>be born with the rare gift to manipulate the elements
>train for years honing your bending art
>finally I am now a master
>get a job using earthbending to push a tram so normies can get to work on time
Kill me
>be born with the rare gift to manipulate the elements
>train for years honing your bending art
>finally I am now a master
>get a job using earthbending to push a tram so normies can get to work on time
Kill me
Other urls found in this thread:
But normies have to work so the neetbux keep commiming
>Be teenage girl
>Have a wacky bald 12 year old and a chad prince vying for my affections
>Pick the prepubescent kid
To be fair she was competing for the prince with this.
the kid is a literal god though. maybe katara was a pedo.
>be royal blood
>slowly learn the ancient secret of lightning bending and become one of 4 people in the world to master it
>50 years later
>get job in power plant and use blast at some rod 12 hours a day to avoid becoming homeless
man just post buff iroh doing pull ups
>be the hottest girl in the known universe
tfw no psychotic big sis to bully me and take my virignity
>whiny prince that heel-face turned twice and inexplicably also has qt fire nation goth gf
>reincarnation of the most powerful being alive, who also happens to have a massive crush on you
She locked down that avatar dick as early as she could.
>pick the prince with mommy and daddy issues
>or pick the kid that can talk to his past lives who had like 3 father figures
Please stop spamming Avatar threads. You are going to kill them
The ones pushing the tram are simple wagies and not masters of the art of earth bending. They know how to move a tram and that's it.
pretty sure that goes to makeupless azula
>wacky bald kid
>most powerful person in the world
That's gonna be a yikes from me.
>spend all day at the plant lightning bending to keep the power on
>come home to menopausal wife
>ungrateful daughter just returned from republic city university, studying underwater basketbending
>wont shut the fuck up about bending privilege and the inequality non-benders face
I'm beginning to think Ozai should have won.
It's hard not to imagine Yea Forums types as poor slobs in the lower ring of Ba Sing Se sitting around complaining about how terrible their lives are because the other Nations are holding them down. You'd probably find a way to blame air nomads too.
For ever avatar thread I see I'm going to make 2 Steven universe threads.
This is your only warning
>tfw TLA was surpassed
I still can't believe it, bros
based beta orbiting user
do it bitch bet you wont
Good thing they'll get no replies and be on page ten before we've even started our high level incest discussion.
Link me so I can shitpost there too
Never seen that before. It's quite clever.
>meanwhile my brother just discovers he can magma bend and now he's the hottest commodity in town making whatever
Ummm, sorry, sweetie, but Legend of Korra is literally non-canon.
So mad...
you wouldn't dare
Is this show really worth watching bros? I haven't watched a cartoon since Samurai Jack ended.
Avatar is shit
No. Adults have no truck with cartoons.
Yes. This and Steven universe are the two best cartoons to ever air
For me it's Suki
moar liek GUY lee amirite lel
she looks like aang
Last Airbender is literally the best thing the west has ever animated for an action drama cartoon. Dont watch Kotra tho
What's the age difference on them? I had a 9 year old girlfriend when I was 13.
you can't ignore these eyes user. azula is perfect
isnt SU an sjw show though?
Kinda a tough decision honestly but I THINK I side with Avatar a bit more
>"muh 6 gorillion of monks"
>"meanwhile, air nomads make up only 0.00000000001% of the population but 100% of them are avatars"
why did this format die
do it faggot
Depends on your tolerance. I won't pretend that the majority of the cast aren't lesbian aliens, but it's written into the plot well enough that you really don't think about it.
I went in thinking it would all be sjw shlock but I found it surprisingly tasteful and it doesn't get in the way of being a solid show
Katara is 14 and Aang is 12
This guy is the pedo
I won't fault you for that although I'm not of quite the same mind.
Ehhhhhh not really.
Zuko literally piked the worst person to be with, literally anyone else would've been better
Should've went with that qt Earthnation chick
Say what you want about LoK but it had a lot more milfs and gilfs than the original series
you love zuko you are a gays
You think she snuck into Zukos bed when he was 12 and raped him? In her mind she was just bullying him, she knew he would become emotionally scarred.
Subconsciously that was what she wanted though. Not to hurt him but to make him a bit more like herself. Crippling him like that would give her a companion that would understand her, so she slipped past the guards and rode her shota brother, delighted in his sobs.
She relished as her brother unleashed his hot princely seed inside her and made off with a wicked grin on her lips.
They were each others first and to this day Azula only ever knew her brothers warmth, the salt of his tears and his muffled moans. But she never got that friend and lover she so desperately craved without realizing.
Nah. The worst it gets is an episode where Steven wears a dress played for laughs. There are never really any episodes about pushing any sort of agenda
>Say what you want about LoK
I love Korra and welcome the hatred of persons for whom interseries partisanship is important.
in before that guy who gets buttmad at the mere sight of Korra stuff
>Only girl on the show who puts out
>Is a leader and a badass whilst still being feminine
>Loyal to you no matter what
>Can get psychotically possessive over you without being Azula crazy
>Owns multiple uniforms
Is Yea Forums trying to get on Suki's bad side by not acknowledging her as the best girl?
Requires too much thought, as opposed to putting a logo on a wojack
Based and Korrapilled
>big sis
She's 2 years younger than him
What is Azula's fate after the show?
Last we saw her she completely lost it and captured
Ikki's just a *kid*.
Korra was made for mindbreak.
Her design was so fucking hot.
oh no ;_;
>a stomping rock-banging mudman
It's a close call but SU surpasses it by just a hair
Azula - The Boiling Rock
Every girl in both series is an 8/10 at worst.
SU looks like it was animated by a bunch of korean robots
>Azula - The Boiling Rock
nice thanks
I genuinely don’t like to sexualise Suki because Sokka was so based and earned a good gf
For me it's Kuvira, who did literally nothing wrong
It's only a tough decision if you are a faggot.
I gave SU a fair chance, but quit after 13 episodes or so because it just wasn't interesting enough.
Pearl a cute though.
That scene is impossible to watch without getting a boner. Her sultry voice, the look in her eyes, that body language. Zuko is literally a faggot for not impregnating his sister then and there
Korra had some 10/10 waifus and even Korra herself has one of the best bodies in either series too bad her personality is worse than Mai
It was but so was Avatar
Firebenders cant melt earthen walls. The outer defenses of Ba Sing Se collapsed at near-freefall. The Earth Kingdom is hiding the truth.
She was crazy in prison, but in the comics I believe she’s redeemed after a little while.
You shouldn't be so hard on the last Airbender. It's got it's moments
This is very true. Sokka got a good bitch.
avatar looks slightly less robotic but still bad yeah
Including the BEST waifu
You should have at LEAST got to the mid season break.
Ideally anybody giving the show a chance should get to the season 1 finale, but season 1 is the longest of all of them so I don't blame you for not getting that far
I hated that they made Kya a dyke. No old chick that looks like that isn't getting dicked by young Earth Bvlls
For reasons that I'm sure reflect no credit on me I thought Ming-Hua was sexy as hell.
The issue with it is that it’s 80% trash filler. Avatar is good for the vast majority of the series.
>book 3 slave route
>10 year old Azula raping 12 year old Zuko
>tfw no qt fire nation goth gf
>Didn't make it to the season finale
What a shame
Haven't gotten to book 3 yet, still on book 2. Any tips regarding combat?
Buy armour and ally bonuses and you'll walk it.
Also max out your firebending.
Also if you didn't choose love I suggest you off yourself.
Yeah, I hear the finale "Prison Escape" or something is pretty good. I'll keep watching some day.
Steven Universe doesn't even have that much filler. If you binge it its not even noticable. Even compared to other shows where people don't make this complaint at all.
The problem is the horrific airing schedule that would go months with no episodes only to drop random filler as if that would be enough. Made the filler feel much worse than it actually was
Kg g
So this is the power of zoomers....
It "picks up" around the halfway point of the season, but yeah prison break is where the show really starts. The rest of season 1 could honestly be seen as prologue in comparison.
Of course I chose love. Although I get the feeling the game is trying to make me betray Azula.
Wait Book 3 has been released??
Once you get to Ember Island, if you haven't already, you'll know what path to take
Done, aside for some bug fixes here and there, he's currently releasing parts of book 4 already.
>be teenage girl
>do nothing
>somehow became a waterbending master
>ruin showdown between two more interesting characters
I downloaded it for the first time a couple weeks it only had the first two, know where I should be looking for an up to date version?
I don't know if I can bring myself to go slave route with Toph. Is the love route any good?
Did you even watch the show? She trains pretty hard and starts from barely being able to piss water.
Mai made sense she was a only child and was spoiled until her brother came along so now she's bitchy about him Korra has literally been the same since she was a kid
This is bullshit. Basically every episode with the human characters is of no consequence at all.
>Any episodes with the conspiracy theorist fry guy
>Any episode with the teens
>Mayor Dewey episodes
>Full episodes about the old African lady
>That episode about dreams with an inexplicable End of Evangelion reference
>Literally like 4 Lars/Sadie shipping episodes
>At least 2 episodes where Steven and Connie just fuck around as Stevonnie
They absolutely outnumber episodes with actual plot
On the patreon page it has the latest version I think.
Pretty sure it keeps save data too when you download the new version.
No idea, I'm still on my first playthrough of the chapter.
She trains with a master in the first season and then spends literally all of her free time practicing for the rest of the show. She also gets a few other teachers like the blood lady and the swamp guys.
Maybe she's a smurf and was just assigned a personality at birth?
>be teenage girl
>grandmother almost married the northern ice tribes master bender
>grandmothers best friend is water bending prodigy that developed bloodbending
>find the literal avatar who trains with you daily while you fight pirates, fire benders and mercenaries
yeah no she really learned it all from no where
>Mayor Dewey episodes
Dont you be hating on mayor dewey
Is there a more kino fight scene than this?
It's really not. Many of them introduce new powers or characters or situations that do end up important in the long run. Plus they only outnumber the main episodes in the first season. Lapis and beyond EASILY has more consequential episodes than non.
>do nothing
She trained her ass off and alongside the most powerful bender in the world you dip.
all of season 1 is filler until the stupid finale don't even give the user your reply also every episode with the stupid Mailman or SAddie
it's not like manipulating the elements is something really special in that universe. Plus, most people can only bend the basics. Pretty much like our own universe.
imagine SU having a fight scene with no one talking lol let along not singing
The formula is usually
>some inconsequential bullshit happens
>They deal with it in a wacky way
>Steven suddenly gets a new ability out of nowhere and everyone is surprised
>episode ends
Then they don’t even really deal with it until you get an actual episode about it later. After the gem homeworld stuff happens they replace ‘Steven gets a new power’ with ‘some reference to gem homeworld happens but the characters don’t even notice’.
You NEED to watch past season 1 user. Or else we really can't have an intelligent discussion
its on book 4
You are Tenzin there
It has it's fair share
Why do people keep mistaking Katara for Korra?
Yeah it is and it's shit
Ignore these posters, they're literal trannies like everyone else who watches su
Kek. Why are you so upset?
I’ve watched the entire series with the exception of the last couple of episodes.
I can't possibly believe that if you genuinely think this problem reaches beyond season 1. Especially if you have seen through season 4 and 5
Well any dilemma about whether to chose the love or slave route just went out the window.
I don't know how you're getting upset from my post, I literally just said the truth.
It's not my fault if you start seething, incel
Meant for
What's wrong with young love?
>There are never really episodes about pushing a agenda
yeah ok fusion is fun kids its not sexual at all don't read into the whole consent thing
>its a episode about the watermelon again
>it's a 5 episode filler in space about lars
>its a rubies filler episode
Nothing, anons are just faggots. I had a 15 year old gf when I was 20.
No its not lmao, this is some top tier autism. Imagine seething so much because someone insulted your trannyshow
How do you even function irl bro
In the comics of varying quality she goes with Zuko to find their mom and tries to kill her, causes her mother to admit she was a shitty mom (partially because she was a cunt to Azula but mainly because she asked a spirit to give her a new face and forget she even had kids until she was reminded by said spirit) Azula runs off and starts a coup against Zuko to bring all the traitors and dissidents out of the woodwork so Zuko can arrest them and make him a tougher Firelord.
A 9 year old is in fourth grade and a 13 year old is in eighth grade
I fucking hate Korra so much, can you not remind me
>see Avatar thread
>instant urge to jack it to Toph r34
that sounds awful
Yes but don't listen to those fucks who think SU is good. It's shit and literal propaganda with hardly any story, don't let anyone compare the two.
But 2 of the 3 water melon episodes are important and the other one is setup for them
And the Lars arc was insanely important, assuming you are referring to the offcolors episodes. It was their first time on homeworld and followed up the fucking trial which was HUGE
and there are no ruby filler episodes except maybe one
why did they show her dirty barefoot feet so much in close ups?
It was really weird and stuck out
It is pretty cringey. Azula starts hanging out with overweight tumblr haired dykes from the mental asylum too.
I'm just trolling you, dude. Take it easy bro
Perfectly normal if you're not a burger.
awesome artist is best
>Toph acts really slutty in Last Airbender
>turns out to he actual slut in Korra and has multiple baby daddies
what went wrong?
Well she was smart and skipped a year, so 5th
Earth King was literally a cuck king.
Dai Ling was based though
>fuck the rules I want to make my own way
>Let's found the republic police to enforce the rules!
Dont bother. It only gets better to then get way worse.
So once you are invested it will crush you for ever liking this show.
Boring & no-fun-allowed baka user. Why are you in this thread?
What about Bumi?
I don't know why it has to be an argument between SU and Avatar. Both shows are fantastic and do great things for the medium. Why not just appreciate both
Excuse me, but Toph is NOT for lewd!
Is this show actually perfect?
I can't think of one serious flaw. Premise, world building and lore, animation, music, character development, character arcs, rich variety, satisfying conclusion. Pretty much everything works. The only thing that comes to my mind is the first season maybe having a bit too much filler.
Bumi is based as well
lmao what an homosexual piece of shit
I personally find the middle pretty slow. Around book 3. And the deus ex machina during the finale could have used work, or at least SOME sort of foreshadowing
Then why is she flat and barefoot?
The only good thing to come out of SU is the JLullaby porn
>And the deus ex machina during the finale could have used work, or at least SOME sort of foreshadowing
So dumb, was this all because they didn't want Aang to kill?
Personally, as someone who loved Avatar of course, I have a huge gripe with Aangs arc towards the end of the series.
The entire last season Aang struggles to come to terms with the fact that some people simply can't be redeemed and that the Fire Lord will betray Aang if he tries to solve things peacefully. The point is nailed home and Aang almost starts to understand and put his childish mindset behind him. However in the final episode, almost out of nowhere, he's gifted with the ability to remove bending, completely undoing the messege. Aang learns nothing by the end of the series because of this and gets to continue living with the delusion that violence is NEVER required which simply isn't true.
Call me an edgelord, but I think it would have been much more impactful of a messege if Aang had to kill the villian in the end afterall. It would be a hard pill for a children's show to force the viewer to swallow, but I think storytelling wise it would have been a much more satisfying conclusion for both the show and Aangs arc
Avatar or SU?
Like a lot of cartoon shows the fact that it was a kids show crippled it in that regard. They were never going to allow Aang killing Ozai, especially not as the final message of the series.
>nigger cuck shit
As expected of Yea Forums
At least they should have the bending removal attempt also kill ozai accidentally,making that in his attempt to save a life he still killed someone and now blames himself,a bitter ending to him and how the world congratulates what he deems as irredeemable
I see your point and somewhat agree. Yet I was still satisfied because on the one hand Aang's pacifism is at least believable in regards to his personal character and cultural upbringing (unlike other shows where the hero slaughters henchmen all the time and inexplicably shows mercy to the main bad guy) and secondly to me taking away someones bending seems like a skill the Avatar could possess (they should have hinted at it earlier though).
I'd also argue that the symbolic impact on the general population of the Avatar taking away the Firelord's power and emasculating him like that is probably even bigger than if he merely killed him but that is certainly up for debate.
zuko never tried to get that ugly ass water tribe bitch, he alredy had prime fire nation puss waiting for him
Forget about the sudden ability to take away bending. For me, it will always be that convenient rock to his back wound that forced him into the avatar state. Without that, he would have been toast.
Has there ever been a single good Netflix adaptation?
Does that answer your question?
The western death note
I don't know, it depends on whether or not the choice extends to all the side girls. I wouldn't want to go slave route on Lin and Pemma, even though Korra and Suyin deserve it.
Ironically it's the same problem people have with Steven Universe
I am in love with azula. wat do
This has the original team working on it though. That alone gives it more potential than most
This. There really needed to be some satisfying thematic reason as to why Aang could enter the avatar state again.
I'm in the same position.
So I'm not sure.
Ty Lee is the patrician's waifu.
no, killing isnt the answer he had to use force through out the series
Not cuck because there's no other guy and you could argue not nigger since they're supposed to be rock monsters or some shit.
As cliche as it is, just let him think about how he's losing and won't see Katara again or something. Just anything that would make sense.
lots of incongruous kid show 'theme of the week' junk. ridiculous incapacitations because muh no death. ruining the final agni kai.
it's the final episode. they don't have time to make that shit meaningful
Talking about the overall works of the artist
How would you even be overweight in a Firenation prison?