists and jazz is an adopted Palestinian child.
Has the thing 40% yet?
Reminder that if you major in business, psychology, history, art, journalism or whatever other shit degree you should kill yourself.
Get the fuck out of here with your McDonald’s degree.
no it's in Harvard
Jazz was valedictorian.
Did her jew parents pay for her admission?
based and niggerpilled
I wonder how many fistulae Jazz has?
a number which is incomprehensible to the human mind.
lmao Jaron's friends have such kino reactions
affirmative action is my guess
he didn't exactly strike me as a very bright boy
her pity is palpable and makes us feel good
What in the Uncle-Nephew-Son, satellite dish hooked up to the trailer, kool aid without sugar, frozen pizza dinner, five teeth missing, creek water sippin, sister kissin, toad lickin, tobacco dip packin, dumpster diving, out of toilet paper so I had to use my hand, tractor driving, catfish selling, cat piss smelling, dog food chompin, Yee Yee yelling, camel cigarette smoking, bullshit is this? Like seriously. People need to be ashamed of themselves for this abomination.
Look, Shakespare, it's about tolerance and acceptance.
wtf harvard
jesus fuck a 140+ iq asian/indian was probably rejected because of xim lmao
that's a myth
Are you that hunter? ...Well, well. A hunter is it? Ahh, tonight, there's something different in the air... Men leave as hunters, and return as beasts. ...Let there be no doubt. If it moves, you can be sure it's a beast. ...And even if it doesn't, well, don't take any chances! Ha ha ha ha ha hah!
nice feminine feet :3
two men can reproduce?
based jazzlore expanded universe user
I am Abdul Al Falawi
its a girl!
it hurts
Is she balding?
that cartoon is godawful
And i'm The Rock.
>tfw GoT comics have more satisfying resolutions than the show
Who’s are the two to the left of The Hound?
His face looks exactly like how my dick smells.
why do you guys hate trans people so much? their behaviour is not really that much more unnatural or irrational than something like ocd, yet you would never tell someone with ocd to kill themself. it seems unnecessarily cruel
they just hate people being happy
we don't hate trannies
we hate tranny enablers who encourage these sick people to mutilate their bodies
This sick, disgusting "pleasure" showing is the manifestation of kino. The power of disgust, mixed in with the body horror by which we grew accustomed to. In our movies, body mutilation seemed so alien. Too bizarre to be real. Not all of us became doctors, so this is a brand new world. A world of darkness.
Perhaps this is vindication for us, we who have endured the endless spam of the tranny discord, who seek to do nothing but convert others to their fold and sew division. Transgenderism is but the point of no return of a decadent society. This is our catharsis, their comeuppance.
The final goal of transgenderism is the suicide. Make no mistake about it, when they take their first HRT pill, they become dead men walking. They engender body mutiliation, either by hormones, by genital mutiliation or even both. They become every ill in society, the complete violation of nature, the drunken nihilistic hedonism of post-modernist dadaism, the narcissistic pursuit of unattainable perfection, gigantic delusion of being above nature, absolute superficiality, the adoration of death, and the glorification of the ugly. They are the slow march of societal death, personified.
I need more ridiculous shit like this.
>their behaviour is not really that much more unnatural or irrational than something like ocd,
except for the part where they inject themselves with castrating heart attack causing hormones and cut their genitals off of course
I wonder how big the complications are for Skylar or did his go off without any complications.
No it isn't, true equality is the eradication of learned gender roles in the first place. Transgenderism is just what happens when a little boy or a little girl for some reason accidentally takes on the self image of the opposite sex. In a society where there were no learned gender roles at all transgenderism wouldn't exist.
>Necrosis In my neovagina? It's more likely than you think
Has it become self aware?
i have a feeling that it is just an aesthetic disgust masquerading as moral outrage
If trannies could go full sex change you guys would have no problem with it
terratomas can reach consciousness
fuck off chris
she don't have a pp for you to suck now
I am jizz
big if user
Well yeah, then they'd be women :^)
I love degeneracy now
based red dad
Who knows? a deviation of the norm at best, but at least I don't believe it to be an illness. Willingly mutilating yourself to look like the opposite gender, however, it's mental illness for fucking sure.
SO SO so close to getting it, he's nearly there!
My condolences
>tfw no pudgy Jazz gf
>Would you excuse me for a moment
I'm just gonna pop my weasel
AYO tranny!
1 2 4 3
Jannies are trannies
While her brother somehow has her beat in the tits department, Ari's got a pretty fat ass. She'd make a decent breeding sow.
>that man-gut
“You hunters have got more blood on your hands.
Die! Die, die! Hunters are killers, nothing less! You call me a beast? A
beast? What would you know? I didn't ask for this!”
post op or tuck?
jaron's tits are hideously deformed are you serious no
ari's got thighs to boot too
Who is this aryan goddess???
>Yet you would never tell someone with OCD to kill themself
Yes I would
ari is for breeding
where are the Aribros tonight?
I've been looking for that picture of her in a swimsuit but I can't find it, the one with her ass out
>Has to google Mangled
>Gets into Harvard
I know what you want the legendary khazar brapper
>their behaviour is not really that much more unnatural or irrational than something like ocd
ok then be fucking normal.
saving again, hopefully won't get lost in a 50gb folder of pictures again
If only he could afford Kathey Griffen's plastic surgeon & lose the fat. I may fuck him up the ass.
>tfw over 10gb of swimsuit porn
i know the struggle
"Hey Jazz!"
"Darkest Dilation"
"New Popisode"
"Jazz Is Donkeypilled"
"Jazz is Sauronpilled"
"Why Jazz Threads Are Needed"
oh if only they could defy their genes and become something they aren't. As is the chemicals castrate you and mind fuck you (who knew your hormone balance affects your mental state!) Then they go under the knife, you should already know how successful it ends up being
the 40% statistic isn't from right-wingers hate, trans people only really show in numbers in left-wing areas. It makes more sense that after the surgery the delusion starts shattering and the regret and fact they can't go back makes them want to hang from a tree
something something as i was saying
>riding a bike is a very vaginal involving activity
I want to breed with her so badly. The fact that she can't get pregnant fucks with my brain chemistry. My brain thinks its failing at its primary goal in this life, so it pumps more and more test into my veins. I have to plunge deeper and throw her stupid fucking legs over my shoulders as I fill up her dumb asshole with my seed to no avail.
She'd be absolutely shrieking and shaking with orgasms and yet her pregnant glow never comes. Night after night I would be plowing her and my balls would be aching and red from slapping against her taint.
because they sided with the normies
How the fuck is this allowed
proud of what
Are there any real women who are so invested in the movement that they'll willingly take one of these follicle-covered arm-schlongs inside of themselves, or are the only prospective partners MtF trannies
Jazz, I'm CIA.
he wasn't a boy
why is she so cute?
>tfw i've yet to see tranny-dick porn
I seriously hope those are props
The action or condition of becoming or being made wider, larger, or more open
"it", in this context, being a gash wound mentally ill people call their "pussy".
A deviation of the norm, as well as the sociological deviation.
The same way pedophiles are distinguished into, well, pedophiles, and "That fucking guy who escaped from jail and fucked that kid while robbing her house"
Jesus. He sucks them off, too? Last i saw of him he was pegged by scarlet lavey and made to swallow his own jizz. Chris is actually an inspiration to get off of porn
Two nukes has not been enough.
Victarion and Cersei.
If they shoved an artificial womb into a trannies gash could it grow inside them?Just so they could get the feeling of having carried the child themselves? I'm guessing they'd need all sorts of tubes and shit constantly shoved up there to help nourish the fetus, but could that be done? Is that our future?
Bazaars and scarlettplethora
But what does "mangled" mean?
how come not a single video of this exists?
Wait seriously?
>He will be a statistic after his dick pops open for a 4th time
that dog looks kind of gormless but very cute
>What the fuck did you just say?
this user gets it
Imagine the chad who gets to pump Ari full of so many babies that she makes Brenda from Slither look like a runway model by comparison with the explicit consent of her brother.
I'd impregnate her so hard it's not even funny
Why is there blood coming out of your gash, Jaron?
She gets the newspaper in the morning and brings it in. She is only 9 months
> she makes Brenda from Slither look like a runway model by comparison
I don't like that I like this.
Literally who from what look like huh?
Sounds plausible but
>citation needed
That’s what people chant when they’re in a perpetual nightmare
i would kiss this dude
We don't need street shitters or gooks any more than we need trannys desu.
Jazz never had much for him to suck in the first place. Maybe nibble on, at best.
He always sucked trannies off.
Worse part is they have to inflate the fake dick to get erect, imagine being a roastie and still being turned on after saying "air pump your dick"
disgusting coalburners
>you will never take dick pills, put on a cock ring and simply be inside Jazz all day as her dilator
Why even live?
please kill yourself
>Literally Queenie from Fantastic Beasts
>The option of Ari
Ah yes, making your sister give birth to and be the biological mother of your child. No complications or psychological trauma will ever stem from that choice. Definitely a product of a sound and rational mind.
>I remember when we used to play catch in the yard for hours until his mother finished making dinner
>I remember watching the game with him sitting in my lap when he was barely old enough to lift his own head, thinking to myself "That could be my boy one day" as the TE ran it in for 6.
>I remember him pushing around his little Fisher Price popper thinking one days he's going to be a man with his own house and his own yard.
>I remember that Little Tykes pedal car thinking about in another couple of years we'd be bonding over real ones.
>I...I just want my son back
>There are people that can't afford to fucking have food every month
>Meanwhile the middle class moms are watching their sons chop their dicks off and shoving dildos in the hole while the dad is out busting his ass to provide
Why is this only a thing in America