Why does this resonate with Yea Forums so much?
Why does this resonate with Yea Forums so much?
Being social outcast with no gf is common 'round these parts
Their entire lives were a rat race to pursue imaginary love in the comfort of anime waifus.
Because he's a robot he wants to be/thinks he's human
Why not? This scene indicated to K how worthless he was. The only way he could become something or someone was through self sacrifice.
why is "sneed" and "söy" ?
Wht do you lack the intellectual capacity to answer obvious questions to yourself?
Replicants aren't robots.
It’s the moment you wake up realize how stupid you were.
because he thought he was special but he's just another loser who use his holographic waifu as a coping mechanism, just like nerds with video games
Because the sperglords here think being social awkwardness and anxiety equate to the strong silent type.
lmao I did the exact same thing in highschool. That rich bitch started weeping like a barn owl in heat.
Two words:
when I was a kid I punched this girl who bullied me, then her gang of white knights almost killed me
Sounds bad. I liked my story more.
Women don't even want sex robots
cringe but redpilled
Is real-life kino back on the menu?
why would vg be a coping mech? do you "cope" by watching TV
A bunch of non-white rats from IMOGENsfavoritepage that came to Yea Forums after 2015 aren't Yea Forums
Hmmm yes they do sweaty
>why does a board dedicated to television and film love kino?
Quads and I get a hot girlfriend who believes in me.
Kek so close
trips and I live a happy life
dubs and my depression is cured
Dubs and we kill ourselves bro.
singles and everyone in this thread dies within a year except for me
The link between BR2049 and the socially inept Internet dwelling male is based on the movie's theme of being unimportant.
K always knew he was a cog in the machine, a replicant made for hunting replicants. Everything in his life, including his life itself, was fake.
He came to find the replicant mother's bones, and hopes that his fake memories were real, that he is the replicant child and thus he's special and important.
This all turns out not to be true. He's another replicant, his JOI didn't really love him, he died having achieved nothing.
The lonely male used to think the future held something good for him. All through his childhood and teenage years, he watched from a distance hoping that the good part was coming anytime soon, and he would finally be a fulfilled, complete human being. He enters his 20s and none of that happens. His attempts at bonding with people failed, his advances on women did too, his career future seems bleak and mediocre at best.
The future held nothing for him. He was never special, only a defective person that will never amount to anything and remain unhappy until death.
That's why he sees himself on K.
gg fag no re
>His attempts at bonding with people failed, his advances on women did too, his career future seems bleak and mediocre at best
What annoys me is that these two things are most of the time inevitably related. Outside of STEM fields, it's almost impossible to have a good career while being a social reject, I'm in a small law school in Europe and the teachers are destroying the grades of every loner they don't like, we come to the point where every retarded roastie has an easy path while the re-take exams are only for the misfit guys (including me). I work harder than almost everybody else at my uni but I get the same treatment.
I fucking want to kill myself and it feels like everybody is pushing me further to do it.
trips of negation
Stop making excuses and being delusional. No one is bullying you. How could your social skills possibly affect your exam scores?
You don't know you're talking about since you're burgerican. Here, normies get a ton of bonus points in tutorial classes only because they're participating, so they get 18/20 for that which is 50% of the grades, the rest goes to the final exam which are corrected with your name on it. On the final exams, you need to comment a court decision, I read every correction of the last five years to prepare, still they gave me shit results and ducked me when I asked for explanations pretending I would be better if I was speaking more in tutorial classes.
The re-takes are full of social losers who complain about the same thing, I don't think a collective psychosis can infect that much people.
You don't know you're talking about. You either are in a STEM field or just a wagecuck ready to defend any authority figure.
>tfw did the chad stare against a qt today for the first time
feels good bros
because we think we are special but in reality we are delusional and just a sidenote in the history books.
also the only person/being capable of showing love to us is a charade designed to emulate feelings because no real human been would.
in the end we die alone in the snow while everyone else keeps on living their normie lifes
>because we think we are special but in reality we are delusional and just a sidenote in the history books
Normies aren't more special than you and they get to enjoy their life.
Don't let yourself think that they're doing something incredible to get love or success, they're not. It's all about fitting in.
Not a burger at all. How is it unfair that people who do more get better results? How are you going to defend people if you're unable to speak in court? I mean are people supposed to just assume you know what you're doing if you never show them what you know? Sounds like you guys chose the wrong field.
The police are coming for you.
This, I would never hire an incel to defend me in court, that's a good way to get the death penalty for a misdemeanor.
I'm in second year dude, I still have five more years before becoming a lawyer... I'm supposed to have a lot of time to build social skills.
So, you would rather like to have a charismatic idiot who knows almost nothing about the law to defend yourself than a more bland lawyer who can actually use the best strategy to help you? I talked to some grill who got a lot of those bonus points after one of the first session exam. She didn't know you what she was doing at all and she still passed a written exam. As I said, I was fully prepared, read everything that was done in the past years, went to the lessons, looked at the rulings... There's nothing more I can do and I'm not the only one in that case. I don't even ask for bonus points, I just want to be judged in fairness which what we're doing is about.
In guess, I should've picked a field where teachers doesn't have the mindset of a middle school bully.
I guess*
Do a smile without breaking eye contact,depending on how you look the stare might be bad,had a friend who used to do it with a girl he liked,when they hooked up she said that she tought he hated her and was doing a angry stare
I'm not even a virgin, just a shy guy with very few friends. You're very stupid to think charisma is the only think that can defend you in court. It's about legal strategies and I'm sure I'll be able to choose good ones.
both. being an autistic spastic that knows the law by heart is not enough. to be a good lawyer you MUST HAVE the people skills too.
Fuck, you guys succeded to make a bit mad. It all happened last month, I still haven't recovered.
enjoy getting raped by niggers in jail
Holy fuck
and you sure know a lot about it. The well-know lawyers can be good because the autistic freaks work for them, I'm not a bong but it's basically how is works in the UK with the barrister/solicitor system. Also, I'm sure I'll develop some social skills with time, I'm just in the wrong uni, too bad I don't have the money to move somewhere else.
I don't think law school is the place to develop your socil skills if you're not that comfortable with public speaking in the first place. You should start speaking up in tutorials ASAP. You might know everything there is to know but it isn't worth anything if you can't communicte it.
I'm not there so I don't know if it really is the way you say it is but it's highly unlikely that the whole teaching staff is full of bullies and the outgoing students are idiots. You guys probably just seem lazy and entitled.
they probably hooked up because she thought he was dangerous. if he smiled and looked like a nice guy he would get rejected.
That's not what your professors think.
Thanks. We could all die but you got two dubs.
Meanwhile irl
>omg what a creep :O
Imagine unironically being a grown man and thinking Marvel and Disney movies get you laid. I want nu/tv/ to fucking leave already.
>You guys probably just seem lazy and entitled.
No, I worked for two months to succeed. I succeeded a good part of it but two teachers were judging 50% of my exams and conveniently destroyed it.
Obviously, if I could return to the past, I would talk during their stupid tutorials just to pass them but now that I failed, I just feel more mentally ill than ever.
nah she maintained eye contact for too long
I don't care about what they think, I have access to a library full of books to see what I did right and what I did wrong and I only passed the exams that I didn't legitimately prepared. The absolute state of it.
i dont know....K at least was born with a purpose even if it just hunter replican.
been a detective is a job a man can be proud of, unlike posting on tv for free
Okay so you did everything right but they just failed you?
And look, I feel you. I was quiet in uni too. Not being as vocal meant I had to get everything else perfect.
If you have no faith in the stafff you should quit. Or buckle up and work harder.
>the chad stare
>Okay so you did everything right but they just failed you?
Bro, I consider myself as a social failure and all that you want but yes, I did everything right for these exams, I checked everything after it and couldn't find any flaw except for the European Union law exams that I both passed...
Ok, I shouldn't have been myself and just started to emulate every other outgoing guy during the tutorials but still, their punishment seems out of proportion.
>If you have no faith in the stafff you should quit
Yes, I need to go to a bigger city, maybe Bordeaux or Paris... I'll need a job to pay my rents but that seems like a better deal than continuing like that. My uni is just too small, we were 200 this year, we'll know each other, it's not healthy for a guy like me.
>You will never make a movie as good as Blade runner OR Blade Runner 2049
Why live?
geez thanks retard
Because I am also a worthless, pathetic loser in love with a girl who's only nice to him out of obligation who took a long time to realise he's not special.
Then stop being ugly
because he believed he was special but then realizes he had no purpose so after that he was willing to sacrifice his life for a someone who deserves a better
He is a human in all but name, and the world refuses to recognize him as a human. He wishes to be seen as human, to be recognized as a living thing along with everyone else, but he will always been seen as not human. That is the real tragedy of the outcast.
there is always the fantasy
>you will never lie next to each other with the blanket pulled up to your eyes and know that she's smiling by the fact that her eyes start to squint and become a little moist
>you will never slowdance around her dimly lit bedroom to the music of Al Bowlly
>you will never be loved
>you will never be kissed
>you will never be hugged
>you will never hold hands
>you will never wash her pale slim nude body in the shower in a way that is only semi-erotic but mostly practical and caring
>you will never pull faces at each other
>you will never have her sit in your lap and whisper that she's tired
>you will never care for another person and have her care for you in return
>you will never sit out the back porch with her dad on a summer's evening watching the sunset over some distant cornfields and talking about his youth and his many jobs and hear occasional laughter from your girlfriend and her mother cleaning the dishes in the kitchen inside and have him laugh at some humorous interjection you make and offer you another beer and say sure to maintain your masculine image until his wife appears and says user's surely had enough of you and to tell him to leave the lovebirds alone and have him laugh and get up slowly and pat you on the shoulder then shake your hand and say "good speaking to ya son" and have your girlfriend emerge from the porch door in a short summer dress and a shy look on her face which only changes when you both start smiling like kids who can't hide the fact they are crushing on each other
>>do this dumb shit
>no that works worse
>>just change your face to compensate for my shitty advice
escapism is the way bro
This and it's the only good scene in that movie so it stands out.
The themes of alienation, social isolation, lack of identity and the desire to be special with a late capitalist dystopia as the setting reflect the way today's social outcasts view the world. To find peace and make a difference, one must surrender themselves to their unimportance. It truly is a great film, or it's just the memes, you know.
>you will never pull faces at each other
what does this mean? jeff?
You're not wrong. It's enormously tragic.
May I suggest a more optimistic interpretation? It takes some thought, enough that some might consider it headcanon, but the complexity of the plot permits it, I believe. He became "someone" by owning himself in the tragic depth of the realization of who he was, a shell with someone else's memories, but since the memories were real and purposefully given, that gave him a seed of reality. They were given to him to have and to own so that they would give him real human responses. Denying it kept him a shell. Owning it made him someone, especially because it was a memory of standing up for himself against a crowd of people beating him.
Did Stelline "sacrifice herself" as a child when she didn't let bullies take her horse? We wouldn't say so because she was just protecting a toy, but it's possible it meant a lot more to her. It was the only thing she had from her father. So maybe she felt like she was protecting her father? Can we immediately say that K was "sacrificing himself" to save Deckard? Or was it motivated by his memory?
In Hamlet, the only you can be someone is to suffer slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. The world punishes you severely for being an individual, owning yourself, and having integrity. Not every individual suffers this punishment the same way. Some even die. Does that mean they sacrificed themselves? Just the opposite.
it helps us cope with crippling loneliness
The color schemes help
>I was loved at one point
>took it for granted
>fucked it all up
>will never be that lucky again
Trips and everyone who posts in this thread gets a gf by the end of this year.
>Had almost all of this
>She left me for another guy
you retard this is how you do it
dubs and you get a gf in the next five years
dubs and none of you will ever be loved by anyone and you will die diseased, hungry and homeless
haha suck it tranny!
>you will never be her first serious boyfriend and have her seem genuinely indifferent and even somewhat touched by the fact that she is your first real girlfriend
>you will never find a girl who is as shy, defensive, repressed and inexperienced as you and have your romantic relationship feel like a secret joke that you share in subtle, private little ways
>you will never cause a girl to feel "butterflies" in her belly
>you will never have a girl crush on you
>you will never have a girl stand in the shower writing her first name with your surname at the end on the steamed-up glass
>you will never literally have the opportunity to hug and kiss the girl you love more than anyone else in the world pretty much whenever you like
>you will never make anyone feel special
>you will never be young enough again to experience a slow-moving, innocent, cutesy romance in which both partners slowly grow in confidence together
>you will never feel her soft feet moving slowly up and down the hair of your calf
>you will never take her dog for a walk around the area she grew up and quietly observe how excited she is to show you around and talk about what the different places mean to her
>you will never have a girl talk excitedly about you to her older sister who is pleased that her shy, more studious, more sensitive younger sibling has finally found a guy she likes and who seems to like her back
>you will never make her laugh
>you will never be the kind of person she wants to like her
>you will experience love
what's the chad stare
i feel no romantic attraction towards other people
i don't even know how it feels to have a crush on someone, that emotion just doesn't exist to me
someone's all fucky with my brain
Have the tripgods ever been so cruel?
he's like the future version of me right now
>you will never be young enough again to experience a slow-moving, innocent, cutesy romance in which both partners slowly grow in confidence together
Fuck, I'm 21 and the last time I felt like this was in highschool but I fucked up
Is there any hope left bros?
Trips and everyone in this thread will live as volcels with fulfilling lives free of romantic involvement.
I am not happy with this outcome.
>how can she slap?
Yes, but it's a slim chance. I met a girl who was a sheltered as me when we were both 23, but I didn't make a move and within a year she had been through one sex-based relationship with a foreign chad and then found a long-term boyfriend.
I had this and then she left me after 5 years because she realised she was a lesbian.
Ask yourself if its better to not have had it, then to have it and suddenly its ripped away from you on a moments notice.
stare into someones eyes until they look away. the ultimate alpha move.
>the last time I felt like this was in highschool but I fucked up
fuck off normalfag
I know that exact feel bro
>you will never hear the words "I love you" whispered into your ear
>you will never smell the mixed scent of her shampoo, perfume, fabric softener and natural scent as she hugs you tight around the waist and you cradle her body in your arms
>you will never find her her looking at you and smiling a little and have her look away with her lips sucked inward
>you will never lie on top of your duvet cover on a warm summer night and take it in turns to play a song you enjoyed in your childhood and teenage years and find that you enjoyed similar music
>you will never lay her head on your chest and lightly, casually brush her fingertips slowly up and down your chest and stomach
>you will never drive through heavy rain together and have her be alert and eager to help you spot road signs and landmarks that lead to the hotel you booked for the night in a town neither of you have visited previously
>you will never visit her parents' home and sit on her childhood single bed with your back against the wall and have her enthusiastically show you dozens of photographs from her youth and react with sincere joy when you ask who such and such person is in the background of the photos
>you will never make her feel loved and valued
>you will never make a girl proud when she introduces you to her friends
>you will never exit a gas station with some snacks and soft drinks and see her through the windscreen of your car sitting sideways with her knees tucked up and your jacket covering her sleeping body
>you will never be treated with affection
>you will never experience romantic intimacy
just what i needed
go fuck yourselves you humblebagging cunts
>tfw memories of her come flooding in as soon as my mind becomes idle
I hate it.
>you will never experience that natural, sustained joy and positivity that comes from knowing that the girl you love also loves you and very likely feels something similar towards you to what you're feeling towards her
>you will never be surprised by how small her skull feels in the palm of your hand as you kiss in bed at night and gently support the back of her head while relishing each slow, moist kiss you share
>you will never casually mention some future point "when we're married" and have her suddenly look at you with her eyes a little wider and her lips pressed together in suppressed excitement
>you will never have a girl patiently guide you away from years of self-neglect, self-loathing and resignation towards a mental space where you see a future for yourself beyond a couple of weeks, and a life which involves more than the routine expression of predictable and mundane behaviour demanded of you by your employer, instead viewing such behaviour as an unfortunate but necessary means to securing a life shared with another person, someone who cheers you on and tenderly nurses your wounds, who introduces a sense of spontaneity and surprise into your life which has been completely lacking for the best part of two decades except for the kind of unpredictability which is negative in nature and which you have tried to avoid altogether by remaining autistically fixed to a routine which allows no joy, no genuine happiness, no forward movement, no achievement, no fulfillment and only a second-hand and superficial sense of success
I just want to see everything burn at this point, my shitty parents gave me so many problems that I can't value the love a thot would give me only if everything was perfect.
I'm 6'3 with an attractive face and still a virgin despite the fact I received a lot of attention in the past. Roasties are not only superficial about looks but also on everything else, so even if you're a 8, once she finds out you're a friendless guy who gave away three years of his life to take care of his schizophrenic mother, she runs away, then you try another one and repeat.
This world has nothing for us, it's time to deal with it anons.
>you will never be a university student again
>you will never again have wild parties with all your bros
>you will never fuck a different girl every other night again
>all there's left is your career, and eventual settling down
My life is such a mess...
I have no idea but then again I'm not a virgin loser so that probably answers the question
kys failed normie
It's really not that big of a deal that you have no gf guys.
Just roll with whatever life throws at you and you'll probably end up ok, you don't need a girl in your life to be happy