Last episode sucked ass. I really hope they don't bring blue cap guy ever again.
Last episode sucked ass. I really hope they don't bring blue cap guy ever again
yeah, he was the blandest guy in the world
blue cap guy is exactly the type of person they portray on nerd crew.
Agreed. It's like you invite someone to your party and he asks you if he can bring his friend who is an absolute faggot.
At least we got more Mac but seriously, that other guy should not have been there.
He legit sound like someone from TGWTG
Whenever that guy started talking I just wanted him to leave, he's easily the worst guest they've ever had on BOTW. Max Landis was similarly loud but he at least gelled with the groups sense of humor and wasn't horribly out of place
Dare i say cap guy>fat beard?
Yeah he's honestly awful. Couldn't finish the episode.
Also someone post the bunnyears child abuse conspiracy shit
I loved how they constantly zoomed in on him covering his face when something scary happened during one of the movies.
It's pretty obvious they also thought he was a faggot.
Why is Rich Evans so fucking fun to watch?
He is that fat kid we let tag along just so we can make fun of him
networking will lead to RLM's degredation
Blue bunny faggot took all the wind out of Roar. That could have been one of the best segments ever and he had to virtue signal about his sensibilities.
Beardfat isn't the worst, Landis was worse
Hell no
He is the one we identify with the most
This, should have just been Mike, Jay, Rich and Mac. The movies themselves were absolute gold.
he is honest
>beardfat isn't that bad
he's literally contributed nothing to RLM as a whole say waht you want about Landis but without him no Mac even if you try and change history like Landis never appeared
The Bunny ear guy was fine. The episode was dragged down by Rich clearly not giving a fuck once Mike started bullying him. It then picked up a bit with Josh replacing him.
Probably because it was pretty evident that they were trying to impress McCauley who himself isn't that interesting.
Beardfat isn't nearly as annoying I don't care about Landis btfoing roasties
looked like classic awkward cross promotional material, caulkin actually cares about movies unlike his boring bf and rich, shoulda had jay and beardfat from the start
Beardfat pls go.
Well trying to riff around people you aren't comfortable with isn't going to make for good entertainment. There was an air of slight discomfort and jocking for position.
I swear the bluehatguy was from mogscast crew or something.
Does it annoy anyone else when Rich does his ever present phony "apathetic" shtick where he pretends like he doesn't remember anything about the movies they watch. I think Rich thinks it makes him seem like he's above it all, or fed up with the movies but he just comes off as a simpleton. I like Rich more than some other members but he does this nearly every single time he's on.
oh you think rich really got up and left because he was pissed off? exactly at the middle of the episode. kek.
This. In their predictions video he pretended not to remember the last jedi's title and it was funking annoying.
He's great on RE:View
He is a simpleton, with the worst fake laugh. He should stick to scripted things or do something else. I don't understand that wizard guy either. He's a human dial tone.
>that wizard guy
The one who's face looks like ass cheeks with a beard
>has to take drugs to get through a video of people being attacked by lions
God I hope we never have to see that faggot again.
He makes me think that this is how all those anons who pretend they’re friends with rlm and fantasise about being in a video with them would act
He is a simpleton
Hes honest and bulliable, its like a friend whos also a pizza.
>its like a friend whos also a pizza