I beg your pardon Ms. Bond, but the casino doesn't accept homemade chips.
I beg your pardon Ms. Bond, but the casino doesn't accept homemade chips
Oh so we are doing terrible ones now? Ok here goes.
>I'm sorry Ms. Bond but you was always a stupid hoe
Haha let’s just list all the stereotypes about black people all at once! Cuz it’s so funny and original!
>Haha let’s just list all the stereotypes about black people all at once! Cuz it’s so funny and original!
>when /pol tries humor and everyone leaves
Ms. Bond will be a secret agent and a single mom who don't need no man.
Grow the fuck up already
Calm down, tyrone
You act like making fun of black people is a taboo shared by everyone
Not him but take the stick out of your ass and stop crying because people are making jokes.
>Well, well, well, Ms. Bond. How come you have a fifth Draw Four Wild when the deck only had four?
Now they'll just start spamming nigger and calling everyone that's not laughing at their shit jokes a tranny. Stop being fags /pol/, I'll laugh at any racist joke as long as it's funny and not just "hurr, NIGGER!"
Jokes? Really? Because it stopped being funny after hm I don’t know about a 1000 threads???
It's fine to not laugh at a joke. It's not fine to cry about a joke. Stop crying, you big baby.
Then go to another thread? Some people don't spend their lives on Yea Forums(nel) and haven't gotten to have their laughs in yet.
>ms bond, we throw the dice on the table not the ground
>Well, well, Ms. Bond. You finally arrive. Two hours late again, as usual.
these retarded edits are so funny do you think mads knows about them
>No, Ms. Bond, they cannot serve you "a fried chicken, shaken, not stirred."
>I'm sorry Ms. Bond, but they don't serve Old English Malt liquor. However, they do have cognac. I know how your people are quite fond of Hennessy.
They are not funny. Simple as
Fucking kek
I don't get it. Since when is Bond black?
>The casino does not accept EBT cards, Ms. Bond.
No, and let's hope he never does
>stop laughing it's not funny
Heres that (you), incel
> Come now Ms Bond, you know as well as I do that it doesn't matter if your baby's daddy was in the fat boys
best in thread
but that's good if you imagine Mads saying it
>people making jokes and laughing and having a good time
>"better stomp into that thread and cry about racism"
Thanks. You did your part. Now you can leave.
>Excuse me, Ms. Bond, but I don't know what a "finna" is. Could you please speak English?
>I'm sorry Ms. Bond but are you saying you have Kings? Or you used to have them at some point? I don't understand
Casino Royale is top comfy for the first half. This meme sucks though
>look at # posts
>look at # of posters
yep looks like one fatherless mulatto replying to himself
>I hate to interrupt your story, Ms. Bond, but no, you have never been to Wakanda because no such country exists.
>i'm sorry ms. bond, you'll have to sit at the back of the bus
>ms bond i’m afraid you cannot bet your gold teeth
>Ms. Bond, quit barking.
Stop the RACISM!!!
the parkour scene was pretty damn cool
Shut the fuck up you retard
>No, Ms. Bond, you cannot bet your weave.
>the biggest cultural achievement in african-american history is a fucking mediocre capeshit movie invented by another race
Who do you think makes them?
I think they station interns on here from various media outlets but they just can't let the casual racism slide or ever admit it's funny.
>I am sorry Ms Jaquelan Washington-Bond, we ''aint gonna roll dem dere dice yaaaa white boi"
But thanks for pointing out I am cute
Do you want an Up vote or a Reblog?
>im sorry ms bond but you cant gamble community housing
You are being hateful and that is not to be tolerated. Please leave now.
this meme is a week old and it's already stale, congrats
>Ms Bond, i regret to inform you that your card has declined, you are unable to buy any more chips
>Stop twerking on the poker table, Ms. Bond. Have a little dignity.
/pol/ doesn't understand that other boards actually don't give a fuck about who you are
>I'm afraid you cannot use the "Get Out Of Jail Free" Card outside of the board game, Ms Bond.
imagine walking into the kinoplex and seeing this
>you misunderstood ms bond
>When the dealer busts we do not bust a cap in his ass as you so eloquently phrased it
We need the burgers to wake up or get home from work, whatever time is it there
>Ms Bond, please stop twerking for more chips, it's degrading
we waz ghouls n shit
How the fucks am I am being hateful??? Nigga you are the one racist here
> Why yes Ms Bond I would like some chocolate candy punani, it sounds delicious
>No, Ms. Bond, I do not want to "sip" some of your "purple drank."
Why is being racist bad?
It hurts assorted shitskin feelings
>on phone
>Parrot: "Give us a kiss!"
>"Oh behave Ms Bond!"
>Ms. Bond, that is not the correct way to hold a firearm.
I can’t believe it’s 2019 and inconsiderate BIGOT FASCISTS are LITERALLY still using that word. Your ableism is showing, sweety, and it’s. not. a. good. look.
it makes you retarded
I am sorry Ms Bond, I don't speak ebonics
I don't understand this one, also Boris Johnson isn't interesting enough to even bother making memes of.
>Ms. Bond, while I'm sure you're correct and that watermelon "sho' is gud," you need to put it away because it's inappropriate to eat at the poker table.
Why are you so ableist that you have to use anti disabled hate speech like that?
dunno, you will have to ask a doctor but the evidence is clear
Woah user I'm all for getting rowdy but cool it with the slurs.
You can't talk like that. Do you have downs syndrome?
Says you, why can't I talk about black people in a humourous way? They don't care, they think it's funny as well usually
well blacks must all be racist then
>I do not want to listen to your mix tape, Ms. Bond, regardless of how "fire" you believe it to be.
Honestly there is no logical reason to be anti racist. The evidence is staggering, in a 100 years they will still be where they are now.
>Why do you have bottles of hot sauce in your purse, Ms. Bond?
Not him but question: is hating an entire culture racism? For example, American blacks’ rap culture. It’s objectively degenerate, criminal, bad for society and nowadays almost devoid of artistic value. I think that a lot of Americans listen to that sort of shit and associate a majority of black people with it so they stay away. I think that gets confused with racism a lot.
Racism is funny.
>Ugh, what's the smell? Oh, ah, hello, Ms. Bond.
Top tip: a suave, sophisticated black man as Bond is better than thuggish, plebish, Cockney Craig.
Daily reminder that we do not tolerate racism on the Chan. Last warning or i'll have to inform the Janitor team about it.
Like Idris Elba?
>Ms Bond - or should I say 'Missed Bond'? - it would seem you have run out of chips *smirk*. What? No, we don't accept EBT as payment.
>a suave, sophisticated black man
You sound like a cuck, go watch your daily dose of BLACKED and enjoy your 5 faps for the day. Neetbucks will be in the mail Friday and you can get your Wendy’s for the week.
If the evidence is clear why are you unable to explain it? Are you sure you aren't trying to project your low IQ onto others?
Oh that is true, I don't think Craig is good at all and I don't even like black people in films as former white characters. But honestly calling black guys smooth is fucking gay if you yourself aren't black
yes because you only have that opinion due to your racism
>a suave, sophisticated black man
I liked that one in 2001: A Space Odyssey
No, Ms Bond, I don't recall the "retarded motha fucka" eyeing your cards. Let's have some class and play shall we?
you're not funny either unless you keep your mouth shut
So you think an artistic platform touting rape, murder, and general hedonism is not bad for society? I would find it degenerate in a vacuum. Let’s be realistic
It gets tossed around a lot but 90% of the posts in here are literally actually Reddit
> Ms. Bond I'm not drinking coffee, why would I be interested in half&half?
>I'm sorry Ms. Bond but we don't have "Yung Dicky X" in our playlist. Perhaps Chopin could be more your speed?
I think sizzurp would be more appropriate, but fried chicken took me off guard, got a laugh.
pretty sure it was the colonialism and slavery that was bad for society. now you are mad they sing songs about the ghettos you keep them in
>*sigh* Yes, yes, Ms. Bond, "deez nuts." How hilarious.
>Well Mr. Bond I made it, despite your directions.
Colonialism is bad how? Africa was never developed and slavery was done to whites by Arabs for hundreds of years without affecting them to the extent claimed by negro apologists
>You cannot be "fiddy," Ms. Bond.
>Please stop pouring that "fawty" all over the floor, Ms. Bond. You're making a mess.
ahhh, so thats why every nigger has a room temperature iq
>No I'm sorry Ms Bond you can't get reception for MetroPCS nor Boost Mobile I'm afraid
>*you always was a silly hoe
slavery was always a thing though, other races were enslaved through the 19th century. Slavery is still an ongoing rampant practice throughout Africa, actually, which is objectively worse by and large than any ghetto. Really no excuse at this point for the lack of cultural progression
>Those "traditional African cookies" are made of mud, aren't they, Ms. Bond?
>No Ms. Bond, this casino does not have a day care facility
Think of the advertisers for crying out loud.
fucking underage cunt
>minority tries to go against majority consensus
thanks for showcasing my point lmao
Oh well to be honest I never liked Roger Moore. He was good in the Saint but James Bond will forever be George Lazenby for me
>Stop dribbling that basketball on the card table, Ms. Bond.
>what is good with yourself as well my nigger? ahem... nigga?
>da name's business
>non yo business
Ms. Bond, we have several craps tables in the casino. We will gladly direct you to them and dispose of this piece of cardboard for you
Majority is stupid. 2016 elections proved that
>dealer can we substitute a new deck of cards, ms. bond has soiled them with fried chicken grease”
>George Lazenby
>No, thank you, Ms. Bond. I do not want to be your *ahem* "next baby daddy."
>admits colonialism has left black people in america societally crippled
>rebukes efforts to disaffirm and dissuade their ongoing cultural decline
>dude just oppress them more that a good trick
umm no sweetie
word hillary won the popular vote lmao
>Yuck! You're spitting watermelon seeds everywhere, Ms. Bond.
>dude just let them breed their way into the majority and wreck the nation
>Mads has her tied to the chair
>"Such a waste."
>slams knotted rope under the chair
>she doesn't flinch
>Mads looks puzzled
>"I've felt bigger, hun"
>she rocks forward on the chair legs and kicks Mads unconcscious
>"You cute tho"
Have you heard the new James Bond theme yet?
It's pretty good. youtube.com
Just because you can't think of any original jokes to contribute doesn't mean you should shit on our party. Leave, you unfunny cunt.
>Double O Thirteen percent
>No, Ms. Bond the bar does not serve lean or "fowties" as you put it.
I don't know why you're all talking only about how they turned James Bond black when they turned Q black as well. Some of the new black Q gadgets are really interesting.
>No Ms. Bond the cashier will not accept EBT for chips
>I regret to inform you Ms. Bond that we don't accept Wakanda government bonds as legal tender
Oh wow, haha another thread where insecure white racists insult black people. Instead of contributing to a toxic culture that others and annihilates the innocent black bodies of millions, why not stop being towards and better yourselves. Do you people not realize that these so called "jokes" are only further internalizing the racism that kills and enslaves blacks to this day. Get educated and realize that these innocent wisecracks mean a lot more than you think.
Yes, James Bond as a franchise has deep roots in racism. Everything about the West does despite our long history of being dependent on multiculturalism fo our shred human achievements, Yes, it is a good thing that a woman of color can be represented in a Bond film, even if she is an agent of capital and the imperialist system that has done so much to destroy black and brown bodies around the planet.
Haha orange soda grape juice EBT EBT finna epin win based!
*picture of apple taped to back of a laptop*
>I'm sorry ms bond, but the house has a strict "no fried chicken" policy
>No, Ms. Bond, I will not "get jiggy wid it."
>grape juice
Darkies don't have grape juice. They have grape drink.
>Oh ho ho Ms Bond, it seems you were too eager to start
>It seems you forgot that, like always, white goes first
>That gentleman is having wine, Ms. Bond, not "grape drink."
yah white racists
meanwhile black people in africa are still enslaving each other, cutting off clits, machete chopping the arms of lighter skinned blacks, and literally eating organs as their infrastructure left to them by now gone colonials collapses
I know you posted this ironically but you shouldn’t even share talking points for these people
>Ms. bond how did you gain entry to the gaming floor with no shoes on?
>No, Ms. Bond, you certainly were not "doing nothing" I saw you shoot the-- you're still holding the gun.
Why do you guys keeping saying ms bond? That’s wrong 007 is an operator designation and it doesn’t belong to James Bond. So if you need to try to meme it should be “007” not “ms bond”
every 007 goes by james bond obviously you retard, there have been like 10 of them
>orange man won, elections bad
Good b8
do you think james bond is his real name
Yes but James Bond May also be a cover so it’s still not correct it should be 007 not ms bond so these memes are all incorrect
The 25th bond film is about James Bond retiring, so his 007 code name is given to another agent, who is a black woman who, in the film, doesn't even have a second name. The film is about Bond retiring and being brought back to deal with the threat. James Bond is still Daniel Craig. Whether 26th Bond film will be a black woman or black or whatever we don't know.
Yeah I honestly don't care, a black guy looked at me funny 6 years ago and I've never gotten over it
>Ms. Bond the password to shutdown the nuclear weapon is the answer to the equation "9 + 10"
thanks mr autism
It’s his real name
How about these chips?
This but 100% unironically
that was what came to mind for me at first and i thought the meme was about bonds mom
Gotta be a fake name
What kind of secret agent goes around telling everyone, (villains and bar sluts included) his real name? Inb4 his personal data is hidden behind 6 proxies
Why do people keep saying I have autism it’s not my fault you’re wrong and I’m right
>As a customer of Yea Forums(nel), I DEMAND a higher quality!
Is that the Yea Forums meme of the Golden Eye N64 cartridge and cheeseburger?
Apparently since the internet became popular you can't fake identities anymore so spies need to actually be who they say they are for the most part.
>get on Yea Forums
>complain about offensive jokes
Nigs would laugh at this shit if they used the internet you sheltered whiteboy faggots.
>Ms. Bond, stop shooting at the police.
Heavens I bet your parents have made themselves ill raising your haven’t they
Dis gon be good...sjw chips for sjw bond film
go back there any time
No they’re not Ill they’re very happy why do you think they would be unwel
Ok this is just ridiculous, you can't make an anonymous forum not make stupid nigger jokes. It'll never happen even your most PC friends laugh at this stuff.
how long will you post /pol/ before you realize that rational people by and large, even black people, dislike black people on a cultural level, and the open forum of the internet amplifies that sentiment
racism is a social construct, it’s a false flag. very few retards hate black skin, very many people hate criminality and degeneracy
Back to your hugbox
>Ms. Bond, quit smacking your lips.
keep on ignoring statistical evidence and let the problem continue, to the detriment of black people everywhere snowflake
Black people commit lots of rapes and murders. Relative poverty only explains thefts
This but unironic.
Over the last couple of years the number of milquetoast normies that REE at the edgier staples of board culture has increased probably tenfold. I'd also wager they're either media spies aka """"journalists""", or a psyop effort to stigmatize board culture and coopt the chans.
back to ur safespace sweatie
>No, Ms. Bond, I do not "owe you reparations." Quit begging for money.
>why is there a chimp in th... ahh ms. bond
> No Ms. Bond, I do not have an android charger
They stick out like a sore thumb.Really? The only place that says nigger freely suddenly confines it to /pol/ and Yea Forums? Since when?
>I hear you're the coolest monkey in the jungle, Ms. Bond.
this. nigger was so oft-used site-wide it was filtered like soi=onions is now
not for nearly as long, either
>Sorry, but they do not sell menthol cigarettes here, Ms. Bond.
>Ms. Bond, our croupier is not allowed to accept crack rocks as a bet.
>Ms. Bond, I am truly sorry that you never knew who your father was.
>Black lives don't matter, Ms. Bond.
>Please refrain from making gang sign hand gestures, Ms. Bond.
> Ms.Bond I very much hope you can swim well in my laser shark tank.
>Remember to keep comments respectful and to follow our Community Guidelines
How TF do I remove that damn text? I see it every time since the last update a few days ago.
>no Ms. Bond, we don't have watermelon flavored whisky
>You lose again, Ms. Bond. Looks like the state will have to pay for your abortion yet again.
>Ms. Bond, you're mistaken. I did not tell you to "go back to your country." I'm Puerto Rican. I'm a Democrat. I hate Trump. I can't be racist. Check my Facebook.
This is the best meme since Bond, Craig Bond.
it's all this candy-ass roody-poo newfriends and the >9000 CIA operatives
On a more serious note: imagine wanting to police the speech of one of the few places on the internet where you can literally say anything by design. And these are the people that claim to be anti fascist.
>I'm not interesting in "going black," Ms. Bond. Please stop asking.
do americans really eat this?
American cinemas seem scary
>no Ms. Bond, the 'homies' behind me are not going to join us
>no Ms. Bond, I expect you to hit that Stanky Leg, ayyyyy!
>Sorry, Ms. Bond, but we don't speak jive here.
>Jezromius rolls up on whitey, boutta bark like a mofo MHMM
>outbarked by the golden retriever before he can even open his mouth
they really didn't think this through
Nah, Brits eat that. But Americans eat this
Stay mad white boys
Stay poor and uneducated blacks
>in fact Ms. Bond, I do know what are you saying, you can stop asking me that
no, still funny actually, dilate.
>Finally, the help has arrived. Oh, sorry, I didn't realize it was you, Ms. Bond. Well, while you're up, be a dear and fetch us our drinks. And no, none of us will be having malt liquor.
could not hold back the giggles
>I'm afraid you don't actually "run thangs" here, Ms. Bond.
based falseflag user helping foster reverse psychology racism.
>well, thank you Ms. Bond, I also think that my 'crib' is 'bitchin'
the myth that black people are being held back by whites is harmful to blacks and unfair to whites. rather than encouraging a man to climb the ladder of success, you drown him in your good intentions.
>no Ms. Bond, that's not a license to kill, it's a EBT card
>excuse me Ms. Bond, I don't know what is the equivalent of the bet in food stamps
>That's a nice bicycle you have, Ms. Bond. Did Q make it for you? Oh, you stole it. Hmm.
Thread ruined by those 2 idiots who keep arguing back and forth. Wish you both die in your sleep tonight.
>Ms. Bond, I hear the 007 isn't just your code number, but also your IQ.
Evolve the fuck up already
>Already chimping out
Nigger gonna nig
>Please put out your marijuana cigarette, Ms. Bond.
>Ms. Bond, we do not allow giant inflatable alligators in the pool.
>I think it's refreshing that MI6 has hired a black transwoman as their new... oh, you're not transgender? Well, Ms. Bond, you'll have to pardon me, but in my defense, you are quite masculine.
>Ms Boned, please put Van Gogh back on the wall, it is nothing but a mere replica.
>Bradford FC
room temp IQ
No, Brits don't eat that, it is clearly a joke, we put a pinch of cheese on cheesy chips, like a tablespoon or two.
>he only puts a tablespoon of cheese on his chips
I bet it’s a poncy Italian cheese as well you southern poof
>for the last time Ms. Bond, that's the name of the game, blackjack is not about your race
fuck off
>No Ms. Bond, the cards cannot be racist as they have no consciousness
>Do you people not realize that these so called "jokes" are only further internalizing the racism that kills and enslaves blacks to this day
Sounds like blacks are an insecure bunch. Do you want to be around people who can't take a joke? Want them to have power and representation in government or your schools?
>Please try a sampling of my hors d'oeuvres. My chef trained among the greatest culinary experts in Paris. The pressed duck is absolutely... no, we don't have any "chitlins" and pigs feet, Ms. Bond.
>No I... well... maybe we can arrange some takeout for you.
>Popeyes doesn't exist in the United Kingdom, Ms. Bond.
>No, Ms. Bond, I am not your "nigga."
Being this new.
somebody spent time creating this image
No 007, food stamps cannot be used as wild cards
Norf FC here lad, so fook off with your poncy cheese.
I'm from the most kino cheese central in the fucking world, Cheshire. A county so good, they named one of the most popular fucking cheeses after it.
>Please use your inside voice, Ms. Bond.
Pardon me, Ms. Bond, but what do you mean by crackers? These objects are called chips.
>No Ms, Bond, you can't touch the cards with your hands dirty of fried chicken
cast her
>Mmm, yes, Ms. Bond, those animated gifs of negroes are amusing.
>I'm sorry, Ms. Bond, but we cannot allow your child into the casino.
Whoopi (((Goldberg)))
>No Ms. Bond, I am simply using intellect and strategy to win. I am not in a cracker conspiracy
>No Ms. Bond, "I dindu nuffin" isn't an acceptable excuse for cheating.
>Could you please stop yelling "WORLDSTAR," Ms. Bond? It's ruining this fight scene.
> Ms. Bond the waitress has already conveyed they do not have Malt Liquor at the bar
>No Ms.Bond, I have never employed a colored person named Tom. From the tone of yours I reckon he is as much of a worthy rival as I am?
>Ms. Bond please stop clapping when you talk.
>Ms. Bond, why didn't you leave a tip for the waitress?
ahahahha win
>Ms. Bond, there's no need to shake your neck repeatedly your neck while you're talking
Dilate freak
>The game will continue as normal, Ms. Bond. We will not "hol' up."
> Ayo Le Chiffre is dees drinks free n shit?
Based retards. We never tip in the UK
What is this some kind of master b8?
That image is racist against white people and I need you to leave
Also, the scene doesn't take place in "the UK" (where you most definitely are not from, so why lie) but rather in Montenegro, where people tip.
Oi guvna we neva tip in the queen's isles blimey, instead we force our kids to suck the paki owner of the kebab shop's cock to show our gratatude there son
>No, Ms. Bond, the name of this country is not racist.
good thread
> Ms. Bond infact the "negro" in Montenegro does not equate to the notion of your people once being kings here.
Bond is British. I replied to user's post about Bond not tipping a waitress. Brits simply don't tip.
If Bond is British, where's her hijab?
>wtf why are they comparing blacks to animals that's so racist!?
Is that... butter?
>Yes, Ms. Bond, you can use your EBT to buy alcohol. Thanks, Obama.
> Ms. Bond please, I don't want your mixtape.
Holy shit
You guys really used all your good ones yesterday.
>Now, Ms. Bond, I'm going to lower you into this pool full of... oh wow, she immediately drowned.
>Sorry Ms Bond - clubs beat spades, as I'm sure you're well aware.
stolen joke
Top lmao
>No, Ms. Bond, I expect you to die... from AIDS.
I’d like to see you being all racist and brave in real life you fucking asswipes. Come on prove how brave you are you fucking whitoids. All you can do is being rude on the internet
lol nigger
People make jokes about race in real life all the time. I'd tell you to go outside and make friends, but we both know that's not happening for you.
I spit out my coffee you bastard
>Why do you keep betting "fiddy," Ms. Bond?