Wasn’t this such a great episode, Yea Forums?
Wasn’t this such a great episode, Yea Forums?
I had this episode on DVD but I Chucked it out
snee snee
Formerly Steam Locomotive
sneeds ... is there anything they cant feed?
I agree, comrade. Death to the bourgeois city slickers!
The name's Janny. Lyle Janny.
And I come before you good posters tonight with a meme.
Probably the greatest-- Ah, it's not for you.
It's more of a Reddit meme.
Now wait just a minute.
We're twice as smart as the people of Reddit.
Just tell us your meme, and we'll force it!
All right.
I tell you what I'll do.
I'll show you my meme!
I give you the Yea Forums Feed & Seed!- [All Gasping] I've sold memes to Ebaumsworld, 9gag, and ifunny and by gum, it put them on the map!
Well, sir, there's nothing on earth
Like a genuine, fucked & sucked
Former Chuck's, Sneed-owned feed & seed
What'd I say?
Feed & Seed
What's it called?
Feed & Seed
That's right! Feed & Seed
Feed & Seed
Feed & Seed
Feed & Seed
I hear that meme's for underage
It requires wisdom like a sage
Is there a chance to attract Mouse NEETs?
Not on your life, DC Pajeet
What about us brain-dead plebs?
You can post it in /who/ threads
Were you sent here by Shareblue?
No, boomer, I'm one of you
The mods gave me a 3-day ban
Reset your router, my big man
I swear it's Yea Forums's only choice
Throw up your hands and raise your voice
Feed & Seed
What's it called?
Feed & Seed
Once again
Feed & Seed
But Simpsons threads will now be broken
Sorry, Mods, the mob has spoken
Feed & Seed!
Feed & Seed!
Feed & Seed!
Feed & Seed!
Feed &--(Annoyed Grunt)
Came here to sneed this.
You are the worst posters I know. You constantly shit on the best animated sitcom, the show provides you with material and is the reason your meme exists and this is how you repay it? And to add insult to injury, you defecate all over its threads, and you're such a sponge. You rip off other memes, you always say "ooh, Sneed will get more OC later" but later never comes. And what really bothers me is you pretend you're this deep guy who loves Yea Forums for its board culture, when all you do is post garbage. Yeah, I shitpost, but at least I'm honest about it. I don't tell everyone I'm making the next big Yea Forums meme like baneposting. Bane wasn't a Yea Forums meme. It was spammed by redditors. And that's why you like Bane so much. He's you. God, you're pretentious. And you delude yourself by thinking you're some great memer even though you're terrible. You know, I should've known that picture was an edit, the storyboard artists would've known the difference between 'formerly' and 'formally'. And you know what I hate most about you, is your textbook discord agenda, how we should "have sex", how incels are ruining Yea Forums, how /pol/ is the problem in Yea Forums, well what have you done to help? I report off-topic shitposts, never seen you do that. You wanna help? Press the report button. And by the way, driving /reylo/ away doesn't make you a janitor. Oh wait, you don't believe in jannies, or any moderation for that matter, because "moderation is for idiots". Well who the hell are you to talk down to anyone? You failed the 111111111 GET, which isn't nearly as bad as your failure as a farmer, how's that crop of yours you never seed? But you know what? I could forgive all of that, all of it, if you weren't such a bore. That's the worst of it, sneedposters. You're just a big, sad, underage bore. I'll see you, sneedposters. Thanks for the fucking (You)s.
Holy ****!
>All aboard the Monorail! Next stop, Chuck's Seed and Feed!
I never understood this line.
there was never a good simpsons episode
except for s11e5
>MU Formerly Chucks
I don't get it.
When did you realize all simpsons threads are sneed threads even that comfy innocent simpsons thread on page 10 which barely has replies is most definitely a sneed thread
What the f*** is wrong with you kids ?
have sneed
>mono means one
>and rail means rail
>that concludes our intense three weeks course
A Conan O'brien classic.
Overrated, Homer goes to College is better
Absolutely based. Quagdingo putting these retarded farmer cultists in their place harder than that time Sneed got his shit kicked in by Homer in that webm
Sneed's a scientist
>hey Spock, what do you want on your "hotdog"
Simpson's way ahead of its time like the 9/11 references
Another Conan episode, every single one of his episodes are pure gold.
>Homer goes to College
Clown college?
holy crap quagmire! Try this sneed thing!
>all those deleted posts
this one is my favourite
It's one of the greatest, great gags and an overall political subject that it's still relevant today, just now in my city they are trying to sell us an obvious joke of a rail line, in favor of the owners of the bus system
Ah yes the one where Lisa mistaken a rat for a sheep.
formerly barber
was it kino?
>those deleted posts
what episode is that?
>jannys cracking down on sneedposting
you aint based