This really changed my perspective, and gave me a lot to think about. Why can't we just let our fellow humans embrace their truth? Why must so many of us be so intolerant of personal preference, and change?
Soldier returns home to find that his son is now a girl
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine letting trannies live in your head rent free enough to write something so pathetic
have sex
I’d have the mother arrested for child abuse
Stupid bitch wife was asleep at the wheel.
this is stunning and brave (for the girl (male))
Hi tranny
I would have sex with my tranny son tbqh famalans
Daily reminder our grandfathers killed the wrong guys.
the lesson here is
dont join the military to protect jewish interests and let your wife stay at home to cheat on you and turn your son into a tranny
the sad thing is that even IF they pass they have a 5 year shelf life MAX
Do you think the dad fucked him?
Brave enough to fight wars. Brave enough to accept his child for who they are.
>who they've been tricked into being by subversive, destructive media
>Implying the Nazis weren't filled with crossdresser faggots.
Oh no no no /pol/bros, are we on the wrong side of history after all?
>Accept their truth
Listen. The only time a person needs to accept another person's truth is in a therapy session. This is what counselors are taught, that in order to build rapport we need to believe that person's truth. That's it. From there we help them change maladaptive behavior and thought patterns that are causing them stress, anxiety, and depression among other disorders that are out there.
How many people would accept "their truth" if their truth involved cutting themselves over and over again? How many people would accept "their truth" if it led to starving themselves because they believe they are healthy at 50 pounds? How many people would accept "their truth" if they believed they needed to impregnate every woman they saw whether the women wanted it or not?
The fact of the matter is "their truth" should not apply to children period. That is why we have an overrun of children in mental hospitals and treatment facilities because of this idea that children do not need structure or guidance in life.
I think the idea of being both masculine and feminine is noble, but these trannies want people to validate their dick chopping mental illness. They deserve to be electrocuted to death in theory.
>Son is a dumb faggot
>Go to war in disappointment
>Come back
>She's a now a cute fuggable little girl
I don't see what's the issue here.
>get shot at and get ptsd for israel
>your wife is getting spitroasted by chad and tyrone
>your son is turning into a freak, extinguishing your bloodline
Is there anything more cucked than being a soldier?
Fpbp, trannies are abominations and they all go to Hell
t. Kike
I'd chastise it for indulging itself in the degeneracy of the flesh and not going far enough into the transition into full post-human form.
yes 100%
that was the plot twist is that the mom started a pizzagate facility.
>Already pervert
>Can't get pregnant
What's with these pro-tranny shill threads? No one is buying that you're a regular from this board. Go away.
don't forget that the new meme is to put children as the leader of political movements. Everything from war, to guns, to climate change. Think of the children, has now changed to listen to the children.
Bingo. Not only that but we have to listen to "their truth" when they want to go to gay bars and get 1 dollar bills thrown at them as they dance on the bar tops and the parents, in no way, had anything to do with that decision. Nope.
>Soldier returns home to find that his son is now a girl
>Can't get pregnant
Even better
What do you do when you go to war thinking you're doing it for your country, then come home to find your country isn't worth saving?
What the fuck. This isn't even a documentary. It's fucking trans-pushing agenda with, what I can only assume, is an actual girl playing the part of the boy.
What the fuck is this shit?
>son is soft hearted and likes clothing/accessories that have been coded for females
>this somehow makes him a girl yet supposedly being trans is about breaking gender stereotypes
LMAO all trannies do is reinforce gender norms. it's impossible to have the wrongly sexed brain. trannies have never, ever produced proof that that's even a "thing."
Sophie is trans and is going to be on the L Word sequel.
> Umm excuse me sir but I am a female and I will watch your daughter undress in the locker room. Dont be rude to me sir I have a right to ask your daughter about her tampons and period. Oh shes 14 ummm ok well we are both women
>Hello sir I'm not 53 years old I am a 15 year old boy and I will be dating your 13 year old daughter. Ok dont be so mean to me I am in my mind 15 and this is totally legal. Dont even dare say I can't be with your daughter.
>Hey is that baby born with a phallic symbol ? Sorry sir but no Penises allowed on Tuesdays. We will be turning this "he's into a "she" and you will accept this or be arrested
Trans people are suicidal or pedophilic creeps. and the maybe 5% that don't bother people and objectively act normal otherwise ARE NOT PUSHING THIS SHIT ON KIDS OR THE PUBLIC AND WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE
Where's the lie though?
I don't see the problem with flooding the market with cuties. Finally dick will have some worth and guys will have some power in the dating scene.
then it's time for trannies to call this shit out. because their community stays silent and allows this to happen. thus all are smeared with it.
doesn't matter tho, transitioning should be illegal. penis or fauxginas don't belong in women's lockerrooms.
Which is why it will never pass. You went for kids. You didn't just want to be accepted and not mocked. You wanted to ruin boys and girls lives. Boys who would normally just turn gay or normal by puberty who now can no longer have children or normal lives
You have trans activists telling little kids about how powerful trans are. Going into locker rooms and trying to ask 14 year olds for tampons and to see or talk about their periods. You have rules supposedly letting the goverment take away kids or arresting people for not giving their children drugs.
If trans want any fucking respect from the mass. If you want to be at least Gay Tier then fuck off with the children shit. Pedophilia will never be normalized. And every time a normie sees you creeping on little girls or injecting boys with hormones they will always go further anti trans.
Act normal.
>act normal
LMAOOOOOOOO as if trannies ever could
Lack of presence of a father is what causes this shit. Like Charlize Theron's adopted niglet boy wanting to be a girl. He sees his sister playing makeup and baking cakes with mom, he doesn't have anything or anyone. So he tries out the feminine shit and actually gets mummy's attention and that's what he sticks with.
Constant war is the shittiest. This kid could've been normal. Instead the ZOG not only encourages absentee fathers but also a genetic culling of higher test right wing men. Think about it. Soviet Union was very happy to have a million of their aggressive and capable and homeland loving citizens die. That's a million fewer potential dissidents.
Tyrannical governments love the idea of unending war.
People act like a very small minority represent all transpeople. You might as well say we need to cancel men or cancel female teachers with the same logic.
Mental illness should never be encouraged user. Irresponsible.
Personally i've got no problems with little boys wanting to turn into young ladies.
They're starting young and fresh, with plenty of time to learn all the feminine nuances and practices and time for all the proper chemicals and treatments to set in.
Instead of bearded, square jawed men in dresses, they'll look more and more like a proper woman by the time they grow up.
I unironically see no problem with an entire generation of passable traps.
this is your brain as a cumbrain
This is what awaits you at home GI. Is it really worth fighting for "freedom"?
BASED also that image is scary, god damn.
based retard
Alright Hollywood, you win. I want to fuck this little boy. Your hard work has paid off.
Imagine being retarded on 4channel.
They've gone too far. Who is doing this? Why do they want to subvert and destroy our nation!?!?!
Shoudn't this be enough to make you like em tranny?
In reality the son would be mixed race.
Imagine a vietnam vet coming back finding his son is now a faggot
he would shoot him silly with a smile
haha imagine if this was your son
>still falling for the "muh bad apples" meme
>"b-but a lot of those are transvestites!"
irrelevant (ignoring the fact that by definition all trannies ARE transvestites). under self-ID law you are instantly a woman if you say so.
>People act like a very small minority represent all transpeople
Well the small minority is taking it upon themselves to represent the majority. It's the same as any religion or other community: unless you publicly call-out the bullshit behaviour of members of your own "tribe", they will control how others perceive you
I know all trannies aren't insufferable cunts with victim complexes, but the only ones taking the spotlight are
Haha ha right. I mean imagine dating and fucking him/her and busting a nut inside, that would be HILARIOUS! Haha Haha
i'd strangle him, chop into 5 pieces, store in the acid barrels for a week, 2 trips to the desert, and i am off to make another son, no steven universe for this one though.
Based and truthful pilled.
Fuck you I'm crying now
I wish I could have seen this in person, if only for a moment, to bask in the righteous glory.
>pls accept this vegan cat
Ay Tone, if they hated the gays so much, why'd they always dress up like broads?
really dilates my brain
unlike you, they understood satire.
it's interesting they let photos like this leak as it really weakens the whole "nazis were lgbt hating assholes" argument
This is actually pure evil. Think of it. He wants to ruin a boys life for HIS enjoyment most likely only in fapping sessions. A boy who could grow to be an actual father or a good man now ruined into a sexless freak only for this evil fucks evil twisted pleasures
Remember when someone calls you a nazi? At least most of those were fighting for their country. Real evil is the sick fucks who would destroy just to fap to it. It's not even old school Yea Forums it's just evil. Even the oldfags would call this person a faggot
When you were younger did you think you'd grow up to be one of the "video games and Marlyn Manson caused Columbine" people?
>When you were younger did you think you'd grow up to be one of the "video games and Marlyn Manson caused Columbine" people?
Do you ever wonder why poor people are never trans? It's always people who have disposable money and lots of free time.
Its shit like this that makes me happy for the browning of America. Third worlders cant sink this shithole soon enough
You will never be a real woman. Society will never accept such widespread mental illness. There will be a violent pushback to neoliberalism and you will have deserved it.
Nothing really brave about cuckoldry for Israel nor accepting that your son is mentally ill and encouraging him to mutilate himself because Tumblr said it was a good idea.
Saving Ryan's Privates: How I Beat My Tranny Faggot Son To Undo His Brainwashing
Why do people think everybody else must entertain their delusions?
>Why do people think everybody else must entertain their delusions?
Mental illness coupled with solipsism
Sooo, it's an old pic of cross dressers, but how do you they where nahtzees.
Why does /pol/ need shit up every other board when they already have their own sewer?
People seriously care about this shit?
This is what you faggots screech about?
Actually fucking pathetic.
I don't hate or like trannies, I just don't give a shit what anyone does as long as they aren't being dickheads.
Why don't you fags actually discuss something other than "politics" which has been a joke not worth talking about for years now
>comments are disabled
Every time. They know what they're doing
slay bitch
Imagine what her tight boipussy feels like.
I don't want to be OP
There are a lot of keks, this is one of the top ones.
>soldier returns home
Id replace In theory with In practice
no they really didn't