>series has a sad epilogue
Series has a sad epilogue
looks more like an actual pickle now that it's green
party ricker in the hou
Tattoo removal should be illegal. Tattoos should be a reminder to the person and everyone around him/her of their dumb decisions.
what do you think of my new tattoo?
It already is painful, expensive and leaves scars, isn't that enough?
maybe, how bad are the scars?
Its party rick
For laser? not that noticeable.
For non-laser huge and awful
And a target mark. All tattooed animals are criminals and deserve a bullet to the head.
what they just rip the skion off?
how expensive?
the market for tattoo removal is going to explode in the next few years. same with cosmetic surgery for these retarded tunnels
roastie next door still has a pickle rick on her car mirror. should i rape her?
why do normies hate Rick and Morty now?
Wonder if the reddit likes were worth it after all
I think you dun goofed, son.
lmfao, I wish this were a real tattoo
just got some new ink myself
Does hair grow back up through tattoos? I have hilariously hairy legs and I'm curious if you'd even be able to a see any tattoo I got there.
Even if it looked goog, who the fuck would want that on their thigh?
Reminder that on the Last Judgment you will be stand before God resurrected in the same body.
It does,you have to keep shaving otherwise they are invisible...
So tat free?
Also for tranny reversal surgeries if that's even possible. Unless that's what you meant by retarded tunnels.
yeah it does you'll see people shaving all the time thats why some wax the area
You're a fucking moron, tats are mainstream as fuck and as people get older they get more conservative and want to get rid of their tats
Trannys are like 0.01% of the population dumbass
lol fuck that id rather go to hell i bet the devil got some sick artists down there an give you some badass tats
Boy is he gonna look dumb when Pickle Rick 2 comes out.
Is there an option that does this but forces them to keep the tattoo as well?
Remember when most people actually thought internet memes would stay hilariously funny forever and they decided to get tattoos of them?
Good times.
Why are people here so vocal about their hatred for tattoos? Is it because they've lost their counter culture appeal?
Not having enough money to remove them.
Same reason why people make fun of obese fucks.
>Why are people here so vocal about their hatred for tattoos? Is it because they've lost their counter culture appeal?
Yes, and also because a large portion of older people have tattoos they're half-ashamed of now; and people are starting to realize that marking yourself for life and thinking you won't change as a person when you get older is kind of stupid.
>stay curassy
Because tattoos are supposed to have meaning.
When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.
10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like a cartoon will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise.
Tattoos have been normalized as fuck. Nothing about it is counter culture. The people who are counter culture in the tattoo community now are those absolute psychos who completely transform their bodies into animals
I know this is pasta but there's literally nothing wrong with this.
Woah... Based
why chinese
>When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "Chuck" and "Sneed" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.
Penny Dreadful, but also
>rent room in house with a handful of other millennials
>cute new girl moves into empty common room
>give her a normie welcome but she ends up being as much of a shut-in as me, doesn't even collect the Game Informer issues she gets in the mail
>see her on Tinder; she's into gaming and has Star Wars/Sandman tats that are pretty tasteful
>develop light crush while right swipe goes unreciprocated
>eventually I install an ethernet cable and have to plug it into the router in her room
>she's not home but "haha we even have the same remote outlet switches"
>but she also has a pickle rick backpack, a bunch of GoT pop vinyls, and a bunch of other stupid Comic Con kinda shit
>feel nothing when she starts dating someone and is barely home anymore
>see Midsommar in theater with stoner bro housemate
>lol fuck that id rather go to hell i bet the devil got some sick artists down there an give you some badass tats
Wow so edgy
Reminder that the Pickle Rick episode won an Emmy
>drawing on your wrist to "help remind you" that you can do good and evil
How embarrassing.
Sometimes I pull on it so hard, I rip the skin
She sounds like a vapid consumerist whore, you dodged a massive bullet by not being good enough for her
Because the people here are friendless shut ins who envy people who had youths and social circles and fashion, akin to a nerd of the 80s hating “dumb jocks” except they cover it up with conservatism to convince themselves that they’re principled and not just boring losers.
>Is it because they've lost their counter culture appeal?
Kind of.
Most people are too pussy to commit to an eye-catching tattoo so they'll get some tiny garbage on their arms or behind the ear or something.
It looks trashy and even worse when you get more that don't match it.
I only really respect 3 kinds of tattoing.
1. Service Tattoos. They earn the right to display those.
2. Ethnic Tattoos. A lot of these can look pretty good, a lot of the asian or tribal tattoos that are authentic to the person's real culture are perfectly fine.
3. Artpiece Tattoos. When a person commits a huge portion of their body to a statement that has merit far beyond a reference.
I'd never get a tattoo but the above 3 are completely valid reasons to have one.
Intelligent people were making fun of tattoos since the beginning of time but now even the dumbest plebs can see 50+ year old people walking around with ugly tattoos on their fat old people bodies and it looks terrible 100% of the time.
Your typical NPC basedboy is such a corporate cocksucking mindslave that when they get a tattoo, it's usually some logo / reference for a movie, show, or god forbid, a fucking video game, that will be relevant for all of a couple years before it's dated as shit and no one gives a fuck about it.
I seriously worked with a guy who had a Final Fantasy 13 tatoo, it was huge all over his shoulder. It didn't help that this manchild wore capeshit shirts everyday and apparently had never brushed his teeth in his life. Same workplace I worked with a guy who had a giant Friday the 13th arm sleeve, which at least looked good and was highly detailed, but I personally wouldn't dedicate my only arms I get in life to a Hollywood film.
pretty good. here's your (you)