What was the moral of the story?
Captain America: The First Avenger
Take steroids.
Whatever it is, it's OK when America does it.
there's always a bigger mog
Looks are everything
That the Jew used American boys to found their racial hypocrisy under the guise of freedom
Why did his haircut improve?
It doesn't matter if you're a loser with a heart of gold unless someone figures a way to make super soldiers with a drug.
It improved his hair genetics.
If you're weak, you're a loser. If you bulk up you'll get nurse pussy.
To get fucking shredded, brah.
Worst Marvel movie by far
Just b yourself
it feels really scripted
If you're a good man, you deserve steroids.
Stay consistent
Hit your macros
Two scoops
Didn't roids kill this nigga?
fpbp, the moral is that it doesn't matter how nice or kind of brave you are unless you're 6'+ and fukken joocy, everybody should eat clen and tren hard
Yeah, and he was only 22 lmao
>tfw most of Yea Forums is either the left pic or fat
Forever ’mirin.
That's not thor 2
He achieved more by 22 than you will in your life.
Nah was congenital
Yes, but to be fair it wasn't just roids. He had a heart condition, did party drugs, smoked, etc.
Did he smoke tho?
the real captain was inside us all along
get /fit/
Punch nazis sweetie ;)
or die mirin
God I wish that had been me.
>What was the moral of the story?
Just be yourself.
If you're a skinny manlet (below 6'0) women will pity you. If you're a ripped alpha Chad (6'2 blonde blue eyed square jawed) women will literally eye fuck you everywhere you go, and your dick will never want for pussy juice.
Evans is neither 6'2 no is he actually blonde.
Have sex.
The moral of the story is: do americans really do this?
But Cap Ameritard is. Agent Carter was literally eyeing him like premium well done steak after his transformation, whereas before she only pitied his umfortunate luck and incel frame.
Chris Evans is a faggot right?
Death will be the pinnacle of my life
No he didn't.
>well done
So she thought he was trash?
>unchecked for an hour
Yea Forums redditors are mad
How could well done steak be trash if the name itself leads credence to its quality. Stick to guzzling down raw meat drenched with bile and blood like a backward cave dwelling faggot while the rest of civilization dines on actual cultured cuisine.
This is the worst post I have ever seen on the internet
Incels are the good guys.
It looks to me very much like a significant section of the public, mostly man children, having given up on attempting to understand the reality they are actually living in, have instead reasoned that they might at least be able to comprehend the sprawling, meaningless, but at-least-still-finite ‘universe’ presented by the MCU. I would also observe that it is, potentially, culturally catastrophic to have the ephemera of a previous century squatting possessively on the cultural stage and refusing to allow this surely unprecedented era to develop a culture of its own, relevant and sufficient to its times.
>Stick to guzzling down raw meat drenched with bile and blood like a backward cave dwelling faggot while the rest of civilization dines on actual cultured cuisine.
lmao enjoy your overcooked meat bro
chris evans is a child abuser
He only becomes a hero once he becomes a chad tho.
You realize literally every renowned chef in the world would disagree with you, right?
I'm only lifting a couple months. Girls come up to me in the bar now. I'm still a total pussy though so I panic.
Please send help.
That it's being a nice guy that counts, aka anathema to the incels on here who lie to themselves that they're nice guys.
Incels are Chads.
>le doggo pupper kotte goodboi gud eets woofe woofe whats for lumch hehe BORK BORK
shrivel and go back to pleddit
In real life chads are the actual nice guys. Every chad I know is super chill.
Only with steroids.
They get everything they want and no one can compete with them. It's the frustrated, beta, wannabe Chads that act like assholes. Always trying to act tough and screwing each other over.
10/10 bait
Correct. It's Brads who are the jerks. They're just making up for being second-rate.
Steroids are a hell of a drug
this but with ketchup
Most "renowned" chefs are pompous hacks whose job is to literally scoff and nitpick at perfectly flavoured food so as to fool normies into believing that what they do requires any measure of skill at all. Sorry but my ancestors didnt colonize the world and bring about civilization only to revert back to their neanderthal ways, chomping on tough raw slabs of meat as slaver and bile rivilets run down their mouths, I prefer the wild cooked out of my meat and perfectly balanced with just the right flavour to provide a pleasant experiemce.
>it was some hereditary heart disease bro
the ultimate roidhead cope
Just be yourself and you'll never accomplish anything until you get turned into a superhuman through magic.
Didn't he gain height also?
People are only worthwhile and deserve to live if they are chad. If you are a manlet you don't deserve life, you're pathetic. Can't fight wars, can't get women, can't be taken seriously in anything you do. That's it. That's the actual moral of the story. He was weak and puny and accomplished nothing. Then he became chad and his quality of live became a million times better and got him a girlfriend
You mean Black Panther
Just be yourself. Just exercise. Just grow a foot taller.
>having given up on attempting to understand the reality they are actually living in
Actually, understanding what real world is the cause why they prefer imaginable worlds, smartass.
get swole and try cryotherapy
Dont work hard to achieve your goals. Just cheat.
oh no nonono
he was basically just a male insta thot
this, also lied about being natty and had unwaranted self importance
>What was the moral of the story?
"stop watching capeshit"
If you wait long enough you get to 24/7 impregnate a MOMMY.
How does it feel to be wrong and to have to jump through hoops to justify it?
>tfw I'm already 26
>already outlived Zyzz
>will soon outlive all those artists that died at 27
Tony was more worthy of wielding mjolnir than Cap
Cap was given everything he had, Tony worked for it and created his abilities from nothing, but I guess you could argue Thor was also given all of his abilities so maybe his gay-ass hammer just rewards laziness
hit the weights ya fat fuck
nigga he had been on a cocaine bender and hadn't slept in days and decided to hop into a sauna with a heart condition
Checked kekd and sneed
based af
The moral, as always, is that manlets lose because they made the mistake of being born and everyone gets to take out their aggression and hostility on them until they die for no reason other than the social codification of that behavior. If you don't look like a Chad, you are inherently a waste of life and should not be respected in any way.
Fukkin based
>established /fit/ lingo
>hurr go back to plebbit
Can't wait for summer to be over
1. Having courage is important
2. Courage isn't enough though, you also have to work hard
3. Great power doesn't mean shit if you don't utilize it (aka with great power, etc).
*heart explodes*
Ugly shitskin beta male
The moral of the story is never forget your beginnings because its struggles are generally the tethers that mold you into a good person.
Of course, if you're a fat anime watching manlet who has never even had a girl look sexually at you, you will only see the superficial message of self improvement because you're so butthurt about being unattractive both inside and out.
but he did grow a foot taller
They won't make you taller though.
>defending some dead idiot
lol seethe
Instead of satifying his earthly desires one should leave humanity behind. Because human is something that shall be overcome.
Be attractive. Don't be unattractive.
have sex
>will soon outlive all those artists that died at 27
dont jinx it bro
Moral of the story: manlets will never make it.
Holy based!
why did they put such a redpill in a marvel movie?
another dumbfuck who died early because of roids+drugs.
No matter what changes, Always be a good man.
reminder that internet upvotes aren't an achievement.
Ironically, that it takes a physically superior Aryan overman to defeat the Nazis, ultimately proving them right.
This and Infinity War are the only Marvel flicks with Kino endings
I think it's that even if you are a good person with a good heart if you are a manlet twink then noone will take you seriously, and you will never make the mark on history that you would've if you were a 6 foot 3 giga chad.
steroids are good for you, but only for the first movie, because you don't want health problems, and they can cover up your withering pump with padded spandex
iron man 2 and black panther say hi
He was actually born with a HOLE in his heart that he never knew about. It's called a congenital heart defect. Google it dawg.
thought you were talking about iron man
Nah, Rich was definitely being slowly killed by Sarah for years. Watch his Bigger by the Day series, she did shit like discourage him from seeing the doctor, she made him preworkouts with over a gram of caffeine, there is even a video she recorded of him having a diabetic emergency and not calling 911. She might not have ever made any direct attempts on his life, but she made passive ones. His second wife seemed more genuine, but she also came around when the production and editing of his videos went really high so a lot of shit we saw between Sarah and Rich probably got cut out between Chanel and Rich. I also would not be surprised at all if certain people in his company weren't exactly checking up on him health wise.
A lot of people give Rich a bad rap, and maybe he deserves one. But he was surrounded by users, people who only saw him as a way to make money or promote themselves. I guess that is as much his fault as it is theirs. That is why I love Rich, he is flawed but if you stuck to his message really all he ever tried to do was get people to go after what they wanted out of life.
that's only because you self insert as him
didnt know kek worked anywhere outside pol
checked and b&rp
>jewish superhero uses roids
It was pre-Disney. Same with Iron Man's message: death to Islam.
Lmao. Zyzz has slept with more girls than you've jerked off to in porn, faggot.
>Same with Iron Man's message: death to Islam
you didn't watch the movie
Dude he killed Muslim terrorists.
terrorists, not muslims in general
If you're intelligent take performance-enhancing drugs & you'll become a gigachad.
You think it's a story of heroes, but it's really the stuff of nightmares...
Based civilized man
quads of truth
Power is worth nothing without the good character to wield it
He was also gay :)))
Bae Sickly