Why is this film loathed by leftoid yet beloved by conservichads ?
Why is this film loathed by leftoid yet beloved by conservichads ?
Cuntservatives only feel happy in their escapist fantasies where they can fuck some exotic woman.
brown women exist to serve the white man
the film is loved by no one but furries
only Cameron and Abatap love this movie.
Found the libtard
Fuck this cucked leftist movie
>dude humans baaad
>natives goooood
Anti-white bullshit
what? How is a movie that's basically just Pocahantas beloved by conservatives and hated by liberals? I remember liberal media / movie reviewers praising it when it came out
>humans destroy and exploit the environment of a different civilization
>Crippled hero falls in love with an alien and helps them fight against his own evil human civilization
Avatar is as leftist a sci-fi can get.
I'm a commie and enjoy it. It's a nice simple film with great effects and it doesn't try to pretend it's anything more than that. People think that if a movie has a basic emotional core yet refuses to make fun of itself then it's pretentious. This is the damage cape shit has done
Neytiri is as conservative as they come. For a woman at least
Why do conservitards think everything is about them? Avatar was a thinly disguised ripoff of Ferngully, a libtard's wet dream.
If anything, Avatar was closer to the center, but Democraps and Repubnicunts see the world though narrow blinders, and fear a third position more than each other. Keep Yea Forums threads about Television & Film discussion, and keep your disgusting political opinions in
they are too human-looking for most furries
>Avatar had no cultural impact!
>is discussed daily
A self-proclaimed radical feminist female co-worker of mine said something about "white colonialism" and that's why it was bad. She liked Black Panther, too, and thinks what's-his-face is a good villain.
Its accurate portrayal of plausible sci-fi technology was a delightful oasis in a desert of star wars and capeshit.
This entire post is correct. The story is nothing to write home about but the worldbuilding that Cameron is capable of puts all others to shame. He literally wrote design documents in conjunction with sci-fi writers and mechanical engineers concerning the technology, also Pandora's ecosystem itself.
Literally the other way around. Wtf?
I'm conservative and Avatar is one of my all-time favorites. Then again I rooted for the humans.
By that logic, S11E05 of The Simpsons has had a massive cultural impact since it's discussed multiple times every 10 minutes.
>fear a third position more than each other
I am a third positionist myself. A socialist of the nationalist kind so to speak.
Because incels love fantasy and escapism
>implying the simpsons hasn't had a massive cultural impact
Not sure what you're trying to prove here user...
The movie is pretty clear about its agenda and advocates against absolutely everything you might stand for while it was made by a hypocrite of ridculous proportions.
Also: have you recycled and demonstrated against climate change yet?
Dont need a fantasy to lay black women
I have literally no idea because the message is
>foreign invader bad
>capitalist imperialism bad
>environmentalism good
>native savages good
I can see why it would appeal to primitivist conservatives similar to varg but not to American style conservatives
It's pretty much the opposite
Then why Yea Forums love it and reddit hate it ?
reddit started actively hating it only since endgame came out-
becasue Yea Forums and reddit are retarded
beggars can't be choosers
The only thing i like about it is the spaceship, because it's grounded in reality.
Everything else is just a shittier version of princess mononoke with robots.
Conservative here
I hated Fern Gully 3: Space Age Environmentalism and Socialism
Obvious samefag
agree. One of the best (if not the best) and most realistic starships in science fiction.
I'm willing to suspend someone's personal beliefs and enjoy their creative products because I'm not an autist, user.
It's certainly the most realistic starship in visual science fiction. Nothing else comes close. I'm glad that the sci-fi author/physicist designer was also a titanic expert and got to know james cameron.