Amazon screwed up by hiring a chick with small tits. Nude scenes disappointing

Amazon screwed up by hiring a chick with small tits. Nude scenes disappointing

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Is her ass at least good? Small tits I can deal with but flat asses are a deal breaker for me.

Erin is qt

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She's not meant to be a bombshell though, she's meant to be a cute naive country girl

this show is Karl Urban kino. who cares about some blonde plank.

Is it out already?

I'm really curious how this series will adapt Super Duper. They were such cuties.

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Amazon screwed up letting DUDE WERD LMAO and friends do another Ennis story after they butchered Preacher.

uhhhhh that doesn't look like the source-accurate costume that was explicitly implied by this promotional image...

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The threads on this show are gonna be crazy once the casuals see "that" scene

>suck it

sorry, incels, but we decided to go in a different direction that didn't sexually objectify the female actresses.

Does she actually show tits?
Also, The Boys is a shit comic. It relies too heavily on "shock" value, but nothing they do is shocking. The Watchmen had superheroes raping each other and gore and fucked up shit at least a decade before.

I don't think it's gonna be too accurate to the comic.

The character is forced by her teammates to slut out her costume.

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She actually wears both in the comic, the one in OP is the chaste innocent costume she wore when she was doing her own thing, that's the sexified costume they made her wear when she joined the Seven.

As long as they have both there won't be any casualties.

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what did he mean by this?

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Watchmen didn't really have that much fucked up shit. Or gore. And it only had one attempted rape.

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>And it only had one attempted rape.
It was a successful rape. The woman who gets raped has a rape baby and winds up forgiving and even being thankful for her rapist. And no, it was gory as fuck.
By the time The Boys came out, it was already a fucking cliche. People had already seen "a dark look" at superheroes. Hell, we'd already lived through the 90s where every superhero had to be edgy as fuck (both figuratively and literally in the sense that they had to have a lot of knives and katanas and shit). Nothing The Boys ever did was new or even interesting. Fuck it.

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um, no, sweaty, we will not be including those sexist, patriarchal scenes in the show.

moriarty is a good actress but the show looks like garbage

Get better material, Seinfeld.


the show isn't out yet. you can read the comics any time you want.

will she be going nude in the show?

based shit-taste zoomlet

Flat is justice.

You'll be seeing a lot IF they're accurate to the comic.

>promise ring
Nice touch

Apparently. She’s been on upcoming nude lists

Yes. Nothing from Karen though according to reviewers

Also Batman


love sluts

>Hughie is based on Simon Pegg
>Character is Scottish
>Cast some American guy as Hughie
>Cast Simon Pegg as his friend

is this some weird, subverting expectations thing?

The boys really is god-awful. Someone close to Ennis should never have let it be written.

is the american guy doing a scottish accent?

>His friend
Simon plays his father

The comic came out over a decade ago
Pegg is too old to play him

She wasn’t raped, she had consensual sex with the same guy later which conceived the kid.

The guy playing hughie is in his 30's, Pegg's in his 40's and he's supposed to be his dad?

no he's American in the show

Nah. It was a rape. That's why Hooded Justice beat his ass. The second time you're right though

hooded justice was a homosexual sadist who got off on beating young punks

Wee Hughie looks like he's anywhere between his early 20's to his late 40's throughout the comic run. Throwing some make-up and hair dye on Pegg would be more than enough to make him look the part. I really don't understand this argument. Especially when they took such liberties with The Deep and whatever the speedster's name is. And I don't think there are any scenes that would be particularly physically demanding either.

God I hate retards who don't pay attention. He never successfully raped her, but year later she willingly had sex with him. That's why when her daughter accuses him of forcing himself he says "only the one time" to her.

In the movie at least I’m pretty sure he didn’t get it in before Hooded Justice came along

Something that would unironically never happen. Look at what women wear in real life with their freedom. Now imagine if they had super powers and had no possibility of getting raped.

>She wasn’t raped
It was rape. She flat out says as much (she calls it a rape but also excuses it as a "lapse of judgment"), not that she needs to given you see it happen. Even the Comedian admits it was rape.
>she had consensual sex with the same guy later which conceived the kid.
Correct, years later after the rape, she had consensual sex with her rapist.

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>Now imagine if they had super powers and had no possibility of getting raped.
Except the guy has super powers as well. In fact, his super powers are stronger. But he uses the leverage of being able to kick her off the team to have his way with her.

>"a dark look" at superheroes
It's the "Mario's mushrooms are actually drugs" of the past. Really annoying, unoriginal, boring, useless. Any child can come up with "dude like what Superman was like bad?" or "hehe what if wonder woman got raped." It's nothing new. Garbage.

>"he never raped her!"
>"he only raped her once!"

You're not getting the point. Women would willingly wear whore costumes because women are whores. It's that simple.

>It's the "Mario's mushrooms are actually drugs" of the past.
Damn, you hit the nail on the head right there.
That's not to say you can't do a good superhero comic where they're fucked up. The Dark Knight Returns, Watchmen, and Irredeemable are pretty good, but those work because there's a bit more to them than just "gee isn't it crazy this superhero is raping people." The Boys lacks that.

She gets raped before she starts wearing the revealing outfit.

Why not include it as a criticism? Women of the world need to know how bad things are so they can be prepared to fight back.

>um, no, sweaty
Is this fucking 2014? Everyone who starts their hilarious "satire" post with "no sweety" is an out of touch boomer, just fucking stop

The edgelord in me wants to read the comic, but the adult in me recognizes what dogshit it must be.

Being superficial is not mature, you could read the first couple issues in minutes then you are free to dislike it.

Small tits are best.

>wanting big tits
>wanting nudes
>wanting big asses
have taste please, anons

>thinks there will be a nude scene
>thinks any nude scene wouldn't just be an obvious body double/shitty cgi

>modern feminist

Laurie only knew about the time Hooded Justice walked in and beat the shit out of Blake. It wad attempted rape but not full on rape. It's Rorschach who calls the event "a lapse of judgement" when he breaks in to tell them the news that Blake is dead

Keep reading. The sophomoric shock humor eventually gives way to very strong character development and an excellent story. The Boys perfectly showcases the two halves of the Ennis style.

Perfection! Blackies btfo.

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It's a long fucking run too
I personally wouldnt recommend it unless you're really into edgy shit. I read it because I was bored

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I'm hoping they don't pussy out on image related, even if it's even more implied and they never show the cam footage later (just Hughie's face and the dialog), because it's in important moment. That said, the trailers have already sold me, and when it's out I'll be binge watching it.

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Who's ready for why'd you kill me dog, mate? kino?

Man I hated everybody in this comic book. They are literally all asssholes

Depends if they are doing one LONG ass season, or planning for more, because it could be a few years until we get that far.

There's no Terror or Jack anywhere in the trailer

In a previous someone said they made her smoke weed before a drug test instead of the blowing them.

>no terror
jesus christ

Picard gets his shitbull, but Billy doesn't get Terror?
Pile o' fuckin' shite.

>based marbil making edgeless moobis like is gud for u

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Yea Forums who should have been cast in for this role?

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Why's she look like the fucking Sugar Crisp bear?

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w0w ugly face and caked on makeup


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Alison Lohman is cuteness personified. Fuck OP you fucking nigger.

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It’s been a while, but someone remind me why Billy killed everyone in the end?

>Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg
Not only will they pussy out, they'll diverge as far as possible from the source material.

From what I remember, it was just to get rid of all superhumans so shit like the Seven wouldn't happen again.

Almost Human season 2 when??

>wife gets raped
>super powered rape baby kill her
>Billy kills baby
>Billy develops reasonable hatred towards supers
>supers are just for show and dont actually save anything

Alison Lohman is a 40 year old mom of two who teaches acting for a living

>like you're going to get a 6 in your lifetime

That’d make sense if they were the last super humans, but it just really took me out of it to see a brawl with MM over his daughter turn into him fucking dying along with Frenchie and The female a few pages after that.

is that Sarah Vandella?

he knew Supes would change the world for the worser, irregardless of their intentions.

Huh, seems like the Amazon show will be really tame in comparison.

Is ok.

Add him to the list of gingers replaced by black people

The one moment I'd like to see done right because it was such a big "oh fuck" moment is "Just so you know... We can clean up our own shit."

Marvel is just the other side of the coin. You can have good writing without having to make it "safe" and pander to China while at the same time not being needlessly edgy just for shock value (which isn't shocking if you have half a brain).

Guess we'll see, I guess that would work for her compromising her morals for the 'job', but it would shotgun the knees out from her and Hughie's later drama unless they either don't have it, or she fucks one of them while high or gets date-raped.

the epitome of writing

He intended MM to fuck off and deal with his family issues. MM returned and that's why Billy fought him. Frenchie and Female were also supposedly dismissed, the bomb was intended to destroy the building and all the Intel and evidence there. His original plan was that they all, including himself and Hughie and everyone with the V compound in their brain (even if it hadn't manifested yet), would just drop dead when he triggered his device, they'd never know what hit them

in case no one knows, its a parody, not fanservice. go back to your babby books for mommy milks

Thanks user, that’s a lot less retarded.

I mean, they never will have Love Sausage in the show. Basically, former russian superman, who has such a huge dick that if he sees tits, he can't run due to the boner.

>tfw no scene where the boys and love sausage basically recreate ww2 against stormfront

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This was possibly the only good scene in the entire run.

Moriarty confirmed topless scenes

I always thought Alan Moore's Miracleman did the "what if superheroes were real and what if one of them lost his mind" thing, anyway. Literal genocide before he's finally stopped.

>not wanting big tits
>not wanting big asses
have some testosterone user

Who was that insane Iron Man pastiche who fucks the comet? Didn't he end up being one of the good guys?

It's Jack, not mate.

>No Terror

Who dat nigger on the left?

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Isn't Hughie supposed to be Scottish? And why is A-Train black?

I'm kinda curious to see how far will they go with the source material.

At least medium sized...

Most of the source material would trigger a riot in this day and age so I'm guessing not very.

They needed someone who could believably run fast.

That might be the intent. It would generate a *lot* of press, and people signing up 'just to see' *wink wink*

I'm not buying it. Execs generally cave to triggered twitter mobs. No way they suddenly grew the balls for that.

>doesn't understand how his stench and obesity is a "deal breaker" for most women
>cries about never getting laid

Beggars can't be choosers, fatty.

He imagined it because of brain cancer

Can she suck dick like a seal on horns?

>like a seal on horns
what does that mean

>sorry, incels, but we decided to go in a different direction that didn't sexually objectify the female actresses.

TRANSLATION = We're ugly roastie white whores who feel threatened by a young beautiful girl with a great body!!!FACT!!!

They'll do the opposite to SUBVERT EXPECTATIONS

Nothing really to buy until we know, either way. I'm prepared for the worst but still holding on to some small hope.


Yeah, I even hate 'The Boys'. It's bad, cliches of cliches of cliches. They should have shortened it

Based and milfpilled

Who's this absolute qt?

She would be a great Starlight,considering she really knows how to suck dick.

Stop posting while in school zoomer, you need to pay attention to your teacher.

what face?

the deep was black in the comics now he's white

>no he's American in the show


does the redhead have any nude scenes

Yes white culture icon "A-Train" from a Garth Ennis comic book

I can't unsee it.

Thank you.

small titties are patrician
>tfw snugglan with a qt
>holding a titty with my palm
good feels

gonna wank some good wanks now, cheers user

tell me your name so I can say it when I cum

Hope she shows muff

>Yea Forums LITERALLY coined the term DFC.
>Nowadays you only find infighting between fat tits and fatass lovers.
God I hate 4chann*l.

Um I scrolled through all the pictures in this thread and didn't see anything????? Delete this trash already janny.

>Pretty good

The ending was complete shit

>It's two people finding each other.
>Come on then, Terror. On we go, mate. Aw fuck
>Last chapter being called You Found Me

lots of kino, if they have the stones for it

>Nude scenes disappointing

Provide link and i shall be the judge

disgusting, fucking disgusting you testosteronelet

Why what happens in this issue? Never read it

they have Hughie knowing she's a supe without him freaking the fuck out, they aren't gonna do this scene