What the FUCK did I just watch?
What the FUCK did I just watch?
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A brilliant satire that's becoming more relevant each year.
A shitty move
i need more
The problem with Southland tales was it was the ending to a comic series. You are basically getting the last 2 chapters of a 6 chapter story. If you enjoyed it. Read the start and middle!
A cinematic abortion.
Yeah who knew making the first part. comic book wouldn't work out.
This. It would be better as TV show. But i like it anyway. Strange end of world.
Someone post Timberlake singing that The Killers song.
An incomprehensible mess that looks like dogshit. Donnie Darko might have been saved in the editing room, who knows because otherwise that guy has turned out to be quite the hack.
Weren't there rumors the guy stole Donnie Darko from a dead friend of his?
I'm not sure but that seems entirely plausible to me, considering what he's given the world since. To be fair, Donnie Darko IS well-directed and he was responsible for that so, kudos to him on that. Yet clearly the writing may have not have been his own.
That one was a kino scene
A masterpiece which was way beyond it's time.
With the way he ham handed the directors cut and then this travesty it holds more water than most rumors.
Not him but my guess was it tried to do the multimedia universe stuff/massive worldbuilding everyone does now.
NTA but it predicted a lot of stuff like US military in syria, a resurgence in marxism, foreign billionaires pushing alternate energy sources and modes of travel, etc.
It was still poorly plotted and looked like shit since it was shot on cheap digital, I can admire its attempt but I would regard it as an ambitious failure at best. Could have been studio-meddling, idk but I find it pretty unwatchable myself.
Someone explain the plot to me
A sci-fi comedy-drama thriller film which is also a satirical comedy about the military-industrial complex & the entertainment industry.
A misunderstood masterpiece turned cult classic. It also produced the best performances for many actors; The Rock, Stiffler, JT, the jewish dude from rat race just to name a few.
A misunderstood satire which is much more relevant in 2019. It was way too ambitious a project for Kelly as his second project but it's definitely a great film. The biggest fuck up was having the movie act as a bookend to the comic books which hardly anyone read.