Almost 60 years old

>almost 60 years old
>still has all his hair
>still does all his own stunts, no matter how dangerous

How does based Tom do it?

Attached: image.jpg (1919x1080, 438K)

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closet homosexual in love with himself

literally, who the fucks cares. Even if Tom has killed someone, which odds are he probably has, name one other actor who's given up so much of his life and time just to make kinos

most of his movies are disposable and forgettable

>almost 60
Doesn't count. 60+ is when you body starts to rapidly fall apart, before then you're fine unless you fuck it up yourself.

High thetan count.

One in a million, and Jack Palance was more impressive.

He’s a big guy

Honestly I found Tom's face incredibly annoying to look at in Fallout.

The whole illusion of him being a fit 30 something isn't really working anymore. He looks old. I wish everyone would just accept it.

Just be shaven and dye your hair, not fucking hard.

he probably got hair plugs and dermal fillers

Money and vanity does that. Its like chris evans balding and people not noticing the rug he wears in winter soldier and other avengers movies or lebron james getting hair plugs.

Oh absolutely, can't have a head of wavy hair like that at 50+ also the image is from a movie, he looks nothing like that day-to-day.

>How does based Tom do it?
He's Seth reincarnated.

Attached: god of life and death.webm (832x340, 1.69M)

his Alien Overlord Xenu has granted him eternal life for services promoting Scientology.

100%, it's a fact that Simon Pegg does too
yeah he looked all bloated and weird, and his costumes like pic related made him look dumpy
he didn't look like that at all in The Mummy and that finished shooting in Fall 2016, Fallout started in Spring 2017
it's like his age finally caught up to him over a 6 month period

>it's like his age finally caught up to him over a 6 month period
He looks really strange in the new maverick trailer too, looking like his age now.

shut up, he looks fine

hair plugs & cardio

They just stopped trying to hide it.

Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise crazy.
Just be glad it's him, not you.

my dad does (and therefore I will too)

is your mom's dad bald?

cardio ages you though

not that user but neither my father or my moms father was bald. feels good.

Scientologist cult UFO magic and blood rituals keep him young

Amazing. He doesn't look a day over twenty.

His only good performances are in Magnolia and Collateral, he's a fucking hack with literally one gear

He feasts on the life force of lower ranked scientologists.


is this sexual innuendo?

>in love with himself
Frankly, I think it's the opposite. He considers himself absolutely worthless, thus the desire to prove everyone what a great guy he is. Probably how Scientology got him, too.

Life finds a way.

Attached: 15487036534.webm (1100x456, 2.78M)

I think he made Tropic Thunder literally to disprove this

>still has all his hair
Hair transplant nigger

>How does based Tom do it?
It's called testosterone. Most Hollywood actors don't have it so they have to rely on green screen and body doubles.

So it's the power of love?

>almost 60 years old
stress management+probably spends a lot of money to hold on to his young features
>still has all his hair
>still does all his own stunts
simple vanity
that being said, he is pretty based.

Scientology. It's the one true religion.

If you are rich enough, you can literally get hair transplants from cadavers that have signed their organ donor cards. Hair follicles continue to work a short time after death so they can be harvested and transplanted to living people.

He doesn't do it. His team of fitness people and doctors do it. Any other man with a chad face could be like him.

5-10 years ago he could still pull it off. still looked okay in mummy too but you could see his age was really starting to show, especially by the time he did MI with cavill. judging by top gun there's no getting around him starting to show his age. though he still looks pretty incredible for someone in their 60s tbqh

a lot of the marvel guys wear wigs, even those who actually have hair for some reason

not how that works but good luck get on fin asap at the first sight of thinning

What ab out the negative effects?

>His team of fitness people and doctors do it

How so?

blown out of proportion by seething hairlets less than 5% of people experience any negative side effects whatsoever

Honestly ever since this interview I have been more interested in Tom. Yes he may be eccentric but he strikes me as a man of action. He puts his mind to something and without any fear sets out to accomplish those goals. His mind is completely free it seems from true fear.

I'd imagine Tom is redpilled as fuck after having worked for so long in the industry and with the likes of Kubrick. I bet he's in the scientology cult because its probably the least dangerous of the Hollywood cults when you kook at the wider picture.

Tom can do no wrong.

Not everyone is a soft-bellied suburbanite ravaged by years of shitty beer, cookouts, zero use of sunscreen and various smoked plants going into their 60's bruh.

>zero use of sunscreen
this is actually what causes the most damage to people

Baby blood for breakfast, lunch and dinner

Reakky impressive indeed, I kinda admire him for that

>almost 60 years old
>still has all his hair
>still does all his own stunts, no matter how dangerous

So, this is the power of scientology...

Based Tom. Wonder why a Chad like him had to go for Memetology.

>tfw no Chan/Cruise kino where they do all their own stunts when both were in their primes

Attached: jackie-chan.jpg (651x386, 39K)

Agreed. George Clooney was never really an action guy but he allowed himself to age gracefully and has taken on more of a behind the camera role. Tom still insisting on being a leading man action star is wearing thin.

Hair dye is a huge mistake for most actors. Have you seen John Cusack recently? He’s got jet black vampire hair that looks awful.

there's nothing based about doing your own stunts it doesn't add fuck all to the film these days aside from fucking bragging rights and you're risking the livelihood of everyone on the production because it's not like you can replace the actor if they fuck up.

jackie chan has really unique fight coreography that demands him to perform most of his stunts tom cruise bullshit is mainstream trash that isn't any different from anything else overall

mummy was digital de aged bullshit it was so distracting parts of his face looked like putty

scientology is a religion by chads, for chads.

based faggot

collateral could have been a masterpiece if it wasnt for that nog.
God, they couldnt have picked an uglier less charismatic nog if they tried.

I like Jamie Foxx but yeah, he was miscast. They tried to make him look nerdy and milquetoast but he’s clearly lean, athletic and ripped as fuck.

that would explain why his appearance is so inconsistent in that movie. are they even still doing the other movies?

i didn't find it annoying but i agree
i hope in the next MI movie they (the characters) all acknowledge he is old and that affects the plot

yeah I don't think he's done a movie where he wasn't digitally de-aged in a while now

Reminder that's the actual take they used in the movie
he hit the building and knew he broke his ankle, but he's the producer and also knew it'd be expensive as fuck to come back and film in that location months later so he sucked it up and kept going so they'd get the shot

>closet homosexual
Reminder for newfags, this rumor was spread across America in the late 80s by Hollywood execs, after Cruise rejected the casting couch and greedy merchant deals. That's why he turned to Scientology. By donating millions they offered him expert legal teams to work as a buffer between himself and Hollywood "producers," "journalist" plants, execs and agencies. They also created an invaluable filter to decipher who is true friends and allies were in the industry.

The industry has a very strained, complex relationship with Scientology, because the industry is wholly entangled in its own, much older and more nepotistic religious ingroup. Actors of Cruise's stature, even in the 80s and early 90s, are "guided" toward dating and then marrying partners of this elite tribe, or partners like Angelina Jolie whom work as their ambassadors of multiculturalism. Tarantino himself could not refuse any longer after Weinstein was no longer at his side, he now mostly lives with a wife in Israel.

No actor in history has had Cruise's longevity at the very top, nor his global popularity which exceeds The Rock's and 80s macho action stars. He's protected himself. Is he a homosexual? No. He's eccentric and has an OCD symbiosis with sex that is part of a larger incredibly strict monk-like belief in physical and mental health tied to Dianetics on up.

Cruise does not drink, do drugs, smoke, or engage in extramarital affairs. This makes him incorruptible, and for a long time Hollywood elites were determined to bring him down to better control him and wrangle away his fortunes. John Travolta is also a Scientologist, yes, but he has an incredible amount of compromising material in Hollywood hands, thus he's basically reduced to making lowrent productions in third world countries, money laundering operations essentially.

Whereas Cruise was the first star to personally develop relations with Chinese financiers, more protection from Hollywood.

>t. Insider


Lol look at those tiny ant legs, what an overcompensating manlet

>I bet he's in the scientology cult because its probably the least dangerous of the Hollywood cults
Scientology is not a cult, but you are correct, it's a stable and financially beneficial ingroup within the industry, albeit there are limited choices and life paths available

Sneedtology lol

>there's no getting around him starting to show his age.
Men should never judge a man by his age, if said man is maximizing his full creative and physical potential. A man like this is not only pursuing personal greatness, he is emboldening the potential for all men on into the future, thereby assisting in the survival and evolution of the human species. Cruise is not only the best actor of his generation(s), he is an active genetic expression immortalized on film, this is why he mostly shuns CGI and stunt doubles. He's making premium entertainment while leaving invaluable instructions for those who are not adults or born yet.

>still has all his hair
kek imagine believing this.

Sandler would've been perfect casting

>He doesn't do it. His team of fitness people and doctors do it.
What a highly incredulous and stupid remark. How could a doctor possibly be responsible for producing and starring in six Mission: Impossible films, each one more financially and critically successful than the last? Are the doctors piloting helicopters, climbing the tallest building in the world, racing Triumph motorcycles, hanging off military aircraft, and leaping off the roofs of five story buildings? Harbor your energy to use on more advanced discussion.

It's a misconception, and Scientology welcomes all members to explore and be members of different religion(s) if a member so chooses.

>t. Insider
got anything else to share, user? great read

scientologists are red pilled on everything, I knew some higher ups that only drank from high end water filters.
But don't be fooled, they are as ruthless as the jews, scientology runs their own black mail operations and have their own private intel agency.
If the jews ever fuck up and get expelled from america or something, Hollywood will be in eternal grasp of the operating Thetan

can't tell if truth or schizophrenia but it's truly fascinating
please keep going!
>t. ousider

these trips are well deserved desu

What ?

What plastic surgery has he gotten besides the teeth? Botox?

Probably. He doesn't look as melted as during the Stauffenberg movie, for example.

He definitely looked really old in Fallout. He should stop now

>does the same character
How much of an actor is he?

Is Scientology the only one who stands against (((them))) or is it simply another entity that wants absolute control?

Bs most people dont stay on propecia over 12 months for a reason. Most actors get transplants

Fuck off. Cruise could be making action kino when he's 90 and I'd happily pay for a ticket

he looks younger than Pegg lmao