Are American schools really like in the movies and tv shows with jocks bullying everyone and having huge parties, roasties bullying the ladies and sleeping with all the jocks and nerds getting knocked around in hallways and getting dunked in toilets?
American Schools in Movies
its 2019 man school is fully of trannies and little faggots
yes every American school has 25 year old European transfer students
No, everyone is isolated and on their phones
Only white public schools are like this, and those all died out in the 90s. Now every public school is filled with niggers and spics doing drugs and chimping out.
did america really change in such a short time somehow?
More like you have the popular sporty guys and girls who don't even look at or acknowledge the rest of the plebs. The guys into sports are usually wealthy and attractive. The only bullying comes from blacks and mexicans. If you're rich enough you can go to a private school and don't even have to deal with them. On the pleb side, you have band/orchestra nerds, the smelly vidya autists, and the relatively normal plebs who sometimes intermingle with each other.
Yes but 10 times worse.
nah user is exaggerating I went to highschool in California up to 2008 and it was majority white
Yeah it really did, dont forget Obamas program of relocating minorities to white neighborhoods. Public schools are nothing but a joke now.
Only private schools that are white.
Public schools are basically kennels for niggers and illegal alien anchor babies who have zero interest in anything beyond dealing drugs, fighting in the hallways, and disrupting classes with low-IQ babble that all the other orcs think is just soo SOOOO hilarious.
>tfw a smaller town leaf and HS was mostly white with well behaved chinks to make up the rest
>mfw seeing videos of "schools" of all these niggers and spics attacking teachers, standing on their desks treating the place like a nature preserve
California is the most segregated state in the country.
A literal Jew wrote the Immigration Act of 1965 and then the ADL/SPLC convinced Boomers and Gen Xers that opening the borders was just such a fantastic idea. So yes. When I was in high school, the US youth demographic was probably around 65% white. It's now below 50% white.
it was a slow progression
It was 85% white in 1990 and its barely 50% white now.
We will literally be brazil in a few generations
i'm an ausfag and seeing what american schools is like watching a exhibition at a zoo. its so different from what we deal with.
wow that's gotta suck for school kids.
American high schools seemed more like college with a lot more bullying.
well australia is no better. we'll be singapore. our cities are 80% chinese not exagerating.
notice the preponderance of judaism types
bookish hebes were not sporty and imagined bullying by anglos because of their innate insecurities
>disregard decreasing white birth rates
>disregard the fact immigration has literally always existed, previously with fewer restrictions than are currently in place
>blame jews for your inferiority complex
not to mention we've had to continuously lower our educational standards to accommodate the offspring if illiterate peasants from central america. They're so stupid they don't even know to feed their children, and schools have to serve breakfast and dinner now.
Why do you lie?
I think he's not disregarding anything. it seems you're disregarding the dire situation we are now in.
Being from a teacher's family from Hueland, I feel sorry for you.
I'm Brazilian and we all behave the same because skin tones have tons of different gradients so we don't really look that much into who's white or black is more like
>Public = poor people = bad
>Private = middle-higher = good
>decreasing white birth rates
who do you think is behind that
Not in 2019. Now bullies look like this.
that's a total crock of shit. hues blame black brazilians for all the gun crime and shit all the time. you must be one ronaldinho looking mofo
in the 90s yea
genuine fucking question to you yanks. what stopped people from just walking out of school and going to the shops or what ever?
Nothing. People leave all the time. There aren’t enough truancy cops in the world to stop them. It’s just must kids don’t cause they are dumb kids with cash and don’t know any better.
all of north america is like that
not just the schools
the predominantly black and mexican schools have police officers/security guards at every exit with metal detectors
you're thinking of "white Argentina"
Yeah lets completely disregard the fact that immigration before 1965 consisted of white europeans and nowadays its all subhuman shitskins from third world hellholes, totally not a factor at all you stupid faggot.
i'm australian so we had uniforms and shit which made you somewhat stand out if you walked out and didn't bring casual clothes to change into. once i figured that the teachers couldnt actually stop you i started to walk out.
>police officers/security guards at every exit
thats completely alien to me. i used to live in fairly rural town that had a lot of abos that wouldn't turn up, the school would send the cops around to their house. but there wasnt anyone stopping them from leaving again.
and that's a good thing
You could leave if you wanted to, we usually left campus at lunch or even during the break between periods occasionally. I lived close by so I walked home during lunch sometimes or bought chips or hotdogs from the stores nearby. If you wanted to skip class you totally could but the HS would call your house if you were late or absent to a period and my parents were already mad that I was late to first period almost every day so I never did
It was true in the 90s. There wouldn't be much else to do, so you and your buddies would meet up, and your buddies would invite some of their chums, and those chums would invite their pals, and so on, and then somebodies would have access to cheap beer, and you'd drink and fuck around: figuratively and literally.
not anymore
in fact jocks tend to be the academics when I went to school, and systematic bullying died out with columbine though there will always be occasional individual bullying
Only California and other shitholes have metal detectors.
Literally every jock party trope is post 1965
Why do stormcucks jerk off the 80s yet post this shit
Are you being retarded on purpose?
Well he's a lefty, so
Do americans really dress like this when they go out? I wouldn't even sleep in those """""clothes""""".
>Are they like movies
i guess?
if you want to see Chad
@ 4:20
Uniforms are either not in practice or unenforceable in most shitty public schools.
>no hope for this nation
>third world shithole masses destroying every makes everything better
i dont follow this logic.
the fuck is wrong with his legs? He stands like a fucking 2 year old who just learned to walk
My school was in the middle of nowhere so there was no point unless you drove. And the cop would check any car that was leaving earlier than expected
graduated 2009
>jocks bullying everyone
not really
>having huge parties
>roasties bullying the ladies
>sleeping with all the jocks
for the most part
> nerds getting knocked around in hallways and getting dunked in toilets
No. Everyone's depressed and tired from lack of sleep and most people ignore each other.
the fact that classes take attendance and you'd have to repeat a grade if you miss too many classes
What's the point in even going to school
A rich douchey Indian kid who talks mad shit he can't back up is honestly super accurate to what high school bullies are like now, at least in Canada for sure
>tfw the elementary school I went to in the 90s went from being a top tier school when I went there to now apparently being an absolute shit hole school where an overwhelming portion of the student body can't speak English, and the district had to institute a special pre-schoolyear behavioral education program because the students coming in were incredibly misbehaved and couldn't fucking stand in line or some shit
Sad how things change.
Hes a Jew
Its the US mate, everything is miles away from anything else, its why driving is an integral part of freedom for a US teen; public transportation is shit and from what i've seen in media (feel free to correct me) school busses are common. There very likely aren't any shops for miles around the school.
at my school all the groups of people got along for the most part partied together except for the artfags
so every chick will have a nice ass
What's it like there?
Most large US high schools are located in a centralized urban or suburban location so it’s not a far walk to at least a convenience store usually. A lot of students drive like you said though.
standing 'penguin footed' is a sign of submissiveness; also a sign of poor muscular and skeletal development due to inactivity and bad diet